Home Blog spring bounty
April 2nd 2013

spring bounty

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Floret spring bouquet

So many things to cover!

First off, I never thanked you for all of the wonderful suggestions, comments and requests that you shared regarding this blog. If you’d like to read what others wrote, head on back to this post for all of the goodness. There ended up being 90 replies and every one of them was amazing! I am beyond touched and surprised by how you feel about this space and what you’d love to see more over. Do stand by, because I heard you loud and clear!!!

Second, I’m putting together my very first flower farm newsletter!! and it will go live in the next week or so. I thought I’d kick it off with a little narcissus love story, a few tips for working with them, a general “state of the farm” to keep you all up to speed with what’s happening and this years flower ninja photo (it’s a good one!). So, if you haven’t signed up yet and would like to, there is a little spot over at the top of the right sidebar that says ” NEWSLETTER, sign up here “. Add your email and you’re in!

Third, a recap of last months visit to Texas Specialty Cut Flowers is in the April issue of Growing For Market magazine. We learned so much, it was hard to limit it to 1,500 words!

Fourth, I just discovered one of the most incredible blogs in the entire world, MANGER. It is nothing short of perfection! The writing, the recipes, the passion, the beauty, the exquisite photography, the family. If you aren’t already following Mimi Thorisson’s grand culinary adventure, you must do so at once!

Lastly, to see the bouquet pictured above, in all it’s spring glory, head on over to The Seasonal Bouquet Project Tuesday afternoon for a peek. I had a ridiculous amount of fun making it!


  1. Flowers24x7 on

    Thank goodness for Spring and all of its lovely flowers!

  2. Michelle on

    You put a smile on my face everyday.

    Our snow is nearly gone. Another week and I will be breaking ground for the very first time on our new little farm. Yikes!

    Thank you for being the most inspirational person I have ever known.

  3. crazyfloristmanoj on

    It’s amazing to see your collection of thought. It’s inspire all of us. You just discover a simple and a great way to be with Nature.

  4. Sarah on

    Your website and blog have brought me so much peace today with all the beautiful images and inspiring words.

  5. Amy S. on

    I am LOVING the Seasonal Bouquet Project.

  6. Heather M on

    Lovely! I’m glad you got some inspiring comments. I would love to hear more about just day to day flower growing.

    I always heard that you can’t mix daffodils with other flowers when cut, but it looks like you have! Is this just an urban (rural?) myth?

  7. Elissa on

    your Spring Bounty photo is so lovely. I think I’ll be coming back a few times today just for its inspirational image. thank goodness for Spring and all of its lovely flowers!

  8. kim on

    Hi Erin-

    I’m really enjoying your blog – wish I lived nearer. I too follow Manger or you could say I stalk it! I don’t know how she manages to produce such beauty in every post. And I love the puppies. Looking forward to much more stalking of fabulous Floret.


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