Home Blog Sweet Pea Round Up
February 12th 2016

Sweet Pea Round Up

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Floret_How To Grow Sweet Peas-3If you are new to this space, welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!

Allow me to quickly catch you up to speed: Throughout the month of February, we are filling the blog with tons of flower-focused resources, growing tips and floral design tricks, including information that was previously available exclusively to Floret Workshop participants. It’s all part of what the team and I are calling the February “Blog Blizzard.” Even though we’ve had a mild winter here in the valley, we’ve “snowed” ourselves inside to put together new, helpful information to help prepare you for another great growing season.

For today’s post, I want to focus on the sweetest flower of the spring garden: the Sweet Pea.

sweetpeaFirst off, if you haven’t already stumbled across it, I want to bring your attention to the newly expanded Floret RESOURCES section.  In it, you’ll find How to Grow Sweet Peas, a succinct tutorial and photo essay that condenses my best growing advice into one bit sized post.

For those of you looking for even more information and inspiration on this sweet little bloom, I thought I’d do a quick re-cap of some of the best posts I’ve put together over the years–so grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair.

Here is a summary of past posts in no particular order:

My Sweet Peas Were the Gateway post shares the history of how I became a flower farmer.

In The Trials of a Sweet Pea Addict, I detail my process of trialing over 100 sweet pea cultivars on the farm in 2015. It includes beautiful overhead shots of the field, plus some cool photos from historic sweet pea texts.

My Confessions of a Sweet Pea Addict post shares lots of photos and the intensity of my sweet pea seed obsession.

In 2014, I put together a special two-part in-depth series on how to grow great sweet peas:

Growing Great Sweet Peas:  Part 1

Growing Great Sweet Peas: Part 2

Peaches N Cream CollectionBack in 2013, I listed My favorite Sweet Peas which included lots of fun photos of specific cultivars I fell in love with.  The search for extra special Sweet Pea seeds was one of several catalysts for starting Floret Seeds. Many of the best long-stemmed varieties are not easy to find here in the U.S. or require large orders to meet supplier minimums, which put them out of reach of most home gardeners.

Earlier this week, I shared with Floret newsletter subscribers the three new Sweet Pea collections we’ve created:

Peaches ‘n Cream Collection
Heartbreaker Collection
Ocean Treasures Collection

Each collection includes five varieties and enough seed to plant a 15-20 foot double row of Sweet Peas in your garden. Featuring subtle ombre shades of color, each collection is beautifully packaged and includes a Seed Starting 101 Guide.

Ocean Treasure CollectionFor our international friends looking for seed sources, be sure to check out:

Sarah Raven  (UK)

Owl’s Acre Sweet Peas (UK)

Roger Parsons Sweet Peas (UK)

Eagle Sweet Peas (UK)

Easton Walled Garden (UK)

Dr. Keith Hammett (NZ)

Floret_How To Grow Sweet Peas-2
And if that’s not enough to satisfy you sweet pea cravings, check out these posts:

Sweet Peas = Smiles from 2011

Planting Sweet Peas

Sweet Pea Overload

June 19, 2014 Seasonal Flower Alliance

True Love

Last but not least, to continue the Sweet Pea love fest here on the blog, we’re giving away one of our new collections (listed above) to three lucky readers.


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS: Leah Anne (lafahy),  Meredith(mj_williams23) and Jonathan Wright!   We will be in contact to get your addresses to send you the Sweet Pea Collections or feel free to send your mailing address to:  info [at] floret flowers.com     Thanks to all who weighed in with their favorites!


Even though we are no longer taking entries, feel free to share your most loved Sweet Pea flower colors in the comments below:

White or cream
Delicate Flushes
Red or Maroon
Orange, Salmon or Peach
Lavender and Purple
Flakes or Stripes


  1. Lisa Herzberger on

    Do you have a sweet pea variety named “happy birthday”?, if so, can I purchase this?
    Thanks so much!

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      We used to carry that one but we no longer offer sweet pea seeds.

  2. Kim on

    Hello! I wanted to ask how I can send you a photo of a gorgeous bouquet that I’m wanting to recreate, but need to know if these are, in fact, white sweet peas. Thank you in advance!

  3. KR on

    Wow!!! Awesome blog and great post!! My gf and I planted sweet peas and they are sprouting! Can’t wait to read all this great info!!

  4. Lise-Lotte on

    Thank you very much for your generosity in sharing this information. My mom always grew sweet peas and I have loved growing them for years. Lise-Lotte

  5. Lindsey on

    I love the grayish purple varieties! I think one you posted ..Nimbus or earl grey… I think the fit in the purple category!

  6. Heather S on

    White sweet peas are my absolute favorite…they remind me of my Grandmother <3

  7. Dara on

    Creams and Pinks ?

  8. arosesf on

    Sweat peas make me weak in the knees! The soft shades of blue and purple are my favorite, they take my breath away! I come from a long line of sweat pea enthusiasts. Cannot wait for Spring sunshine and sharing flowers with family, friends and neighbors. Thank you for your beautiful blog and website. It is an absolute treasure! :)

  9. Heidi @ Willow Lane Flower Farm on

    It’s hard to pick a favourite flower colour for sweet peas. It’s been a long time since I’ve grown them. But I think the pinks and purples are my favourite. Though after looking at your beautiful photos I think I want them all.

  10. JoAnne on

    Of course there is NO such thing as an ugly sweet pea, but if I had to pick just one color it would be the orange/salmon/peach group!

  11. Yelena Shumakova on

    I love the delicate pinks, as well as the purple and lavenders!

  12. Mich on

    I think the peaches & oranges are lovely!

  13. MareBear on

    lavenders, blues, pinks and cream!
    Do you sell a multi-color pack?

  14. whenrichs5 on

    Deep purples and luscious lavenders!
    Thanks for the giveaways! Your blog is gorgeous.

  15. sstanage on

    Pinks are my favorite. When I was a young girl my mom grew them in our backyard where their fragrance and delicacy were a welcome contrast to the hot, smoggy, dry Southern California days. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and heart with us.

  16. Beverley on

    How kind of you to enthusiastically share the experiences from your sweet pea trials. My love for sweet peas happened on a trip to the west coast at the sight of an endless front yard fence-full of red, maroon and purple sweet peas. Forever Smitten. Delicate twining and romantic. Thank you for filling our winter days of seed catalogue searching with your stunning photos. Inspired to try our sweet peas in the hoop house. Eager to research your favourite varieties and expand my own. Happy Valentine’s Day Erin.

  17. Sharon D. on

    I love them all! If I have to choose, I would choose the Blues. There is just something romantic about how they look :) Thank you for this beautiful opportunity!

  18. Leah Anne on

    Goodness, I didn’t even know sweet peas came in any colors other than pink or purple! My grandmother grew them, and I had despaired of being able to grow them myself, but am excited to try again this year! I think the Orange, Salmon, or Peach colors are my favorite.

