Home Blog New year, new focus
January 13th 2014

New year, new focus

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Bouquet includes: icelandic poppies, nasturtium 'gleam' vine and flowers, aruncus, thalictrum, rose 'ghislaine de feligonde' and forget me nots

Bouquet includes: icelandic poppies, nasturtium ‘gleam’ vine and flowers, aruncus, thalictrum, rose ‘ghislaine de feligonde’ and forget me nots

As we roll into 2014 with great gusto, I am trying to stay on top of my new years resolutions, one being to consistently blog, but as you can see from the awkward gap between posts, it’s been a little rocky so far. Building a new habit is always a bit tricky but once I’ve run through the process successfully a few times, it gets a lot easier. I trust it will be the same with all of this.


The first order of business is to transform this little old blog into a thriving resource center for all things flower. A place to get your questions answered, see examples of varieties you might want to grow or use, a place to explore new techniques, meet floral designers who are using local product in ways that will blow your mind, see other small flower operations around the world, win awesome prizes, get a behind the scenes look at life on a bustling flower farm and so much more.

It’s a tall order I know, but one that’s been on my mind and heart for a very long time. 2014 is the year I’m digging in and giving it a serious go!


Second, our farm newsletter ( yes, the one I’ve only sent out a few scattered times! ) is getting some major love too. In it I’ll be shining the spotlight on a fantastic flower variety each month of the year and will share the little tips and tricks necessary to get the most out of vase life and flower storage.

On the roster so far are anemones, ranunculus, lilacs, peonies, garden roses, dahlias and mums. There will also be flower arranging how-to’s, announcements and early heads up on workshops and classes for the coming season.

If you’re not already signed up, you can do so HERE.


Starting tomorrow the first “official” weekly column for the blog titled Flower Focus will begin. Depending on how much info is needed, each variety might span multiple posts like the sweet peas or just require one.

There are other new columns just around the corner as well and my hope is that they’ll get you just as fired up about local flowers as I am.


A huge thank you for all of your enthusiastic emails, great comments and abundant post shares. It’s been quite overwhelming indeed.

I’m so excited about what we’re going to learn together in the coming year. Happy 2014!


  1. Wedding Inspiration Boards. | on

    […] be in the same group as many other small business owners/bloggers. I’ve seen and read many a blog lately of fabulous ladies and even a few gents saying they are resolved to blogging more. I’m […]

  2. Debbie Byler on

    Hi Erin, I just have to compliment and thank you for sharing information that I searched for in earnest last year. I had a crop of platycodon blooming for the first for us and no idea how to sear stems, had never had a crop that required it. I figured it out, it worked, but you are such a blessing with your precise information even for those of us who have been growing commercial cuts for a long time:) Thanks again, your photos are food for the soul, especially in a cold PA winter. God Bless, Debbie

    • Floret on

      Debbie, you are so welcome. Thrilled it was helpful!

  3. Emily Peck on

    I am beyond excited about this for so many reasons – flowers are my heart, we are close to each other in location so I love that!, and blogging is a great way to stay in touch and share what’s going on. Even though we’ve never met, I feel like odd kindred spirit with you and hope there is some way we can connect more in the future! :D

  4. Jasmine on

    Thank you Erin. What a truly generous inspiring lady you are!!!

    I would love to subscribe to your lovely newsletter (meaning pay you for your time & knowledge) or beable to buy the articles in a downloadable document once a quarter or once a year.

    Though I know you are doing it for the love of flowers, I would love to be able to give back to you (& Aus is to far to send weekly bunches of flowers) :)

    Thank you, all us flower wannabes are excited!!!

    • Floret on

      Jasmine, aww thanks.

      I have big plans for a downloadable course, a book etc. in the near future so don’t worry, there will be some opportunities coming up : )

      So happy you’re finding the info in helpful and I just love sharing it!

  5. corina on

    From Romania ( > 7500 km away) I wish you a great
    2014, and I`m so grateful for everything you share with all us!
    Discovering your blog is such a great delight! Thank you and keep going! :)

  6. Catharine on

    Thank you for the inspiring site! As both a gardener and a painter your site is true inspiration, I’m trying to get my husband geared up for the fish guts! We have used fish heads under out tomato plants but you have taken it to new heights :)

  7. Kathleen on

    So they figured out how to clone you? You have been my flower inspiration. I feel I need to come weed your garden for all of this information you will be sharing I know how time consuming it can be. Maybe a pay it forward sort of thing and soon collectively we will have changed the world so everyone is supporting their local flower farmers.

  8. Ariana on

    What do they say about developing new habits? It takes a month….or is is 3 months of regular practice for it to become a habit. You’re doing great so far. This is only January 13th! Looking forward to what is to come!

  9. Margie on

    Spent the day transplanting poppies thanks to your inspiration and motivation. An enormous thank you!

  10. Annette on

    This all sounds very exciting to me. I adored your posts on sweet peas and can’t wait to see and learn more.

  11. Emily K on

    A great plan! I’m really excited to be following along with it all and learning more about gardening and flowers. Best of luck to you from a VERY hot Melbourne.

  12. Kristy on

    I am so excited!!! I have learned so much already from you and I can’t wait to learn more. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and photos.

    p.s. I got some sweet peas started from seed today inspired by your blog!

  13. the secret flower garden on

    I can’t wait!!! Would love an ingredients list to accompany your beautiful images. Just at the beginning of my flower farming journey and already hooked, mainly down to you and everything you post xo Thank you Erin

  14. Georgianna on

    Bravo!!! You know I’ll be cheering you on and helping in any way I can. x

  15. Amanda Holloway on

    FABULOUS FLOWERS …WELL DONE YOU…Looking forward to checking out your Blog :D With lots of love from Mandy xx

  16. Betsy on

    Always so grateful for all that you share, and so in awe of all that you do…looking forward to all of it, and truly hoping that you are able to carve out some restorative time for yourself and your beautiful family…


  17. cortnie on

    Awesome, Erin! I love these goals and I’m sure you can make it happen!!


  18. Bethany Karn on

    not only is it lovely to see and read about all your hard work and brilliant ideas, it’s also reaffirming to know just how many like-minded souls are out there; ready willing and able to make the world more Local and Lovely – many thanks!

  19. Nina on

    Wow, I’m really looking forward to all the knowledge and beauty you’ll be sharing with us! You’re such an inspiration. Good luck!
    I’ll throw in a question here: will poppies be on your flower focus? I’m wondering about which species/varieties are best for cutting.

  20. Karin on

    HOLY (something) I AM SO EXCITED to hear this! I have so much to learn and the more I buy and prepare for my first local season the more I am PSYCHIED OUT OF MY MIND about providing local flowers for my area. THANK YOU for all that you do and share. I am SO GRATEFUL!!!!!! <3

  21. melinda on

    loving this – thanks Erin!

  22. Stasha on

    Thank you, thank you! I’m so excited to read about all things flowers from you. This is exactly what I’ve been wanting, but haven’t found anywhere on the web.

  23. Melissa on

    Very excited about all the new posts coming! What variety of nasturtium is that? Such a pretty color!

  24. Nata on

    Wow!!!! You are quite the ambitious woman! I will be anxiously waiting for your posts. You do a fantastic job!

  25. Erin on

    Love! Can’t wait!


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