Home Blog The Flower Workshop by Ariella Chezar
March 3rd 2016

The Flower Workshop by Ariella Chezar

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9781607747659If flower photos can be called eye candy, then the images in Ariella Chezar’s The Flower Workshop are among the richest, most delicious and utterly decadent chocolates you can imagine.

Ariella Chezar’s breakout book, Flowers for the Table has been a source of inspiration for me for years. This book will take its place alongside the short stack of books I regularly flip through for inspiration. Ariella’s greatest gift is her ability to brilliantly combine cultivated flowers and foraged elements from nature and then creatively reinterpret them. The result is always immensely interesting, often unexpected, yet always “retaining the allure of the wild,” as she explains.

A master of ephemeral artwork, Ariella’s lush designs and complex color palettes evoke the subtle, layered brushstrokes of watercolor paintings. Throughout the book she describes her approach to creating these “painterly” arrangements. It is Ariella’s exquisite approach to color that distinguishes her work from any other designer, and has influenced my own designs tremendously since taking her workshop in 2013.

Ariella at Chalk Hill ClematisWhile often mistakenly compared to the designs of Dutch Masters, her work is distinct because of her use of subtle tonal contrasts within a single color, rather than the riot of colors often depicted in the historical paintings.

As she so aptly describes in the book, with too many colors, there’s “no place for the eye to rest.” Her ability to choose a base color and then “run the scales with it” is the stuff that keeps me up late at night re-configuring my own garden (again) to make room for the special fluttery filler and lush foliage that set her designs apart.

Floret_Ariella_Chezar_Chalk_HillThe book shares some of the basic tenements of Ariella teaching and emphasizes seasonal flowers and working with local flower farmers throughout the text, which warms my heart.

If I had any critiques, it would be the flower farmer nerd in me wanting to know every single species, variety or cultivar of flowers featured in each and every one of her designs. The flower selection highlighted in the pages is quite literally awe inspiring and I’m hungry to track down each and every gem.

After months of waiting with eager anticipation, I devoured this book in a few hours. It was such a luxury to sit and savor each and every one of Ariella’s featured designs and study all the beautiful images captured by photographer Erin Kunkel.

I ordered copies of the book for my team, plus a copy for one lucky Floret blog reader.  GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED.  Congratulations to Elizabeth Daniels for winning a copy of the book.

A few past posts you also might enjoy:
Farmer & the {Florist} Interview with Ariella Chezar
Ariella at Chalk Hill Clematis




  1. Wedding flowers budget on

    Nice blog! The great combination of color – it’s extraordinary! The flower workshop by ariella chezar is nice.

  2. Aebersold Florist on

    Every day I has been decorating flowers, flowers plant and making new flowers bouquet.

  3. botanicafloral on

    All the flowers are beautiful! You arranging them in best way!

  4. Shyla on

    Love this! I’m so thankful for reading recommendations from you!

    This looks like something to order!

  5. Sherry Shuler on

    Thank you for all the inspiration. I started at the bottom of the comments list and scrolled up making a reading list that I will probably never get through, But I look forward to trying. My reading right now consists primarily of your blogs, Building A Sustainable Business: A guide to developing a business plan for Farms and Rural business, and every web page I can find on safe soil, safe water, and safe post harvest processing. Not very inspirational, a little overwhelming, but necessary.

  6. Lucy Huerta on

    I´m starting The Reason for Flowers, this is an amazing first step for me, the flower´s world it´s just wonderful!
    Thanks for inspiring me so much! I´m always waiting for your posts <3

  7. Barbara D on

    Grow Your Own Cut Flowers by Sara Raven is on my nightstand now.

  8. Samantha on

    Ah! The gentle undulations of color – it’s extraordinary! Flora: The Art of Exploration by Sandra Knapp.

  9. Melissa on

    I’m reading Grow Your Own Cut Flowers by Sara Raven since you highly recommended it. I’ve found her advice to be very helpful. Next on my list is The Lean Farm. Looking forward to your workshop in May! :)

  10. Sophie on

    An old Australian classic “What garden pest is that?” haha! And the botanic of roses …. Getting ready for winter ordering!

  11. Jill Alban on

    By day I am reading Gulp by Mary Roach and by night I read Rick Steves France guidebook….maybe one day I’ll get to visit the monastic gardens, chateau gardens and secret gardens of Paris.

  12. Marina Hinkle on

    I have been working on The Flower Recipe Book, written by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo. At first, I wasn’t sure about how I would feel about following a recipe for floral arrangments. This book was actually a gift. Once I gave my first go at one of the recipes, I had found myself being inspired. I went out in my mothers garden and just used what was available at the time. Some things I didn t have , and some things were changed based on the colors that flowed through my eyes. I ended up creating something that I never would have before. This book is a perfect starters pack, and gave me a good base to start from. I’m looking for something that I can’t put down. I would love a book that actually shares someone else’s vision. I always hoped for a book that would be close enough like I was actually there. I can’t wait to get ahold of this and learn something from someone who creates so beautifully.

  13. Lia on

    Can’t wait to get my hands on this new Ariella book! In the mean time I’m looking forward to reading “Presence” by Amy Cuddy, about resisting feelings of being an imposter in your life:)

  14. Natalie Childers on

    Reading a few books about homesteading and green roofs, and some cheesy juvenile nonfiction by Melissa marr.

  15. Sara on

    My list includes learning about the wild gardens of native Californians in Tending the Wild by M. Kat Anderson; understanding the world’s most consumed beverage in Liquid Jade: The Story of Tea from East to West by Beatrice Hohenegger; and digging into the etymological histories of flower names in A Garden of Words by Martha Barnette.

  16. Elizabeth Daniels on

    What a great topic this is! I enjoyed the comments as much as the post. I just finished A Paris Apartment for book club (thus far we’ve discussed All the Light We Cannot See and Ordinary Grace); by choice I’m reading a gem of a book I found in an antique shop here – The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. Her illustrations are exquisite and it’s so fun to read her observations of nature.

  17. Kari on

    I’ve just wrapped up pouring over The Flower Recipe Book, The Flower Farmers Year, and Herbs in Bloom by JoAnn Gardner. All so very inspiring and motivating… And packed full of all the information and tidbits that I feel will help me succeed this year with my flower garden. I would love to add The Flower Workshop to my collection ?
    Thanks for continually sharing so many goodies with all of us.

  18. Nel Slingerland on

    I’am Reading Vintage Flowers by Vic Brotherson. I live in The Netherlands and I don’t know if I can buy the book here. I love the blog and the posts , thank you.

  19. Xenia on

    I’m currently reading two books. The Find-horn Garden by the Findhorn Community is about experiencing gardens through a connection with plant divas. The other is Digging Deeper by Fran Sorin which is about awakening your creativity through gardening. The theme of both seem to be about cultivating more than just crops in the garden.

  20. Nicole on

    Currently reading The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter for my daughter. And Big Magic to help me live a creative life for myself. Also will be reading Four hedges from Clare Leighton soon! And would love to get to know Ariella’s work better, only know her beautiful creations from instagram.

  21. Carley on

    My reading list currently contains no flower books, sadly, but I am hoping to turn that around! Your review and some of the comments have inspired me to seek out more new floral reading. I’m currently reading a collection of short stories by Nalo Hopkinson.

  22. Jacqueline Diesing on

    I’m reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert but would love to add this book to the reading list, as well :)

  23. Casie on

    Hi! I’m reading Flower recipe book by Aletha Harampolis. And probably anything else at my library pertaining to flowers! Thanks for your blog!

