Home Blog Giveaway: Flower Magazine
August 4th 2014

Giveaway: Flower Magazine

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Today I have a wonderful treat to share with you. The kind ladies at Flower magazine have generously shared three 1 year subscriptions to raffle off to our blog readers. If you haven’t already discovered this beautiful publication, be sure to pop over to their site and get and the scoop. It’s one of my favorites!

To enter: leave a comment telling us what kind of flower story you enjoy reading the most (designer interviews, how-to’s, flower features, gardening etc.). The three lucky winners will be announced first thing Friday morning. Good luck!


  1. marcie wingo on

    Love reading and learning about dividing plants. They should be shared like good books and recipes.

  2. Cindy Flake on

    I enjoy reading everything that Floret writes! I am a kindred spirit that loves to do trials of everything floral and edible. I live at 1500′ elevation and have proven that tomatoes, peppers, decorative and edible corn, and even okra will grow here! Keep up the good work and above all, keep believing! :)

  3. Janet on

    It’s a tie between interviews and how to’s. Joy to you and your family!

  4. Ines Naftali on

    Love all you post, all enriches my soul and every day inspiration for my creative work with flowers. Thank you for all what you give :)

  5. Denise Carlin on

    I love your website/newsletter! Please enter me in the flower magazine giveaway!
    Denise M. Carlin

  6. Jenny on

    Love it! The how to is a definite favorite along with the growers and designer interviews. It really does keep me determined to keep going with this endeavour! The photography is also awesome help to see color, scale and variety of the articles!

  7. Andrea on

    Ooohhh…I like all of those topics but my top two are “how to’s” and gardening articles focusing on a specific style or trend. Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. Karen Q on

    I love the ‘how to’ and also love learning about vintage or heirloom varieties.

  9. Andrea on

    I am happy to be introduced to this magazine. I would appreciate all of those topics as I aspire to grow more varieties of flowers and attempt to arrange.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

  10. Lindsey on

    I love reading how-tos, flower focuses, and stories about how flowers have influenced or changed people’s lives!

  11. Jennifer Probasco on

    My favorites are interviews and first hand accounts of the trials and tribulations of flower farming. Ooh and I LOVE all of the amazing photos of the flowers….so lovely to see!

  12. Yelena Shumakova on

    I love reading about flower trials – successes and not so much successes. Tips, tricks, how-tos, suggestions. I love personal stories, as I think it allows for me to connect with the writer/or person being interviewed. I’m interested in learning and eventually growing my own flowers, whenever I will get enough space/zoning to permit it.

  13. Jacquelyn on

    I read everything but what I love most is the pictures! I’ve not got the greenest thumb, and so what I can’t grow, I love to see what others can do. Especially when they bring them in and make arrangements. It puts me near to heaven on earth as you possibly can be! The beauty of a flower can’t be captured with words, but some photographers and flower arrangers do a pretty darn good job.

  14. Amanda Welch on

    Flower combinations! What looks good with what, whether it is in the landscape, backyard border, window box or vase. Inspiration is always what I’m hungry for.

  15. Patty C. on

    As someone who is planning on starting a flower farm, and really not sure how to go about creating a successful business, I love to read articles on how-to’s, and love reading about other farmer’s stories.

  16. Chica Bloom Farm on

    We particularly enjoy learning from other farmer/florists and their business models. We also would love to see a tutorial on styling flower shoots for FB and instagram.

  17. Gail C. Keiser on

    I Love the “Design School” segment..makes me feel like I can create an elegant centerpiece with the best of the designers! And I do….

  18. katescutskirkwood on

    I love learning about other flower farmers , their stories and tips. I love reading about unique vessels for unexpected arrangements!!

  19. Kristen M on

    Growing techniques and farmer-florist interviews! Thank you for such wonderful information, always!

  20. calida grymaloski on

    Gosh everything you share is so inspiring it’s really tough to narrow down a favourite. Lately i’m loving the designer interviews though!!

  21. Rachel on

    My favourite stories are about the farmer florists, a profile of their garden, and some shots that show their unique style. Thanks!

  22. Amy on

    International floral design stories are my favorite. I love seeing where the story takes place, who are the designers and of course what flowered they love working with! Fabulous giveaway!!!

  23. Margaret W. on

    Photographs of flowers….in arrangements, in gardens, almost anywhere. And how-tos.

  24. Little Triffids on

    The how to grows of particular plants! I think the floret how to’s are the most useful resource on the entire web! And your photographs *swoon*

  25. Chuck Miller on

    I’ve been in a flower shop for a few years now. I’ve got a lot under my belt, but being an art major I love to read how-to’s. Even if I’m not making exactly what is shown, it’s great to see things being made and get ideas and concepts on how to improve my own work.

  26. Taylor on

    Flower design sections, because I love seeing other peoples inspirations, and creations , and letting that inspire what I do. Seeing how I can be motivated by someone else’s art, and therefore passing along the passion through my own designs.

  27. Kathy Purser on

    I love to hear the floral designer’s philosophy and also favorite varieties they prefer. So I guess gardening articles and design!

  28. Emil Hansgen on

    I’ve been a sucker for flower images since childhood – drawings, paintings, wallpaper, tea cups, sweaters… And photographs. As a burgeoning farmer, I also appreciate how-to’s for the field, as well as the vase.

  29. Melinda on

    I enjoy learning how to arrange what I have, and can find locally. I am learning on every subject, so there is welcome information in almost every article.

  30. Heidi on

    Anything about new, different, unique uses of color combinations and textures.

  31. Stella Ann on

    I love to read about how to arrange flowers, growing them, all photo’s of them, seasonal changes, lives of the florist. Thank you.

