Home Blog A Year in Flowers Makes The New York Times Best Seller List
February 20th 2020

A Year in Flowers Makes The New York Times Best Seller List

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Thanks to the enthusiastic support of seasonal flower lovers like you, I’m thrilled to share that the new Floret book, A Year in Flowers, made the coveted New York Times Best Seller List! I can hardly believe it!

NYT Bestseller list AYIFJill and I were in the middle of filming the final Q&A video for the 2020 Floret Online Workshop when we got the message that the book had made the bestseller list, so Chris was able to capture our response on video. Watch our emotional reaction below:

The book made it to #6 in the Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous category which is unheard of for a book about flowers! Everyone told us it couldn’t be done and that this book would never make the top 10. But thanks to you, we did it!

New York Times Bestseller List featuring A Year in Flowers

Making the best seller list was a big stretch goal for us and the team worked tirelessly to sell as many pre-order copies of the book as possible. Now that it has made the list, it sends a powerful message to the media, booksellers, and consumers, that local flowers and the people who grow them matter.

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support for this book. It means the world to all of us here at Floret.


  1. BookPlate on

    I’m so excited to read this one. It’s wonderful!!

  2. Lori on

    I’ve just found your site today and I cried to see you make the best sellers list!! Now I need to find the book. 😁

  3. Franklin Flower Farm on

    Congratulations Erin and Chris and your entire team!

    An achievement well-earned and much deserved! Thank you for advocating for local flowers and local flower farms in the US and worldwide.

  4. Dorothea Jähne (De Ark Gouda) on

    Wow! What a great work! The book is soooooooooo inspiring! There are a lot of bells ringing while reading it and understanding how it works about making bouquets. My first one wasn’t quite as gorgeous as in the book ;-) but I definitely never have made such a beautiful bouquet before. I will keep practicing :-)

  5. Cathy on

    I love your book(s) and used your first book as my “bible” planning our meadow and now that our first year is under our belt, we hope this coming year will produce even more beautiful flowers. We can now use your second best seller as our “bible” for arranging the beautiful flowers that will bloom this spring in our future flower arranging courses. We have you in our blog in case you want to use it for advertising.
    Cathy from Hurst Flower Meadow LLC

  6. Linda on

    I just love that!!! So glad you got this on video! I’m crying too! To me it was just a given that A Year In Flowers would make the “NYT Best Sellers” list. I’m so happy for you and your team! You’ve touched hearts around the world in a floral way that is magical! Thank you so much for all your expertise, knowledge, creativity, beauty, love and downright fun – and I’m not just talking flowers here! XOXO

  7. Nullie Stockton on

    Congratulations! Fingers crossed hoping the book will rise to #1. My signed copy arrived yesterday and I’ve already read through every page. So thrilled about your use of so many materials that can be foraged from our woods and perennial garden. Thank you for listing the ingredients as well as sources for vessels. I do have a few questions though – what size of Farmhouse Pottery beehive crock did you use for the en masse lilacs arrangement on page 151, and what size of Confit jar did you use for the en masse peonies on page 111? I can’t quite tell the sizes from the pictures. Thank you so much and I look forward to using what I’ve learnt from you book, and can’t wait for you dahlia book to be published.

  8. Caz Owens from Organica Floret on

    Congratulations to you all and a wonderful achievement as your book has been an inspiration across the World and you have a been a major influence to us flower growers in Australia. Caz Organica Floret

  9. Denise on

    Congratulations so much on this achievement! This is magnificent and you earned it so so much. You, your book, your course are all so amazing. I hope you take time to soak it all in and celebrate. You are such an inspiration.

  10. Jane on

    Many congratulations!!!! You, Jill, your families and team deserve it above and beyond!!! An honor for Floret is an honor for all the flower farmers, those who use their flowers and those who admire them – great job! So happy for your wonderful blessing✨🌸❤️😊

  11. Laura Nowlin on

    Congratulations. Well deserved. My copy just arrived and I’m loving it! Great work Team Floret!

