Home Blog My favorite new flower variety…which I’m giving away!
January 23rd 2015

My favorite new flower variety…which I’m giving away!

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scabiosafunCongrats to the four winners of yesterday’s sweet pea collection giveaway: Christina Ariel, Karyn R, Julia of Fairview Farm and Jennifer Bingham!

If you follow along on Instagram, you may remember a period of time last summer when I went a bit crazy sharing photos of a little flower that stole my heart:  the scabiosa-flowered zinnia.  This little darling was such a joy to discover and I had so much fun designing with them AND decapitating them to create seas of ombre blooms to photograph.

I love the frilly, frosting-like texture of this particular zinnia.  Some people have described them as looking more like a gerber daisy than a zinnia, much less a scabiosa.  I think these extra frills make them a tad bit more sophisticated and feminine than a standard zinnia, and I love tucking a few into wedding designs where a regular ole’ zinnia would not have worked.

Zinnias, in general, are one of the easiest flowers to grow and they are the perfect flower for beginning flower farmers and gardeners to incorporate into their plots.  To help new growers, I recently created a little “Grow Great Zinnias” guide with all of my tips and tricks to growing this staple cutting garden flower.

Because I’m so in love with this flower, I went to great lengths and brought in special seed from Europe just so that you can grow some in your garden this year too. Now I want to spread the love and offer a little giveaway of a packet of scabiosa-flowered zinnia seed to five lucky winners. A limited quantity of scabiosa-flowered zinnia seed is now available for purchase through the Floret Shop.

To enter for your chance to receive a free packet of seeds, simply post a comment below.  In your comment, please share your favorite zinnia, if you have one.  NOTE:  Seeds are available to U.S. residents only (sorry international flower friends!)

Finally, a couple quick growing notes from last season: I found the scabiosa-flowered zinnias had slightly lower germinate rates than other zinnia seeds, but they performed unbelievably well once the plants got established. I had about 70% doubles which I used for event work, while some of the singles got incorporated into mixed bouquets.

They are such a great little flower, and I can’t wait to grow more this season!


  1. Sherry Jackson on

    I love the giant Zinna I once move my kids swimming pool and since the grass was dead I worked the soil and planted 10 packets and placed chicken wire around it to hold them up. It was truly beautiful

  2. megan on

    These look sooo like scabiosa, a long-time favorite of mine, as are zinnias. So when I first saw this hybrid i could not have been more thrilled. It’s a match made in heaven. your images are exquisite. thank you for sharing.

  3. Helen on

    I dunno if you are all done with this giveaway, but I’ve not seen this variety before and I would love to grow some. My current fave zinnia are the cactus flowered kind, but this new-to-me variety you’re showing may unseat them as favorites! My beloved dog, Boris, who loved sampling vegetation of all kinds, was especially fond of eating zinnia leaves, so every year I planted some for him. After 13 wonderful years, he did suddenly on June 1st, so I have planted zinnias on his grave. :)

  4. Barbara Bryan on

    I’m crazy for zinnias. I plant waves of them (all heights) among vegetables in my garden wherever I need a spot of color. It’s so fun every spring to see the new varieties and colors.

  5. Janice on

    Zinnias are my primary annual to grow in the summer where I live in Central Florida. Zinnia will do their best to put up with our heat and humidity, especially the ‘Cut & Come Again.’ I love Zinnias as cut flowers. I saw the Zinnias with the tufted centers for the first time in October in my Aunt’s garden in Connecticut and I absolutely love them and want to try them.

  6. Marguerite Dory on

    I love the giant zinnias and the green envy and the profusion….I love them all!

  7. Carlie on

    I love any and all zinnias, a love passed down from my precious mama! She plants her zinnia garden every year, and I follow her cue! I would love to try this new variety, and share a few with her!

  8. Clara on

    I usually like the green envy but now I have found my new favorite! Scabiosa flowered Zinnias! What a perfect combination of two of my most favorite flowers.

  9. Michelle on

    I have always grown the tall Zinnias. I love that they are so reliable to bloom all summer long and have such vivid colors. A friend gave me some Zinnia seeds and said I’d never seen a Zinni like this one. They had a sprawling habit and were covered with what looked like tiny Black eyed susans. They quickly became my all time favorite. I saved some seed but I had misplaced them. I was so sad because I couldn’t find them anywhere online. I finally found them! I was so happy. I just hope they sprout because they are over a year old. I would love to give these scabiosa-flowered zinnia a try.

  10. Diana Albers on

    I love Zinnia’s my grandmother always grew them in her huge garden and she taught me how to save the seeds every year. My favorite is now is Zinderella Lilac…..

  11. Karen on

    I’m looking forward to planting the Zowie hybrid this year. In past years the tropical orange and purple mix have been favorites to brighten up my vegetable garden.

  12. Leslie Gesner on

    I am new to zinnias, as the only one’s i know are the ones that line a small garden on the Tom Road.
    I see them as i am about 2 1/2 miles into my 4 mile exercise loop. They make me smile each time, their little bright blooms urging me to keep going!!

  13. Farrah on

    These are amazing! Thanks for spreading the love:)

  14. Karla on

    Oh my, at this point all colors of the Zinna would be fun to play with in my garden as I’m ready to learn more about them since they truly make a happy presentation in the garden and in a vase… Looks like a fun journey to find your favorites and I’m happy you share your finds…. Thanks so much!

    Warm regards,

  15. Karen M on

    Love so many of them but Persian carpet zinnia is a fun one for me. Thanks for your kindness to so many.

  16. Melissa Gunton on

    I don’t know much about Zinna varieties to be able to say which one is my favorite. I love their shape and the bright colors.

  17. Jacqui on

    I love the Benary’s Purple, Orange, Pink and Coral. I just love them. Thanks.

