Home Blog better late than never
August 18th 2011

better late than never

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I had high hopes of swimming in Dahlias by late July but with the crazy cool year its been, we are just starting to experience the abundance only a patch of these treasures can bring.

Hundreds and hundreds of bunches come out of this patch each week! I planted almost double what we had last year so once they really hit their stride I know the task of harvesting and delivering them will consume many of our waking hours.

In truth I am actually relieved that they are a little later than planned. It has been so unbelievably busy around here that we literally couldn’t have handled weaving the extra volume into the mix.

But now most of the perennials have peaked and faded and we are moving on into another chapter in the garden.

While this chapter is just as busy and full, it feels a bit more relaxing (mentally) not having to juggle such an expansive variety of ingredients.While we have the same volume( if not more than earlier in the summer!) the weekly availability list is much more streamlined. 
I gotta say, I’m ready for a little more simplicity!

Oh and harvesting Dahlias as the sun rises….it is a pretty freaking magical experience !



  1. Meghan on

    Erin I love and so much prefer your older blogs… So unpolished and real.

  2. edi gardner on

    Do you grow cover crop on your dahlia beds over the winter? Would straw be a good choice? I cant wait for the pamphlet you see

  3. julie on

    ahhh… i soo love dahlias..my grandpa used to grow them & sell them at sydney flower markets many moons ago…thank u for sharing your beautiful blooms – they have brightened my day.
    i could wander around your garden for hours. xxx

  4. i'm erin in on

    oh my gawd those are amazing. your work is brilliant!

  5. edi gardner on

    They are so perfect

    " Though sereved from its native clime
    where skies are bright and clear
    and natures face is all sublime
    and beauty clothes the fragrant air
    the dahlia will each glory wear"

  6. Bellenza Wedding Bistro on

    Dahlias are delightful even in a little bunch…but you get to revel in fields of them! What a blessing!


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