  19. Ann on

    I would have to say the pinks, but only because that’s the only color i’ve ever actually seen booming! When I was a kid growing up in our small town there was a swimming hole we spent hours at everyday all summer long. At the top of the hill, on the side of the road was a patch that grew and bloomed every year. I still remember jumping the ditch in my bare feet to pick a handful. What wonderful memories! Always chewing on a long stem of grass and sticking flowers in our hair. I have to say I have never seen any that look even close to the size or colors in your photos. This year will be my first shot at trying to grow them on my own. I hope I’m successful!!

  20. LeeAnn on

    I love the salmons and purples but who can resist a sweet pea in any color.They are all beautiful.

  21. Katie on

    I seriously love them all from the deepest darkest blues and maroons to the delicate creams, pinks and purples. I think the flakes look really interesting too! Sweet peas are my first love. I can’t wait to try some new ones this year! I got my floret package in the mail last week and it was beautiful in every way! I especially love all the growing details on the back!

  22. Carrie on

    Orange/salmons/pinks are so striking to me. I love that they can be bold, but still remain soft and feminine because of the type of petals they have. Thank you for the post! My seedlings have sprouted. Pure joy!

  23. Elaine GS on

    So hard to decide… I must pick … Lavender and purples ! I would love to add these to my garden. Thank you.

  24. Kelly Garcia on

    I was looking up some growing info and came across this post!!! I ordered a couple varieties and realized I went for chocolate and almost black!! My favorites are the darker shades!! Blues and purples!!!

  25. Yukie on

    Hi Erin!

    Love love love sweet peas!!

    I looked at your sweet peas photos long time ago and I wanted Nimbus, but couldn’t really find the seeds anywhere until this year!!
    So thank you!
    Can’t wait to see the beautiful flowers!

    I love bi-colors and particularly love ‘Cupani’.
    I guess the flowers are bit smaller but super fragrant and it’s really gorgeous flower!

    And thanks for all the info about sweet peas, too!

  26. Bibi Sproule on

    Just love your write ups and photos!!! I love the peaches, cream, blues and purples they are so lovely and compliment each other!! Sweet pea haven!!

  27. Gina on

    Love the blues and bi colors! I planted my first small variety of sweet peas a few months ago. I can’t wait to see them bloom!

  28. plantmut on

    I would say flakes or stripes. They seem to have a older, moody feel to me. Like they could tell me stories of castle gardens that they once grew in or tell tales of war and love. I’m sure you have felt the same looking at a flower. Like you have stated in past posts that you started growing sweet peas for the memories it provokes/honor of those gone.

    Thanks again for the Feb blog blizzard my pen and notepad remain ready for more ;).

  29. Kate on

    I love the rich deep hues ofblue and indigo and faint dusty violets ❤

  30. Zarina on

    Love the lavender purples that turn to pink! =)

  31. Christi on

    Hard to choose a favorite color… love the delicate flushes, pinks, but the lavenders, blues and oranges are pretty special too. Flake patterns have to make my list as well. Too many choices.

    Erin, you and the team are amazing at your growing talent. Absolutely beautiful flowers!

  32. Meredith on

    I am one of your new readers. I first found you in instagram, which led me to your blog blizzard. I just recently started to believe being a floral farmer may not be so far fetched, and these recent posts have pushed me even further in believing. Thank you so much for taking the time to share! I’m starting this growing season in a whole new light and am so thrilled to start some sweet peas! I love the blues, my favorite flower color!

  33. "Handy Helen" Burtch on

    How can one choose with these darlings?! I am always gravitated toward purples and lavenders – but the peach and cream is just inspiring!! But growing up a trellis en mass. I believe lavenders and purples with a touch of pink would look amazing! Love this so much!

  34. Shannon on

    It’s hard to choose a favourite colour. I love all Sweet Peas. If I must, it would be Lavender and Purple.

  35. welv2shop on

    Breath taking views of lavender and purple
    Heart aches with happiness
    Eyes tear from natures beauty
    Magical bloom

  36. Audrey on

    I love the chocolate flake and stripes, so unique and interesting! I am growing them for the first time this year and I have never smelled them. I can not wait!!

  37. Angel on

    This year I’m incorporating more flowers into my vegetable garden back yard! Poppies, nigella, nasturtium, and sweet peas! The sweet peas that verge on dark gray and faded lavender are just magic.

    Thanks! And all the best to you and your flowers.

  38. Rachel on

    I really like sweet peas with delicate flushes

  39. Karin on

    They are all so beautiful! If I had to choose I would either go with reds and maroons but I also love the delicate flushes.

  40. Becca Hunter on

    Red/Maroon colors are my favorite overall but I also love the blues and lavenders in sweet peas!

  41. Laura on

    My favorite color is blue, but with flowers I tend to gravitate towards corals, peaches, and pinks. Any sweet pea is my favorite, though!

  42. Katelyn Stewart on

    As much as my eyes want to say the purple collection are my favorite, my heart screams out “choose the salmon one!” I have always been attracted to the salmon and pink sweet peas found growing wildly along country roads on my way home. They are so dear to me.
    Thank you for taking time to share information about growing sweet peas, as well.

  43. Janie Cobb on

    I have a confession: I have never seen a sweet pea bloom in person, only ever in photos. From photos, I am absolutely in love with the inky purpley, blues, but I imagine that I’d be in love with any and all colors and scents!

  44. Laura on

    The delicate colours are breath-taking. Combined with a sweet smell and delicate petals it makes for a romantic bouquet :)

  45. Kathy on

    How can I pick just one? I love them all. If pressed, I would have to say I am partial to the pinks, with blues a close second.

    Thank you so much for all the useful info on sweet peas!

  46. Kat on

    I love them all, but the deepest purple ones and the most delicate blush ones make my heart skip a beat. I have always had trouble with them– in the end, the aphids get them. Living in North Carolina, the climate and clay don’t help, either! Any tips to help would be greatly appreciated! The sun here is so strong that the planters dry out in no time, I should really install a drip system. Whatever do you do to fend off aphids, I am so very curious! My friend in San Francisco says that hers get devoured by hungry birds. Sigh.

  47. Patti on

    Blues, flushes, whites. I love them all.

  48. Heather on

    The blues/purples are my favourites. Sweet peas are the only flowers my Dad ever grew. The flowers reminded him of his Dad who grew them back home in Scotland. This year will be our first attempt at flower farming. Dad’s 91 now and we’re hoping to have some sweet peas for him to see and smell. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. It’s -27c outside today and I am dreaming about warmer times and beautiful blooms!

  49. kim on

    Orange, salmon and peach! But I grew a beautiful blushing bride last year that smelled heavenly.
    These posts were some of my first findings of yours…

  50. Betsy A on

    Adore them all, but if I have to pick then the white/creams, blues and bicolors. They just make you smile!