  32. Amy on

    how they did it, both life (business) and growing flowers.

  33. Laura Motta on

    Reading about the process of any part of a flower motivated life is inspiration to me…as I study the process as a grower, designer and teacher…I strive to live a life of flowers in between the daily life tasks that are not flowers until I am able to live that life every day I share what I can…I live on an island and the mindset here is tropical…which is gorgeous and exotic…my style is to mix it up. I’d love a subscription to FLOWER!

  34. Judy on

    I love reading just about every gardening article, period. But I guess my favorites always are the seasonal ones using local flowers, twigs, branches and findings.

  35. Mel K on

    I’ve been a garden for 20 years but only in the floral industry for 6 months so I LOVE reading any and all articles about either one but take special interest in those that combine my two passions! Thank you for this amazing giveaway!

    • Mel K on

      I’ve been a “gardener”…not “garden” for 20 years…sorry! :)

  36. Beth on

    I enjoy the practical info about growing vibrant healthy flowers. Your willingness to share and the quality of the photos are much appreciated!

  37. Beth S on

    I love reading the flower focus articles! There are just so many gorgeous flowers out there, and I love having your help in discovering some of the best of them. It can be totally overwhelming to simply open a catalog, and so reading your recommendations that you so generously share with us all is a huge help! Thank you!

  38. Anastasia on

    I love how-to’s and learning about flower varieties and growing tips!

  39. Kathy on

    I most enjoy gardening and growing tips for our specific climate zone (maritime PNW).

  40. Mara on

    the pictures are my favorites! gives me tons of inspiration on how to do things in my own garden, or bouquets. also how-to’s and combination ideas/articles. (ps thought I’d submitted this before but I never saw it come up on the page!).

  41. Sally Castellini on

    I love, love the wedding features and the articles on historic gardens.

  42. Sarah on

    I love reading anything about flowers…from the selection to the growing to the arranging, all of it provides me with inspiration to create something beautiful.

  43. Judy from Australia on

    I just love flower and gardening Magazines . I am a grower of Clematis in Australia , my hobby is gardening and paint flowers . My whole life is flowers , always have flowers in the house . Any new magazines would be great for inspiration .The Floret Farm with Erins story’s is such an inspiration .

  44. Donna on

    I enjoy reading about design, how-to’s, cutting gardens, container plantings, plant combinations, heirlooms, flowers for weddings, and organic horticulture. I love looking at photos for inspiration.

  45. Linda on

    How-to’s, anything about organic gardening, and farm tours!

  46. Julie on

    How-to’s and tons of pictures!!

  47. Ti of erb'living on

    I love to see pictures of gardens and how the flowers are incorporated into each landscape esp the ones that use natural, native flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs along with. (and thanks for the chance to win!!!) I also love to see vintage containers with arrangements strewn about in the landscape!

  48. Liz Flatau on

    I love reading stories about farmer/florists and their journey…like yours, Erin!

  49. Karen on

    I enjoy reading gardening insights, seeing the variety of uses of a flower/plant in design (including in art) and the history shared about a plant or person.

  50. Chanell H Mitchell on

    I love following the founder and editor Margot Shaw on a Instagram as well as in her magazine she has a real eye for beauty!

  51. Bobbye Moore on

    Always on the look-out for new wedding ideas! So over the hand-tied bouquet; let’s do a different look!

  52. catherine on

    I truly believe we never stray too far from who we were as children, and sometimes we have to come full circle in life to rediscover. My favorite pastime as a little girl was exploring the big field behind our house on 7 acres. I would gather bouquets to give to my mother or the neighbor lady on the hill who would always return the kindness with a piece of candy from her big crystal candy dish. I was always on the lookout for new flowers and would take notice of the seasons..mid summer the Queen Anne’s Lace would bloom in harmony with the cicadas deafening music, signaling that summer was waning and school was not far away. It took the beautiful natural journey through golden days of motherhood and simultaneously raising 4 children and family vegetable gardens to get to the point where I stand now..on the brink of my last child flying the nest after raising children for 30 years and a loving man by my side who shares my crazy dream for our own farm. Armed only with the passion for visions of colorful fields, a cottage industry and my gleaned wisdom from years of love for flowers, I pursue small steps each day towards what I know will materialize soon. I’m grateful for inspirational spirits such as Erin, who share their learnings, not covet, and spurn me on enthusiastically in the direction of my lifelong dream!

    • Stella Ann on

      I’m sure you didn’t mean spurn. Good luck.

  53. Heidi Taber on

    Floral design and large scale growing techniques. We are always looking for inspiration.

  54. Anne on

    Definately articles are gardening!

  55. Sophie on

    Hmm…. It’d have to be articles about gardening, features on plants old and new and any design inspiration!!

  56. Courtney on

    I like the posts where you talk about your own day to day experiences. When I read about your phone call with the rude ‘mother of the bride’ I felt really relieved. It’s good to know that we’ve all dealt with these people, or some other road block in life and that we have to learn to stand up for our selves and our businesses. I saw that we have let these things roll off our shoulders so we can keep doing good work. Thank you for that.

  57. Lillian Kuo on

    my favorite is always stories from the growers’ point of view!

  58. Amy on

    I have not had the pleasure of reading this magazine yet, but after hearing an interview with Margot Shaw on a Slow Flower podcast, I sure am interested! I do subscribe to Floret’s newsletter, which is filled with useful info and photographs to drool over! Designer interviews and flower features are what interest me most.

  59. Julia Hails on

    Reading Floret’s amazing stories about their gardening endeavours is to me, like reading a fairytale with a happy ending when I was a child. Your photos and know-how are so incredibly inspirational to me! Thankyou!!

