Home Blog Floret’s Favorite Farm Planning Supplies
April 22nd 2024

Floret’s Favorite Farm Planning Supplies

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Jill here. I use a lot of different types of supplies to help plan the farm each season and love stocking up before digging into the planning process—it’s a similar feeling to buying a fresh box of crayons before school starts. If you want to see the farm planning process in action, be sure to watch this video

Below are all of the supplies I use on a regular basis. This is by far one of the dorkiest things I’ve ever written, but I have a surprising amount of things to say about office supplies, apparently enough to constitute an entire blog post! 

Because I know fellow office supply enthusiasts will ask, I’ve also included specific links throughout.

Paper & Post-it Notes

For making project plans and outlining to-do lists, we love these easel pads which are essentially really large Post-it Notes. They adhere well to the walls or windows and are great to leave up as plans gel. They also make a gridded version which comes in handy for checklists (the boxes are built in) or anything that needs to be a little more presentation worthy. The large sheets are also great for sketching out sections of the garden or farm. 

It’s kind of silly to get this excited about Post-it Notes, but the super sticky ones have been a total game changer and we use them for just about everything. The entire back has adhesive so they stay stuck without lifting over time. The larger 3×3 size is great for labeling the outside of bins or laminated maps. We also use a ton of the 2×2 size in bright colors. Both sizes can be cut down into smaller strips for labeling rows or individual plants on farm drawings or maps. 

When we need to create our own maps, or a template for a field block, large 11×17 graph paper works really well. We prefer the pads over the loose sheets because they’re easier to carry around and store away. 

You’ll never see Erin without a spiral notebook in hand—she can burn through an entire 5-subject in a month! We buy loads of these each year and like Five Star for the thicker paper and the manila pocket dividers.  

We’ve found that legal pads are far superior (and much less cumbersome than a 5 subject notebook) when taking notes and writing descriptions in the field. The cardboard back protects the pages if you set them down in the wet grass (or leave them overnight on the seat of the buggy) and they also fit well on a clipboard. 

For field notes, we use an app called Genius Scan which will convert a photo into a PDF that can be emailed and transcribed later. We use it all the time to email notes to each other. 


Pilot brand is our favorite all-around pen. At the beginning of the season, we buy a big multi-pack with black, blue, and red (which is great for text editing). They are really inky and smooth so you can write fast. We like the G2 10, but if you like a finer point, go for the G2 07. They will smear when wet, so if it’s sprinkling outside when you’re taking notes, opt for a regular ballpoint pen. 

An ode to Sharpie! There are so many choices when it comes to this simple black pen—let me count the ways! 

The Ultra Fine Point is really nice for more precise labeling projects. Regular Sharpies are great for everyday use, for writing on flagging tape, and the Tyvek “toe tags” we use to label our flysolations. 

For signage you need to see from a distance (like our greenhouse and hoop placards), I prefer the Chisel Tip because it’s bold and easy to read. And for writing on the 12-in plastic Macore field stakes, I’m partial to the Super Sharpie. The larger size is more comfortable when writing hundreds (even thousands!) of labels, and the ink holds up well over the growing season. Plus, something about this pen makes your handwriting look extra nice. 

Sharpie also makes a non-permanent flip chart marker that works well on the easel pads. They are available in a multi-colored pack. I love these markers—nothing better than a good inky pen!

Other supplies

Washi tape is a lightweight masking tape that’s popular in the crafting world. It’s available in a ton of colors (and even patterns) in wide and narrow widths. It lifts off easily, so it comes in handy if you need to move things around. The narrow version works well for indicating longer-range projects on a paper calendar to see how they overlap with one another.  

The year we wrote A Year in Flowers and Discovering Dahlias we decided to invest in a really nice color printer so we could print design inspiration and page mockups in-house. We keep the Xerox humming and use it for everything—printing phone photos, web page mock-ups, and planning cards so we can plant crops in color order, of course!

Everyone gives me a hard time for my dorky Trapper Keeper-style binders. When we were documenting hundreds of the dahlia breeding varieties, I used these full zip binders to hold each variety’s profile sheet, with paper dividers for each row. They were so stout that I could prop them up on a T-post to write notes. Some even come with an optional shoulder strap for added cool factor. 

Another great binder for note-taking is this refillable notebook. It flips back completely for a flat writing surface and comes in lots of colors if you want a different one for each crop you’re documenting. 

For cutting cardstock or lots of paper, it’s nice to have a paper cutter. Make sure you’re paying full attention and be mindful of the blade (that’s why I like this one with a handle). Paper slicing is likely the only job hazard you’ll encounter when farm planning.

If you use pencils or colored pencils for planning, get a good electric sharpener. They also work well for the grease marking pencils we use with our metal labels for more permanent crops we have on the farm. 

Basic office supplies

You likely already have these at home, but for planning it’s good to have glue sticks, clear matte tape, and a good ruler (I like the clear plastic ones). 

Sharp scissors are also a must. Keep a pair for paper and if you make a lot of bouquets, designate a pair for ribbon only by tying a piece around the handle. However, if you have kids, they will likely still ignore it!

