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January 27th 2016

Want to join the Floret Seeds community?

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My heart feels like it’s exploding (in a good way!) every time I look at the stream of photos and excited captions that Floret Seeds customers have posted upon receipt of their little packages. Seeing so many sweet messages and beautiful captures of the seed packets styled with flowers, kids and pets has brought so much joy to our entire team. They have made 2016 such a bright one already!

After working so dang hard these past few months to get Floret Seeds off the ground, we’re all over the moon with the response  and with the level of excitement our pretty little envelopes have generated. THANK YOU for your photos, kind words and support (and thanks for your patience as we continue to work out a couple kinks behind the scenes that are inevitable with any huge new endeavor!).

Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared a little of the backstory on the creation of Floret Seeds (you can catch up and read more here, here and here). But the reality is, the story of Floret Seeds is just beginning. And it won’t be totally up to me to define the plot. Instead, it will be up to the many gardeners, flower farmers, floral designers and flower lovers to write the next chapters of this exciting venture. It will be your images, experiences, stories, challenges, adventures and successes that will define the story line of Floret Seeds. So get ready–I think it’s going to be a page turner!

I’m featuring a few photos with the #FloretSeeds hashtag from Instagram that caught my eye (there were SO many beautiful and creative shots already shared). The plan is to periodically feature posts from Floret Seeds customers over the course of the growing season here on the blog, on my new Floret Seeds Pinterest Board, on the Floret Facebook page, and Twitter feed. I’d love for you to be a part of this little community of flower lovers growing Floret Seeds this year. I think it will be a fun way to connect fellow growers with one another to share photos, compare progress, pose questions, post observations, share tips, and see how (and where) Floret flowers are growing throughout the season. I hope you’ll join me! To get in on the action, simply photograph your seed packets, seedlings, cutting gardens, harvests and bouquets and use #FloretSeeds hashtag or #FloretFlowers for those of you growing Floret’s dahlias, anemones and ranunculus. I’ll periodically post some of my favorite photos– and maybe add some contests and giveaways to the mix too!


I think I’m going to need a bigger greenhouse. #FloretSeeds #FlowerFarmer #MarthaJanes A photo posted by Martha Cate (@spencerfamilylivin) on

If you want a little dose of joy-filled gardening inspiration, click here to see all the beautiful photos tagged on Instagram with #FloretSeeds! 


  1. mirmymac on

    I cannot wait until you sell these again! I am patiently waiting and checking your blog, FB, and IG for your shop to open again! This blog is SO helpful! Thank you!!!!

    • Floret on

      Thanks for your patience–we’re getting our offerings together and will make an announcement soon! Be sure you’re signed up on my mailing list, as subscribers will be the first to know about the availability of seeds.

  2. Rita bates on

    Thank you for your eye and for digging up these nearly impossible to find colors of all the common cut flowers. What I find on your seed page is EXACTLY what I am constantly looking for and unable to find in the greater flower world. Needless to say I am so pleased! You all are doing such great work and I plan on ordering the bulk of my seeds and tubers from you here on out!

    Rita Bates
    The Apple Farm
    Philo, ca

    • Floret on

      Thanks for your kind words and support, Rita!

  3. Donna on

    Lovely pictures! I posted a picture of my seeds as well, with more pictures to come. Looking forward to the masses of lovely flowers that will fill both house and garden this summer. Thank you!!


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