  24. Sarah P on

    Definitely need to get my hands on this book. My husband is a floral designer and I am a Horticulturist; this book would be a nice addition to our collection ?

  25. Tanya on

    I’m reading ‘The Flower Chef’ just released by Carly Cylinder and ‘A Wilder Life’ by Celestine Maddy with Abbye Churchill.

  26. Allie on

    Absolutely Beautiful Things, All The Light We Cannot See, Bringing Nature Home. Love new books!!

  27. Betany Coffland on

    My book club is reading Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman this month!

  28. Michelle on

    I am reading Rustic Wedding Chic by Maggie Lord!

  29. Kelli Eyerly on

    I’m reading about Constance Spry and her garden style. She was referenced in a floral design book called Pulbrook and Gould, which I found in my library.

  30. Iracema on

    I have been an eager follower of your IG for a long long time and my dream is to one day visit u and attend your workshop. I live in Australia so for me this is huge. There are hundreds of comments here so i dont know if mine will get lost in the crowd. But i have always loved flowers since i was a young girl im not a florist but i try my own arranging at home in vintage vases. I am currently 5months pregnant and have had a hard pregnancy mostly spent on the lounge unwell and in pain. I barely get to go outside and my garden has sadly fallen apart because of it. I would love some inspiration again, a breath of fresh words and images. I always have flowers in my home and it is a rarity now..

    Receiving your book would be a truehonour for me.

  31. Ashley on

    With this my reading list would be complete. Such a wonderful source of inspiration. Thanks

  32. Hanna DiFiore on

    Hey hey! I actually don’t have ANYTHING on my reading list. You’re a big inspiration to my mama and she is going to be selling her cut flowers this summer at a market and I’m beyond thrilled for her, as this is her retirement dream. So if I win the book I would give it to her! Thanks for the opportunity and best of luck with the BHG blog contest!

  33. Sarah Barkhouse on

    I recently re-read Elliot Coleman’s The New Organic Grower and am constantly reading your blog :) I haven’t come across a new flower/farming book that’s intrigued me in a while so I would love the chance to win a copy of this book. Just the cover has me hooked! Thank you!

  34. Kristy Buskirk on

    I’m currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Another poster is too! Savoring it so as to let the messages sink in.

  35. Alyssa S on

    I’m reading The Flower Farm: an organic guide to growing and selling cut flowers. I haven’t read it cover to cover yet, just perused.

  36. Jessica Gale on

    Catching up with ASCFG Cut Flower Quarterlies!

  37. Joanna on

    I’m reading Letters From Yellowstone about a woman botanist in the 1890’s. Out-nerding you! ;)

  38. Elana C on

    I’ve been reading the Floret Flower blog! ;) so much inspiration. And I hope to get my hands on Ariella Chezar’s new book as well- one way or another!

  39. Bley on

    What a beautiful book! I am currently reading “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeline L’Engle.

  40. Franny on

    It’s just a smidge early for me to begin reading up on flowers but in the meantime I’m reading The Maple Sugar Book by Helen and Scott Nearing. I’ll be tapping trees tomorrow!

  41. Lisa on

    NIV God’s Word for Gardeners Bible by Shelly Cramm and All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Barthomomew!

  42. Annette on

    Getting inspiration from The Flower Recipe Book.

  43. Hannah Clarke on

    “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, it’s one of my favorite reads and my husband is getting it for me for Easter. So excited!

  44. Bibi on

    I’m reading the “Annuals for Every Purpose” – studying all the new kinds of annuals and getting familiar with growing tips for them. That book looks wonderful, I’m looking for a great book for ideas for arrangements. Thanks for your great write ups!

  45. Stacie on

    This book looks amazing!

  46. Jennifer Richards on

    What a thoughtful, evocative review. Thank you! Like your many other readers, I’m also eager to check out Flowers for the Table. In the meantime, I’m reading The Drunken Botanist, We Are Not Ourselves, and Paper to Petal (to help get me through these barren winter months!). Thanks for offering this generous giveaway.

  47. Kathy Roeters on

    I am looking forward to having time to read The Breathing Earth by David Austin. Thank you!

  48. Katherine on

    Persusing Minifarming for gardening inspiration, but also reading a book called The Window on the Door by James Watson!

  49. Mich on

    I’m looking forward to reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

    • Mich on

      I’m looking forward to reading The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

  50. Jamie Lombardo on

    The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. It was so captivating I finished it in two days. What a poetic way of weaving the joy of flowers into the difficulties of life. Next up is Cooking with Flowers by Miche Bacher.

  51. Katy Noelle on

    I am, indeed, thinking about gardens but have no fresh reading material. Instead, I’m reading a book on Saint Francis of Assisi, “The Time Traveler’s Wife’ (finally ;) ) and I’m really excited about “The Creative Fight: Create Your Best Work and Live the Life You Imagine” :)

  52. Carey W on

    This time of year, my copy of Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, is ALWAYS out on my desk- its the perfect time to work on your soil, and plan out crop rotations before things get too busy!

  53. Ciel Evans on

    I am hoping to read “Behind the Beautiful Forevers.”

  54. Cheryl Davis on

    I just recently found your blog so have been ready your old posts…..really love the ones on sweet peas!! You are an interview!! And then it’s “Plant Life” by Valerie Easton

  55. Lindsey Smith on

    ALL of your blog post I can! You are a true inspiration!

  56. Kimberly on

    My reading list is the Heirloom Life Gardener.

  57. Sadh-Bakshish on

    Today I read everything on your blog I could find on sweet peas! Oh so getting ready. In other news I have been reading How To Be A Wildflower: A Field Guide by Katie Daisy and The Kindness of Enemies by Leila Aboulela

  58. Steph on

    The seeding season just started for me, so I have to listen to my books on Audible while I toil away in the greenhouse. On next months queue I have : Crossing into Medicine Country: A Journey in Native American Healing, The Drunken Botinist, and The Reason for Flowers. (And many, un-farm related Sarah Vowell books)

  59. christina on

    an affair with a house by bunny williams!

  60. Beth S on

    Currently reading Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry. A brief break among all of the nonfiction I’m taking in these days. This book is next on my list!

  61. Denise on

    Spiritual Ecology edited by Llewelyn Vaughan-lee and Cultivating Chaos by Reif, Kress, Jurgen- I hope The flower workshop and soon so many other books from this list!

  62. Lucy on

    The Plant Lovers Guide to Dahlias by Andy Vernon is out of this world. Have borrowed it from the library and will be sad to see it go. So many gorgeous blooms, just amazing!

  63. Vanessa on

    I am currently re-reading Mansfield Park and enjoying The Lacuna with my book club.

  64. Tammy on

    The Knot Book of Wedding Flowers is what I am enjoying now, my daughter is getting married this summer. I have been pouring over your blog. You have the MOST informative flower gardening blog!! Have voted for you several times…you deserve it!

  65. Elena on

    The Flower Farmer’s Year!

  66. Andrea Frenkel on

    I’m reading Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris, but this book looks beautiful and I’d love to read it!

  67. Laura Kaiser on

    I’m new to reading flower books so I don’t know the good ones! I’m hoping this one will spring me forward in the right direction along with yours when it comes out!

  68. Emma-Jane Edwards on

    Wow can not wait to read a copie of The flower workshop ? I currently have Grandiflora by Saskia Havekes on my table and see things differently every time I pick it up… I am in a whirl wind with opening my very own shop front but still find the time for a book & blog read ?

  69. Ann on

    I am currently reading Home Ground:Sanctuary in the City by Dan Pearson, one of my favourite garden designers. Thank you for including me in the draw to win this beautiful book!