  60. Amelia on

    I enjoy reading about garden design and love reading blogs having to do with flower arranging and then try to duplicate at which I fail miserably. I do realize that my failure has to do with the fact that neither do I have the flowers used nor the container (probably lack of talent has something to do with it too) but I try anyway. My favorite though is reading books or stories, mainly fictional, that somehow revolve around the garden or gardening.

  61. Lauren Wiebe on

    My favourites are definitely how-tos as well as florist interviews – I love learning about little tips and tricks others use, great advice they’ve learned or heard, and just to see others work!

  62. Frances on

    Oh, how I love Flower Magazine! Such a tough decision…I do love the designer interviews as it perpetuates hope for those of us, who, “…believe in the beauty of their dreams…”.


  63. Susie Marie on

    I am NEW to this Magazine .. If I won .. I will be EXCITED to read all the articles!! :)

  64. Katie on

    I love how-to’s and flower farmer interviews… so inspiring to read what others are doing, what they have learned, their goals for the next season.

  65. Manuela De Medeiros on

    I enjoy the garden profiles as well as featured seasonal flowers! Always something fresh and exciting.

  66. vikki marriott on

    As a beginner flower farmer, trained florist and college lecturer, I trawl your blog for ‘How to’s’. I’m not trained in horticulture and love the information you share. Thank you for inspiring me.

  67. Susie Johnson on

    Discovered my first issue while browsing in the grocery store magazine section. Loved the whole magazine, everything about it from front to back cover. Have since bought a few issues. Hard to resist, and I share them with my friend who is a talented floral designer!

  68. Melissa Brown on

    I love reading how-to’s! Learning a new skill or a different technique keeps my design and farming interesting and “on trend” ;)

  69. Jeannie S on

    Anything having to do with gardening and bringing to life these gorgeous blooms, as well as farmer or designer interviews because I love reading about their paths to their business. It’s a source of inspiration to me!

  70. Connie on

    All things flowers! Especially awesome pictures that make you feel like you are right there:)

  71. Kim on

    I love reading designer interviews, and articles about the local flower movement and about flower care (designing and growing). Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. Alex S. on

    Love reading interviews – always gain new and helpful perspective :)

  73. Dee Winslow on

    I love it all…and so excited to see every thing you write about!! Everything about flowers interests me… !! Love your blog.!!

  74. Trina Coombes on

    My goodness where to start! I love reading everything connected with your blog and website, I love hearing all your news and updates and how to do sections. I love reading this with the people you interview, how they got started, which flower sparked their passion, I love reading and following blogs written by florists and novices who all come together by way of their passion for flowers from all over the world and learning what’s ‘in’ and and what’s not. I have relatives in the USA and New Zealand, Australia and here in England and it’s fascinating to peek into someone else’s world of flowers.

  75. Trina Coombes on

    My goodness where to start! I love reading everything connected with your blog and website, I love hearing all your news and updates and how to do sections. I love reading this with the people you interview, how they got started, which flower sparked their passion, I love reading and following blogs written by florists and novices who all come together by way of their passion for flowers from all over the world and learning what’s ‘in’ and and what’s not. I have relatives in yhe USA and New Zealand, Australia and here in England and it’s fascinating to peek into someone else’s world of flowers.

  76. Kristin on

    I love reading about floral flarming!

  77. Marla on

    DIY’s and How -to’s. I believe you can teach old “flower” new tricks!

  78. Suz on

    I love, love, love reading about floral farming and gardening. Personal cutting gardens especially! Locally grown and designed flowers! I am a floral designer recently moved from NY to TX and went on hiatus from the guilt I felt from the carbon footprint of how and where I sourced my flowers. I am now on a “sabbatical” if you will, just trying to learn and research as much as I can about what is native to my location and what I can do to start and source my own local flowers. I plan on opening a floral shop and nursery in the near future. Looking forward to the possibility of a free subscription!!! Thanks for the opportunity, LOVE what you do, you are inspiration! **FORAGER4LIFE**

  79. Lindsey on

    Where to locate goodies (seeds / tools / farm supplies) and when to schedule plantings!! I think those are the biggest learning curves and the info I crave the most! xoxo

  80. deb on

    love reading stories about the flower farmers & talented designers ~ their passion is an inspiration!
    thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway.

  81. kristin on

    the flower features! swoon.

  82. Lynn on

    How-tos! I love tutorials! Thanks so much, by the way, for this chance … good luck all!

  83. Missy on

    I love reading about the power of flowers – inspirational stories reflecting the magic, the sentiment, the effect that flowers have on people. Whether it’s growing, giving, recieving, or sharing, the power of flowers is inextricable.

  84. Kate on

    Anything about Flowers! From revitalized “antique” or “vintage” varieties to beautiful tablesettings or flowal designs.

  85. Chris on

    My passion for flowers has been in container design, but I am wanting to learn more about bouquet design, how to’s ( what does well in a vase), how to make bridal bouquets, and what the business side of this might entail. I am also hoping to see what flowers, shrubs, etc to put in a cutting garden. Very excited to check out the magazine!

  86. Julie @ Garden Delights on

    Gardening and design–I love to read how others are growing and using their beautiful blooms. I’m especially smitten with growers and floral designers committed to Slow Flowers. Love this publication!

  87. Kristy on

    I love reading about the flower farmers, but the gardening/growing tips have been so incredibly valuable this past year in my garden. I also love hearing about the specific flowers you have chosen to grow (sources, etc.)

  88. Amanda Cook on

    How to’s and all the incredibly talented designers. Also I love stories about your family and balancing your business and raising kids.

