Home Blog close call
February 1st 2012

close call

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Our sweet Steven was hit by a car this weekend. I let him outside for 5 minutes to explore and the little bugger disappeared. We hunted and hunted for hours, two tearful kids and a wicked case of anxiety myself.  As it neared dusk I saw him out of the corner of my eye on the road, a truck passed and he darted out from under it. We were all so thrilled to find him that I didn’t notice he was actually hurt. Inside when we let him down on the floor his back legs hung limp as he yowled and tried to pull himself to a dark hiding place. Aw man, it was brutal!

But somehow, miraculously, the little devil escaped the whole ordeal with only a fractured hip. I escaped an $1,800 vet bit as long as I can keep him on bed rest for 30 days. It’s hard explaining to a tiny, wild boy the he needs to take it easy while his bones heal.Geez, what a scare! Thank god he’s got those extra lives stored up.



  1. Sharon Parker on

    Poor kitty! So glad you are able to help him heal without the whopper vet bill. Perhaps after a period of keeping him in while he heals he may get used to being an indoor kitty. Certainly at least one hopes that he's had enough of a scare to be wary of the road anyway! Best of luck to the little guy.

  2. McKenzie Powell on

    Oh Steven! You can't do that road / car thing anymore! Stay safe little man (cat)!

  3. julie on

    poor steven…give him a gentle cuddle from me… & such a scare for your family (had to put my 15 year old cat down recently, which broke my heart) pets r so amazing,in that they have a way of moving not only into your home, but deep in your heart.
    sounds like steven will be around for many more adventures to come!! xxx

  4. HPotter on

    I'm so glad he's okay! I've had the bad experience of losing a few kitties that way, over the years, and now I'm terrified to let mine out. They stay in, not always thrilled about it, but at least it's one less thing to worry about. I so enjoy all your posts, and I've loved your pictures of him, what a sweet face! Get well soon Steven!!!

  5. Katy on

    Oh no…. I'm so glad he's okay. I agree with Amy, lock that furrball down. It's so hard with kitties… they're true nature is to romp and revel outdoors, but it is a very dangerous world out there. Kisses to Steven. xx

  6. Julie on

    Oh, so glad he's OK. I'm always in such a panic if our pups get out. Do you have a small kennel, or could you borrow one? We had to keep one of our cats quiet after a surgery, and we put him in a kennel with a bed and litter box, and he did really well.

    Hope your baby mends quickly! (BTW–I recently spent almost $300 on vet bills for a chicken that was attacked by a raccoon…and it didn't end well. Crazy, I know–but my Chicken Mama girlie adores her feathered girls.)

  7. Laetitia - Fleuriste Troubadoure on

    Oh my… so glad he is ok. That reminds me of a similar story which didn't end so well. He's a lucky boy, good thing that cats have 7 lives. :o)

  8. Floret on

    no kidding, thank goodness it didn't come to that!

  9. Terri on

    Please keep your sweet little Steven indoors or leash train him for his safety. It just breaks my heart to see an animal that has been hit by a car. That doesn't include the other dangers they face outdoors.

  10. flwrjane on

    I didn't have a hope in the world I could keep the Lab still after her knee surgery but you know what? She knew what to do for herself. She took it easy, I stopped freaking out and now she's spry as a puppy.

    Fingers crossed it goes as well for you with your little one.

    xo jane

  11. Bow Street Flowers on

    Poor little guy. Keep us posted on how he's keeping quiet and how his recovery is going.

  12. webb on

    OMG! no advice on keeping him quiet – well, gin, but I'm not sure you can give that to kittens. Hope all goes well.


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