  18. Erica on

    Truth is, I’ve never had zinnias. I’ve been a flower artist for about 2 1/2 years now, and opened my first shop this past year. I’m humbled by my lack of knowledge of flowers, but it is my dream to plant these & watch it grow. For me, planting these seeds and watching it grow would not only be therapeutic to me but would brighten up my community. Downtown Los Angeles isn’t the prettiest of places, my husband and I run a men’s recovery home and I’ve really tried to create a sanctuary of flowers and plants for these men , my flower shop is small but I pray in time I can plant many flowers for years to come.

  19. Judy on

    would love to try some of these here in Western Washington

  20. Dori Troutman on

    Erin, those are so beautiful. My favorite Zinnia is the Heirloom Zinnia, Miss Willmott. The flowers are huge and the color is a mix between pink and lavender. My favorite! Thanks for this great give-away (and all the others!). – Dori –

  21. Summer Badawi on

    Queen-Red Lime is such a unique colored zinnia, I fell in love with using this flower in arrangements. Vintage, charming, productive, it is a great zinnia!

  22. Karen on

    Benary’s Giant are the workhorse but I love the cute little Sunbows from Johnnys. They are prolific, make everyone smile and are perfect for my 5 year old to make his own bouquets. I’m curious if there is any good info on saving zinnia seeds. How far do you need to isolate different colors for purity?

  23. Jenifer De Figueiredo on

    I love the Queen Red Lime! Starting my seeds in zone 10 this week! :) These scabiosa variety are delicious!!!

  24. JC on

    I’m becoming partial to the lime and dark purple varieties. These would be a wonderful addition to my cut flower garden. Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. Alicia Steeves on

    I’ve been totally struck by miniature zinnias in the past few years, so much cute packed into such a small bloom! I’m a big fan of any green zinnia as well.

  26. Rebecca Bodicky on

    My mother grew zinnias and let me cut them for dinner arrangments…. I have to say I like them all, but have been drawn to the cactus mix in recent years, like the unpredictable predictable. —- Zinnia elegans ‘Giant Cactus Lilac Emperor’
    The scabiosa zinnias are like teddy bears to sunflowers.

  27. Debbie Byler on

    Queen Red has been my favorite for several years, but these scabiosa flowered are new to me. They may become my new favorite. Thanks for all that you do, you are a great inspiration to this very seasoned flower farmer.

  28. Miss C. H. on

    It would be grand to include these zinnias in my kitchen garden. I particularly like any variety of pink zinnia. Thank you for the chance to try these.

  29. Miss C. H. on

    It would be grand to include these lovely zinnias in my kitchen garden. I particularly like any variety of pink zinnia. Thank you for the chance to try these.

  30. Rachelle Clark on

    This will be my first year growing zinnias, and I am so excited about it. It would be wonderful to add your seeds to the mix!

  31. elizabeyta on

    I currently do not have a favorite zinnia. Last year was my first year of growing them and I am still experimenting. I do really like the very intense colors and the whites. I may be laughed at.

  32. Michelle on

    I love the Bernary, salmon rise but really I just love all zinnias, love this newest variety, was wondering where you’d gotten them from, I just have to have done of these, love, thanks for the give away Erin.

  33. Meg on

    The scabiosa flowered zinnias are a prize to find amongst all the big benary’s, queen red limes, peppermints, dahlia-flowered, sunbows and and Persian carpets even if their performance is a bit haphazard. I had to write in because no one has mentioned the Bonitas–peruvian zinnias, red and yellow–sometimes available from Select Seeds. Tall, wiry stems, 3/4″ single flowers. I prefer the red–more gouache than jewel-toned–probably always relegated to a supporting role in design work but charming as a straight bunch. Sometimes quieter looms larger than bright and splashy.

  34. Jennifer Logan on

    These are so bright and flirty! I couldn’t pick a favorite zinnia but I grew Benarys, Magellens, and Queen series last year. They were all wonderful, but since the Queens were new to me, I had fun arranging them with sedum, wines and apricot colors. I’d love to try these new cuties!!

  35. Julie on

    Totally love these! Will have to try these this year!

  36. Carmen Tracer on

    Wow love these and will have to try them this ear. I’ve been growing ‘state fair mix’ it’s really tall and corful!

  37. LeeAnn on

    I can’t pick a favorite! They are my all time favorite summer annual. I suppose my favorite would be whichever ones were on my kitchen table that week.

  38. Brooke Harrington on

    My favorite would have to be peppermint stick! Love the little freckles and how every flower is so different!

  39. Tammy Howard on

    I hope I am not too late. I love the magenta Benary’s Giant! I love most Benary’s Giants, though for a focal flower in bright bouquets with buplereum filler. Nothing says summer here in Montana like Zinnias! I would love to try this new variety.

  40. Helen Hartman on

    My favorite zinnia is the seed savers exchange heirloom Benary’s giant, though Zowie is fun with the magenta. Having said that, the zinnia you’re highlighting today is positively stunning!

  41. Caleb @ Firstfruit Gardens on

    Just like your sweet peas, zinnias were the flower that turned me into a “farmer florist”! Love ’em!
    My favorites are the Benary’s Giants (esp. Giant Lime and Giant Wine), Johnny’s Sunbow Mix, Baker Creek’s Lilac Emperor, the Peppermint/Candy Cane mixes, and the bicolored Carousel/Whirlygig mixes. I’m crazy excited about this giveaway!
    Thanks for sharing your photos and tips with us, Erin. You are an inspiration…keep up the good work, and may 2015 be the best season yet!

  42. DaNae Smith on

    I tried growing zinnias for the first time last year and discovered what a joy it was! As a florist I am drawn to the Lime green but I personally love Red–the bigger, the better! I love the centers to be extra full… Looking forward to growing more this year!

  43. Jenny * on

    Thank you for all of your inspiration!!! My Mom planted zinnias on the day I was born, probably from seed my Grandma saved, so they hold a very dear place in my heart. Mom always sent me a packet of zinnia seed in my birthday card <3. Those were my favorite, and I grow them every year.