  89. Megan W on

    Flower features! Especially learning specifically how to grow different types of flowers – you know, so some day I can be a flower farmer too…

  90. Tammy Howard on

    As a budding (no pun intended) flower producer- the production information is most interesting to me, however the interviews are always inspiring!

  91. Rebecca on

    Never heard of this magazine so heading over to check it out! I love how-to’s and detailed write-ups on growing or making flower arrangements, similar to your Flower Focus and resource articles. Pro tools (like the best hand pruners, etc) would also be a fave.

  92. Jesi on

    I love interviews! I love learning about how people came to floral design and their varied backgrounds. The stories of others’ journeys are so intriguing to me and inspiring. Thank you!

  93. Jennifer on

    I enjoy reading and learning about growing flowers and starting/maintaining a flower farm, specifically for cut flowers. But honestly, I love pretty much any information I can get and I love the floral photography as well!

  94. Allison on

    I love the Artist in Bloom section for discovering new artists (LOVE flower paintings) and of course the how-to’s (the step-by-step and pictures are awesome!)

  95. Colleen B. on

    I love gardening stories and flower features — particularly those with tips on post-harvest and vase-life-extension. Thanks!

  96. Terry A. on

    Your trials of specific flowers has been an invaluable resource for me. I have read and re-read your articles on zinnias, dahlias, sweet peas, celosia, etc. Thanks for sharing from Corona, CA.

  97. Mary on

    My favorite articles are about creating seasonal bouquets with locally grown materials.

  98. Kim H. on

    Never heard of it before Erin, would like to look into it !!! Sub for my birthday tomorrow would be bloomin beaut !!!

  99. Mara on

    The pictures! I’m very visual so love looking at images (bouquets, gardens) for ideas; also articles or how-to’s on companion planting things like roses, dahlias, peonies aka bigger landscape plants. Oh and can’t forget the ads, sometimes there’s a new vendor I didn’t even know existed…

  100. Kim U. on

    I like the human stories – how the individual decided to start, how they did it, what and why, where they live, etc.

  101. Lisa on

    I love the personal stories telling how people came to be in the flower business, as well as stories about growing specific flowers – every flower has a story, everyone has connections!

  102. Tara on

    I love a good, well-photographed “how-to!” Thanks!

  103. Cathie on

    I love reading and looking at the amazing flower photographs from the Interviews. I am just taking a career U-turn into my new flower journey and it is so inspiring to hear for these incredible artists. I also love ‘this moment’ feature.
    Good luck everyone :)

  104. Saundra on

    My favorite are the ‘how-to’s’ because I often get inspired to go do those wonderful projects/try new flowers/experience different techniques in gardening.

  105. Sarah on

    I love the ‘how-to’s’ and the interviews with other farmers/florists.

  106. Erin S on

    I love how to design articles and stories of how people connect to flowers not only visually but connect to their soul

  107. Terry A. on

    Your trials on specific flowers has been an invaluable resource for me. I have read and re-read many times over your articles on sweet peas, zinnias, celosia, dahlias, etc. Thanks for sharing from Corona, CA.

  108. Clair Hamaker on

    I really love learning about how people got into flower farming, gardening, etc. It makes me feel a connection with the people in the article, and I love that.:)

  109. Tina on

    Well – thats wonderful!!! I love the gardening as well – soil prep :)

  110. Cristin geimer on

    I love reading designer interviews and design ideas. Being a newer florist working on my own, it really helps me!

  111. Andi on

    Oh yes, the ‘how to’ pieces are always helpful but I love the interviews with the incredible designers!!

  112. Laurie on

    I love a how-to! Learning more about arranging and such is great.

  113. Lindsay S. on

    I hang on your every word of your How To’s and Flower Focus.

  114. Jordyn on

    I love reading designer interviews!

  115. Rachel on

    I love the florist interviews. They are such a wonderful and exciting addition to the blog!

  116. Carol-Anne on

    I’m a freelance floral designer who loves to grow flowers for her clients arrangements and bouquets. I was thrilled to find this magazine! Its my inspiration for colours, designs, and pure reading enjoyment.

    I love the “how to” section and would love to see “how to’s” for more complicated installations, for such things as arbors, entryways, chandelieres and the like.

    Cheers, C.A.

  117. Renee on

    I love to read about seasonal flower features and soak up any photo series. Flowers can be utilized in so many ways.

  118. Hannah on

    I love reading interviews with other flower growers!

  119. Karen Faulkner on

    Love them all but especially the how-to’s! It’s a beautiful magazine with great photography.

  120. Sarah Robinson on

    Anything about cut flowers — sustainable gardening — new varieties

  121. Emilia on

    Love the flower arranging and how to…

  122. Donna on

    I LOVE FLOWERS….I didn’t know about your magazine until I saw the FB post this morning. Your blooms are beautiful and inspiring…your fb page came highly recommended from my favorite “bloomer” and I would probably share or give this subscription to her, Jamie Sammons of Jayflora Designs. When I told her one day that I was so proud to know her and see the beautiful bouquets and gardens she has…she replied “omg, I am nothing compared to the floral growers I am inspired by and aspire to be” and when I said…who???? She told me you. I needed to see for myself and I friended your page.

    As much as I love flowers, apparently I love to give more…I don’t ever seem to buy them for myself, I am always buying and sending them to others…so it only makes sense that Miss Jamie would benefit from your magazine unless you picked us both as winners!

    What a lovely, inspiring occupation you all have, I love your posts and photos. Wishing you many blessings and nothing but success…
    Donna Stoliker

  123. Cristina on

    designer interviews and flower features are my favorite, but gardening how-to is also high on my list!