  51. Paulette Phelan Kelly on

    I Love Sweet Peas! My Husband and I stayed at a bed & breafast in Scotland last year and they grew sweet peas in their greenhouse. They had several bunches of them in our bedroom and bathroom and they were Gorgeous Salmon, Orange and Pink colors and smelled Divine! Really added to our stay! Definitely my Favorite Colors! Thank You for Brightening up a very cold day in P.E.I., Canada!

  52. Megan W on

    I love the maroon ones most! Although that might change if I get the nimbus sweet peas to grow this year….

  53. Ti on

    They all have a place but the lavender/blues, with the flecks and ombre shading… oh my, makes me think of heaven!!!
    thanks for giving!

  54. Julianne on

    Classic pinks are so gorgeous!

    Perfect post for Valentine’s weekend– Just came across the blog this evening and am an instant fan.

  55. kayla b. on

    I love a mixed bouquet of sweet peas with white and purple and pink and any other colors i can get. Most important is the heavenly smell!

  56. Kathy on

    Oh my goodness… how to pick a favorite? I love them all. The peachy/creamy/orange colors have appealed to me most recently, but truly, I’ve never met a sweet pea that I didn’t love!

  57. Dacia on

    I love love love them all. Sweet peas are such a fond childhood memory. I will go with pink and soft orange as my favorites.

  58. Christi on

    I love the flush… the soft, delicate colors are my favorite!

  59. Dacia on

    I love love love them all. Sweet Peas are such a fond childhood memory for me. I do love the pinks and soft orange.

  60. Tina on

    I love the sweet peas best when they’re a wild mash up of colors. I I have to choose just one it would be the bicolors. I haven’t had any in the green for awhile. This is the year!

  61. Joy on

    First, thank you so much for all the information you have shared on your blog. I grew up working in a greenhouse business and am planning to start growing some cut flowers on my own this spring. I appreciate that you are so willing to share what you have learned with other growers. Sweet peas have always taken my breath away – my favorites are white and cream, as well as blues.

  62. Kate on

    Orange, Salmon or Peach, I want to plant them in the school garden this year…mmmmm they smell so lovely! Thanks for the great info/resources.

  63. Celia on

    I love the whites and creams but I always have a soft spot for lavander ones.

  64. Solara on

    Something inside me is stirred by that dark and stormy purple almost grey colour.

  65. cali walters on

    I bought nimbus and lizbeth from you and all my nimbus are up and growing but I managed to kill all the lizbeth :( haha. I think I’d like to pair my nimbus sweet peas with something in the creamy or blush toned family :)

  66. Mona on

    I love them all and I love them most of all when they’re in a bunch of different colors. If I do have to choose one, I’ll say the Pinks :)

  67. Lissa on

    I love them all, but the lavender remind me of Mom.

  68. Prince Snow Farm on

    I love pinks and peaches and corals. Thanks for all of this helpful info!

  69. Gwen Hess on

    This moment I love the lavenders and purples. I have to type quickly because my favorite changes moment to moment.

  70. Bridgett K on

    Such a hard choice, but my weakness would have to be dark purples. I never get tired of them, and cant wait to see them bloom this spring!

  71. Kristen L on

    White and blush normally, but Nimbus has stolen my heart…! Looking forward to growing these for the second time this year!

  72. Jennifer Thrasher on

    I’ve loved your farm for awhile now and have pinned many of your posts – which is how my daughter found you! She fell in love with all your flowers (dismayed she found you too late for all your bulbs and tubers) especially the Earl Grey and blackened sweet peas. She has since ordered several packets of the gorgeous blues and whites! My love of gardening has carryed me through all my life, ever since I was a little girl and planted my first wheat “field” (thank you Grandpa for “harvesting and selling” it :). I just want to thank you for inspiring someone (my beautiful daughter) who never before could be coerced to garden.

  73. Devin F on

    Delicate Flushes, although really it’s the smell I crave the most! Nothing puts me into a reverie of late afternoon sunshine and bare feet on the warm, wood planks of the porch quite like the smell of sweet peas.

  74. Donna S Lee on

    Lavender, Pink, Purple, Blue are some of my favorites. I wouldn’t turn down any of the others, though.

  75. Karen on

    I am partial to anything purple while white is versatile and goes with most anything and blush is what all the brides are asking for yet maroon is the one that holds its color best for pressing to use on my handmade paper cards. – how can a gal choose??? By the way, I make good use of my “extras” by cutting them to press between newspaper in the attic. Their curves are a nice addition to my pressed flower cards.

  76. Dabney on

    Purple. Specifically, the muted mauvey shades. And Thank You for this post! Sweet peas are a favorite of mine as well but always had trouble growing them in our hot, humid climate of NC. Now we are cooler; mountain top VA and hope to be able to coax them into happy participants in the garden. This post will become quite ‘page worn’. : )

  77. Ed on

    Have always loved flakes and stripes!

  78. Amanda on

    Love the coral and pink colors best! Maloy is gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to provide so much information/inspiration through your blog.

  79. Kari on

    The washed out purples are my favorite… So lovely!!! ?

  80. Katie on

    Thanks for all the info this February! Love the purple sweet peas!

  81. Elizabeth Ott on

    How to choose one?? I suppose the lavenders are my favorites.

  82. Janice Phelps on

    I love the soft pinks and the blues. Thank you so much for your inspiration!

  83. Elicia Jane on

    I adore Salmon colored sweet peas. But the smoky lavender pictured above is threatening to take their place. Those are gorgeous!

  84. Frances on

    Thank you for writing such an inspiring series of blog posts. The photos are amazing too. I’m a “want to be flower farmer” so the posts are very motivating from that point of view for me, as well as seeing your clear love for all the flowers!

  85. Lisa N on

    Delicate Flushes are so romantic!

  86. Yuliya on

    My fav color of sweet peas would have to be blues.

  87. Marney on

    My favorite color of Sweet Peas are Lavendar & Purples, and Salmon & Orange.
    But, really, I find them all lovely.
    Something about the shape of the blossom & leaves, and the curly tendrils.

  88. Debbie Byler on

    My favorite has to be salmon. I have been growing sweet peas for decades (here I go again, I AM the grandma who grows them:)

  89. Paige Patterson on

    Blue, blue, blue! And purple. Oh and pink. And cream. And peach. Sigh. They’re all gorgeous

  90. Anna on

    Bicolor although it’s hard to have a favorite. They are all beautiful!

  91. Sarah Jordan on

    Shades of pink! It brings me back to my 5 year old self playing in my mamas garden with the the sweet smell of sweet peas lingering in the background. I have a picture of my grandma hugging me in my pink flower girl silk dress with soft pink saltwater sandals on. In my mamas garden. Layers upon layers of pink!

  92. Evangeline Mahler on

    I love the flake colors! And the darker jeweled tones are so elegant.

  93. Linda Q on

    My favorite are the bi-colors right now. I also love the purples and salmons.

  94. Laura on

    We love orange, salmon and peach sweet peas and can’t wait for them to start blooming!!