  44. Jill Mohn on

    Zinnia’s were the first flower I ever planted. I was NOT disappointed! Such a nice cut flower. I love them all!

  45. Emilia on

    Salmon Rose and Will Rogers are my two favorite zinnia to grow.. they both have such gorgeous color! These scabiosa type zinnia are so beautiful and I can see them fast becoming my new favorite. I’d love to add this variety to my garden this summer!! Thank you for the opportunity!

  46. Carol on

    Zinnias hold a special place in my heart as they were the first flowers I grew when I was very young and given my own space in the garden. I haven’t grown them for a while, but they are in the plan for this year. Thanks for introducing us to this new variety.

  47. Lori Sands on

    One summer many years ago I grew the Red Spider zinnias. They were short, but did not get any mildew and were a nice dark redI was able to tuck them into smaller flower bowls or bouts. These new scabiosas are the Talk of the Town, local florists are along for them!

  48. Corinne Hansch on

    Zinnias truly are the workhorse of all flowers on our farm here in Northern California. My favorite is Benary’s Wine, with the Salmon Rose coming in a close second. Would love to try the fancy scabiosa zinnias! Thanks for sharing.

  49. Mara@TheFarmAtOxford on

    Love those little scabiosa zinnias in your pics. Growing them for the first time this year from seed–but I love the pictures of the giant series..also I’m trying one that looks almost like a cactus dahlia, Burpee Giant Rose Cactus Zinnia. Can’t wait to see what I love!

  50. Lorrie on

    Zinnias are deliciously cheerful and irresistable!! I have been growing State Fair mixes since I was a seed-wrangling kid! My kids love them too…a rainbow of punctuation marks in the veggie garden. At the farm, seeing buckets overflowing with Queen Lime, Uproar Rose, and Salmon Rose all together…well, that is hard to beat!!

  51. JIM BATTEN on

    I grew up in the projects in New York. No flowers, very little grass and trees. Finally I was able to buy an old fixer-up home in the south. It had no flowers, 1 small tree, and needed repair. My grandmother used to have a small 25′ x 75′ foot plot, on which her home stood. Her small property was always covered with flowers. The ones most prominent were the zinnias. I hope to bring that same charm to my new home.

  52. Ryan Courtney on

    I love zinnias but have never seen scabiosa zinnia. Thank you for sharing as it is always exciting to see new varieties of old time favorites. Such a happy flower!

  53. Emily Jackle on

    After sticking with Benary’s since the beginning, I added “Oklahoma” to the mix last year and loved them! Perfect button size pop of color.

  54. Elisa on

    I grew zinnia’s for the first time last year. They are such happy flowers to have around. It look like most people enjoy the lime zinnia’s and I have to agree. They add brightness to any bouquet.

  55. Allysha on

    Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose is a contender to be one of my new to me faves. I also love Queen Red Limes… they change so much as they age.

    These ruffly little things are just GORGEOUS!

  56. Stacey on

    I love all zinnias! They are one of my favorite flowers. I enjoy following your journey! Although you have lots of hard work it it seems like it is very satisfying. Love your pictures.

  57. glenda on

    Love some Queen Red Lime !

  58. margo on

    Love that you are offering seeds. Favorite Zinnia…i must say i love the peppermint striped ones, and Orange King…not good at choosing! Love all you are doing for cut flower farming!!

  59. Morgan Wilson on

    what a fun giveaway and how great that you are going to be selling small quantities of seeds! these little gems have lots of personality and i would love to try my hand at growing them! thanks for the chance!

  60. Carolyn J on

    My favorites from last summer were pink senorita and the giant lilac emperor cactus-flowered (both from Baker Creek), a sweet little bicolor pale yellow and white zinnia that came out of a package of mixed cupcakes (that were almost all singles), as well as most of the Benary’s giants. Your scabiosa-flowered zinnias are beautiful!

  61. Julia on

    Oh Erin!! I was so thrilled to see that I was a winner of the sweet peas!! My boys thought there was something wrong…I had to yelp for joy! Zinnias are an all time favorite, too. This variety looks LOVELY.


  62. Komali on

    Wow! They look amazing. Would love to try in my garden.

  63. Katy on

    My favorite zinnia is whatever my 3 year old daughter “cuts” aka pulls out of the soil and drags across the yard for me. Usually it’s a pink one with the petals just starting to unfurl!

  64. Erica on

    So many beauties it’s hard to have a favorite! Looking forward to trying these, thanks for making them available to us.

  65. Sarah on

    Uproar Rose and Benarys Giant Dahilia Zinnias are absolute favorites. This year trying a couple new varieties for me – cupcake, zindarella, and inca….would love to try these!!!

  66. Eileen on

    I love Benarys Giant Lime!

  67. Jamie on

    I love Queen Red Limes, Persian Carpet and of course all the Benarys. I love the look of these and would love to give them a try!

  68. Krystn on

    Zinnias are my favorite summer flower- they just keep giving and giving

  69. erin on

    zinnias are such happy and perky flowers in our area. i’ve don’t have a favorite yet. maybe your scabiosa variety will change that situation.

  70. Jane on

    I love the many colors of the Persian Carpet zinnias

  71. Elissa on

    Erin, thank you for sharing this new variety of zinnias. Scabiosa flowered zinnia is
    simply sublime. What a lovely addition it would make in a garden. My favorite
    variety is Goddess of the Garden.

  72. Denise L. on

    Erin, I love so many flowers, but these Scabiosa Flowered Zinnias have stolen my heart, too! I am hoping to get some planted this spring. Thanks so much for sharing your enthusiasm and love for flowers. The eye candy you provide is a staple in my gray-weather arsenal!

  73. Annie Cook on

    My sons preschool teacher grew zinnias and brought the most beautiful bunches to school. My favorite zinnias are the ones grown by Ms. Bailey!

  74. Natalie on

    These scabiosa flowered zinnias are my new favorite! But I really love them all, all the bright colors just make me happy!