  70. Shannon Levine on

    I’m reading an old gardening book I found at an antique store called “Americas Garden Book” by Louise and James bush-brown. It is very informative and the pages, photos and drawings are all so beautiful!

  71. Viktoria on

    I constantly have The Flower Recipe Book on my table and also enjoying Dostoyevsky recently. Thanks for the review, Erin. I would love to read Ariella’s book!

  72. Kaci on

    so much inspiration! currently reading “Becoming Human” by Jean Vanier.

  73. Kristin K on

    I am so excited about this book! I love that you purchased copies for your team.
    Currently, I’m reading a few books :
    Wheat Belly
    The Firestarter Sessions
    And Breakinf Vegan.

  74. Jody Costello on

    Oh, my how’d I’d love this book! This month, while the snow still flies here in Detroit, I’m enjoying David Culp’s ‘The Layered Garden.’ His gorgeous seasonal pictures have my heart leaping, a favorite is his Ruin garden which sits inside the remains where once stood the barns stable.

  75. Tess on

    I would love to have this book! I am currently reading and working through “Botany for the Artist” which is a really lovely guidebook that my grandmother sent to me for Christmas. Next up, I am reading a taxidermy book I bought called The Breathless Zoo!

  76. Alisa on

    Cooked by Michael Pollan and The Postage Stamp Vegetable Garden by Karen Newcomb. I am preparing for spring and hopefully a delicious and productive summer!

  77. Carla Basile on

    Currently reading/browsing The Plant Recipe Book by Baylor Chapman!

  78. Daphne on

    I’m re-reading one of my favorite books, The Scarlet Pimpernel!! This book never gets old

  79. Julie on

    I’m reading Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None.” Not exactly garden-related, but it’s for my book club!

  80. Tang on

    On the list next: The Light Between Oceans!

  81. Anna on

    I’m currently reading The Flower Farmer, but I have several of the books you’ve recommended in a previous article in queue on my Amazon account!

  82. Alicia on

    Currently reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer & revisiting The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski.

  83. Carrie on

    Love. Love. Love reading AND gardening! Right now I am indulging in The Urabn Monk; Bread, Wine, and Chocolate-The Slow Loss of Foods We Love; and Second Nature. All very different authors, diverse subjects and written at different times…but have a common thread-SOIL!…how it affects our health and the foods we consume and what we can do about it. I also recommend reading about forest therapy and how your brain works on nature!

  84. Jody on

    I have been reading Taming Wildflowers by Miriam Goldberger

  85. Sandy on

    Tootled over to vote :O). I have recently discovered your blog. So I would say I am reading your blog at the moment, sooooo much information! I just added a pile of books to my wish list from your post on some of your favorite books! Our climate in Texas is tough, but I have made great strides over the years on our farm. I saw the book you listed that was by a Texan, its on my list. :O).

  86. Alicia on

    I’m so impressed by what everyone is reading, I’m taking notes, for sure! I’ve yet to order from my list of books I’ve saved on Amazon that you’ve recommended before and instead, I’m reading about how to raise chickens. It turns out I’ve been following Ariella on IG for awhile and I’d really love to win a copy of this book!

  87. Raakel on

    I’m reading The Flower Farmer and gearing up to start my first year of flower farming!

  88. Jackie on

    I am reading this book now, but it’s a library copy. I’d love to win my own copy! And how about that purple chervil for foliage, that is one thing that really caught my eye in this book!

  89. Prince Snow Farm on

    Just finished Roots and Sky by Christie Purifoy and I would wholeheartedly recommend.

  90. Karen Cherry on

    I’ve been perusing “Speciality Cut Flowers” by Allan Armitage and Judy M. Laushman, it’s littered with a plethora of post-it notes. I’m also considering trying to get through Gertrude Jekyll’s “Roses for English Gardens” as I’ve had it for along time but have been dreaming and scheming about planting plans and plant lists while anticipating the great escape from the house as winter wanes. Would like to read “Fresh from the Field Wedding Flowers” by Erin Benzakein and Lynn Byczynski. Have also been reading your wonderfully informative blizzard of blogs. I also would enjoy being mesmerized by Ariella’s fabulous floral art designs in “The Flower Workshop.” Thanks for the enchanting offer.

  91. Jenny on

    All gardening books this month! And a few good blogs of course, including Florets!

  92. jenny on

    A- Ha, this is how you do what i labeled monochromatic designs. I see a lot of winter bridal designs in a monochromatic tone. I think….nope..know that I am adding this to my wish list!!

  93. Molly on

    Currently re-reading Cool Flowers by Lisa Mason Ziegler..

  94. Nova on

    As a new student of floral design, I’ve been busy reading our required text: “The Art of Floral Design” by Norah Hunter and I recently finished “The Surprising Life of Constance Spry: From Social Reformer to Society Florist” by Sue Shephard.

  95. MaryT on

    Thanks for the review!
    I am currently reading HOME by Marilyn Robinson.

  96. Andrea on

    I’m reading Cool Flowers by Lisa Mason Ziegler and reviewing parts of Specialty Cut Flowers.

  97. katiejaynewest on

    After reading your book suggestions I quickly ordered in anything I could find from my library! So far I’ve read through Paula Prykes Flower School, The Flower Farmer and The Market Gardener. I’m currently reading (drooling over) Bringing Nature Home.

  98. Marina on

    Calvin and Hobbs by Bill Waterson, and re-reading Eco-Farm by Charles Walters. That one is my go-to for everything soil-fertility related.

  99. Kim on

    I can honestly say I have only been reading the requirements, measurements, sowing times of seed books the last three weeks. I do love Arielles designs and would be honored to win her book!!

  100. Michelle on

    I’m currently reading Abundance Now by Lisa Nichols and The Man in the High Tower. I’ve never read a book on floral arrangements, or gardening. This will be the first season that I’m focusing on flowers and I have a small section carved out for a dahlia patch. Thank you for the inspiration! I’m looking forward to making my own arrangements, and enjoying the colors and textures.

  101. Lisa Karlsson on

    Holy cow! After reading through what everybody else is reading, my reading list just got longer! I am currently reading a few new books on bees. Bees are really important in my world of flowers. And also the New Farmers Market. Trying to get some new ideas to add for my market space this year. This book looks amazing!!! I am trying to grow some specific colors for my daughters wedding this coming October. I have gotten so many inspiring ideas from your blog! Please keep them coming!

  102. Cynthia on

    I am currently rereading ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ with my Book Club.
    On theme, though, this weekend’s DVD movie is to be ‘Flowers’; I know too little about it to recommend it, at this point.

  103. Mary E on

    I am currently tly reading “Consciously Creating Circumstances” by George Winslow Plummer . . . And dreaming up marketing strategies for getting fresh farm flowers to as many people as possible. I love flower therapy ♡ Thank you for growing flowers and for sharing with us all. God bless you ♡

  104. Amelia on

    Currently working my way through Japanese Ikebana for Every Season, by Rie Imai and Yuji Ueno. It’s a great read!
    Love the blog – thanks for all of the tips and advice!

  105. Liesbeth on

    Dear Erin
    Thank you for your inspiration. Because I live in Europe it doesn’t get further then that, because you don’t deliver here. Otherwise I definitely would have ordered your snapdragon seeds! I don’t seem to be able to find them here. What I like about this specific post is that so many people answer with book-tips, thus the comments are also being very Inspiring! I am reading Sarah Raven and Monty Don. Especially Monty Don being very good writer…

  106. Pauline on

    I’m reading David Mitchell, the bone clocks

  107. Shari D on

    I’m reading The Pacific NW Garden Tour by Donald Olson.

