Home Blog Temptress Poppies In The House!
May 11th 2011

Temptress Poppies In The House!

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The Temptress Poppies have finally made their official debut in the greenhouse.
Two words. HOLY COW!

All together in a vase, they remind me of a party. Perfect timing since Miss Elora Jane is having a birthday tomorrow :) They will be the perfect table decorations!


Poppies have a reputation for a very short vase life and being prone to wilting. It is true, those traditional gardens Poppies, the type that make the wonderful pods,they are not a worthy cut but these Temptress beauties are supposed to be wildly different.




Over the years I have read nothing but rave reviews about them from other growers around the country. Finally this spring I was able to get my hands on some plants.


So far, I’m totally impressed. Most are sporting a 20-24” stem, the flower heads are HUGE, the colors are amazing and if picked open are still persisting for at least 4-5 days. This week I’ll be doing some more vase life testing to see what can be expected if harvested in bud.


In order to prevent wilting, the stems ends must be seared, either by flame or a dip in boiling water.


One row over I am also growing the San Remo mix as a comparison. We’ll see if they can hold a candle to these whoppers.


Oh and no, I still haven’t cleaned up from Mother’s Day. Have you? Ha!
I think the piles of spent greens on the floor may be starting to compost out there. Oh well, today I get to stay inside and write an article on Narcissus for Growing For Market. A whole afternoon of SITTING, Wahoo!


  1. Floret Flowers on

    If you do boiling water, 10 seconds is plenty. You need to resear every time you cut them.

  2. The Monkey Flower Group on

    Party is right- I friggin' love these things. And such gorgeous photographs!

    May I ask how long you sear the stems? And will you process them thus before selling, or does the florist/customer?


    J : )

  3. webb on

    Wow! and it's not even a color group that I usually like. Those are just wonderful!

  4. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    Whatwhatwhat, reeallly, poppies that last when cut? How exciting, I want some! They are exquisite. xx

  5. a web across the way on

    How lovely! I wish they would grow better for me. Their colors remind me of popsicles. Poppies are so summery.


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