  75. Karen T. on

    Love both the shape and range of colors in these little tutu’s of joy. They remind me of the collarette dahlias which are said not to hold well as cuts – so great to find something similar that will hold.

  76. Mary White on

    I’m just starting to dig into the world of flower growing, but I’m loving it! We bought a house this summer and the former owner was a serious gardener, so I’ve been watching things bloom and sprout each season, including some lovely zinnias in mixed sizes and colors. I’d love to add to that collection! I don’t have a favorite, since I’ve only ever grown from unnamed seeds, given by friends :)

  77. Rose Martinson on

    Along the pond on our property,. I cleared the shore,…. 5 feet back and 75″ long….. I then went to a local nursery where I bought 40 packets of mixed varieties of zinnias ….. I ended up watching my 250 monarchs collect necter from the patch of a Million Zinneas ….. All summer long….. Your collection would do wonders to what may be an endangered species…….. Please. Help me feed my monarchs…….

  78. Debbie R on

    i love all zinnias but my favorite is the miniature multi colored ones. They last for weeks!

  79. kmurphy8730 on

    I love, love, love the Purple Prince!! It looks fabulous in gardens as well as arrangements!

  80. Robin Powell on

    I am a big fan of the Zowie Zinnia. I especially love to mix them with solid color wine and purple zinnia in a bouquet. The bucket of Zowie always sells out first at my Farmers Market stand.

  81. Clara Q on

    Sorry to clutter up the entries with this request. Sadly, I can’t enter the contest for these fabulous scabiosa zinnia seeds, as I know you don’t ship seeds into Canada, but I had hoped to dorwn my sorrows in the lovely pictures I imagine are in your zinnia handbook from your on-line Shop. I tried to place the order, but unfortunately the site wouldn’t let me enter a Canadian Province- so I was unable to complete the order. Help!

  82. Sarah Ervin on

    Oh I absolutely have to have these and I think they have reached my fav list! Can’t wait to see them in my field!

  83. Caitlin on

    Zinnias are just the best. And the brighter, the better, I think. My favorites are Envy, Oriole, and Benary’s Giant

  84. Marguerite green on

    My heart beat faster when I saw these! My favorite (until today) was salmon colored cactus flowered zins..

  85. Daniele on

    Here at Chica Bloom Farm, we LOVE both scabiosas and zinnias – and the idea of a scabiosa inspired zinnia – dreamy <3 It's hard to say what variety of zinnias are our favorite, as we have grown and loved quite a few over the past 3 seasons. That said, two that often rise to the top, both for their performance and their looks, are the green Envy and the bright yellow and bold magenta Zowie – Yellow Flame!

  86. Elizabeth Blecha on

    I always like Benary ‘s giant Zinnias because of their great size and bright colors!

  87. Norma on

    No favorite type as they’re all cheery and lovely to me!! Always a garden must!!

  88. Emily on

    I literally was just hired by a flower farm today and winning these awesome zinnias to grow this coming season would be the cherry on top of a perfect day!

  89. Shannon on

    Just moved to Texas & want to try growing zinnias here. Zinnias just make me smile!

  90. Lindsey on

    These are so beautiful! I love the antique look of Queen Red Lime zinnias!

  91. Rachel on

    So lovely! Zinnias were my grandmother’s favorite and my grandfather would always leave her a row to plant them in their family garden. Now, I grow them at my own home and share love to share them with all the neighbors. Some of my favorites are the pinwheel, thumbelina, and cut and come again varieties :-)

  92. Abby Lee on

    I love the lime zinnias but haven’t had good luck growing them. The Dahlia flower mix zinnias have done the best for me.

  93. Cat B on

    Hi! I’m Cat of Westerwisp! I adore green envy zinnia…or any pale green flower really. Love your farm, blog and instagram. A longtime fan and a resident of the Pacific Northwest. You rock girl!!!

  94. Evangeline M on

    Ahh! I am so glad you got some seed available for purchase and cleared up the variety you grew vs. the Cupcake variety from GeoSeeds. I had been wanting to grow these after you posted photos in the summer, but everyone told me the Cupcakes were disappointing and I thought that’s what you had. Now I will be certain I am getting Floret tested beauty. :)


    Last year I tried several different colors of Benary’s Giants…..Lost the first planting to a hunger groundhog or deer….not sure which one! Hoping for a better Zinnia patch this year!

  96. Rachel, Alaska Stems on

    so lovely! Zinnias are a labor of love for us…short, cool & wet summers are not the best for them, but I devote space, time and love to have them and longingly think of everyone for whom this is a staple crop :) I’m always looking to try new varieties – looking for those that love Alaska! I’m thrilled every summer with the salmon and white Bernery’s that come through!

  97. Patricia on

    Years ago, when I was first picking up a camera, I did a study of a bouquet that my mother had bought at our farmers’ market that morning. My best picture was of this beautiful purple bloom, gilded with bright pollen and silver dust. It was like a whole little world, just that one flower. I never knew what kind it was, and my mother didn’t either. But now I do: a zinnia! If I don’t win some I’ll buy some, and hope that they grow purple!

  98. Do_NOT_consider_me on

    I just had to say how I love these posts. My senses are filled imagining all the great things others share and ideas they give me. (I keep teasing the spouse we need to clear at least 5 more acres for my ‘upcoming ideas’ growing)

    Just reading the names on the comments the other day on the Sweet Pea post…sounded like still more varieties.

    Thanks for spurring the creativity of so many and SHARING it!!

  99. Rory Weinberg on

    I’ve never come across a scabiosa or zinnia I didn’t love! Your flowers are truly beautiful.

  100. Robin on

    Benary’s Giant Lime is my current fav. I love how well the color blends with so many different colors – especially smoky blue and coral. Would really love to try out these lovelies!

  101. Jonathan Leiss, Spring Forth Farm on

    These are really neat! We really love the lilac Benary’s giant, which is such a cool color that goes well with all the hot summer tones.

