Home Blog sweetness all around
March 15th 2012

sweetness all around

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a tiny flock of ducks was snagged from the feed store yesterday. last year, the year of the slug, we spent an insane amount of time battling the slimy creatures.not this season! these little darlings will be put to work straight away.


 while not usually a fan of bi-color flowers, these red and white anemone’s are just too sweet!
thousands of baby stock went in yesterday. their sweet scent will fill our spring bouquets with the power to stop customers dead in their tracks : )



the sweetest guy around


  1. Floret on

    in the GFM article I mentioned this 4 bed wide hoop -17ft. wide and give a link for detailed plans from the Kerr Center.

  2. Angie- littleboyflowers on

    Those caterpillar tunnels turned out great. I've been wanting to make one but have been lazy, now i'm so envious and it's pouring rain and I have a greenhouse full of plants waiting to go out. So much for that. Well, I'm wondering if you used pvc for those, do you know where I can some plans for the 3 bed across caterpillar- the one you described in GFM was a one bed version.
    Also, what variety are those red and white anemones?
    Thanks for all your great info

  3. Ringo, have a banana! on

    Ducks are the best! They've got so much personality. And man oh maaan, do they love slugs. Those guys will start growing big ol' slug slime beards in no time heheh.

  4. Terri on

    I planted a hosta one year. I had no idea we even had slugs in the area until then. Slugs really like hostas.

    The ducklings are adorable and will do a great job keeping the slugs and bugs down. Are they as good a "watch dog" as geese, I wonder?

  5. Julie on

    Ducklings! My girlie has been begging for ducklings, but I'm too afraid they'll end up as pup chew toys. We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of her three new chicks to add to our current 5 hens…and then THAT'S IT. I don't think our suburban neighbors would be very happy if we add any more girls to the party. Your fluffy babies and your green babies are pure sweetness, for sure. (Look at those happy roots!) And a man who plants seedlings is beyond fabulous (my hubby will help with the heavy stuff, but he's not a fan of the minutia.) Can't wait to see all that you create in the upcoming months!

  6. Linadlou on

    I'm a bit envious of your tunnels, I'm waiting for a foot of snow to disappear from our yard. I'm on Vancouver Island, just not the balmy southern bit. I too like the shout out to your husband.

  7. HPotter on

    Those ducklings are the cutest things ever! We had four "pet" ducks growing up, in a suburban neighborhood outside of Philadelphia… that was an interesting adventure! They were attack ducks more than anything (terrified guests would honk from their cars, and we'd have to rescue them) but they were funny and cute – and seeing those babies makes me want to put a few in my current tiny backyard! Btw, love the way you speak about your husband, that is super sweet as well.


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