Home Blog Yellow
August 16th 2011


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I felt it on Friday, the slightest shift in the light and all of the sudden I can see the end to this season on the horizon. Yes it’s a ways off (roughly 2 months) but I now feel it in my bones. It’s a strange sensation indeed.
The garden colors are shifting too. We’ve gone from a jewel like mix to browns, rusts and lots and lots of yellow. My garden notebook is filling up with ideas, suggestion and complaints to review this winter as I am planning for next season. Like every August it says in bold letters, “plant more filler, you never have enough!” , “you need more orange, lots and lots of orange!!!” and “you must remember to keep sowing pods,grasses,grains = texture is magical in summer bouquets”
August is the month I see all of my mistakes played out.Any gaps in production, areas of the garden that were neglected, a lack of irrigation, a wimpy color pallet… It seems everywhere I turn there is a lesson to be learned and more notes to scribble in my book. It can be overwhelming and a bit discouraging this time of year.

But now we’re on the homestretch. There isn’t enough time to right any of the wrongs and no way to go back in time so I’m just taking notes and promising myself I’ll do better the next time around.


  1. Gretel and Steve Adams on

    I totally agree with the feelings you are having this time of growing season. At the beginning of the summer, we worked on building up accounts and now it seems like we are running out of flowers. The gap we had in planting due to the rainy spring is showing its face at such an inconvenient time. We did some crop planning this year, but definitely not enough. But with each lesson we learn, we become better farmers and our skills will grow just as the garden does. So instead of trying to feel discouraged, we have decided to enjoy what we have accomplished and cheers to next year!

  2. Yiota on

    Yellow flowers are happy flowers, aren't they? I love your work, I really do!

  3. Soportales 8 on

    Yellow and yellow … que bonita foto! I love seeing the plants when it begins to show the color of its flowers, when the first flowers open, gives a sense of cool … is great.

  4. julie on

    Ahhh….so much to think about in your beautiful flower world….i know with your busy schedule & the amazing hours you put into your farm, a notebook would be perfect to keep track of all the ideas & to do's floating in your head…..but don't forget to give yourself (& your beautiful family) a huge pat on the back for the most amazing achievements you have accomplished throughout this insane season….your little world has inspired me sooo much, thanks for sharing your beautiful passion Erin. xxx

  5. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    Totally concur with b brouhaha, your drive for perfection does set you apart – but please don't let your fire for that perfection diminish the sense you have of the incredible, truly incredible, achievements you and your family have achieved and the inspiration you provide. I found the most brilliant quote today about the discouragement creatives feel at the gap between the dream and the reality, and pressing through it, I will blog it, with you especially in mind Erin, this week. All i can say is that to the rest of us, your flowers are utterly breathtaking and I am in awe of your vision and your expertise and your sheer determination. Respect to you. xxxxx

  6. botanical brouhaha on

    The words in this post are what set you apart as a great grower rather than a mediocre grower…always pushing yourself and striving to be the best you can be…and being honest with yourself and your blog readers. We see no faults as we marvel over your flowers day after day…only an amazing woman with a sweet family she treasures…and an unbelievable gift for growing and designing. Press on…we love what you do!

  7. Wildstyle Designs on

    Oh Erin! This may sound strange as I've never actually met you face-to-face, but I just wish I could give you a big hug right now. I think what you feel is "normal," even though I'm sure I'm not the only reader who want's to say: "Wait!!! Faults??? What faults???" We are always seeing our shortfalls, just part of being human, I guess. Just know that alongside those feelings is the reality that you are doing GREAT!!!! Living a life that is inspiring so many people, and bringing so much beauty into the world. I am always inspired and awed by the gorgeousness of your flowers, family and farm in all its incarnations… yellows, pinks, browns, chickens…. it makes me smile and dream and want to create. I thank you for giving so much!!!

  8. webb on

    Seems to me you have done mighty well this year. I have spent the last few months spell-bound with with the lovely flowers and bursting bouquets you've packed in the van every week. congrats on a great year.


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