  95. Emma on

    Love the blues, whites and creams!

  96. Rebecca on

    I’ve never thought about sweet peas as my favorite flower – I normally mention peonies or ranunculus, but I have really come to love sweet peas as well. I particularly adore the blues. Thanks for this awesome resource! We’re moving soon, and I can’t wait to plant a cut flower garden at our new place!

  97. Adria on

    I love the salmon and peach coloured ones. Also I love the mauve/ blue/ purple ones. Oh yes and I love the bright coral ones. And the white and cream ones just look good with everything … Who am I kidding I LOVE them all.

  98. Jessica on

    It’s almost impossible to choose but my heart goes to the lavender and purple! Sweet peas are my absolute love of flowers and my gateway too!. My friends have nicknamed me sweet pea! I love the floret varieties so much and so happy you are offering all these amazing resources just in time as we plan for the season! Thank you!

  99. Jennifer on

    Choosing a favorite? Now that is tricky. I’m just starting to grow flowers so if I get any blooms this year, I’ll be happy! I started two different varieties in a hoop house, and chose the ones that promised the sweetest smells on the envelop. Hopefully they bloom and then I can begin the process of discovering my favorites. Thank you for these great posts!

  100. Amy on

    Sweet Peas…White or cream…so pure and old fashioned.

  101. Sherry Shuler on

    I have never grown Sweet Peas. I don’t know that I have ever even seen a Sweet Pea plant in person. Which is funny because I always call my kids and grand kids Sweet Pea. I guess I watched too much Popeye growing up. But if I don’t win some Sweat Pea seeds, I will be buying some, because you are making me fall in love with Sweet Peas. My favorite color of just about anything is lavender and purple. Thank you for posting this article on a Friday. I will enjoy combing through all the links as the weekend goes by.

  102. Gretchen Chertov on

    I love all of them! Last year was the first I didn’t grow them as family tragedies precluded avid gardening. But this is a new year and the healing begins. If I had to choose only one colorway, it would have to be the orange, salmon and peaches. They are both delicate and assertive, as I like to think I am.

  103. Bittersweetcountrywreaths on

    Deciding that is like saying to choose a favorite child! I don’t think I have seen a sweet pea that I didn’t like. But having to choose I would say the purples and lavenders. Thank you so much for the information that you share with us, it is appreciated SO much.

  104. Cynthia on

    I will always love the pinky purply sweetpea “weeds” that grow along the fence-line of the old family homestead the best – those are my “most loved” color! With that being said, I find myself drawn to some of the lavenders, bright pinks, and salmon varieties.

  105. Margie Cole on

    You said it for me when you stated “Navy, the dark purple variety will leave you weak in the knees.” from the Winter Sunshine Series.

  106. Laura on

    I love the purple ones! When I think sweet pea all that comes to mind is the old fashioned purple ones. Can’t wait to have some growing this spring for my bouquets.

  107. Katie Farm 58 on

    Love the Lavenders and purples! This will be the first year I am growing sweet peas and I am greatly looking forward to the success and the failures!

  108. Donna on

    You’ve convinced me! Even though I’ve tried growing them twice and they didn’t turn out well, I’m going to try again. Your thorough instructions give me confidence. I, too, think they are a “magical” flower!

  109. Karen on

    I adore sweet peas heck I love all flowers. I ordered your peaches and cream. I love love love the cream and white colors and the pink. And all of them. Lol

  110. sarah on

    Love the Coral… Orange, Salmon or Peach. Can’t go wrong with sweet peas.

  111. Rebecca on

    I particularly love the lavender shades. I am planning my first ” true” cutting garden with the help of my 8 year old great niece and we definitely want sweet peas. We hope to have enough flowers to sell at our local Saturday morning farmer’s market. We both love purple and blue hues. My house is actually painted purple – a tasteful shade of course :)

  112. Stefanie Bailey on

    Oh, I can’t decide which is my favorite, I love the variety sweet peas come in. Purples, maroons, pinks!!!

  113. Ruth Peebles on

    I love seeing a mixture of sweet pea colors all together! If I had to pick a favorite color out of them all though, Id go with the pink! They always look so soft and dainty.

  114. Jodi on

    Love love love them all! But if I had to chose it would be the oranges for my son Henry.

  115. Kristen on

    Something out the blues…gotta love them!

  116. Marian on

    How do you begin to pick a favorite color? My grandmother’s garden was a jumble tumble of sweet pea color and fragrance. I hope my grandchildren will hold the memory of my sweet pea garden as dear. This year I plan to add some salmon and orange.

  117. Brother Placidus Lee OSB on

    Any of the cool colors, blues, lavenders, purples are all my favorites. I have never had much luck here in the middle of the continent growing them, though. We have such a short period between last frost and suddenly hot that they don’t get to bloom all that much before the heat beats them down.

  118. matt-diemer on

    I’ve never grown sweet peas before, but am going to try them this year. I really like the salmon/peach tones….. Think they could look really awesome mixed with light blue.

  119. Ann Csongei on

    I love the delicate flush sweet peas. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You are an inspiration to me as I start my first season as a flower farmer! (not yet a florist!)

  120. Stefanie H. on

    The flushes are my favorite! Blues I’m drawn to…..and I’m not crazy about blues when it comes to flowers!#? ;)

  121. Carolyn on

    Definitely purple and lavender although peach and coral always draw me in for a closer look.

  122. SUSAN on

    Picking a favorite is like picking a favorite child….I love them all. Today it would be the delicate flushes!

  123. Angela L on

    Impossible to choose.. A bouquet of lavender and purple is stunning. But I think of my best friends mom, who grew white sweet peas up a trellis outside her house and every time you walked by you got that sweet summer sweet pea smell..

  124. Diane Cornman on

    Thank you for all this beautiful material! I love all hues of purple and the beautiful bright pink sweet peas. Good luck to everyone!

    All my best!

  125. Jamie on

    White and cream for sure! Although I really like nimbus too. Last year I failed at sweet peas due to the location where I planted them, but I am making it my mission this year.

  126. Penthy Brandi on

    I am in LOVE with any and all sweet pea colors, they are so romantic and old fashioned. I would choose bicolor or pink, as they would look fantastic with my hydrangeas, baptisia, etc. I have an antique picture of bicolor sweet peas wrapped in paper, done by a French artist and have always dreamed of growing them. I would love to try growing them here in CT. I follow you on Instagram… your feed brightens my day! Thanks! ?

  127. Terri Bowlby-Chiasson on

    I think my favorite would be the Delicate flushes…but, I do like them all!! Thank you!

  128. Lyn on

    Lavender and purple are my favorite ?

  129. Alyssa Sciullo on

    Delicate flushes or peaches n cream. I drawn to the colors that you really have to focus on to appreciate their depth. Put together in a group they are amazing

  130. Sondra on

    Sweet peas in soft pinks and blush colors are so dainty!