  108. Sara on

    I have been reading your beautiful blog! It has been so inspiring, I look forward to these rainy Oregon afternoons while my two-year old naps to be able to pore over your wealth of knowledge and resources and your beautiful images! I’m also reading The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski and Six-Week Start-Up by Rhonda Abrams as I am writing up my business plan! When my head feels like it is going to burst into flowery blooms, I have been reading Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. Thank you for the opportunity to win The Flower Workshop, It looks amazing!

  109. Linda on

    I have several books waiting to be read! Currently reading ‘Living the Farm Sanctuary Life’ by Gene Baur. Would love to add a floral book to the list!

  110. Courtney Smith on

    Currently reading The Lean Farm by Ben Hartman, Taming Wildflowers by Miriam Goldberger and The Hop Grower’s Handbook by Laura Ten Eyck & Dietrich Gehring. Oh! And the Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillips. There’s so much going on ‘on the farm’ right now – feeling a bit overwhelmed, yet joyous at the same time! Spring is on it’s way and EVERYTHING seems to needing done AT ONCE! Thanks Erin for you blog – it’s a very needed respite for the quiet time of the day.

  111. Amy on

    It’s been an embarrassingly long time since I cracked open a literary book book. My flower farming books are in constant use, reference, double checking. I recently read the Fedco seed catalog cover to cover, love all the commentary and wit. I’d truly love this book. Need to up my arranging game! Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing so many helpful things.

  112. Hannah on

    Currently reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and Wendell Berry’s This Day, a new collection of poetry, while always having The Flower Farmer nearby :) Thanks for sharing about this artist and her book. It would be amazing to win it!

  113. Heather on

    Not flower related, but I’m reading The Third Plate by Dan Barber and it’s got me so excited to dig into some of the “originals” like Wedell Berry, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, etc. I live in a place with such fantastic wild flowers, and I am constantly thinking about this incredible diversity while gardening. I can’t wait to read through everyone else’s comments too and get lots more reading ideas! What a great prompt.

  114. Betsy on

    I’m reading the Herbelist way amongst other book, can never read just one:-)

  115. Kate on

    I am reading Gardening for a Lifetime by Sydney Eddison, Guide to South Carolina Vegetable garden- Reeves and Rushing and a novel- Irresistable Blueberry Bakeshop Cafe by Mary Simses.

    I have found great pleasure in your blog during my free reading time as well!!

  116. Stephanie on

    Sadly my reading list right now only contains textbooks and other reading requirements for school.

  117. Lindsey on

    Reading seems to be a luxury lately, our dog just had a litter of 11 puppies… Amongst nursing an infant, pet care and chasing around 4 other kids, I look at my ‘The Conscious Patent’ book by Shefali Tsabary longingly desiring to read it… The Floret blog has been my reading of late! I may have to grab a book on wedding flowers though or just go with my usual style and just do my wedding flowers with what I can grow and forage! Thank you so much for your inspiration and hard work sharing your love with all of us!

  118. Carole Martin on

    I’m reading Carolyne Roehm’s FLOWERS! Beautiful, but a completely different style than Floret Farm’s. I love seeing all the variations that one can achieve with beautiful floral stock!

  119. Leah Wurster on

    If only my reading time could be infinite! Currently trying to wrap up Patti Smith’s “M Train”! Then first on my list is The Invention of Nature and after that it’s Flower Confidential!

  120. Katie Koch on

    Hi Erin!

    I wish I could say I was reading a flower or garden book right now, but instead I am reading a book about homeschooling my little one. It’s called “Teach Your Own” by John Holt. I would love a copy of “The Flower Workshop” to read while I have a month until I plant my flowers :)

  121. Laurie on

    I am reading Prince Eugen’s World of Flowers. I visited this historical estate during a trip to Sweden last summer. Prince Eugen was an artist, lover of flowers, and creator of the Waldemarsudde Flower Pot. The flower photos are gorgeous! Almost as good as being there in person! ; )

  122. Mary Ann on

    Hiya! I’ve put down the books for the moment and I’ve been watching Ken Burn’s Roosevelt docu-series. I am completely inspired by TR’s “get action, do things” social good spirit around the common man, his future-forward stance on ecological preservation and his fearless sense of adventure.

  123. Micaela Villasenor on

    In efforts to read something other than books about Birth/Midwifery I thought I would try some Fiction, which is not my preference. I have “The Language of Flowers: A Novel” by Vanessa Diffenbaug. I was fascinated by a blog post that I saw about the connection of flowers to display emotions or convey messages during the victorian era. This book came up in a search and thought I would try it out.

  124. Jill Nicolai on

    Wow, I literally just checked ‘The Flower Workshop’ out of the library on Tuesday. I’m probably the first one to check it out. The cover picture reminded me of all of your beautiful flower photos and I snatched it right up! I can’t wait to read it! I would love to have my own copy. I am also reading a book called ‘Grow Herbs’ and another called ‘Improving Your Soil’. I enjoy your blog immensely.

  125. Jessica on

    I’m continuously revisiting The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski, it is such a treasure of information. I am currently reading Make It Happen by Lara Casey and trying to swallow all of my fears of pursuing my dreams! *Gulp*
    I love a book with pictures, especially pictures of flowers! The Flower Workshop looks like an amazing book!

  126. Noelle on

    Great review – hopefully I’ll find a copy in the States on my next visit. I’m currently re-perusing Bernard Jones’s The Complete Guide to Sweet Peas, which I curiously found in a tiny bookshop in Bucharest, years ago. My babies are nearly 2 inches high and I’m doing my yearly refresher. Thank you so very much for your amazing blog!

  127. Vida Howard on

    Oh I am starting my reading list with ordering this book. And got quite a future list from the other comments! I have been out of the fresh flower florist biz for quite a few years and miss it. This book will make a beautiful birthday gift for my floral mentor, otherwise known as Mom. Thanks!

  128. Megan on

    Do seed catalogues count? They are an addiction. In all seriousness, I want to read ‘The Surprising Life of Constance Spry’ by Sue Shephard; Specialty Cut Flowers by Armitage; and I’m probably going to reread ‘Ground Breaking Food Gardens’ by Niki Jabbour.

  129. Holly H. on

    Everyone’s lists are so great, I am going to use the above lists as a reference list for what to read next! Have already gotten so many great ideas!
    Thanks again!

  130. Emily on

    Hi Erin & team!
    My reading list is currently: 50 Mile Bouquet by Debra Prinzing, Cool Flowers & The Easy Cut-Flower Garden by Lisa Mason Zieglar, and to read through as many of your blog posts as possible! I am so looking forward to reading The Flower Workshop, too!

  131. Holly H. on

    Hi Erin and Team!
    I am currently reading “Flowers, Flowers” by Paula Pyke, another flower book by Kenneth Turner and the following magazines are a constant stack next to my bed: ‘Mother Earth News’, ‘Country Living’, ‘Victoria’ magazine…plus I have a whole other stack that is waiting to be read which includes the book by Martha Stewart “Living the Good Life”…I love my books!
    I have been voting as often as possible!
    Thank you!

  132. Caleb Whitfield on

    I’m going back through Fresh from the Field Wedding Flowers! As I look at the pages and think of the season ahead, I’m reviewing the designs I need more practice on…and, at the same time, I’m making sure I’ve ordered all the seeds and plants needed for this season! ?

  133. Barbara Livdahl on

    Up next is re-reading “French Dirt” by Richard Goodman.

  134. Cheryl Welch on

    Easy Gardens for the South by Harvey Cotten, retired CEO of the Huntsville Botanical Garden. He is coming to speak to my garden club, The Garden Club of Jackson, next week. Our emphasis will be on plants that promote pollinators. His book is a great reference to plants for the South. Maybe we can get Ariella to come do a program for us next year! Thank you!

