The frost came. Earliest one we’ve had since I began growing flowers. While the slower pace is definitely welcome, truthfully I’m feeling quite lost right now. My internal clock was set for a late October finish, so the abrupt halt has left me walking in circles.
I really can’t believe it’s all over. No more early mornings and super late nights. No more rushing to get orders out the door or the stress of always being behind. It’s crazy; we can finally have a life again.
Attention has now turned from harvesting, creating and delivering to tidying up and closing things down for the fall. Dahlia tubers are already dug and in the basement. Winter squash was picked, the cover crop has been sown and we are busily cleaning out the greenhouses for a whole new wave of babies that will be planted there shortly. I have a thousand and one emails to respond to, seeds to order, calls to return and some fun new articles to write. So I guess the action will continue but the pace is much saner now.
Fall is always a bittersweet time. Saying goodbye to the flowers is tough, but now I get to turn my attention to other things, new things, and that is pretty darn exciting!
*these beautiful photos were taken by Michele M. Waite last month in our garden.
vanessa gonzales on
Such fabulous photos. I love the first two. The happiness is clear for all to see. Love is in the air. Those flowers are gorgeous.
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