  131. Carla Dileo on

    I love the bi-color sweet peas but with sweet peas the fragrance is the real attraction for me!

  132. Sally on

    Pinks but the smell is what I love the most!

  133. Deborah Gibson on

    Oh My!..it is a cold Saturday morning here in SC and I am looking ahead to Spring and came across your 2 tutorials on Sweet Peas….never , ever given a thought to growing sweet peas but seeing those beautiful little tender twirls of shoots coming out of your starting pots has me hooked!…I just love those little tendrils!….I have just always been afraid of growing Sweet Peas for some reason…mainly because I have never known how but that is so silly…all one has to do is read and learn but still I have had a fear!…what one fears in life is often ridiculous!….I would love to win one of your give aways!…I want to CONQUER my fear….I like to think I am a fairly successful gardener and seeing your tutorial and your beautiful photos has given me hope!

    My choices would be creams, peaches and pinks
    ….THANK YOU for all you do to make this world a more beautiful place…what a giving heart you have to share so much your knowledge and be such an encouragement to us out here in flower land!

  134. Linda on

    Lavenders and purples love!

  135. Eunice Sousa on

    I love the salmon/peach ones! They are my absolute favorite! Love your blog! Are you shipping to Portugal from your on-line shop?

  136. Kathleen Murphy on

    Impossible to choose but at this second in time I would say the pinks!

  137. Albane on

    Blue… Amost black <3

  138. mnslingerland on

    Most of all I LOVE the smell and it doesn’t matter what colours they are, they are all beautiful.

  139. Alicia on

    The orange, salmon and peach colors are what I cannot get enough of the last couple of years

  140. Aleta on

    I grew some that were cream with a blush of violet this last summer. They were my favourite of all the sweet peas that I have experienced. They smelled amazing too.

  141. As Jones on

    White, purple, coral, orange…I love sweet peas. They are such a fabulous flower. Love love love!

  142. Rebecca on

    This is my first year growing sweet peas and I can’t wait! My favorite colors are lavender and purple. Thank you for all of your hard work and posts. Truly inspiring.

  143. Shari D on

    Pinks and the purple/lavender ones. Really, all of them.

  144. Margaret on

    ALL of them! I’m an April baby and so is my daughter. Sweet Peas are the April flower. She loves purple, I love the bi-colors and pink, red and maroon. As a designer, I probably use white ones the most. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  145. Jo Birns on

    Blushes and delicate flushes! But Blue Vein and Nimbus also so good!

  146. Jillian on

    Pinks & purples! I’m looking forward to growing the ones I bought from you!

  147. Jessica on

    The delicate flushes…or maybe the lavender and purple. No, the red and maroon! They are ALL so perfect it’s impossible to pick a favorite

  148. Andrew on

    This is my first attempt at them, but I love purple and lavenders. Time to pinch some and sow a few more.

  149. Nikala on

    is it possible to chose a favourite?! Love them all! but am drawn more to the corals/peach/orange ones

  150. Shannon on

    They are all so beautiful!!! Love the purple and the pinks. (really I love them all)

  151. Suzanne on

    Orange, Salmon or Peach,
    I think… those coral color long stemmed ones pictured on one of your photos are what made me fall in love w/sweet peas. I’ve never even seen the long stemmed kind before, now I’m jones’n to get some going this spring.. Thank you for the garden inspiration! I swoon at every picture!
    ~Suzanne in northern Indiana

  152. Nao on

    I love blues!! I’ve been always loved sweet pea since I was a small child. My mother is used to arrange flowers in our living room and she often chose sweet pea. I was so fascinated by its delicate frills and colors. Now I have small p-patch garden where we grow veggies and flowers. I’d love to try your beautiful sweet pea!!

  153. Taylor on

    Lush lavender and purples give me all the feelings ?

  154. Angela on

    Lavender and purple.
    I’ve been following on Instagram for awhile and just recently discovered the blog.
    You give me hope that I can do what I love.

  155. Britt on

    oh I love them all, but lave da are probably my favorite

  156. Ashley/Roger on

    Peach for my wife, Lavender and purple for me!

  157. Jonathan Wright on

    I LOVE the deep purples and smoky blues… Also the peachy/ apricot shades. Especially ones with strong fragrance. All amazing!

  158. Spencer on

    I love the Peach to Apricot, salmon and lavender anything is my absolute favorite. I’m currently in the beginning stages of starting my own flower farm and have stumbled upon this wonderful wealth of information. I’ll be reading about the resources on Ranunculus and Dahlias and saving it all! Your sweet peas are pristine and would look great going up and down the multipurpose trellis I plan on building. I’m planting a lot of pollinators in efforts to boost my bee and butterfly population and any of your flowers would work wonders. I wish you continued success and will be keeping up with all of the new posts in the future.

  159. Kelly on

    Oh, Lizbeth!!! So dreamy!

  160. Thea C on

    I love love love every color, but the lavender and purple ones are so bright and cheery! I think Sweet Peas have the best scent of all flowers! I always forget to plant them on time though! Is it too late to plant them in So Calif? Can’t wait to read your other posts about them!

  161. Michelle on

    As long as it’s got the lovely Sweetpea scent any color is fine by me! I did so love the classic purples, pinks, and blues my Grandma grew from time to time. But the peaches you’ve found are just dreamy -all of the varieties, really!
    Thank you for all the wonderful resources!

  162. Kyler on

    Choosing a single color is too hard! I like all of the white, cream, peach, pink tones because I imagine myself using them in wedding work. However, I haven’t gotten the opportunity yet, this is the year I will use sweet peas in our wedding work! I have had some s l o w l y growing since November in my unheated laundry room, I can’t wait to plant them out :)

  163. Kristin D on

    Sweet peas are lovely little flowers. The way that they climb and bend reminds of a free spirited soul that doesn’t conform. I love the delicate flushes. Thank you for doing this little giveaway!

  164. amelia amish on

    the blues and picottes are my favorite but when they are blooming they are all my favorite.

  165. Shelley Yoshiwara on

    Love them all, it’s kind of like asking who’s your favorite child?! They’re all spectacular!!

  166. Erika on

    Sweet Peas have always been one of my favorites and I’m so excited to be growing them, for the first time, this year! I love the flushes most of all!

  167. Betsy on

    love the pink ones

  168. Laurie on

    I especially love the pink sweet peas. Every shade from blush to hot pink!

  169. Shannon on

    I love the coral, peachy colours. The smell of sweet peas instantly reminds me of my granny’s sweet pea patch from when I was a child.

  170. Janelle W on

    Coral, blue, and orange are our favorites!

  171. Greta Jankoviak on

    Tough decision….but I love the lavender and purple, as well as the bicolor blooms.

  172. Erika T on

    Give me strips and ruffles any day! I love the texture. Thank you for sharing your bountiful knowledge!