  12. Katherine on

    Yippee! Well done! and Congratulations. Your joy is our joy too. Wishing you many many printings and continued success. Hugs!

  13. Diane Kline on

    That is amazing!!! You guys totally deserve it! I love the book and your class it’s been an eye opening amazing new adventure just what my spirit needed. I definitely cried with you guys here in Maryland celebrating your success. You girls are a force of nature! So happy for you!!!
    So much love, Diane Kline

  14. Angela Acampa on

    I am SO ecstatic for you! Somehow you have managed to connect us all in a way that even though I’ve never met you I feel as excited for your success as I would a very best friend of years! I was watching your bonus video with my sister (a fellow flower farmer) the other day and I said “it’s just like watching one of us and how excited we get talking about and seeing gorgeous flowers! I just LOVE it!”. All your hard work has paid off and I can NOT wait to see where you will go from here! Thank you for sharing your love and spreading that passion across the country and world!

  15. GiGi Robottom- Destrehan, La. on

    Congratulations to you all! I love your book and I am telling all my gardeners, friends and family to buy it. You are such an inspiration. Thank you!

  16. Lin Alexander on

    Congratulations we have both your books we are reading the new one now
    Lin and sue

  17. Little Jordan Farm on

    Yay yay yay!!! So Happy for yall..God Bless

    Tammy with Little Jordan Farm

  18. Eliane on

    Congratulations!!! You guys deserve it, such an inspiration to so many people! And thank you for sharing that precious moment Chris told both of you… went completely emotional with you guys!
    Enjoy and celebrate!!!! Love from Holland

  19. Lexie on

    Erin, you and your team have been such an inspiration to me. I know nothing but with your joy and sharing I own your 1st book, I read your blogs & am so inspired! I planted my first flower patch because of the confidence you gave me that I didn’t need to be an expert or know everything, only be willing to give it a go and mix it with my passion! Thank you! God is SO GOOD!!!! I can’t wait to buy your new book, A Year of Flowers!!!! Yay!!!! Congratulations!

  20. Mags Riordan on

    This is so incredible on so many levels! Our movement of caring for the earth through flowers has been heard! Congratulations team floret for your global inspiration! We are all the richer for what you have shared over the years. Mags xx

  21. Bianca on

    Sharing in the happy tears here in California! Congrats, Ladies, on having all of that time, energy, effort, love, and hard work pay off! WOOT WOOT!! : )

  22. Barbie Whisler on

    OK I am in tears too. The book is beautiful in every way and the accolades and spot on the Bestseller List very well earned and deserved. Congratulations!

  23. Sarah Aguilar on

    Your enthusiasm and passion for flowers is what it is all about. I am so happy you are getting the recognition for all your hard work.

  24. Ramona Froehle-Schacht on

    Congratulations to you Erin, and your whole team! I’ve been growing flowers commercially, at a much smaller scale, for 10 years, so know how much intelligence, hard work and love it takes to produce a beautiful bouquet, from the ground up. You are a true inspiration and deserve this recognition.

  25. Suzanne on

    Congratulations and thank you for making

  26. Lori W on

    Congratulations! That is so awesome and so deserving! I bought a copy for myself and one for my daughter for her birthday.

  27. Dawnette on

    So excited for your entire team! Congrats from the bottom of my heart!

  28. Dawn on

    Congratulations! That is so amazing and I’m so glad that I have my own personal, signed copy! It’s one beautiful book, page after page.

  29. Corina Sahlin on

    I cried when I watched the video. I laughed, too. Erin: “Really? Truly?”
    Holy sh#^!!!!
    This is amazing!
    I remember you and I talking about your dreams years ago, and here you are, hitting out of the ball park. So, so, so precious!

  30. Robin Habing on

    Congratulations what a deserving group of givers! I just love being a part of the local fliwer community!!!

  31. Mandeline on

    Wow!!! That’s so exciting! You and your team are such an inspiration to so many people and you all truly deserve this. I wish you all the best in 2020 and I will be following everything you do on your blog. Congrats!!
    The gardener hobbyist.