  102. Rachel on

    I was drooling over your pictures of these little guys all summer! I loved the giant dahlia flowered zinnias last summer too.

  103. Chrisan on

    I’ve only grown Giant Dahlia Zinnias from Johnny’s but am planning on growing Benary’s Mix this season. Though, I recently saw the Zinderella Lilac scabiosa variety and now I wanna get some seeds!

  104. Melissa Smith on

    I’m a sucker for Pinca- such a cute little flower and great color!

  105. Becky McArthur on

    I love all zinnias – by far my favorite garden flower!

  106. Yelena Shumakova on

    Thanks for the chance to win these little beauties! I was absolutely drooling over the pictures of the zinnias you were posting this year! I’m in absolute awe of Queen Red Lime! I love love love the mix of color in it!

  107. Cindy Creps on

    I think I love all Zinnias but if I had to choose one it would be the very pale yellow Giant Dahlia variety that I get from Johnny’s Seeds. Most are doubles but some are singles and they are amazing with all my peach / salmon flowers for a great soft bouquet. Would love to try these ones!

  108. Theresa T on

    My favorite zinnia was always the Pink Senorita, but last summer Persian Carpet stole the show! Couldn’t get enough of it, particularly the white ones with a touch of amethyst.

  109. Krystle Mccarthy on

    Zinnias were some of the first flowers i grew from seed and i remember being so amazed at how fun and easy it was to grow flowers and that i should grow more

  110. Amy Acevedo on

    This is will be my third year going zinnias en masse. I love the clash of colors and shapes. Sometimes I will coordinate the hues in our bouquets, all nicey-nice like, but honestly, the ones that set my heart on fire are the bunches that are crammed with multiple varieties and colors. Give me bed-headed giant cactus with Benarys and Persian Carpet mixed in!!! I’m a little in love with the scabiosa-type, tried some last year but, like other growers, had a lot of singles. I’d love a packet of Floret/Erin magic. I also leave a few zinnias alone to grow and tumble over (not in the ones in the cutting rows.) Watching the beautiful slow death of a zinnia helps me slow down the pace and be in the moment. For the butterflies, I tell others. Now the secret’s out.

  111. Sarah on

    I love zinnias!!! I love Benarys giant salmon rose, uproar rose…the cactus varieties are very cool too. Love the colors and happy vibe that zinnias have. Thanks for all of your great knowledge and info.

  112. Beth on

    I really love all zinnias! They add so much to my garden. I would love to try this variety!!

  113. Shari D on

    I love the lime colored zinnias the best!

  114. Rose Santuci-Sofranko on

    I don’t know the name of my favorite Zinnias as I ‘fell in love’ with those grown in the flower boxes in my towns main village area….so gorgeous! These you posted are beautiful too! Thanks & God bless!

  115. Kelly on

    All the zinnias! These are so fun, I can’t wait to grow them!

  116. Robert Wallace on

    My favorite zinnia is “Queen Lime”. The reason I love the “Queen” series is two-fold. The color is a a color that goes with everything. Whether you want to go to bright tones or to the softer pastels. And the stems and necks are tough unlike the “Benary Giants”. I love the Benary’s colors but wish they could breed some strength into there necks. Thanks for the chance to win some, Erin.

  117. Ariana on

    Benary’s Giant Lime was my favourite from the ones I grew last year. It was my first year growing, and I would really like to try some different varieties this year. Fingers crossed!

  118. Chantal on

    I LOVE zinnias! All varieties, all colors, anytime, anywhere! The photos are amazing!

  119. Kate LaBare on

    I have to admit that I’ve never been a zinnia fan… until this collection!

  120. Jessica Lee on

    This will be my second year planting zinnias from seeds, along with sweet peas! Unfortunately, I did not have a cold frame last year, and my little seedlings drowned in the rain while sitting out in their trays to harden off. A silly beginner’s mistake! I bought a cold frame this year, and I am determined to do it right! The few zinnias that did survive last year surprised me by blooming again and again! They were my most successful cut flower! I told my husband that there will unfortunately be no tomato patch this year, because I need more real estate space to try out more flowers! I don’t have a favorite variety of zinnias, but if I am successful this year, I should be able to try out more varieties.

  121. Jen G... on

    Zinnias are one of my most favorite flowers!! I have found memories of growing these with my Grandparents and making special bouquets for the house! Absolutely love your post with beautiful pictures on this gray gloomy day! Thanks…

  122. Jillian M on

    I love that zinnias are so easy to grow & their output just keeps me beaming! They have made me more determined to having the biggest cutting garden possible! The scabiosa variety is just so cute, delicate and playful for a designer! Moody almost. I love the deep red and purples, the white and salmon…ah the whole broad spectrum of zinnias…it’s fantastic!

  123. Pam Welch on

    I love all zinnias! I have a large bed that is exclusively zinnias. I always grow State Fair for continuous cuttings. Absolutely Love Envy for it’s incredible chartreuse color and the bright white of Polar bear (I think that’s the name) and tried cherry swizzle for fun. My absolute favorite last year was Queen Red Lime! I would love to add the scabiosa variety this year! Love your blog & Instagram feed – so inspiring!

  124. Carolyn on

    I certainly don’t claim to be a zinnia expert but I am going be expanding my knowledge on them in the coming years. One thing I know for sure is that I could really do with some on my desk right now to brighten up this very grey Washington day – how much longer until spring!!

  125. Bea Ziegler on

    I’ve not had good luck in the past, mildew! But I’m ready to try again, they soooo colorful and happy! I must have!

  126. Mindy G on

    Zinnas were my first flower I successfully grew from seed! My favorite variety is Queen Lime Red or Burpee Rose Giant Cactus zinnias. I grow them because I really love them. I don’t get to use them in event work very often. So I fill my house with them!!

  127. Rebecca on

    My favorite zinnia? How could I possibly choose. I do however love Johnny’s Sunbow mix because the blooms are tiny little pops of color in the garden!