  173. Laura on

    Delicate flushes! I admit, the only reason I know what Sweet Peas are is because it’s my birthday flower, and therefore my dad called me ‘sweet pea’ growing up. I’m just starting out in the flower growing world and would love having these! I’m going to try growing them anyway after reading all your info. :) Thanks!

  174. Meghan M on

    I fall (every time!) for the pink ones… I won’t wear the colour, I’m not particularly ‘girlie’, but my garden fills with ballet, blush, peach. Every time!

  175. kathleen on

    Orange, salmon and peach my favorites to eat also:)

  176. Tamara O on

    In love with the purple hues? You’re blog and photos are always such inspiration.

  177. Chas B. on

    My favorites colors this spring are orange, salmon & peach. These colors are warm, pretty, cheery & beautiful! ?

  178. Jackie Hales on

    I love all of them, especially for their scent, but my favorite has to be blue. Absolutely lovely <3

  179. Meiska Starner on

    Whites and creams! Oh I love to add those cloudy, frilly bits of lightness to bursts of color in bouquets. ❤️

  180. Lorna on

    Lavender and purple

  181. Kimberly on

    I love ? the orange/salmon/peach sweet peas! Too me that color screams spring. Sweet peas are so beautiful! I’m obsessed with how they look it’s just a gorgeous site and exquisite smell.

  182. Gigi on

    Those salmon ones are beautiful!

  183. Stephanie on

    Like many others sweet peas are linked to my grandparents. I’ve been pining over Dynasty. I was too late in ordering. I gravitate to the pinks but something about your ocean collection sets my heart a flutter. Thank you for collecting the links of all your great sweet pea posts. The growing great sweet peas 1 & 2 were my introduction to Floret and I’m so glad I found you. Thanks for another great post.

  184. Jessica on

    Definitely flakes or stripes or maybe bicolored they are all so lovely, I like the unusual ones most

  185. Norma on

    I normally like a mixed color but the salmon is really appealing to me this year.

  186. Dani on

    Purple! Your pictures of the “Nimbus” make my heart melt!!!

    Last year my SIL shared some sweet pea seeds that she won from you! They had the longest stems and amazing scents! I had never grown or even smelled them before, but now I’m in love!

  187. Amy Pellicer on

    I love the bi-color ones. But, honestly they all are Beautiful!?

  188. Jesalyn on

    I don’t think I could settle on one but I’m first drawn to the shades of peaches and pinks- I think because they make me think of little girls and tutus!

    Awesome post- thank you for taking the time to embed all those links!!!

  189. Cindi on

    Purple and salmon together. Really anything that smells heavenly is divine!

  190. Jess M on

    I love the pinks and blues. They are so delicate and beautiful! I can’t wait for spring to plant flowers for the first time in our new home. I love your site and all the inspiration you’ve given me!

  191. Erika on

    Blues! Blue always stands out as my favorite from the mix my grandpa faithfully plants each year.

  192. Hannah Clarke on

    I absolutely love the salmon colored ones. Reminds me of summer days with my littlle puppy, Charley.

  193. Tia Stockton on

    I love anything striped or flecked or textured!

  194. Katie K on

    Oh my goshhhh! I love blues, lavenders, and the peachy salmon colored ones! My nick name (from my mom) is Sweet Pea and she still calls me that! Actually, she calls me ‘Peas’ for short. Haha. These are one of my favorite flowers! Thanks for doing the give-a-way!

  195. Yorlie C on

    Hard to choose a favorite because I love them all mixed together, but I definitely lean towards the lavender and deeper purple shades! Especially when mixed with delicate flushes. Love your blog!!

  196. Elena on

    I’m definitely a fan of bicolor flowers, sweet peas included! Can’t wait to get my garden growing!

  197. Sharon on

    I enjoy the pink and white sweet peas. Right now I’m sor ready for flowers, I’d love any color of sweet peas.

  198. Meriwether on

    Blues, lavender and purple. Altogether, my favorite color: blurple. I love your blog. I am an amateur home gardener and your writing is so inspiring and informative. Thank you so much for your generosity!

  199. Kari on

    There isn’t one I don’t like! If I had to choose just one…. I would have to pick the flecked or striped ones.

  200. Kari on

    I love them all! If I had to choose just one…. I would have to pick the flecked or striped ones.

  201. Tammy on

    I have just spent this evening down memory lane devouring all of this fabulous info. brought back so many memories of my grandma’s garden and her sweet peas growing up the wire fences..the smell blowing through the farmhouse (no ac). I am excited to give it another try this year. They are all beautiful but I am partial to the white and bi-color as that is what my grandma grew.

  202. Stefani on

    Pinks, particularly the palest shades… So delicate and feminine!

  203. Terry McKaig on

    My faves are pink. My Grandpa grew sweet peas on his fence when I was a baby and taught me everything I know about gardening. I can’t live without my sweet peas….I grow them here in the Phoenix desert. They are about 3 feet high now.

  204. Frances on

    Although I am a total color junkie and choosing is always difficult – soft, subtle salmon, cream and light pink win me over. In a perfect world I’d have rows and rows of them all!
    Thanks ever so much for all your very useful info!

  205. Lexi on

    Peaches are definitely my favorites! My grandpa on my mother’s side immigrated to Montreal from Portugal and became a successful gardener and garden planner for the city. His garden contained all kinds of sweetpea variations and he would always let me pick them and make bouqets when I visited him! For a while I really wanted to be a florist. Even though I instead chose to take a path of Social Work I still find gardening and painting the flowers I grow to be one of the best forms of self care for me.

  206. Jen Hohenboken on

    My Grammie Lancaster, I miss her so. Absolutely, lavenders and purples. Every time I see or smell a sweet pea, I feel her presence.

  207. Stephanie on

    White and cream for sure ! I do love lavenders and purples too, but I’m a sucker for white flowers.

  208. Tressa on

    I love them all. But the bicolors are particularly enchanting. Spring can’t come soon enough.

  209. Victoria on

    My mamma used to grow them in her fabulous garden in NZ. Pinks, purples and blues – it would be lovely to grow some in her memory this spring in Vancouver. Thank you for sharing!

  210. Stacey Cross on

    The peaches, pinks, bicolors so stricking but my favorite is blue.

  211. Calli on

    It’s so hard to pick a favorite but I sure do love the blues.

  212. Santhe on

    When I lived in Seattle a co-worker stopped at Pike Place Market every week and brought us all sweet peas in the office. It was so lovely. I can still smell them!

  213. foley.jen on

    Love the red or white! Would be so great with my other floret seeds.

  214. Jane on

    Love all of them but not very successful at growing them. Your resource booklet is a huge help. Hoping this year is better and those pretty blue Charlie’s Angels take off! Thank you!

  215. Amber on

    It’s hard to pick just one…peach/coral is probably my favorite, but the shades of purples are gorgeous too!!

  216. Carey on

    Definitely for me it’s the purples and lavenders or the flakes – especially when they have washes of other tones in them- I feel like they bring out so much paired with springtime bulbs!