  135. Brother Placidus Lee OSB on

    I’m currently reading An American Cutting Garden by Suzanne McIntire, among a stack of other things!

  136. Tracy Shelton on

    This morning I am reading True Woman Interior Design, chapter 9 Legacy. It has been a great ‘grounding’ source to help me stay focused on the things of true eternal value. I want to be remembered as a lover of flowers but more so a lover of the people God has put in my life.

  137. Cathy Bartolic on

    Not a flower book per se – Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but a great book that is helping me see money and how one can make money, differently. Easy read – highly recommend it. Would love to get a copy of Ariella book but am also eagerly anticipating your book Erin.

  138. Lindsey on

    I’m reading The Art of Gardening, as well as Give & Take and Circling the Sun.

  139. lori on

    on the practical side of business, Pricing for Creatives by Shanna Skidmore & the Art of Styling by Joy Thigpen!!

  140. Wanda Fox on

    Thanks for the honor to enter! You and Ariella were the very first grower/designers that I just happened to stumble across when I started my venture into the beautiful world of designing with flowers! I felt like I had found my happy place, 2nd to raising my children. The books that are always at the top of my list, month after month…Flowers for the Table by Ariella Chezar, Flower Power by Rebecca Cole, The Cutting Garden by Sarah Raven & The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski. It would be wonderful to add this new book to the list and then to wait for your new book! Thanks!

  141. C. Badger on

    On my reading list this month is heirloom gardener magazine & Martha Stewart’s Gardening Month by Month book. I am sure to get a little inspiration from one of them on this cold & rainy day!!!

  142. Niki on

    Thanks for sharing about this incredible-looking book! I would love to get my hands on a copy! I’m currently re-reading The New Organic Grower, classic Eliot Coleman, as I am preparing my beds for planting. Also flipping through Specialty Cut Flowers (Armitage and Laushman) every few days, always gleaning more and more information.

  143. M. on

    On my bedside table are The Flower Farmer, An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler and just finished the powerful book When Breath becomes air by Paul Kalanithi. I would love to add this to my stack of must reads!

  144. Sara on

    I have pre-ordered Summer at Little Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. Love all her books at cant wait until the 22nd to receive it.

  145. Peg on

    The Flower Farmer, Fire Starter Sessions and Mission of the Family and your blog – LOVE it!!!!

  146. Andrea Clemens on

    What inspiration, once again!! Thank you, Erin. Last week at a the organic farming conference in Wisconsin, MOSES, I picked up my copy of the newly released book “Soil Sisters: A toolkit for women farmers.” One of my first business mentors, Lisa Kivirist wrote the book and even included a photo of me harvesting my zinnias! Talk about inspiring! Ariella Chezar’s new book is another on my list of ‘must-haves’ ❤️?

  147. Amanda Brown on

    I’ve been reading Backyard Bouquets by Georgeanne Brennan. It helps our snowy winter go by faster! :)

  148. Laura Bertagnoli on

    Hi Erin, First time writing, forever fan…:) You have been such an inspiration, bright spot and lifeline and I thank you…I continue to dream about my passion of sharing flowers…I recently read “What Do You Do With an Idea?” by Kobi Yamada/Mae Besom. I believe it was meant to be a children’s book but the message is for us all…taking an “idea”; your dream, your passion and making it a reality…Thank you for sharing yours with such grace…

  149. Elaine on

    My current reading list includes: You Are A Badass, How the World Sees You, Eat To Live and Flower Confidential.

  150. Karen on

    I am re-reading several flower books and finding new inspiration – The Flower Farmer, Flowers for the Table and the 50 Mile Bouquet. I’m ready to start growing!!

  151. Kyler @ Local Roots Flower Farm on

    My current reading list includes:
    The Fire Starter Sessions
    The One Straw Revolution
    and I’m re-reading The Lean Farm
    I would love to add this book to the list :)
    Thanks Erin

  152. Liisa on

    Hello Erin,
    I am currently reading The Flower Farmer’s Year by Georgie Newbery. The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Flowers from Seed to Bloom by Eileen Powell has also been picked up numerous times recently as I am starting seeds. I appreciate all of your book recommendations, and have added The Flower Workshop to my wish list. ?

  153. Marian Wiltshire on

    Hello- I am re-reading all our Monty Don books, but especially his garden diaries. I have become disengaged with our garden after 3 years of caring for our twin baby girls. Recently I have started to realise I miss it, and feel guilty about leaving it all up to my husband. So in a hope of inspiring myself I have immersed myself in garden books. It’s working. First some seed purchased, we recently spent a day planting out the seeds in trays and hope to get some in the ground before our autumn sets in. We have had a long hot dry summer in Tasmania and our flower garden has suffered. Plans are in place for a solution to our water source for the gardens.

  154. Rebekah on

    I’ve got two on the go at the moment, The Lean Farm by Ben Hartman (it makes so much sense! Genius!) and Sarah Ravens The Cutting Garden. I’d like to add the Market Gardener and Vintage Flowers to that list but theres such a lot of work to be done in my new garden so I probably shouldn’t tempt myself with the distraction…

  155. Zandy on

    Voted again today! Reading”The art of gardening”. Your blog is a treasure I look forward to! Thank you so much for sharing!

  156. Erin on

    I’m reading The Signature of All Things, by Elizabeth Gilbert… a novel anyone who loves the natural world, specifically botany, would adore. It’s brilliant!
    I also have my nose in Sarah Raven’s The Cutting Garden and The Flower Farmer.

  157. Leslie on

    I’m currently reading a very sweet letter pinned to the wall of my friends room. She just put it up after admitting she is thinking of getting married to her best friend of 7 years. Secretly, we all knew ;-)

  158. Dara Paquette on

    Two standouts currently: ‘How To Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie as well as ‘Self Reliance’ by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    I’ve been a pupil of Ariella since I began designing at the age of 14 and she has time and time again enchanted my desire to continue on a path of the wild and magical. I remember tucking myself into cozy nooks at Barnes and Noble glued to every page of her works. Truly inspiring!

    Love what you do, Erin! Would love help harvest on your farm sometime!

  159. Jocelyne Hughes- Ostrowski on

    I have a few books on the go. Just depends on my mood at the time! Ha ha. So here is my list:
    Modern Pioneering, by Georgia Pellegrini
    Growing Beautiful Food, by Mathew Benson
    The Sibley Guide to Birds, by David Allen Sibley (always have this on the go actually)
    The Whole Seed Catalog, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
    The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Riuz (recently finished)
    Odd and the Frost Giants, by Neil Gaiman
    Instructions, by Neil Gaiman (recently finished)
    Fortunately the Milk, by Neil Gaiman (recently finished)
    Encyclopedia of the Equiste, by Jessica Kerwin Jenkins (again have this handy for perusing whenever)
    The Complete Rhyming Dictionary, Edited by Clement Wood, 1936 (have this on my mantel always, handy for when the moment strikes me to pen something and need a bit of help)

    Love your beautiful flowers and the ways you elevate them with your arrangements! You inspire.

  160. Tanya on

    I’ll be reading The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski and hopefully I’ll finally cross The Surprising Life of Constance Spry off my list too!

  161. Jackson Mahaney - Villa Fiore Botanicals on

    I’m reading “Harris Seeds” “Johnny’s Select Seeds” & “Territorial Seed Company” – among others. It’s seed ordering time! And for non-floral reading, the Finnish saga “Kalevala.”