  124. Louis on

    I always keep a lookout for the design information on how to keep a garden in full bloom all season long, to keep our 2-acre farmlette as productive as possible. But the scented flowers are what I really look for.

  125. Kristin Dungan on

    For a woman who dreams about flowers, I don’t know how I don’t already have a subscription. I have never had the pleasure of reading this magazine. I imagine that if I did, though, every page would be crinkled and indiscernible after I was done looking at it a billion times. Thank you for the chance to win a subscription! Awesome!

  126. Maggie S. - Pine State Flowers on

    Flower features and how-to’s! Geeking out about flowers, sizes, colors, varieties, and best planting methods is #1 for me.

  127. Leslie on

    I love the designer interviews! It’s so nice to hear their story!

  128. Suzanne Newhouse on

    Interviews with designers and people in the industry! It’s so revealing to see the studios and work spaces.

  129. Joann Heidt, Catherine Anderson- Farmwife Flowers on

    Since we are a mother daughter team, I love the sections on the gardening how tos and the farming aspect but my daughter is the artist arranger and so that suits her. Thanks for this opportunity.

  130. Deni on

    I love reading about growing heirloom flowers at home, and designing flower arrangements.

  131. Kaity on

    Honestly, I love all stories about flowers. Gardens, flower crown tutorials, arranging, growing, and features on blooms. This publications looks amazing! Fingers crossed

  132. Tracey on

    Designer stories are my fav……but love anything to do with gardens and flower design so it’s hard to be disappointed. Makes me view my tiny, UK courtyard garden with new eyes! :o)

  133. Janet on

    Love looking at the flowers but hearing about everyones journey gives me strength.

  134. Erin Leigh on

    I love the how to’s and the field trials. I did a field trial this year with 2 groups. I got 1 flower out of each group. #epicflowerfail. I also love articles on start up farmers.

  135. Mona Lisa on

    I love reading designer interviews – their personal journeys are always inspiring!

  136. DaNae Smith on

    I also am unfamiliar with this magazine but must find it now that I know about it! As a florist who loves to grow her own product–I must check this out!

  137. Susan S on

    My favorites are the “how-to” and the Flower Farmer stories-my flower garden has never looked better than it does this year. I continue to be inspired.

  138. Debbie Brogan on

    I enjoy reading about new varieties of cut flowers and seeing the fabulous floral designs created using them

  139. Sharyn on

    Have not heard of the magazine until now ~ I’m going to look for it! My favorite will definitely be the photography. Before slowly savoring the words, I definitely pore over the photos.

  140. Sajina Sunil on

    I am sorry my comment it posted twice as yesterday there was some problem in posting. So I posted again today. The first one is the original :(

  141. nikki s on

    Designer interviews – I just love hearing about the artists – their dreams, setbacks, and everything in between.

  142. Keith Stanley on

    I really enjoy designer interviews with insight into their thought process and what inspires them to create their works.

  143. Sajina Sunil on

    I love the way you plan your seasons head and on the way drop lot of hints to us and also the farmer florists life story.

  144. Lisa Kingston on

    Information, information, information! Where to get good seed, best places to grow which flowers, time-line when to plant which plants, great interviews with farmer-florists, beautiful photos of behind the scenes…

  145. Toni Carie on

    I love to read the how to articles, since I’m new to growing flowers they show me just what to do. I also love the personal stories, they give me inspiration and know that I too can do this!

  146. Teresa Biagi Hazelfield Farm on

    Flower farming was my switch from tobacco farming about 18 years ago and I love seeing and being inspired by the photos of the fields of flowers and am so happy to see others design work.

  147. Maude Sabourin on

    The “how to” section and i love to be inspired by the color palettes.

  148. Val Schirmer on

    I love the how-tos of all kinds, how to grow sensational flowers & foliage, how to harvest & design … everything Flowers!

  149. Kasey Butler on

    I love reading about how flower farmers and designers got started and what inspires them – pretty much the stories you’ve been telling with your Flower Farmer and Florist series! I also love reading about any tips and tricks flower farmers have learned that help them throughout the day – even the smallest and simplest of things.

  150. Monica on

    How Tos, flower features, just scanning the pictures for inspiration :)

  151. Jackie Walls on

    Love to read the articles, the how to’s and look at the visual displays of all the arrangements.

  152. Monica on

    At this point the how-to tutorials are my favorite, hoping in the future that more of the gardening aspects would be of use.

  153. Deb Mills on

    I read pretty much everything I see about gardening, both floral and vegetable. But my heart is in my flower beds.

  154. Robin on

    I love to learn…learning about what other flower farmers are doing and growing and making is fuel for this flower farmer.

  155. Jessica Hall on

    Well Of Course I Need Another Source Of Inspiration For New Things To Blow The Grocery Budget On And Try Here In The Gardens!

  156. Bonita on

    The how to’s of planting and growing in different areas.

  157. Melissa on

    I love the how-tos and flower features best…but love and read it all!

  158. Judy Phelon on

    Most of all I love photos, especially close up of even the most mundane blossom.

  159. amy maloney on

    I am sorry to say I have not read this magazine, but will look for it!
    I love stories about the new trends toward a more natural process in growing, harvesting, and creating floral arrangements regionally.

  160. Marya Padour on


  161. Lynne Gunn on

    I love gardening, so ideas, new plants and how to’s are of great value and inspiration.

  162. Amanda Muis on

    I love seeing how designers use flowers in creative ways, especially for weddings and photo shoots.

  163. Margit Van Schaick on

    I like a mix of different articles–pretty much everything that you offer!

