Home Blog Farmer Florist Workshop {May}
May 26th 2014

Farmer Florist Workshop {May}

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Last weekend marked the second Farmer Florist Workshop we held here on the farm this spring.

Seventeen lovely ladies flew in from all over N. America to join us and learn about small scale, high intensity flower farming and loose, natural floral design.


It was a jam packed three days! We built a low greenhouse, dug into soil prep, divided twenty crates of dahlias for them to smuggle home in their suitcases, harvested a truckload of flowers, talked sales and marketing, grocery bouquets and made tons of big flowery arrangements.

By the end of each we day we were all exhausted but in the very best kind of a way.


For me, the process of watching a group of completely unique individuals, brave enough to take the plunge and willing to learn and risk and grow is utterly amazing.

Day one as we each go around the circle sharing about our lives and our paths with flowers, you can feel the anxiety in the air. So much unknown, so much still a mystery.


Day two as we dig into more of the hands on projects, harvest armloads of flowers and start to bond as a group, the tension fades. You can see the worry disappear and be replaced with confidence.


By day three it’s more like a party. There’s laughter in the background, lush bouquets being created and photographed around every corner, brave ladies lining up to have their portrait taken, fantastic conversations and big plans in the works.


It’s scary to go for your dreams.

What if you make a mistake? What if everyone thinks you’re crazy? What if you can’t make any money at it? What if you don’t really have any natural talent? What if you’re too old or you’re too young?

What if you FAIL?


As we enter the circle on day one we’re all strangers with one common bond; a love of flowers. On the final day as we all head our separate directions, we leave united by flowers and filled with the courage, confidence and passion to make our wildest dreams a reality.


I am so grateful to all of the brave souls who made the journey to learn with us and to the Floret team (Jill, Sue, Chris, Jill and Vanessa) who so brilliantly held the space for each of us to grow into more of who we are meant to be.

What an amazing, inspiring, beautiful experience to be part of!


There have been a number of inquiries about our upcoming workshop schedule and while we’re still firming dates and details, I can say it’s looking like we’ll be offering more in the coming season.

Another 3 day Farmer-Florist Workshop is slotted for October, most likely the first weekend so the last dahlias and first heirloom mums can show their stuff.


And for all of you flower lovers, beginning designers and florists wanting to break away from traditional model, we’re putting together a 2 day Floral Extravaganza in August just for you!

Day one we’ll tour the farm, then set you loose in the flower fields to harvest armloads of fresh blooms. The next day and a half will be spent creating spectacular arrangements in a historic barn down the way and photographing your work. You can take a peek at last summers class with Amy Merrick here to get a taste of what to expect.

Two words: DAHLIA MANIA!


We’re compiling an early waiting list for these workshops, so if you’re interested and want to make sure you get a spot (they sell out quick!) email [email protected] and Jill will get you on the list.

Be sure to put {WORKSHOP} and you’re preferred month {AUGUST/OCTOBER} in the subject line.


  1. Jordyn on

    Gorgeous. I would love to take one of your classes.

  2. Sarah on

    What a dream! I hope to be able to come to one of your workshops one day!

  3. Evangeline M on

    Lovely! Sounds like it was an amazing event. I may have to get on the list for October and start saving my pennies.

  4. cori on

    I love some of your comment because I know how these ladies. As a newbie to flower marketing and farming, I understand the “what if I fail”. I stress sometimes about that.

  5. Georgianna on

    A brilliant, inspiring recap of what was surely a life-changing event, Erin. Just adore the photos of the ladies with their astonishingly beautiful bouquets!

    Enjoying incredible adventures here but also looking forward to summertime at home.


  6. Julie on

    October would be better for me due to county fairs and school starting. Hope it works to come out!

  7. Sue Prutting on

    Such an amazing three days with a group of kind, creative and hard working women attending!! Such a great experience all around.

  8. Emily on

    hey. I’d love to head out there in august! I’ll need a break from the southwest around then and cant wait to see what I missed in April.

  9. Oleander on

    Those are stunning – both elegant and rustic at the same time. Amazing.


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