  162. Shawna Reed on

    It’s not a floral or gardening book, so not sure it counts for this but it’s a great read…The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan. Reading the comments above though I need to go get some of these amazing flower books!

  163. Erika on

    This is my second year growing flowers and I’m currently reading The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers by Lynn Byczynski, as you recommended in a recent post! Thank you for the opporunity to win this beautiful book!

  164. Lorelie (Australia) on

    I am just starting my flower growing journey and am still in the planning stages. I have just finished reading ‘the flower farmer’ (Byczinski) and ‘grow your own cut flowers’ (Raven). I’m currently reading ‘bulbs for all seasons’ (brown) and the readers digest ‘Gardeners encyclopedia of plants and flowers’. I’m not a florist so would love to read some more books about arranging. Chezar ‘s book looks like a feast for my eyes!

  165. Joan on

    Reading H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald now and waiting for my Ariella Chezar book to arrive in the mail! Happy reading!

  166. Kristen L on

    Currently reading Your Blog!!! and catching up on all the articles I haven’t read yet from your Blog Blizzard. Also, The Flower Farmers Year! And I think Ariella’s book will be next…

  167. Terry on

    Reading “Sustainable farming” by Pam Dawling. Great read as we grow 1/2 veggies and 1/2 flowers. Starting second year of a CSA, first year offering flowers as an add on.

  168. Suzanne osborne on

    I am usually reading several things at once, a Miss Read book, Fine Foliage, and a cookbook or two!

  169. Kate on

    Hello! Though I have been eagerly awaiting Chezar’s new book, I unexpectedly received “Flowers for the Table” in the mail: a birthday gift from my best friend. I’ve come to flower arranging (and some gardening) only recently, but have found it to be something I now can’t imagine life without. Your blog is a constant source of inspiration; my dream is to come to one of your workshops. Thank you!

  170. Krystn Nelsen on

    Hi Erin –
    I’d love to add Flowers for the Table to my collection!
    I’m currently reading the assembly instructions to my greenhouse, dreaming of all the Floret seeds I’ll be starting this weekend. Better late than never???

  171. Celia on

    I’ll be starting Want Not, always perusing Woman-Powered Farm, and waiting for The Flower Farmer to come in.

  172. Callie on

    Your website has been beyond inspirational. I am starting my first official cutting graden this spring and I have already started my seedlings. I devoured every word or your “February Blizzard” series so that I will have a successful first year. I am currently reading “Cutting Garden: growing and arranging garden flowers” by Sarah Raven and also “Living in the Garden Home” by P. Allen Smith. I am currently trying to get my hands on a copy of “The Flower Farmer” by Lynn Byczynski due to your blog recommendation.
    I can pass the hours soaking up the beauty of the flowers in these books and studying growing techniques. I pray that my flower garden will explode with flowers that I can give as “gifts of sunshine” to brighten the days of my friends and family. It would be amazing to enjoy “The Flower workshop” by Ariella Chezar as her book looks like a dream of outrageous flower blooms. Floret, I can’t thank you enough for your inspiration and knowledge.

  173. Lynn Thoreson on

    Love this! Arielle’s book looks spectacular. I’m re-reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, A Year of Food Life, by Barbara Kingsolver :-)

  174. Jo Birns on

    I’m impatiently waiting for The Cutting Garden by Sarah Raven to get here. Just finished Armitage’s Garden Perennials and next will be The Flower Recipe Book by the Studio Choo ladies. Trying to balance my garden budget and gardening books budget… And my Floret Sweet Peas are already 18 inches high!

  175. Jodi on

    I’m not reading anything flower related right now except for your blog and some others. Just started “Queen of Hearts” by Rhys Bowen – fun period mystery. “The Flower Workshop” looks beautiful and inspiring!

  176. Jane M on

    I found “Flowers” by Paula Pryke in the library

  177. Justine Muench on

    I’m reading Find The Good by Heather Lende “unexpected life lessons from a small town obituary writer”? I also just started my Floret sweet pea seeds can’t wait to see how they grow

  178. Linda Q on

    Gardening has been a passion of mine for many, many years and I love to read anything on this subject to both learn and be entertained. I am looking forward to reading ‘The Skeleton Garden’ by Marty Wingate when it is released later on this month. I also plan to re-read some older books I have on hand: ‘A Garden of One’s Own’ by Elsa Bakalar and ‘Garden Flower Folklore’ by Laura Martin.
    When I am looking for books to read (non-garden) I prefer historical fiction books about women. I am not talking about ‘romance’ paperbacks- but enlightening stories that take place during a particular time in history. ‘All the light we cannot see’ and ‘The Nightingale’ are both wonderful reads!

  179. Beverley S on

    All I am reading at the moment (when I’m not watering my sweet pea seedlings) is your blog, all the info on starting my flower farm, soil prep, irrigation, seeding – I’m finally doing it thanks to you Erin. What I NEED to be reading when I’m not reading your blog? The Flower Workshop. It looks gorgeous and I have to have it. Can’t wait for my ordered dahlia tubers to arrive. Thanks for inspiring me – I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOUR BOOK too!!!!

  180. Heather on

    I am reading The Flower Farmer!

    Thank you for your beautiful posts!

  181. Marla on

    I’m reading Georgie Newbery’s – Grow your own Wedding Flowers….. I aspire to be able to work with brides in the future. Just getting started this year in the flower farming. Can’t wait to see the “palette” of flowers in the garden. I have a blank canvas to work with…..

  182. Grace on

    Lovely looking book. I’m currently reading “right rose, right place”

    Grace e

  183. Megan on

    Cool Flowers by Lisa Mason Ziegler!

  184. Melody on

    This looks so inspirational. Maybe even too beautiful. This month I’m reading “Deadhead, the Bindweed Way to Grow Flowers” and also “Poisonwood Bible” for fun!

  185. ti on

    Have my hands on my copy now! Mine arrived yesterday!!! LOVE IT! Now this may sound strange but I sometimes get a second copy of books I love because I like to haul my books around with me… outdoors and in the greenhouse. I want a ‘clean’ copy! Anyone else have this strange habit???? Thanx for the chance!

  186. JoAnne on

    I order a garden book every payday – it’s my personal indulgence. Sarah Raven “The Cutting Garden” is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Until then, I am reading Lynn Byczynki’s “The Flower Farmer” again. I have 43 books on my wish list so I won’t run out of reading anytime soon!

    Now I’m off to cast my daily ballot for Floret Farm Blog!

  187. Kathy from Cold Climate Gardening on

    I am reading The Garden of a Commuter’s Wife by Mabel Osgood Wright, although on my 1903 copy she is merely called The Gardener. The cover is beautiful and it’s very interesting to find out how flowers were grown and treasured in late 19th century/very early 20th century New England.

  188. Kathy on

    Voting done!
    I’m reading and re-reading Stephen Buchmann’s “The Reason for Flowers” and also Sarah Raven’s “The Cutting Garden,” and enjoying both of them immensely.

  189. Rebecca Bodicky on

    The 50 Mile Bouquet– Debra Prinzing is coming to talk here in St. Louis next week, so I thought it would be a great way to warm up to hearing her talk. Also I’m indulging in Patti Smith’s M Train, which is definitely good for the soul.

  190. Shalon on

    Nothing at the moment. We have been busy remodeling our house. I do read your blog though.

  191. Donna on

    I’m so glad you asked this question! I’ve now got a whole new reading list courtesy of all of your wonderful readers…thank you! This month I’ll be reading Kiss My Aster by Amanda Thomsen, This Organic Life by Joan Dye Gussow and Magical Gardens by Patricia Monaghan. And if I’m lucky, Ariella’s new book!