  164. Sherry Donnelly on

    I love every single thing about this publication! I read it from cover to cover!
    Thank you for the opportunity,
    Sherry Donnelly

  165. Linda McGinley on

    I particularly enjoy reading the personal stories of the designer/growers that you interview and looking at the beautiful photos that capture them at work in their studios and on their flower farms.

  166. Brigita on

    Stories about flower farmers.

  167. Shari D. on

    The how-to’s are my favorite, but I love them all.

  168. Jesse Miles on

    I enjoy reading how-to’s, and gardening info along with interviews with those growing and designing the flowers!

  169. Judy Morreale- billotti on

    Would love up and coming floral trends, especially dealing with event work. Thanks, love and look forward to all the great info and tips, ( and gorgeous photos), your blog provides.

  170. Denise L. on

    My favorite is the photography or illustrations of flowers. Then I love the how to and gardening. I’m finding a pull to flower arranging lately, too!

  171. lissa rice on

    I gain inspiration from seeing personal gardens from all over the world. I’m pretty familiar with flowers, but l absolutely love finding something new.

  172. Sharika Kim on

    I really enjoy the designer interviews.. I love to hear how people get started in this business and what inspires them. The how-to’s are also a favorite. I’ve learned SO much in this past year from reading up ion all of the how-to’s, especially right here on your blog!! My dahlias are growing like crazy and it’s all thanks to your detailed methods!!

  173. Emily Peck on

    I love how to sections, tours of people’s amazing gardens, and lots of gorgeous photos of arrangements!

  174. Debbie on

    How did I miss this magazine? I love stories about how gardens are started and grow over the years. Anything about flowers, how to, different varieties, cut flowers, heirloom flowers and flower farm businesses. I would adore a subscription to this magazine on so many levels! Thank you for the chance!

  175. Rachel on

    Design and how to are best! Foliage ideas are great too.

  176. Lauren Herstead on

    I like to read how-to sections on just about anything; whether it be companion planting, drying and preserving, landscaping, floral arrangement tips, seasonal suggestions, or soil preparation; when paired with bright colorful pictures or illustrations, these are fun to read and try out!

  177. Sharon Canada on

    I love reading humorous gardening stories (about flower gardening) the very most– true stories in which I glean gardening information/advice as a by-product, but the focus is on the gardener’s interaction with his/her garden. I devoured Beverley Nichol’s trilogy (Down the Garden Path) which was his memoirs of gardening at his country cottage in England circa 1920s. Any garden writer who can infuse gardening advice with humor is worth his/her weight in gold.

  178. Linda Jewett on

    I’m a photograph junky and love books and magazines to guide me.. Surprising flower and foliage combinations, use of native plants, unusual containers, proper display ….and, trips on culture, good cutting techniques and preservation, all of these I appreciate in a magazine. I have not seen this magazine and will definitely go to the site now to take a look. I’ve tried to cut back my magazine subscriptions because I keep them forever (thinking I’ll catch up when I retire , lol). I’m curious now. PS I absolutely love your FB posts and your website. I am hooked. I have not mastered your technique, but manage to take arranged to work every week and to clients, as well. For friends only and as my gift, I have stressed through creating wedding flowers that hopefully were memorable and unique. It’s not easy! But, joyful when it works. I hope to follow your lead, if I am asked again.

  179. Elise on

    Love reading stories of flower farmers/Gardeners who overcome difficulties of land/climate to produce beautiful flowers. Very inspiring.

  180. terry on

    how tos are my favorite. Your sweet pea series inspired me to grow my own this spring – they were such a success at my market

  181. Kari S on

    Gardening practices and features on unusual or heirloom varieties of flowers.

  182. Sherree Hill on

    I am a flower floosy, what can I say.
    I LOVE everything about flowers and would love this magazine.

  183. Sas Long on

    I always love the ‘how-to’s’ best!!

  184. Angela Dublino on

    Flowers… flowers and more and more flowers ::)) My world is fueled by everything that is flowers and I just can never get enough! I truly enjoy any kind of floral education I can get my hands on! ::))

  185. Joanne on

    Like reading about flowers that you can grow in a cutting garden..

  186. AdrianneMc on

    I love anything to do with flowers. Being a floral designer I would love to see how-to-dos in designing all types of arrangements, including flower crowns and hand tied bouquets in natural, organic ways. I would love to see features on different types of flowers, ones not as familiar. And I would like to see features on shade container gardening. Thank you for this opportunity.

  187. Sandy on

    Gardening! Connecting with the earth and growing flowers is best!

  188. mamahay on

    Behind the scenes, day-in-the-life interviews of designers and farmer florists. Would love to get my hands on a copy!

  189. Karina S on

    Thanks! Gardens, flowers and how tos.

  190. JenWyhoon on

    OM goodness, absolutely everything to do with floristry, gardening, roses gardens, How to do’s, Flowers types, garden ideas, propagating , succulents & weddings. Love it all… and so so enjoy your Blog & absolutely love your style in flower Arranging. Only wish I was in your country to benefit from you workshops etc Thanks

    • Jen Wyhoon on

      sorry my name should read Jen Wyhoon

  191. Shelley Montoya on

    Love designer interviews. Always interested in hearing people’s stories and what inspires them!

  192. Annette on

    My favorite is any how-to article.

  193. Maggie B. on

    I love gardening tips and flower features!

  194. Tian on

    Flower features!

  195. Shelley McKown on

    I love just basking in the finished arrangements, they inspire me to do all things flowers and colors! My favorite flower is the rose!! All colors, all kinds!

  196. Whitney on

    I enjoy how-to’s the most. Being a garden beginner, I need all the help I can get!

  197. Jane Hudon on

    I am so excited to hear of a flower magazine that I don’t know about!
    I would love to read about other designers, and how to’s. I am a grower and a designer, always in search of inspiration. I would love a subscription!

