Home Blog What Do Ya Think?
June 7th 2011

What Do Ya Think?

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I know, I know, the last thing I should be considering is adding in more creatures requiring  love, attention, and care. But look at these two! Can you stand them!?
My question to you is, do you think they should come live on our farm?

I’ve been threatening to get mini goats for almost ten years and these two darlings will be needing a home by mid summer. Hmmm???


Pretty dang tempting huh?!

Ahem…did I mention they love eating weeds ?


  1. The Monkey Flower Group on

    Though I should add: better double check your fences. If they'll hold water, they'll hold goats ; ).

  2. bowstreetflowers on

    Sweet and lovable goats. I say yes! Much care and more expense, but the return is not measurable.

  3. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    Think you may have made up your mind already? Irresistable!

    There is an ancient, fantastically ugly goat called Belinda at our local open farm, my kids never tire of the joke! x

  4. webb on

    You gotta love a critter that will stand on its house! I would love to have one, and two would be great! Definitely go for it!

  5. Adirondack Flower Farm on

    Do it! goats are great on our farm. I feed them all the weeds I pick from the flower rows & they love it. : )

  6. Beyond My Garden on

    What a wasted question once we saw the pictures. Of course you should add them to your menagerie! (Easy for me to say here where I won't have to tend the gates and fences and search for the brilliant mischievous goats.)

  7. Anja on

    I also think you should get them, because I'm sure they will be happy at your farm, and they are such fun. But goats do not only eat weeds, they eat everything you love in your garden. Sometimes I think they have an inner list of the plants that are most precious to you, they start at the top and work they way down in an impressive speed when they get the chance. So they need good fencing, or more precisely, you need good fencing..

  8. Sherri B. on

    How can you say no to those sweet faces?!

  9. flwrjane on

    Yes! And you can send them to me for a mini vacation.

    Is it Puck?



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