Home Blog monday
May 21st 2012


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After two long weeks of glorious summer weather, the rain has finally returned to our damp little corner of the world. While the gray and drizzle is a tad bit depressing after such a long stretch of sun, I am secretly happy for the calm and slowed pace it brings. No more frantically hauling hoses around the property trying to making sure all of the beds are irrigated. No more sun hats, sunblock or sunburns. And all of the newly planted babies can slowly adjust to their new homes in the cool, damp days ahead. Pheew!
We stopped in and visited and old farmer friend yesterday. During our chat he recited a little poem to me and I loved it so much I had him copy it down to set in my kitchen window sill. While silly and cute, the underlying mesage is so very true.
Here’s to a calmer week for us all and a little rest before the next big wave.
Happy Monday everyone!

If you keep your nose to the grindstone rough,
And keep it down there long enough,
In time you will forget there are such things,
As brooks that babble and birds that sing;
And of these will all your world compose:
Yourself, the grindstone, and your poor old nose.


  1. elisegriswoldart.com on

    I have just stumbled across your blog, via SAIPUA-and I can't even gush enough about how much I needed to see these beautiful images and read your wonderful words!
    I adore that poem and am going to print it out and tuck it in my copy of Leaves of Grass, as I feel that Walt Whitman would approve.
    Your flower farm is stunning, and I can't tell you how much I wish you were down the road in South Carolina for me to visit, instead of all the way across the country. Good thing there are cameras and internet:)

    Keep up the beautiful work!


  2. julie on

    Such a cute poem…Glad to hear the rain has come to water your baby plants.
    I love the smell of the garden after the rain. :) xxx

  3. Piia Anneli / annelivia on

    Rain is so very much needed and mostly appreciated by us who try to tend to the delicate, young plants. Glad you've had your share. We're currently enjoying some warmth and the flowers are bursting alive like never before – only last to be seen a year before, exactly :)


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