Well, the sun is shining, the bees are buzzing and we’re running around like maniacs trying to keep ahead of the harvest. While I wish we were being more successful and getting everything cut on time, there are still rows of flowers out back that need picking that we’ll never even get too. When it rains…
This week was such a nutty one that I missed any window of time to create an arrangement for The Seasonal Flower Alliance. So instead of skipping this week or apologizing profusely, I thought I’d just share a little behind the scenes peek of last weekends wedding, including some of the finished bouquets.
The flowers for this event we’re all locally sourced! And the one thing I ordered in (garden roses) came just a short jaunt up from Peterkort Roses in Oregon.
This sweet little wedding was certainly one of my favorite we’ve done this season. Given a loose color pallet (soft sherbet tones) and free reign to create whatever we wanted, the experience was a real joy.
There’s nothing quite like tromping out to the backfield and filling the entire truck bed with flowers and foliage. The abundance and variety blooming last week was staggering.
The bouquets included: crabapples, sweet pea vines and flowers, garden roses, viburnum berries, grasses, salvia, stock, peonies, foxglove, yarrow, orlay, queen anne’s lace, campanula, chocolate cosmos, artemesia, dacus, dusty miller, mallow, pyrus and sorbus.
If you can make the time, I’d sure love to see what’s blooming in your corner of the world this week. It can be a single rose blossom, a handful of wildflowers or a big old fancy bouquet. It doesn’t matter. The point is just to take a few minutes, explore nature and create.
If you’d like to join in the fun, simply make up a bouquet using local flowers, snap a photo, post it somewhere on the internet and then leave a link to it in the comments section below. If you’re on Instagram, you can use/search the hashtag #seasonalfloweralliance for even more flowery goodness.
Kristie Hill on
I LOVE the picture of the mess on the ground while designing flowers, such a florist life, but you made it look so beautiful. Just discovered your blog and am drooling over all the pictures. I think I’d like to come work for you.