  217. Katelyn on

    Love the ombré white to lavender to dark purple mix, especially contrasted with lime green spring foliages.

  218. Emily Mae on

    I love the pinks. They’re so sweet and playful looking to me!

  219. Ciel Evans on

    I love the pinks and flushes! Beautiful!

  220. Jenny on

    Pink, peach and apricot shades all mixed together!

  221. Sadh-Bakshish on

    I love the pinks, blues and purples. Flowers are so charming it is hard to choose favorites, but sweet peas and dahlias get my immediate attention and excitement.

  222. Kathryn on

    Blues remind me of home. My mother planted blues and when I see the delicate blues, I think of her.

  223. Tamara on

    That’s a tough one…pink, purple, white…I Love them all!!

  224. Peggy Oeters on

    Thank you for all the information you have shared. I look forward to receiving my plants. I love all the blues and lavenders with their complimentary colors, the salmons and colors.

  225. Lauren D on

    I love the delicate flushes, just beautiful.
    It’s going to be -8 F here this weekend… I Can’t wait for spring – this post is such a tease!!!

  226. Karen S on

    Sweet peas, my favorite since forever. I love them all, but maybe the blush, pink and purple? Thank you for the opportunity to win. LOVE your site

  227. Alison on

    Flaked and striped, something different always catches my eye!

  228. Lily on

    I really like the blues and purples. They’re so unique and elegant.

  229. Jessica Chase on

    First, I just need to say thank you for all your amazing information! I really like the champagne colors and contrasting it with the blues and purples.

  230. Kurt on

    Landscaping a new yard and front will be pinks and purples with white in the backyard will be calling yellows with grey accents. So I’d have to say either pink or purple please

  231. Karla on

    I just love all the information I get from your posts. Being a wantabee flower farmer, I truly don’t have many colors I don’t like with Sweet Peas because I just love them all. The scent, the way they grow, the giving, etc.

  232. Jaimie on

    I love the bi-colour varieties because they’re blend so beautifully with various palettes. But then a bright coral or salmon variety can instantly brighten your day! They’re just such an incredible flower that I never tire of anf you grow them so beautifully!!

  233. Adele on

    I truly love all sweet pea colors but if I had to pick, maroon,pink or apricot !! I have seen sweet peas around and liked them just fine and dandy, but last season I passed by them some maroon ones garden and my jaw literally dropped! I then have been seeking them out and being amazed by all the colors and smells! they are pure sweet magic ! Thanks so much for the lovely growing resources, this will be my first season growin sweet peas :)

  234. Irma on

    I’m naturally drawn to creams and pinks. I’m growing my first sweet peas (ordered from Floret) this spring and I can’t wait!

  235. Cody Tomlinson on

    The flaked & striped varieties are definitely my favourite! So unique!
    Thank you Erin for all of the amazing information and inspiration your provide us flower lovers!

  236. Cynthia mercer on

    Baby pinks, the delicate color combined with the gentle sweet scent is absolutely priceless in arrangements. I am looking forward to growing a few sweet peas, I have joined hands with my organic csa to begin growing flowers this spring. You might remember me we met at Making Things Happen in North Carolina? Any who, I quit my day job and started flowering! Still flowering but oh so excited for growing my own! Thank you for your diligence with your blog, it has been amazingly helpful and informative! ❤️

  237. Anna on

    I love them all but I always have a soft spot for peaches and salmon and coral colored flowers especially :)

    Thanks so much for the blog blizzard! It’s been great so far!

  238. Sarah Platenius on

    My grandma used to grow sweet peas in her one acre city lot in La Jolla, California. Surprisingly I can grow many of the same varieties in my rainforest garden in Tofino, Canada. Creamy white is a favorite, especially grown with a burgandy poppy.

  239. AC on

    Can’t pick a color! Pinks and reds. There aren’t words to describe my love for these flowers.

  240. Amy R on

    I love the purples. Thank you for all the information you’ve shared.

  241. Em on

    Sweet peas are my favorite as well… hands down, beyond measure – my most favorite flower. Around age 4, I remember my mom growing them in a tiny rental on a bluff overlooking the Straits right after my parent’s divorced. Peaches, blue hues… they always blow me away.

  242. Jen on

    I love them all, but I lean towards the blues and purples. I saw the Earl Grey variety and I have to try some!! They are just beautiful beyond words.

  243. Nancy Balzer on

    My Grandmother’s garden always had a trellis of sweet peas! White, pinks and purples and the drama of some maroons are my favourites. it is the sent that brings the memories. Your photos are so beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  244. Shalon on

    I would have to say the salmon peach color. But they are all so beautiful! Thank you for all the info that you have been sharing. (I also love all of the pictures.) I am sure that it takes a lot of time. So Thank you!.

  245. David on

    I really like the lavender and purples! Love your posts! You guys are amazing! Keep up the good work.

  246. Cate on


    Though I have yet to grow sweet peas myself (hoping to give it a try this year!), there was an amazing greenhouse near where I lived many years ago in NH where I used to splurge on little bouquets of them.

  247. Lorrie Walker on

    I always freeze up when asked for a favorite anything. Especially when all choices are so beautiful. I guess I’d say blue or lavender and purples, but I also love the bi colors and all the others. What’s not to love?
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge so freely, and for a chance at this giveaway, as well!

  248. Madison on

    The flaked sweet peas take my breath away! Especially the chocolate ones. I’m so glad I got my hands on a packet! I love unique patterns in nature, and sweet peas have such an inviting style. So sweet, but so bold! Can’t wait to put all your wonderful knowledge to good use in my garden. You’re the best!

  249. Elie on

    I love purple and lavender! Looking to grow some this summer :)

  250. Liisa on

    Gaaaah! I love the orange, salmon and peach! No, wait, the blue, lavender and purple…. But who can resist a cream-colored sweet pea edged with pink? Wish I could plant a row for miles….

  251. Linda Wong Garl on

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all sweet peas…I succession plant, mixing many, many packages of colors and kinds together…so when I go to my garden to make a bouquet…I can be as creative that morning as I want…it could be a lavender/purple, a pinky toned, an all white, just pastels, or whatever my heart desires…for the mood of the day or for whomever I am making the bouquet for…a neighbor, a friend or just for me! Oh, the sweet perfume of sweet peas!

  252. Shanna on

    Creams and whites are my favorite, though I love the champagnes as well. Thanks for offering such a great give-away! And thanks for this wonderful series of posts.

  253. jill j. on

    ps, I like the picotee ones.

  254. jill j. on

    Question(s): Do you plant out both of the seedlings you sowed in each pot? If so, do you plant them together as one plant or divide and plant as two individual plants? Or do you thin and just keep the strongest looking one? Can’t seem to find the answer in the sweet pea e-growing guide I purchased a while back nor in any of the sweet pea posts. Maybe I’m just missing it. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge and experience. I always look forward to your blog posts.