  192. Jessica on

    Other than reading and re-reading old blogs from Floret I just devoured The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski for the third time, and am re-reading How To Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons. Next in queue are The Flower Farmer’s Year by Georgia Newbery. At the recommendation of my sister-in-law (for a fun read) she’s lending me The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, I’m excited for a light read! I’ve also been listening to Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership.

  193. Wendy on

    The Cutting Garden. Sarah Raven

  194. Jillian on

    Thank you for sharing! I’m excited to get my hands on this book!

  195. Stefanie H. on

    What inspiration! Thanks for the give away!!!

  196. Robyn McLeay on

    I really enjoy your website with all the helpful resources, photos and flowers. It inspired me to grow my own cutting garden this year and plenty more ranunculas will be planted this autumn, amazing flowers. I am reading ‘Wedding Flowers’ by Paula Pryke and ‘Design Ideas for your garden by Jacq Barber and will read ‘Flowers for your table’ by Ariella if I can get a copy. Love the styling of hers and your flowers.

  197. Cali Walters on

    I love her work! That would be such a treat! Oh and voted ;)

  198. Kerrie on

    I would LOVE to add this gem to my collection! I’m currently reading At Home in the Garden by Carolyne Roehm as I imagine out my garden for the year. Another I’d like to mention, just for fun, is an “ancient” novel called “The Harvester” by Gene Stratton Porter.

  199. Heidi @ Willow Lane Flower Farm on

    I’m making my way through the Lean Farm right now and Cool Flowers. Both interesting topics that I’ll glean from. I haven’t looked at any design books year. But eye candy would be great to help while waiting for spring to come.

  200. Kim Hawkins on

    I’m currently reading The Lean Farm, by Ben Hartman.

  201. Holly on

    Viv Brothersons Vintage Flowers and The English Roses by David Austin are such inspiring Marchtime reading alongside a pile of seed and bulb catalogues tonight on a dark snowy night in Cheshire , UK. Will be ordering Ariellas book and looking forward to the Floret book so much ! Thanks for the fantastic blog , keeping us all enthralled with news & beautiful photographs from your flower farm.

  202. Emily on

    I’m currently reading Animal Farm by Orwell and Acres magazine. I’ve learned so much from your blog! Thanks for all the tips!

  203. Stephanie on

    Wildflowers by William Cullina is inspiring my front yard garden right now! Thanks for the great review Erin!

  204. Hannah Muller on

    Right now I am re-reading all of the Amy Stewart books, along with a few full old floral arranging books I’ve found at thrift stores over the last couple years. I LOVE collecting gems that have been given away… One day I hope to have a library of gardening and floral arranging books for to loan out to friends and beginning farmer florists.

  205. Douglas Frierott on

    I discovered your site last month, and am thoroughly enjoying reading your story, your blog posts, and checking out your photography.
    I tried signing up for one of your workshops this year, but they were all sold out already!
    What I am reading this month, is “Last child in the woods”, by Richard Louv, and “H is for Hawk”, by Helen Macdonald.
    Our family is moving into a new house this weekend, and I can’t wait to get started landscaping and gardening. “The Flower Workshop” would be a great help at this point!

  206. Rachel Meriwether on

    Thanks for the lovely review!! As a bibliophile I am always excited to be presented with more fodder to feed my addiction:) I am one of those people that reads multiple books at one time and usually from different genres; so right now I am reading a fabulous children’s book called Seraphina and the Black Cloak that is set at the Biltmore (which isn’t far from our farm), The One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka, Explorers of the Infinite by Maria Coffey, Living Wreaths by Natalie Bernhisel Robinson, and Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver. Mary Oliver is one of my favorite poets and this book actually has a lovely flower poem…
    Freshen the flowers, she said
    So I put them in the sink, for the cool porcelain was tender,
    and took out the tattered and cut each stem on a slant,
    trimmed the black and raggy leaves, and set them all-roses, delphiniums, daisies, iris, lilies,
    and more whose name I don’t know, in bright new water-gave them
    a bounce upward at the end to let them take their own choice of position, the wheels, the spurs, the little sheds of the buds.
    It took, to do this, fifteen minutes,
    Fifteen minutes of music
    with nothing playing.

    • Micaela Villasenor on

      Yay! One Straw Revolution! Larry Korn is my sensei and direct lineage for Permaculture. Good read and inspiring. <3

  207. Lulu on

    I am reading “The Reason for Flowers” by Stephen Buchmann. Highly recommend for any flower lover!

  208. Rebecca on

    I’m reading all the books you listed a few posts ago as well recommended. I immediately checked as many as I could out at the library. The librarians all joked they are coming to my house this spring and summer after seeing all the gorgeous flower books I was checking out!

  209. Sharon on

    I’m reading The Lean Farm, An Americn Cutting Garden, and Grow Your Own Cut Flowers (at your suggestion, in one of your recent blog posts).

  210. drea on

    I hope to goodness I can have “The Flower Workshop” on my March reading list! I don’t have much time at this season to get a big reading list going! ;)

  211. Janie on

    I’ve been tandem reading The Flower Farmer and The Flower Recipe Book. Both gems!

  212. Lorrie on

    Just voted…again! I’ll be reading The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski, continuing to scour plant/seed catalogs, and honestly (not trying to kiss up, just the truth here), devouring your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge so freely! Also, as I’m hoping to sell cut flowers from my micro-farm for the first time this year, I vacillate between being so excited I can’t stand it and scared to death! So when I just need to breathe, I pull out my old friend, Tasha Tudor’s Garden.

  213. Stephanie on

    On my list this month is The Flower Farmer’s Year.

  214. Terri Todd - Stolen Flowers Farm on

    I’m reading The Tulip by Anna Pavord – again. It’s fuel for my tulipomania while I wait for the crop to bloom!

    I’m thrilled for your success, Erin!


  215. Haley on

    Oh, the reading list never ends! Right now I’m reading The Man Who Knew to Much ( not really flower related) but I’ll be going over all my gardening books again real soon because when we finish moving, I am in charge of gardening!!!? ( so excited) If blogs count, than I’ll be reading over your blog ( I’m a newbie) and finding all the info I can on growing flowers!

  216. Bayley on

    I’m reading one of my favorite books from childhood, The Secret Garden. It always gets me excited for spring.

  217. Marnie on

    After a great review from you Erin, I’m reading Cut Flowers by Sarah Raven. Thanks for the recommendation!
    I was also recently given The Flower Recipe Book, which I love.

  218. Linda Gellion on

    Flower Addict by Saskia Havekes.
    I have long admired Saskias work, she has a store called Grandiflora in Australia and another book called Grandiflora Celebrations. The photography in the books are divine too! I believe her husband is the photographer.
    I havent bought a new flower book for a while, The flower workshop would be a lovely addition! I also can’t wait for the release of your book Erin ?

  219. Jamie on

    I have been searching for good reads lately. Actually the only thing I am currently reading is the Cutflower Quarterly from ASCFG. Great information and well worth the membership fee. Not only are you supporting the local flower movement but the wealth of information and community is priceless.

  220. Elise Roberge on

    I am currently reading the Exquisite book of paper flower by Livia Cetti and Big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I am blooming…slowly! Thank you Erin.

  221. Mandy Hess on

    Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert… It’s on my night stand waiting for me to have some free time to read it!

  222. Jacoba on

    I am currently reading “The Drunken Botanist” and “Wicked Plants” both written by Amy Stewart. Wonderfully written and full of fascinating information and facts!