  128. Katrina on

    I don’t have a favorite ‘flavor’ but I think they are beautiful! I planted tons of seeds last year in a container but with all the rain we received in the NE, only one lonely wildflower survived and blossomed. I would stop and tell it “good job!” every time I walked by, haha. :)

  129. Madison Aidukaitis on

    These are beautiful! I would love to win some, I have never heard of this flower before but of is absolutley gorgeous!!

  130. Mandy from Big Mesa Farm on

    I can’t pick a favorite, they are all so happy and pretty! This will be my first year bring a flower grower after 15 years of designing and 2 years at Big Mesa Farm. I couldn’t be more excited or scared to see what happens. These scabiosa zinnia would be a great addition to the 6 other varieties I will be raising this season! Thanks for the constant inspiration!

  131. Kiona on

    Of the zinnias my favourite is the queen red lime. Thankyou for this opportunity :) I always have room more flowers in my garden…Cheers & hope you have a brillant weekend!

  132. Kelly G. on

    These are fantastic! Fingers crossed!

  133. Katie on

    I love the boldness and reliability of zinnias. I would love to add the scabiosa-flowered zinnia to my garden this year! My favorite from last year was the lilac emperor cactus-flowered zinnia.

  134. Kristen on

    These are the most adorable zinns….I would love to grow these in my little garden! How to choose a favorite…Green Envy, Salmon Rose, Queen Red Lime…. The Queen Red Lime had so much variation in color, size, and texture when I grew it last summer – hard to beat! Thanks Erin for another great giveaway!

  135. Kailla Platt on

    I loved using these this past summer. But my favorite? My heart belongs to Z. “Persian Carpet” They are so sweet and somehow pull the bigger summer blooms together in an arrangement.

  136. Heather O on

    I don’t know that I can pick a favorite zinnia…but I do know I would love to give these a try!

  137. Margaret Thorson on

    I love zinnias and the scabiosa flowered ones are my all time favorites.

  138. Delores on

    Erin, thanks for sharing information about these unique zinnias! As for my favorite zinnias, I like the salmon colored variety in a simple vase. The green zinnias always come in handy when arranging dahlias. They are a great filler contrasting our bright dahlias.

  139. Julie-Red Fox Gardens on

    I’m a Benary’s Giant fan myself-coated seed please! I particularly love the combo of the orange and wine. I also always do a row of Oklahoma too. I like the contrast in size between those and the Benary’s. I’m going to try Cupcake this season and give Zowie one more try too. Thanks for introducing us to another cultivar!

  140. Lindsey H on

    Zinnias are such happy flowers! Last year I planted the Button (I think it was called) mix from Baker Creek and they were sweet little blooms… but there are so many beauties, I don’t know if I can claim a favorite.

  141. Alaena on

    Last season my favorite was persian carpet. It always seemed to add that extra texture and brightness that arrangements and bouquets needed! Love that these scabiosa zinnias have the beauty and uniqueness of scabis without the finicky “pick me at just the right time” attitude.

  142. April Sweany on

    I’m quite partial to Peppermint Stick and of course, Benary’s Giant are always awesome!

  143. Amelia Davis on

    Ahhh Zinnia’s…I love them all, but especially zahara, binary, and these scabiosa flowered ones..any color makes my heart melt but putting a plethora of each shade of a color in an arrangement spins the world around for me :)

  144. Amelia Davis on

    Ahhh the zinnias…I love them all, but especially Zahara’s and benary’s …all colors. The more the better with all their gorgeous shades

  145. Karla on

    Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers! Thanks for sharing these – and I’d love to win some! :)

  146. Emily Nekl on

    Giant Cactus Zinnia – the one with the red and orange whorls. It reminds me of sitting by the fire in the evening relaxing.

  147. Betsy on

    I love salmon rose. All of them, really. I would love to add these to my zinnia patch during our hot Connecticut summers!

  148. Emily Carey on

    Think I just found my new favorite! I love the variety of colors!

  149. Marla on

    I love the Binary zinnias. Coral, lime and and trying a wedding white this year!

  150. grace | eTilth on

    I am trying Queen Red Lime and Zinderella for the first time this year. Thanks for sharing!

  151. Andrea Clemens on

    Hands down, Queen Red Lime Zinnias are my absolute favorite! Even as a little girl, pink and green was my favorite color combination. I can’t wait to grow the scabiosa variety too!!

  152. Mary Warner on

    Zinnia Pumila. A classic that reminds me of the day my honey stopped at a kid’s roadside stand and picked up a bouquet of them for me — with me in the car. I knew then I had an amazing man. It was so romantic and planted the seed for having my own flower business one day. Can’t wait!

  153. Andrew on

    I can’t help myself but State Fair has always been perfect to me. Bright colors on big flowers. I’m interested in the texture of the scabiosa flowered zinnias, they would be a beautiful addition to any summer bouquet.

  154. Jodi on

    Thanks for sharing, Erin! I don’t have one favorite zinnia, but last year we grew orange ones that bloomed like crazy! I used some to dye wool yarn & it made a lovely golden color!

  155. nicole on

    Pinca is my favorite zinnia to grow.

  156. Katelyn on

    I’m a huge fan of the Salmon Rose, but love to include any cheery color in my summertime arrangements! This scabiosa variety would be a beautiful statement!

  157. amanderson40 on

    Amazing :-) no favorites here but suspect I will have a few with the commencement of the next growing season! Thank you for obtaining and offering quality seed!

  158. Nicole Campbell on

    Last year (my first year growing anything) I grew come and cut agains, Peppermint stick which was my favorite in terms of the wow factor! Big blooms with wonderfully strange variations in the coloring but short stem length, and Apricot Blush from Renée’s garden which were really lovely! I got a late start on them so I didn’t get as many blooms as I should have, this year I know better so I can’t wait to see what I get this time around!

  159. Linda Hayes on

    They are all beautiful, but the Queen Lime Red is my favorite. When I first saw it I fell in love with it.