  32. Kristine Daniels on

    Congratulations!! I love the book, especially as I’m trying to focus more on perennials in my 1/2 acre cutting garden. Beautiful pics.

  33. Dorie Knott on

    Congratulations! I haven’t read mine yet. But I can’t wait! So happy for you!

  34. Maria - Bell Meadow Flowers on

    Congratulations!! Actually made me cry watching your reactions. Love the book, so very deserved. Enjoy this moment xx

  35. Rachel C. on

    Congratulations! Happy tears all around. Thank you for sharing this incredible moment with all of the Floret community. It has been a joy watching Floret grow from a little “bouquet” business to a kick ass, flower power, educational power house. So incredibly excited to see what the future has in store for all of you!

  36. Mary on

    Congratulations !!!!! My book just arrived today …… super excited to see what every page has to offer 💐

  37. Elisse Schoer on

    How beautifully heartwarming this is to watch you guys hear the news. Love how you take us along for the ride. Big fat congratulations. Well deserved. And thank you for making a positive difference to this planet and people. Every team member of Floret do amazing things 💜

  38. Valarie A. Dunlevy on

    CONGRATULATIONS!! By sharing everything you have done, making us successful, you have made yourself successful! Thank you SO MUCH! I am so inspired and excited for the future of growing flowers! Keep writing and sharing!!! Love to you! Valarie Dunlevy 2020 Workshop Student West Virginia

  39. kim@shiplapandshells on

    I am so incredibly happy for you all! I cried when I watched your video. All that work is paying off! I can’t believe how far you have come!

  40. Deanna Petit-gas on

    Oh Erin, Jill, and Chris,
    What wonderful news! Thank-you so much for letting us celebrate this well deserved moment of success with you. You are changing the world with your kindness, generosity, and beautiful vision. Your first book nurtured my desire to grow beautiful flowers and share them with the world. Your online course has shown me how to grow efficiently and productively, with your fabulous tried and true techniques. And now your second book is teaching me to make it all look out of this world spectacular! Your work has really changed my life and I am so grateful. You deserve every bit of love, success and recognition coming your way. I am so proud to be a part of this Local Flower Movement you have nurtured. Much love to my all time favourite authors.

  41. Abby Matson on

    Yes!!! I love this so much!! You both have inspired me in so many ways. Your story is such a great reminder that if you truly follow your heart, and put in the hard work, there is no limit to what you can achieve. So excited for the Floret Team! Congrats! Love seeing the reaction as you found out.

  42. Marja on

    Congratulations 🥳!! Well deserved, the hard work paid off!!

  43. Paula on

    Aaaaw, I’m just so happy for you. Congratulations on your beautiful book and all of your hard work. xoxo

  44. Jean on

    You deserve it all!!! All your hard work and sharing has paid off. I cried with you. Congratulations. You guts are the best.

  45. Cindy Dickey on

    Congratulations! Your book is beautiful, informative and brilliant. You have made devine flower arrangements accessible to anyone who wants to learn and bring beauty into their life. Thank you! Keep growing!!!

  46. [email protected] on

    Congratulations you all, I feel so much a part of your experience through flowers you have shared with all of us along the way. I am so inspired by your energy and beautiful spirit, you both have awakened a kinship amongst all of us flower growers and your educational style is so organic and inspirational. Regina Johnson 2020 Workshop Student Maine

  47. Mona on

    Great! Congrats! Well done!

  48. Linda on

    Congratulations to you !!! I love the book and you guys did an amazing job putting it all together !! Pop the champagne and celebrate

  49. Tracy La Valley-Hall on

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you all. Such a wonderful representation of our industry. Thank you so much for giving back in knowledge and kindness.

  50. Carrie Barnett on

    Thank you for sharing this moment with us! So very proud and excited for you!!

  51. Debbie Sisam on

    Oh wow that is just sooooo amazing team Floret… Congratulations from team Puriri Lane – New Zealand x

  52. Susan on

    Congratulations! That made *me* cry! So happy for all of you.

  53. Suzanne on

    Congratulations!! You are all so amazing and so deserving! The book is just wow!


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