  198. Chandin on

    Do I have to pick just one? I’d have to say gardening is my favorite right now. I just can’t get over how fun it is to plant things and watch them grow! And then cut them of course :)

  199. Jane M on

    I like learning about new flowers!

  200. Natalie P. on

    I love everything floral, but my favorite is probably designer interviews and farm tours!

  201. Sarah C on

    I love the how to plant flowers and keep them going.

  202. Kristin Bengtson on

    Tips please! More info on how to and when to plant ahead. Also, how to design a garden bed.

  203. Carolyn on

    As an artist, a florist and a gardener every page of this magazine is inspiring to say the least. It’s through great magazines such as this which I refer to again and again that I have discovered a whole other world of floral designers who are not afraid to be unique, artists in floristry. I’m fairly new to this magazine but it is one that I can’t wait to see the next issue. Would love to have a subscription.

  204. Mandy Hess on

    I love the How-Tos as well as designer interviews. I loved expanding my knowledge and technique as well as hearing how other florists around the nation go about their business. :)

  205. Rachel Detweiler on

    I devour every post on this blog with a ravenous hunger for flower knowledge, as I am just now jumping into the world of flower farming/designing with both feet. Every arrangement, interview, how-to and story of triumph or struggle is a gem. But I must say the most valuable to me right now are the flower features – learning how you grow one crop start to finish. So so so helpful! Blessings to you all for the generous outpouring of knowledge and experience!

  206. Jennifer Dunlap on

    I love reading about new and exciting plants. Also, designer profiles are great, it’s so nice to hear about the trials, tribulations, and successes of those we look up to.

  207. Sage on

    I love the farmer interviews and how-to sections!

  208. Vero on

    I love how-tos and interviews with people!

  209. Yeng on

    Famer/florist interviews and how-tos ! So much passion and talent!

  210. Heather Johnston on

    The Gardening and the “how-to’s”. You can Never stop learning!! :)

  211. Alison on

    Gardening and how-to’s :)

  212. Hannah on

    The photo galleries are great resources. The flower quiz was fun too!

  213. komali on

    I love reading about how to grow and use fillers (greenery) it in the arrangement.

  214. Dori on

    I love reading about the actual growing of flowers. The how, when, and where! Great giveaway! – Dori –

  215. Erin on

    I’m brand new to making flower arrangements (and absolutely enamored with it) so I just love the how to features! Thanks for the inspiration!

  216. Veni on

    I love reading how things are being done in a farm, flower features and the gorgeous photos. The love and hard work you put in your flowers is amazing to read

  217. LeeAnn on

    I love articles that highlight the agriculture side of flowers. Give me dirt, insects, weeds and harvesting. :)

  218. Cathy from Canada on

    Any and all aspects of flowers is a grabber for me but I especially like learning and reading about tips on how to grow better, more beautiful and unusual plants.

  219. Delores on

    I enjoy designer interviews.

  220. Laura Timmerman on

    Flower features – how to raise particular ones, variety comparisons, seed sources, all that stuff.

  221. Cassie on

    I love the photos and the how-tos. I’m always discovering a new flower that I want to learn more about and try growing.

  222. Sharon S on

    Flower garden stories are my favorite. I can still see my great grandma’s huge dahlia/gladioli flower bed. Bigger than any vegetable garden we ever had.

  223. Suzette on

    Love being inspired by the flower features and gardening tips. Designer interviews give us newbie floral designers a much needed boost and some fresh perspective.

  224. Rosalynn Crowell on

    LOVE your website!!! LOVE your flowers and appreciate your hard work!!

  225. Em Hathaway on

    I love discovering people; who like myself have been nurtured into garden by family or friends…warms my heart and release my imagination!

  226. Ed Shanshala II on

    Wonderful to see local businesses grow and blossom.
    All the best in your adventure.

  227. Sarah Waldow on

    Farmer/Florist Interviews! I love seeing the full circle of the artistic process: planning, planting, growing, harvesting and creating.

  228. Corinne on

    How to do’s, I love to learn something new. Thank you for a chance to win.

  229. Lee Moore Crawford on

    I love the history of flowers. I also enjoy sustainable, bee friendly, habitat , organic gardening articles.

  230. Corinne Hansch on

    The photos bring so much inspiration and ideas. Variety names are helpful, too. Thank you!

  231. Michelle on

    I love the how-to articles and farmer florist interviews!

  232. Sarah ("mooreplease" on IG) on

    A good how-to article paired with your beautiful photography = perfection! I’m a flower nerd however, so all things floral will pull me in!

  233. Michelle on

    I love how-to and interviews! Farm tours are fantastic too!

  234. Laurie Garza (Fleurie) on

    I love reading about floral-designer-gardeners and their favorite plants and types of arrangements.

  235. Kirsten on

    I think I like nostalgic stories the best…just cause my relationship with flowers is so nostalgic, and I like a good ‘feel good’.

  236. Maxine on

    I love the how to’s! It’s great seeing how other designers put things together and which techniques they use!

  237. bonnie flory on

    Everything floral, especially featuring florists, their story and their work.

  238. Tracey on

    I love to read about growing flowers that I have never grown and how to improve the ones I already enjoy!

  239. WilmaK on

    I totally enjoy the gardening articles and flower designing .. from the garden for home and weddings!

  240. Krystle on

    Designer interviews and how to’s!

  241. Teresa on

    I personally love flower arranging and tablescapes with lots and lots of natural accents……so, how to’s involving all sorts of flowers and natural accents!

  242. Rene on

    I love all your step by step and how-tos. And your photography is so lovely!

