Home Blog Sun In The Forecast
July 27th 2011

Sun In The Forecast

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Last night I dashed out to grab a few handfuls of Sunflowers and discovered that in the sort time since I’ve been out there the whole patch has come into bloom. Yipe!

 So, what was supposed to be a 20 minute grab and go turned into a mad dash until dark.

My favorite Sunflower variety, Pro Cut Yellow Lite. The seed breeders are replacing it next year with a “new and improved” version. Gosh I hope it is as wonderful as they say.

It’s hard to believe an improvement on this variety is possible. It come as near to perfection as any Sunflower I’ve grown.

The weather has been a roller coaster of pouring rain, breaks of sun and back to heavy rain. We have only irrigated one time this entire season. Unreal!

With such a tiny dose of summer so far this season these bright and cheerful beauties are a welcome addition!


  1. botanical brouhaha on

    So jealous! We are holding steady at temps consistently over 100 degrees and have only had 2 quick rains this whole summer :( Every flower in the garden is baking except the hyacinth bean vines, the Crape Myrtle trees and the gomphrena. Glad I get to look at your gorgeous flowers every day!

  2. webb on

    Don't really like sunflowers – has something to do with the color! But your field full of them is wonderful. Glad your summer is going so well, even if the weather is definitely not cooperative this year.


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