  160. Ana on

    New to gardening, would love to grow them in my garden this year!

  161. Lisa aka A Twisted Bloom on

    My favorite are the Edwardian, they are so bountiful and happy. Zinnias are such wonderful flowers because they grow easily and in great number and allow me to make beautiful rich arrangements for so many people to enjoy!

    Check out my Instagram atwistedbloom

  162. Jenn on

    Oh my….a favorite? I have never met a zinnia that wasn’t my favorite… until my eyes landed on the next bloom. Thank you for introducing me to yet another amazing Zinnia. The honey bees and butterflies thank you too <3

  163. Terri Leamer on

    There is a tall deep red zinnia that grows in my garden. I have saved the seed for awhile so I don’t really remember its name. It’s the last to fade in the autumn. She garners lots of accolades from my friends!

  164. Forrest on

    I love any and all zinnias! They are a summer staple here down South.

  165. Heidi on

    These are gorgeous! I just love this variety! Thank you for sharing them :)

  166. Alia on

    So very beautiful.

  167. Aija on

    Please count me in! I love all zinnias, but my favorite might be ‘Senjora’ zinnias–big and their salmon color is so lovely.

  168. Whit M. on

    Gorgeous! I really love the Magellan variety in either orange or scarlet. Big beautiful blooms on striking colors that always make my heart swoon.

  169. Theresa on

    These scabiosa-flowered zinnias are gorgeous! I’ve never grown Zinnias before, but these have captured my heart and imagination. I’d love to add these to my garden this year (: Everything about them overwhelms me with joy!

  170. Tamara LiaBraaten on

    I love these scabiosa zinnias! I do not have a favorite but zinnias are in my top three fav flowers! I wish I lived closer to your farm but sometime when I visit my sis in Lynden I will be by! I am lucky to live nearby Verbena flowers, doing what you do on a smaller scale.

  171. Ashley P on

    Zinnias are gorgeous, whichever variety! We are new homeowners but don’t have extra funds for landscaping. I would love to win these seeds and make our house more homey!

  172. Amanda Burnette on

    Oh, how sweet these are! It’s so tough to choose a favorite Zinnia, because they are so quintessentially summer (and so happy!) I always love the oranges, pinks, and corals- last year Queen Red Lime stole my heart!

  173. Lindsey on

    As a beginning flower farmer, just having a field full of zinnias is such a sight and blessing! Love this flower as it’s just the confidence boost you need to keep pushing and growing! It’s happy and blooms and blooms!

  174. Diane on

    Zinnias have held my heart for well over 30 years. We used them for our fall wedding and a year has not gone by that I’ve not planted row after row of zinnias. And my new favorite is ‘envy.’ I love to add zinnias to my mixed borders around the yard. The more the merrier!

  175. Kristen on

    I like polar bear; they’re so clean, crisp, and simple… I’ve recently been become obsessed with scabiosa (particularly black knight), however, and would love to grow a sort of combo of two of my favorite flowers!!

  176. KaCee Shepherd on

    I have never grown these but would LOVE to! They are gorgeous and would look beautiful in my yard!

  177. Kelley on

    Love zinnias, they make me think of my mom. State fair is my fave.

  178. Megan on

    I love all the Benary colors of zinnias! But Queen lime red is my favorite now!

  179. Kate on

    Ah! These might be my new favorite, but my other favorite zinnias are the queen red lime zinnias and the giant salmon rose zinnias. I’m in awe of these, they’re little gems.

  180. Alvaro on

    My favorites are Benary Giant Lime , coral, salmon rose, Zinnia Zowie!Yellow Flame, and Queen Red Lime!

  181. Julie on

    Until your photos Zinnias didn’t really excite me. I know why people grow them now, easy, lots of colors and boy do they produce! Last year’s favorite was Zowie.

  182. Laurie on

    Saw this come up on IG and I zipped over right away because these are at the top of my list of new seeds to try! Favorite Zinnia so far has to be the reliable Cut & Come Again mix, although, I always like to tuck in some Persian Carpet where I can. Thanks for this opportunity, Erin! :)

  183. Kathy Wolfe on

    Zinnia!!!! My Favorite flower. So easy to grow from seed. My daughter moved into a new home last year and I encouraged her to try zinnia’s from seed. She’s hooked! I love all the bumbles and butterflies they attract. Picking one would be so hard …. But I do Love Green Envy! I would Love to share these seeds with my daughter!

  184. Erica A. on

    I’m so glad I started following your Instagram last year! It has been super inspiring and now to see that I have a chance to win something is just the icing on the cake :)

    My favorite zinnias are the dahlia type, but I think these ones are now my fave!

  185. Robyn on

    I love growing zinnias around my veggie garden. One of my faves!!!

  186. Ashleigh VK on

    One of the first flowers I ever grew from seed was the Zinnia. At my home, I created a community u-pick garden. I would quickly run out every morning and cut all the pale pink ones that opened overnight. I would just adore to win seeds of a new variety!

  187. Ainsley on

    I love any of the giant zinnias! Looking forward to trying these frilly and feminine ones though this summer. Can’t wait for the cold winter to be over and spring planting to begin!

  188. Beverley S on

    I love ALL zinnias, the Benary’s Giant are spectacular, with exquisite colors.

  189. Jenn H. on

    Hooray for fun varieties! My mom introduced me to Benary’s Giant Salmon Rose. I think of her every year when I order them. Thanks for the growing tips on the scabiosa flowered zinns!

  190. Allisan East on

    Wonderful, It is so exciting to see a ‘new to me’ flower variety. Zinnias are a great flower for us here in Texas. I can not pick a favorite color because I love them all. I really adore the coral/ salmon colors and we grew some ‘orange kings’ from Baker Creek that were oh so vibrant in the summer sun.

  191. Hana on

    oh, i LOVE all zinnias!! they are my absolute favorite, and i plan to grow every variety i can this year to use as decoration for my wedding! these would be an absolutely wonderful addition :) thank you for sharing!