  255. Helen on

    I can’t get over the bicolors – they are ridiculous – Erewhon, Enchante, Spanish Dancer, oh my! Also Nimbus and other speckled types…it’s hard to pick just one!

  256. Gail on

    Purple always purple

  257. Lisa on

    I will be growing sweet peas for the first time this year, and I cannot wait for spring to arrive so I can get started. I think my favorites have to pinks and lavenders – I have a weakness for very feminine colored flowers!

  258. laura on

    Lavender and purple are my favorites! Growing up we had a patch of hot pink ones which were showstoppers but there is something almost relaxing and soothing about the lavender colors.

  259. Rachel on

    I love the red because it was my introduction to sweet peas! I grew up in the desert and never saw a sweet pea bloom until I was flipping through a UK wedding magazine and saw a bouquet of of nothing but deep, red sweet peas. I’ve been obsessed with the flower ever since. And it’s the only flower that I’ll ever choose red as a favorite color. :)

  260. Zandy on

    Cream and lavender

  261. Megan on

    The pinks and purples!

  262. Rachel on

    When I was school I used to wear bath and body works Sweet Pea scent. Then, I smelled the real thing and ooh la la! Now that I’m a homeowner I just can not wait to grow my own!! My favorite are the delicate flushes.

  263. lindsey0009 on

    Coral, peachy pinks. But how can you pick just one, they are all so beautiful! Thanks for putting all the sweet pea info in one place!

  264. Wendy on

    White or cream. Delicate flushes.

  265. Kelly E. on

    Gosh! I love sweet peas so much, I’m not picky about color! They remind me of my sweet grandma who passed so long ago now. She had them lining the drive and I remember walking along the fence and seeing white and red and pink and purple. They were so delicate and beautiful. I rarely see them anymore, but when I do, you can be sure I’m squealing with delight and probably even tearing up a bit. They will always be my grandma’s flower. I would love to try my hand at planting my own. Thank you for the chance to win!

    • suzanne osborne on

      I can honestly say that my favorite color is the one that I’m looking at, at that time. But perhaps my most favorite is a peach, cream, or the deep dark purples, blues and so, you see how it goes..

  266. Elisabeth Ontario on

    So hard to pick a favourite, like asking which one of you kids is your favourite….But if I have to pick one, I’ll say Blue….I love the moody blue of Nimbus, seems unconventional. Thanks for introducing me Sweet Peas, I haven’t had the pleasure of growing them yet and I’m looking forward to trying to grow them and sharing them with others, hopefully others who haven’t seen or smelled them either!

  267. Sarah Lipe on

    Orange, salmon, and peach are so stunning to me!

  268. Emma on

    I love all sweet peas, but seeing a nice pink or purple mixed with white is definitely one of my favorite combinations. They always makes me think of spring, and I love having a few in a vase in my room to brighten it up.

  269. adrienne on

    white and peach are my fave! Thanks!

  270. Joanne on

    I have been drawn to the Bicolors and Flakes or Stripes lately. But appreciate them all.

  271. Kate on

    Thank you for so much information. I will be reading everyone of your blog posts☺ I have had mixed success with sweet peas especially from a cut flower production point of view. While I ordered a wack of other Floret seeds I held back on ordering sweet peas for that very reason but with all of the information on growing I now have I’m sorry I didn’t include them in my order. I love them but definitely gravitate towards the blues and the white/pink/peach varieties? Cheers!

  272. Melinda on

    Peach, lavender, and purple!

  273. Lakline.007 on

    Something about salmon does it for me. I grew up with a master gardener mother and uncle so we always had vases of sweet peas on the table when they were blooming. Thanks for sharing!

  274. Jody on

    I love the purples and pinks!

  275. Sara on

    Blues but really I love them all!

  276. janis on

    I grew them for the first time last year, I loved them. Especially the white ones. I planted them in my unheated hoophouse and they grew to the roof! They were amazing!

  277. Lauren on

    I don’t know if it’s a color, but the veined ones! I think I literally swooned when I saw Blue Vein earlier this year in your shop–so unique and so beautiful. They are one of the best flowers!

  278. Jamie on

    I love the really soft pinks, creams, and peaches. Such a light, lovely flower, I just love the

  279. marybeth on

    I absolutely LOVE your peaches and cream collection – all my favs in one place! I’ve never grown sweet peas before, and plan to read all your posts and do some research to make sure I can grow some here in North Georgia….I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with them in their garden! perhaps I can make that change?!!

  280. Olen on

    oranges, salmon and peach oh my!

  281. ali on

    blues! Nimbus is amazing!

  282. Fritz on

    I love love LOVE the delicate flushes and the lavender/purples. I’m so glad you’re selling sweet pea seeds, I can’t wait for spring!!

  283. Trish on

    I love the delicate flushes and pinks!! I am kind of obsessed with peonies, but sweet peas are one of my favs as well :)

  284. Jen on

    How can I pick just one?? I love the blushes but I think the bicolors are my favorite!

  285. Yuleidy on

    I love these fragant climbers. I consider it like others as the “Queen of Annuals”. I love their romantic appearance, their execptional fragance, and their woderful lenght of bloom. My most loved sweet Pea flower colors are Orange, Salmon or Peach.

  286. Killoran on

    I downloaded that old booklet you recommended ages ago from Archive.org and it was so informative. I would really, really recommend reading older posts if you (other readers) haven’t – super helpful.

    I’m really drawn to the moody maroons/reds, but also blues. But I think I really just love the delicate flushes. Sigh. So dreamy.

  287. Lauren on

    I love love the salmon/peach sweet peas. Mixed with white in a bouquet…ah, love!! I cannot wait for sweet peas to be in bloom!

  288. Grace on

    I love the purple ones. My great grandma always had them growing on her fence. I’d give anything to have the seeds from them. Sweet peas always seem to have the sweetest memories. I remember driving through the town I grew up in and every year this one house would cover their picket fences with sweet peas. They caught my attention like nothing else which is saying something for a seven year old.

    Grace e

    • Megan on

      White and cream are always my favorite

    • Hannah Keen on

      The Blues! They are so striking and you don’t see many flowers in those shades! But they all are absolutely gorgeous!

    • Sarah on

      I am new to your blog and am loving it! Thank you for all the inspirational ideas!
      Sweet peas bring back very vivid childhood memories for me. Isn’t it wonderful how scent is so tied to memories.
      I love the vivid hues of pinks, blues and purples! ???

    • Leslie on

      That is hard to decide :-P I grew some purple ones last year that were so so fragrant and glowed in my little vase. So, purple it is!! :-D

    • Chelsea on

      There’s no flower so delicate & innocent as the sweat pea! I love pinks & salmons, bicolored are incredible, too!

    • Aisha Crawford on

      I love orange, salmon,and peach. So incredibly romantic ❤ I truly love them all ,but having to pick they would be my go to’s. I cannot contain my excitement for the upcoming Dahlia intensive ?See you in August! Woohoo!

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