  223. Sarah on

    Reading a novel for once – The Jewel Garden. Highly recommended for flower nerds. Also a bunch of seed catalogs. :)

  224. Sarah Alley on

    As it is my first year starting cut flowers from seed, I have been referring to Lynn Byczynski’s The Flower Farmer quite a bit this month. Also on my nightstand at the moment are Bill Harper’s Nature Takes Over, Maree and Wyk’s Cut Flowers of the World, and Wendy Andrade’s Fresh Floral Jewelry. Thanks for the book review!

  225. Emily on

    I’m reading “The Romantic Garden”. Because isn’t that really what flowers are all about? What interests me most about Ariella’s book is staying in one color scheme, but using all of the colors in that range. I’ve chosen the flowers than I’m planting this season in that same way, so I’d love to see what she does with this!

  226. Stephanie on

    I think it will have to be The Flower Farmer , after seeing this post

  227. Kate on

    I just bought (on your recommendation!) The Flower Recipe Book by the women from Studio Choo. It’s a gorgeous book, and actually convinced me to pick up a few more varieties of seeds just to have extra fillers, haha. Picking up The Flower Farmer from the library later this week!

  228. Liz Pulver on

    I’m currently reading Being Mortal, one of my book club’s selections. My wedding bouquet was inspired by Floret. Selecting and arranging my flowers was my favorite part of my wedding. I would love to win the Flower Workshop book. Thank you Erin!

  229. Edenn Yorks on

    I am thoroughly enjoying one of Georgette Heyer’s classic and hilarious tales: Venetia. It’s makes me dream of strolling down a dirt path somewhere in England’s countryside, picking plants and flowers along the way, and most importantly, making new friends! Must read!!! :)

  230. cindy creps on

    As I do every year, reading The Flower Farmer and Market Gardening. Also loving my copy of The Flower Farmers Year!

  231. amelia amish on

    I am currently reading, Deadhead the bindweed way to grow flowers. a new book that has a climate like ours in zone5.

  232. Charlotte on

    Funny, this morning I posted a photo on Instagram (@charlotte_fuglebaekgaard) with the five books which I am reading these days: The Flower Farmer’s Year and Grow Your Own Wedding Flowers by Georgie Newbery, The Cutting Garden by Sarah Raven, Organic Gardening by Charles Dowding, and The Cut Flower Patch by Louise Curley. But what I am looking most forward to, is your book, Erin;0)

  233. Kim on

    I just moved into my first house, so I am reading You Grow Girl by Gayla Trail to get ready for my first spring in the garden!

  234. Carli Spielman on

    I am dying to get my hands on this book. I am currently re-reading an absolute favorites of mine, Trauma Farm: A Rebel History of Rural Life by Brian Brett. A beautiful portrait of rural life on a small farm in British Columbia. I highly recommend it, it reads like poetry.

  235. Vanessa Shebib on

    I’m reading The Bold and Brilliant Garden by Sarah Raven!!!

  236. Laura Pickens on

    I can’t say I have any book I am reading currently or have on a list to read this month. But I keep scanning over Cool Flowers.

  237. Marlys on

    I’m reading All the Light We Cannot See right now.

    • Molly on

      Loved that book.

    • Zandy on

      Me too!

  238. McKenzie O'Grady on

    In honor of my soon-to-be cutting garden and greenhouse, I’m poring over a slew of Floret favorites– Sara Raven’s Bold and Brilliant Garden, Lynn Byczynski’s The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers, ‘ John Jeans’ Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible, and Local Color: Growing Specialty Cut Flowers by Frank & Pamela Aronsky (in the off chance that I can get to it). All of this research impresses upon me one vital fact– that, even as I grow in garden wisdom and logic, I should never lose the sense of enchantment & wonder that lured me to the garden in the first place. In an effort to keep that wonder alive, I read the odd nature lyric & a few pages of Liz Gilbert’s botanical treasure, The Signature of All Things. :) I fill my careworn nature diary with plans and a dream or so… Then I go back to Floret blog blizzard posts and my spreadsheets!

    I would love to gather Ariella’s teachings and do my best to translate them in my garden. Sending sincere thanks to Floret for the outstanding proliferation of information– so much heart and so much work goes into this. I would, quite literally, be lost without these tools.

  239. Amie on

    Would love to win this book!! Right now I’m reading “Cool flowers”

  240. Stacey Sweigart on

    Hello hello! I am currently reading The Gardener’s Workshop. It is a book written by a local flower farmer in my neck of the woods on the East Coast! I’m also reading (well listening) to Stephen King’s 11/22/63. Hope y’all are having a wonderful day!

  241. Mary Robledo on

    Hi! I can not wait to read Ariella’s Flowers for the table. I’m currently reading Flirty Fleurs for the Love of Flowers and the Flower Farmers’s Year

  242. Yuliya on

    Sherlock Holmes is on my reading list this month lol you asked….

  243. Shari Cribbs on

    I love reading anything that has to do with flowers or farming! I just happen to be reading more about lambing right now since that’s the season we are in, but I would LOVE to read “The Flower Workshop” and would be SO grateful to win it! :)

  244. Tara on

    I’m almost done reading The Flower Farmer and Storeys guide to raising dairy goats. Her book looks amazing!

  245. Melu Vargas-Savone on

    I dont have a list because I am inmersed fully on The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers by Lynn Byczynski

    I started a farming course in a urban farm. And I have a feeling this book will be with me all along.

    Would love to add Ariella’s to my list. Pick me!

  246. Susan on

    I cannot wait to get my hands on that book! I’m currently reading “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero – I highly recommend it.

  247. Marian Wiltshire on

    Oh his book sounds divine. I am re-reading all of Monty Don’s gardening books, especially his diaries: The Ivington Diaries, My Roots and the Jewel Garden. All have inspired me to get back into the garden, after putting the care of our twin girls first the last couple of years and letting my husband deal with our garden, I feel it’s time to get back out there!

  248. Ainsley on

    This book of course but also The Hands-On Home and Recipes for a Beautiful Life. Can’t wait to dig into them all!

  249. Alison on

    Looking so forward to reading this book in the near future! For the mean time, after being deeply motivated from your February Blog Blizzard, I just got in the mail The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers…sooo excited! Can’t wait to get my little cutting garden up and running this year!
    Thanks for the continuous inspiration Erin!

  250. Jennifer on

    Aaah, my reading list never ends!!! What is up right away though, is Vintage Flowers by Vic Brotherson :)
    Cannot wait :)

  251. Kristin Dempsey on

    Think I will have to read Ariella’s book, Flowers for the Table!

  252. Christina Lueking on

    Hi Erin and team,
    I am currently reading The Knot Book of Wedding Flowers by Carley Roney.
    Thanks for sharing your review and excitement over this new book.
    The photography and arrangements are breathtaking.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a Great Afternoon, Chris

  253. Lynn on

    Done!! So far, voted every day – you totally deserve it :) This month is Ariella’s “Flowers For the Table” and “The Market Gardener”, aaaaannnnd I would love to have Ariella’s new book as well!! Since I have to wait on a workshop with you until the job situation in oil and gas stabilizes, reading her book looks like it would be a great way to occupy myself while I’m waiting. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  254. Kristin Dempsey on

    Love the concept of your farm! My mother instilled the love of flowers in me and can’t wait to get digging this spring. You have inspired me to start my own cutting garden – going to try zinnias! Thanks for the inspiration!

  255. Emily on

    I’m reading Fresh Flower Arranging by Mark Welford, The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski, and The Vegetable Gardner’s Bible. And totally unrelated to flowers, but also good… The Poison Study series ;)

  256. Janna White on

    I’m reading an oldie but a goodie: Onward and Upward in the Garden!


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