  243. Kris P on

    It looks like a wonderful magazine. I love the gardening posts but also those showing your beautiful floral creations, especially those incorporating out-of-the-ordinary materials.

  244. Shannon on

    I enjoy reading about anything flowers – generally how to preserve them, or grow them, or how to make the cut flowers last longer.

  245. Emily Nekl on

    Obviously how to articles, but also interviews with growers and designers! Keeps me inspired.

  246. julie on

    The how-to’s. Actually love it all.

  247. Jean S on

    Whaaaat?? Wow, I would love this.

    So interested in building soil health, grafting, dividing, etc. But that doesn’t mean I turn up my nose at pretty pictures…

  248. Annette on

    The designer interviews have been wonderful lately and hugely inspiring . As I’m longing to develop my cutting garden the flower focus and gardening posts are also very informative. Thank you for the opportunity to have a subscription to this wonderful magazine. I’ve picked it up from time to time on my travels but have yet to find it on a newsstand close at home. -Annette

  249. Shari Cribbs on

    I love to read success stories of other flower farmers, and see pictures of their flowers & farms…like yours!!!! <3

  250. Evangeline M on

    I like the how-to’s, but I also like flower features and magazine editorials using flowers in unique and inspiring ways!

  251. Bonnie on

    I love reading the ‘how-to’s! As a new student to floristry the more information I can get my hands on the better!

  252. Bethany Kleppick on

    Reading how-to’s is my favorite! Love getting inspired and learning new tricks of the trade!

  253. Ariel Cheney on

    I have to agree with many of the other comments, most definitely the how-to pieces. Your lovely posts/flowers brighten my day! Thank you ever so much.

  254. Annette on

    I love to read articles on everything flower……but especially interesting constructions, installation designs in interiors and in natural settings and articles that explore new materials and combinations.

  255. Tricia on

    Oh my! I am a woman with a big old barnheart and I am a lover of flowers. Inspired by your blog I have leased a small property and I am just harvesting all the flowers now. Not sure how to arrange flowers so a magazine would be helpful!!!

  256. Margaret Lloyd on

    I love all the pretty pictures! I also like seeing new to me varieties and how to keep flowers blooming longer.

  257. Loren on

    Articles on different flower species and their habitats are my favorite. What a great give away!

  258. Katherine Smith on

    Flower stories are the best kind of story! I enjoy hearing about gardeners of the past, like Gertrude Jekyll, and reading about their love of the flowers that mark the seasons. Also- all of these amazing people today who are documenting their floral endeavours on blogs and Instagram! It’s beautiful to watch and inspirational to see floralists and flower farmers bring all this pretty business into the world.

  259. Marlys on

    I love the how-to section!

  260. Beth on

    Flower features!

  261. Beth on

    Flower features! I am obsessed with dahlias right now. I planted so many I will hopefully have a dahlia explosion soon!!!

  262. Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams on

    For me it’s the visual…the images, the text the photos, and how they all pull together to make a stunning article…beautiful shots like always.


  263. kelly preslar on

    i love how to’s, designer and grower interviews, and exposès….this magazine is amazing!!! as a first year grower, I spent my extra money on the best subscription, my membership to ascfg!! hopefully next year I can get a few magazine subscriptions, or maybe this one will luck it’s way onto my doorstep!!

  264. Elizabeth Elisalde on

    I love the how to section! It’s always fun to get new ideas and learn different ways to do things!!! Great giveaway!

  265. Linda Prior on

    I find the flower features and gardening to be very inspiring. So many new things to see and learn!

  266. Kim Shaw on

    How to’s, especially harvesting & processing

  267. Kim on

    I have never seen this magazine, eeeeek,. but would love all the articles.. gardening at the present moment!!

  268. Erica Noel Adamson on

    Very excited to get my hands on a copy! Thanks for sharing! I enjoy the designer interviews because they are so inspirational!

  269. carrie chang on

    all things about flowers!! or design tips from national floral designers!

    • Sajina sunil on

      I love to read how you plan things a head for the next season and you drop lot of hints on your way for us to understand the flower farming and also farmer florists interviews.

  270. Vanessa Watters on

    I love the designer interviews and the how articles with flower and foliage description for sure.

  271. Louise on

    My precedence is designing with nature in mind.

  272. Kimberly Moody on

    I love ANY article that has to do with flowers, but my favorite would be the flower gardening. Love those “get your hands dirty” articles and the beautiful photos of actual gardens full of flowers!

  273. Theresa on

    I love reading flower features the most. Seeing all of the colors and variations of different flowers is so exciting and there’s always some I’ve never seen before!

  274. Nicole on

    Wow! I have never had the pleasure of delving into the pages of this magazine…nor have I seen it at any of my local stores…..hmmmm may have to be on the hunt! I love the designer interviews, they always seem to have some random , cool tidbit of info that I always find useful in designing or the garden.

  275. alison on

    I love, love, love the how-to articles. Always great ideas from talented designers!

  276. Arielle Pasquier on

    The gardening section and the how to section, the flower feature too…all of the sections really!

    • Julie N. on

      Hey Roxie!! Let’s share if one of us wins!!

  277. James Waters on

    I like to read articles about how to gardening, new plants, and use of old stand by heirlooms.

  278. Stacy on

    I enjoy new ideas on companion planting and combination planting with flowers, herbs and veggies mixed together.

  279. Arielle Pasquier on

    The gardening and how to sections, and flower features..really all of the sections!

  280. Lucy Ransdell on

    Soil improvement & sustainable gardening articles are my favorite!

  281. Lorrie Fulton on

    I love reading about garden’s with ‘stories’…someones personal connection with what they’re growing.


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