Home Blog Texas Specialty Cut Flowers
March 6th 2013

Texas Specialty Cut Flowers

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This weekend Chris and I hopped a plane and headed for Blanco TX. Our destination was Texas Specialty Cut Flowers, the farm of two of the most badass growers out there, Pamela and Frank Arnosky. I think I may be the Arnosky’s biggest fan and was actually a little nervous that I would freak them out with my overwhelming excitement! It was REALLY hard to act calm ; )

On our flight home, Chris and I were looking through all of the photos from the trip and couldn’t stop laughing. There were SO MANY photos of me totally wigging out with joy!!!

Since I’m saving all of the gorgeous farm tour photos for the April issue of Growing For Market, I thought I’d share of these hysterical outtakes from our flower filled weekend.


My flower farming heros! Lynn Byczinski, author of The Flower Farmer & editor of Growing For Market and Frank and Pamela Arnosky. Eeek!


Frank signing my copy of We’re Gonna Be Rich, their wonderful book.


I think I was whispering, “Holy shit, can you believe we’re actually here!!?!? We’re at the Arnosky’s farm!!”


Surprise, surprise, Alice from Bluebird Meadows in NC was there! What a treasure! If you don’t follow her blog, start now.


Coveting their ranunculus. Coral….sigh…. my favorite color.


Talking with a board member about the 2014 Association of Specialty Cut Flowers national conference. My suggestion..!? That Jennie Love and I co-teach a flower arranging/wedding workshop geared for growers! If you agree, let them know. [email protected]


  1. Rosie Ortiz on

    I saw your video on Magnolia Network Saturday May 7th, truly enjoyed it.. looking forward for more, videos, information!
    Thank you.

  2. Jackie on

    I would love to know if you are returning to Texas, keep your Texas fans update, please.The funniest part of the photos is that you are wearing a heavy jacket in Texas, but didn’t last long, uh?

  3. Nina on

    Love seeing how excited you are :-)

  4. Polly on

    Great that you were at the ASCFG’s first of four super meetings this year. Best wishes for a prosperous season. If your folks want to know about other power packed meetings go to

  5. Tracy on

    You, Lynn Byzinski, and the Arnosky’s in one photo – the 3 most influential group of people in my dirt digging, flower-crazy dreams and aspirations. Awesome!! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Jule on

    Erin! Someday I hope my husband will bring me to your farm so I can meet you & I’ll bet I’ll be just as silly! You are my hero! I also have the book How to be a Flower Farmer & the updated addition! Next I need one from you! Start writing and publish so I can rush out and buy it! You and your family are living the life I’ve always dreamed of! Your blog helps me keep that dream alive! Thanks for… well…just being AWESOME! Sincerely, Jule of Rose Hill Farm! (Yeah Flower Love!)

  7. rita j. anders on

    Erin, I so enjoyed meeting you and enjoyed our talk about doing a talk with Jennie. I would love to see that happen. I hope you know that all of Texas is not as brutal as Frank made it seem. You can jjust drive a couple of hours away to the east and its way better. So happy you and the hubby came to visit the Arnoskys. They are my heroes too.

  8. Alice on

    It was a real treat meeting you Erin. I had a dream once that we met and were friends, so what do you know, it came true! Is that too weird to say? I was a little out of it on the tour, you’ll have to forgive me. I’m sure our paths will cross again in the real :) Looking forward to it.

  9. mj on

    I think that is how I would look if I ever visited your farm. Will definitly put an email in for a class like that. Thats the kind of thing I’m looking for!!! Rock ON!

  10. wren on

    It is so exciting and inspiring to see you living your passion and joy! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Jennie on

    You crack me up! Such a cheese ball! Which board member were you talking to? Barb? I’ll put on a second good word for the idea!

  12. Margaret on

    Holy Legume, I feel like Amy, you were in Texas? Arnosky’s farm is just a hop, skip and a jump from Austin. Would love to meet you in person someday Erin. Looks like you had a blast!

  13. Margaret Thorson on

    Really looking forward to the Growing for Market article. I envy you the trip. Glad I get a chance to be there vicariously.

  14. Corina on

    You look so happy!!! I love it!!! I’m glad you guys got to do this? Were you at the MBA on Monday? We weren’t (we were busy throwing up with a stomach flu).

  15. botanical brouhaha on

    Holy Moly!! You were this close to me and I didn’t even realize it?! The Arnoskys are my heroes, too. Ironically, a trip to their farm discouraged me from growing full-time and I went into designing instead. Sounds bad, but I’m telling you…watching the REAL work involved in what the Arnoskys do to grow those amazing flowers in this brutal Texas heat…well, I just knew I couldn’t hack it! So, you know how you felt about meeting them? Imagine, how I feel seeing YOU and the ARNOSKYS in the same picture!! Flower growing royalty!

  16. Julie on

    Erin, your photos just made me grin! I love your ‘thumbs up” while he’s signing your book–so cute! Your enthusiasm is totally infectious and just made me happy this morning. I can’t wait to read their book–and can’t wait to see the farm photos of the tour! So glad you had such a good time. Meeting heroes is good, nerve-wracking fun!

  17. Georgianna on

    So fabulous! I’m happy, happy that it was such a great trip!!! Can’t wait to hear and see more!! x


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