Home Blog Sharing the Seasonal Flower Alliance Love: May 15
May 15th 2015

Sharing the Seasonal Flower Alliance Love: May 15

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Well, I’m a teeny tiny bit behind on my Seasonal Flower Alliance posts here on the blog. With a million balls in the air all at the same time, this wonderful project got temporarily sidelined.

While my posts here on the blog have been less abundant than I had planned, over on Instagram I’ve been pretty consistent in posting and tagging photos of seasonal blooms from my spring garden. A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have been playing along these last few weeks on Instagram. I absolutely love seeing all of the flowery beauty that you are harvesting, designing, sharing and tagging with #seasonalfloweralliance–it is such a treat to scroll through and see what’s blooming in your part of the world!  Despite hundreds–even thousands–of miles separating many of us, it is fun to see both the striking similarities of what’s in blooms, as well as the dramatic differences in climate, season and style in your area.

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This week’s bouquet features:  climbing roses, spirea, buttercup, grasses, wild mallow, tree peonies, ranunculus, golden peas on the vine and a few garden roses. Everything but the tree peonies came from my garden located in Washington state, an hour north of Seattle.

To celebrate reaching the 4,000 (and counting!) mark in number of Instagram posts tagged with #seasonalfloweralliance, I’ve put together a photo collage which features your most recently tagged posts.  Even if you aren’t on Instagram, this little collage is a fun way to see the many incredible submissions.

For those of you new to the blog and/or the Seasonal Flower Alliance, here’s a quick re-cap of how it works and how you, too, can play along:

1) Snap.  Take a photo of seasonal flowers from your garden, field or that you bought from the farmers market or local flower farm.
2) Tag.  Upload your photo to Instagram and add the hashtag #SeasonalFlowerAlliance
3) Share.  In your photo caption, please share what flower varieties are featured (if you know them) along with your location (city, state/province, country).  Optional: add your USDA hardiness zone

There are no hard or fast rules about how “local” is local for your flowers and there’s no need to do extensive designs with them–a fistful of fragrant lilacs can be just as beautiful as a centerpiece that you spent an hour designing. It isn’t a competition, just a celebration of the beauty and the bounty of the season.  I want this little project to be easy, accessible and fun–no matter your location or situation.

One last final note, I wanted to share a fun fact: according to a recent article in the Globe and Mail, #flowers are 18 times more popular on Instagram than #kimkardashian.    To that, I have two words:  hell yes!  So let’s continue to flood IG feeds with the beauty of seasonal flowers!




  1. Jessica Gale on

    Hi Erin,
    I’m doing my crop planning now and going back through your posts/images through the season to glean some new varieties to try next season. If you were able to let me know, I’d be ever to grateful.

    In this image, I wondered what the white poppies were? Great for brides/designers!

  2. Tulip on

    Awesome!!!!!! Nice Collection Flowers.I have enjoyed a lot by seeing different Varsities of flowers .Thanks for sharing

  3. Viv on

    How gorgeous!!!! I was finally able to get some dahlias planted two weeks ago—and it’s been raining off and on ever since. My seedlings need planted…..maybe it’ll dry out this week, and I’ll be planting by Mem. Day. Iris/lilacs blooming herein Indiana, 80’s and rainy. Keep calm and carry on. Thanks Erin!!

  4. Jessica Gale on

    Love this. So crisp. Reminds me of limoncello. Quick question: what is the rose (?) in the top right corner? Love that the center is white too.

  5. Anne on

    I recently discovered your amazing site. I have enjoyed gardening for many years and love growing flowers to cut, especially roses, peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias and lilies. Thank you for creating a wonderful community of cut flower gardeners, growers and designers. Would you share you favorite roses and peonies to cut. Thank you.


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