You’ll always be reaching for sharp #2 pencils. A retractable eraser stick is a pretty handy tool that won’t leave an annoying smudge. 

I hope this little post was helpful and gave you a laugh. If you have a favorite supply you use to plan your garden or farm that’s not included above, tell us about it in the comments section below. 

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Floret only lists companies and products that we love, use, and recommend. All opinions expressed here are our own and Floret does not offer sponsored content or accept money for editorial reviews. If you buy something using the retail links in this post, Floret may receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!


  1. Becky Fritz on

    In one of the videos I can’t find now, someone had written things on a white plastic label; the name, date planted, date bloom. At the time, I’m like wow that is such a good idea. Now I can’t find it. :(

  2. Nancy Choate on

    Oh Kay ok okay I can see it clearer now! The method to all the madness of annual “What are we going to grow this yr?” Chart Sharpies have ballpoint pens now too! They write so smooths come in colors blue, black and red. My fav pen! They just got a hunter green case for them! That’s how much of an office geek I am < lover of growing herbs, flowers, everything. Hahaha

  3. Diane Marie on

    Thanks for your article and also to Jolene for the recommendation, I ordered the Pilot pens directly!
    I love to work with those metal pens, with which I have made good experiences:

    When it comes to a scanner app, I work with Docutain, which I can also highly recommend as the scan quality is high and the documents can be easily shared. I also like the fact that the data is stored on my device only:

  4. Tana on

    I let go of trying to keep regular paper notebooks with how much I was ruining them outside, and have fully converted to Write-In-The-Rain notebooks and Blackwing 602 pencils. I’m fairly neurotic about paper and writing utensils, and I swear this combo is just as satisfying as a good inky pen and smooth paper! Thanks for sharing all these tips!

  5. Joan Elizabeth on

    Thanks for the post! I am also partial to the super sticky postits, very versatile and I won’t use any other kind now.

    Jolaine mentioned the Pilot Frixion erasable pens, I love these too, they are “inky”, come in multiple colors, and you can erase just like pencil! But I wanted to point out that the ink will fade to near transparency with heat exposure (that’s how “frixion” erases the ink, it creates heat). It’s similar to how a lot of receipts these days will fade away if left in your car. So while these are a GREAT choice for around the house, be careful not to leave outside in the sun or heat! Learned the hard way, LOL.

  6. Jolaine Jackson on

    So game changer for me. I hate to write in pencil and it smudges so easily. So, to the rescue is erasable pens!

    Pilot is great…

    Pilot, FriXion Synergy Clicker…

    And to top off the nerd factor to stash in your trapper keeper, a multi color clicker erasable pen!

    PILOT Erasable Ballpoint Pen,…

    Love the organization Jill – inspirational!

  7. Margaret on

    I have become so much more organized when planting my seeds and planning my garden this year! Thank you Jill and staff! Love Floret!

  8. Joann on

    I love this. The office supply aisle is ALWAYS my favorite ❤️

  9. Kim on

    You know your people. I love my office supply and I have created an office supply child as well. She is a grown adult but we are office supply junkies. We are seeed sowing and so is she and her kids. We’re planning our gardens along with you. Thanks for all the tips.

  10. Sylvia F. on

    Thanks Jill, as an office supply nerd and home gardener I really loved this!

  11. Sheila on

    This makes me realize there is a MUCH better way than stacks of disorganized notebook pages. I love the notebook and folder ideas. This will help me track my many notes, sketches, lists, etc. Thank you for the awesome post.
    Ps- I also love office supplies and geek out on pens, sticky notes, and just the right notepad!!!

  12. Virginia on

    Hello! Thanks for the suggestions…keep them coming! I have a home office and would appreciate any tips on how Floret keeps paperwork etc organized.

    Appreciate all you do!

  13. Kris B on

    Oh my goodness I totally love this! I reposted on Facebook for my friends because so many would just love this post. I appreciate all the links as well to make finding the product so easy. My local flower farm, Killdeer Farms, introduced me to you a few years ago and I’ve been following you ever since. Today’s post is just another reason in the long list. Cheers!

  14. Kathy on

    Love this post! I too have a love of office supplies; nothing beats a great notebook and the “write” Sharpie! Thanks Jill!

  15. Kathleen on

    Thanks Jill. Loved this, looked at everything and bought stuff. Thought I was the only one. LOL

  16. Michelle on

    Fellow inky pen nerd here! I really love MUJI pens – Personal favorite has to be the Gel ink cap 0.7mm. Super inky and if you keep the shells you can purchase new inserts in a variety of colors!

  17. Jenny Tamayo on

    Office supply enthusiasts unite! Now I know I am not alone! Hahaha! Loved this.

  18. Jacqueline Anderson on

    “The Plan”…it’s all in the nerdy details. Thank you for pouring your heart, soul, humor, and love of what you do with all of us…for being authentically you!

  19. Gray on

    Jill! I love it. There are millions of office supply freaks such as us. This was great. ❤️

  20. Penny Griffith on

    Thanks, Jill!!!
    My inner “office supply” soul has found a mate!!!
    Funny how I have many of the actual same supplies that are also my favs.


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