Home Blog Taking the show on the road!
July 30th 2013

Taking the show on the road!

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Next month’s flower extravaganza with Amy Merrick is officially SOLD OUT!!! Thank you for all of your enthusiasm, interest and kind words!

In other exciting news, as soon as the flower seasons over, the dahlias are dug and stored, the greenhouses are replanted with pretty spring crops and the field is put to bed for the season, I’m packing my bags and heading back east. First stop is Philly to co-teach a flower growing-arranging-small scale production workshop with Jennie Love of Love N’ Fresh Flowers. We will spend one day on her farm learning the nitty gritty of small scale organic flower farming and the other day arranging with locally grown blooms at a historic mansion in the city. This class is unique in that you can sign up for one or both days depending on your area of interest.

Jenny and I are going to dish out everything we know about making a business thrive on a little plot of land and what’s worked and not along the way. Jennie’s farm is right in the heart of the city and mine’s a good hour out, she’s does mainly wedding and event work and I do a ton of grocery, she’s wicked tech savvy and I’m obsessed with photography, she’s very detail oriented and I’m all about the big picture, so we’re bringing a HUGE range of information and experience!!! Think of us as the country mouse and the city mouse of flowers : )

The workshop is taking place at the end of October so you have plenty of time to make travel arrangements but we’re limiting the number of seats so that students get lots of one- on- one attention, a chance to ask a ton of questions and plenty of hands on help. Nearly half the seats are already spoken for so if you’re on the fence, now’s the time to take the plunge!!!

Detailed info about the Workshop can be found over at The Seasonal Bouquet Project.

I hope to see you there!


  1. courtney on

    Hello, Erin! Your farm, work and overall style is beautiful and inspiring! Thanks for sharing. If you happen to know, could you share who created the poster for this event? Am looking to get connected with someone with this sort of design type. Thanks so much!!

  2. Teemie Eschenburg on

    please share how to get on waiting list. Thank you. This is must do in my books

  3. ROSE on

    Got your newsletter today and immediately went to sign up and it was Sold Out. Well that was quick! Hopefully there will be another.

  4. Jennifer Haf on

    Eeeek!!! So excited! I’ll be there:) thank you for offering this amazing opportunity! Can’t wait!

  5. Carole on

    I, too, went immediately to the Seasonal Bouquet Project upon reading this and found that all attendance options are sold out. Please try to give us more notice next time! Sounds like a fantastic offering!

  6. Katie on

    Just saw your newsletter email and read all about the workshop. Checked out info and pricing and its already sold out :( So bummed. Philly is my hometown and I would have loved to travel to the workshop and see family.


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