  192. Barbara Rietscha on

    I’ve not seen this variety and I’d love to try it. My favorite zinnia from last year’s garden were the huge orange dahlia zinnias!

  193. Whitney L on

    My favorites are probably Salmon Rose or Benary’s Giant Wine – the two together are very pretty!

  194. Katelyn Russell on

    What an awesome flower! I have a soft spot for all kinds of zinnias, and find that each kind has their own individual charm. I would LOVE to try these out in the field this year!!! My favorite zinnia last year was Pink Señorita from Baker Creek Rare Seeds.

  195. Patricia Bunk on

    When I started growing flowers these were the first flowers I grew.. I love the pink giant zinnias, they bring joy inside the house. Then you can see the individual flower. Thanks for all the encouragement.

  196. Patti on

    Zinnias are my now-grown daughter’s favorite warm weather flower…we would always plant them in the spring together . The zinnias I have planted most recently are “Cut and Come Again”…such great flowers to take to friends!

  197. Tonya on

    Salmon Rose are my favorite. Like, I’m literally in love with them…they somehow seem to go with practically every other color in the entire universe. I’m also pretty fond of ‘candy’ zinnias :) :)

  198. Sarah C on

    No matter the type zinnia’s always give me joy. These are amazing!

  199. Yara on

    I have a soft spot for most all zinnias, as they always remind me of being a child, full of wonder, in my fathers flower garden. I am especially fond now of the smaller headed varieties like Persian carpet and the lillipot and Oklahoma series. Excited for spring!!

  200. Chelsey on

    These are so darling! I love the Queen Red Lime and I love that they are easy to grow!

  201. Pressly W on

    Zinnias were my staple flower for my first year at growing flowers in large quantity last year, and all of the Benary’s series blooms were sooo wonderful! I also LOVED the tiny little ‘Sunbow’ series by Johnny’s. And I’m so excited to grow Queen Red Lime this year – ah zinnias are just my favorite!!!

  202. Lindsay on

    I love all zinnias soooo much! I grew up with a garden full of zinnias at my grandparents house, they were my Papaw’s favorite flower! Neither of my grandparents are with us anymore and it brings back so many memories when I look at my garden of Zinnias!!!

  203. Tracy on

    These are adorable! I have always loved white zinnias in my flower beds but I’m expanding this year to include more color and varieties! These would be a fantastic addition!

  204. Jackie Coldsmith on

    I grew Benary’s Giants, Cactus Flowered and Lilliput zinnias last year. I loved them all! I’ve always been drawn to the cactus ones but have found they don’t hold up as well as the others in the vase. The lilliputs were great, it was nice to have a smaller brightly colored accent flower to work with. These in this post look great!

  205. Lauren on

    I love cut flowers but have never had much focus in growing them. This year we are drastically expanding our garden and I would love to put in some zinnias. I love their friendly faces!

  206. Karen Flowers on

    So wonderful to think of Zinnia’s this time of year in the midst of winter. I grew Zinnia’s for the first time last year. I love the memories of mornings in the Zinnia patch seeing the sun rise and waking up the bumble bees still snoozing in the Zinnia’s! My favorite Zinnia thus far although I know I have many more to discover was the Salmon Rose Zinnia. It has such a beautiful soft color that added a touch of class to my bouquets!

  207. Wren's Gate on

    I grew zinnias last year from seed I saved and spent the summer in the company of humming birds and butterfies! Zinnias have and will forever have a spot in my gardens.

  208. Erin Dunlop on

    Last year was my first year planting zinnia. I was not sure what to expect and not sure if I would even like them. When they bloomed, I was so excited! I love what they bring to my floral designs. This year I ordered 4 new varieties and can’t wait to plant them! I enjoy them all!

  209. Jamie Sammons on

    My absolute favorite zinnia is the giant lime zinnia! I love greens! I am also eager to get my hands on scabiosa zinnia, Persian carpet and queen red lime zinnia!!! Beauties!

  210. Karina on

    Beautiful, thank you!

  211. May on

    No matter what varieties I have growing and available at my farm stand they sell like hot cakes People (myself included ) can’t resist them!

  212. LindaQ on

    Wow-I was just looking at these in your store last night and you are right-they are unique! I planted benary giants last year and also the hot pink ‘Uproar Rose’. The cactus flowered ones are also fun to sell at our market. You have cast a ‘flower spell’ on all of us-we all want more!

  213. tanglebloomvt on

    There has not yet been a zinnia I’ve met that I didn’t adore in some way. My mom always grew them when I was growing up, so I have many summer memories involving their cheery blooms. Last season I fell for the Persian Carpets, they’re more dainty than your typical zin. This year I am stoked about giving the scabiosa-flowereds a try!

  214. Linda Doan on

    Oh these are so beautiful!!! Favorite is queen red lime. My eye is able to spot it no matter how deeply it’s hidden in an arrangement.

    Thank you for all you do for the rest of us!

  215. Rebecca Lingle on

    I have enjoyed reading about your journey, and I’ve ordered 3 of your growing guides over the past few weeks: sweet peas, dahlias and now zinnias. I’m way down here in South Carolina, so I have to take climate differences into account, but I really like the way you write and explain your process. Thank you! All summer long, I keep vases of fresh cut zinnias throughout my house. I would definitely love to add these little ladies to the mix.

  216. Erin on

    I don’t have a favorite zinnia, I just like the big, bright, boldness of them. I was really struck by the pictures you posted last year of these zinnias, super excited to get the chance to give them a try!

  217. Karen Gesa on

    Wow – these are really cute! I’m growing Queen Red Lime for the first time this year – I hope it’s my new favorite!

  218. Laura on

    The scabiosa flowering zinnias are positively adorable! Their shape reminds me a bit of the anemone dahlias minus the bent back petals. Zinnias in their rainbow of colors are a standing favorite in my garden with Benary’s Giant Lime being my favorite. Thank you for bringing your continued inspiration to all of us!!


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