Home Blog Life Is Good!
July 22nd 2011

Life Is Good!

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Oh my! This bounty was the second of four loads that left our little farm this week.Chris rose at 4a.m. twice to deliver before heading into work for a full shift only to return at 5 to help me cut, bunch and sleeve well past dark.We are all exhausted but so very happy that every little flower has found a home.

These two darlings have been so amazing this week! Rising far earlier than they normally do to be dropped at a friends while I made the long trek into the city, eating dinner no earlier than 10 each night,hanging with me in the garage while I packed up all the orders and often waiting for a bedtime story and tuck in so many hours later than is typical for kiddos their age.

Last night my head finally hit the pillow at 1 a.m.

Elora kept me company for much of the evening, stickering sleeves, dancing, bringing out smoothies, reading us hilarious stuff, talking in great detail about the two new things she wants to start once the flower season is overĀ  (taxidermy and cat 4-H)…

J-Bird helped me load the van. We truly couldn’t have squeezed another bucket of bounty in the load. Pheew! That little guy is a good packer often seeing how I could move things to make another little pocket to fit more flowers. :)

I’ve got one more van load to finish up today and then a tiny “break”before we go back at it again.
Sun is in the forecast, we have reinforcements arriving for the weekend to help us catch up on planting/weeding, the kiddos are headed grandmas for a few days of swimming and focused attention.

Life is good!


  1. Bellenza Wedding Bistro on

    May i just say that we who enjoy the finished floral creations at weddings, etc. owe you (the ones who nurture all the beauty) a HUGE THANK YOU! This behind-the-scenes post was a real eye-opener. You are all amazing!!!

  2. Sarah on

    i am so envious that you are wearing jackets, a puffer no less.
    been catching up on interneting and am smitten by those bouquets from a month or so ago with the poppies and strawberry. yowza

  3. julie on

    hi erin – i just found your blog this week & it made my heart sing….i have worked previously as a florist & am still more than a tad obsessed with flowers….to grow them from baby seeds & then arrange them, must feel amazing – your farm looks like a place i would love to linger for hours – hope u get to rest up soon. thanks for sharing your beautiful, hectic world…..xxxx

  4. Shelley on

    I'm in awe. What do you guys eat? Are you really powered by just coffee ?
    You are extraordinary. I wish you didn't hate sunflowers..they're so beautiful all shining in a field.

  5. flwrjane on

    You are a warrior queen.

    I salute you.

    xo Jane

  6. botanical brouhaha on

    I am truly amazed by the quantity of flowers and the smile on your face!


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