Home Blog New Workshops
July 1st 2014

New Workshops

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If you’ve been along for the ride this past season, then you’ve likely seen little snippets of the flower workshops we’ve been putting on here at the farm and around the country. Last summer Amy Merrick came out for the most amazing two day floral extravaganza, then in the fall I hopped a plane to Philadelphia and co-taught 3 jam packed classes based on the Seasonal Bouquet Project at Love N’ Fresh Flowers. Then earlier this spring our team hosted two of the loveliest groups of budding farmer-florists right here at the farm.

On the new site there is now an entire section devoted just to these beautiful past events. You can browse a photo gallery and then read all about each of our past classes in the Workshop section. My hope is that these little glimpses will give you a great overall sense of what the experience was like.

In addition to viewing past workshops, I’m thrilled to announce that you can also read about and register for our newest workshops right here on the site too! We have two different offerings later this season and hopefully one is right for you.

View More: http://brookecourtney.pass.us/theseasonalbouquetproject

This August we’re hosting two, 2 day Seasonal Floral Intensives created specifically for flower lovers, budding and established designers and dreamers wanting to learn more about natural floral design techniques, the basics of floral photography, social media marketing and the essentials of running a successful flower-based business.

Participants will get to tour our magical little operation, wade through waist high flower fields harvesting anything their hearts desire, get answers to EVERY burning question, plus learn new design techniques, get one on one help developing the skills essential to running a successful flower-based business and more. My goal for everyone attending is that they come away from the experience with a newfound sense of confidence and a clear idea on how to move forward in making their dreams a reality.

If you’d like to learn more about these two Seasonal Floral Intensives then jump on over HERE for the full scoop.


As we step into the early part of Fall we’re offering two more opportunities to come out to the farm and learn before the season comes to a close. We’ve got two, 3-Day Farmer-Florist workshops on the calendar late September and early October. During these classes we’ll dig deep into the business side of flowers, the basics of social media marketing, small scale-high intensity production, flower arranging, weddings and more.

We’ll tour the farm, go behind the scenes into day to day life here at Floret, make a number of beautiful arrangements using the best seasonal product available, help you develop a farm plan for maximizing every square inch of your space, share tips and tricks hard earned over the years, dig into wholesale and grocery sales, harvest from the overflowing fields and I’ll even show you how I make a market bouquet in under 45 seconds.

For more information about these amazing classes you can jump on over HERE to read more.


Now, I totally understand that these classes are a MASSIVE stretch for anyone attending both financially and time wise.

It’s a huge leap of faith to step out of your life and comfort zone, and trust that you’ve made the right decision. But I can promise you we here at Floret take our job unbelievably seriously and everyone on the team pours such an enormous amount of love, focus and positive energy into every single aspect of these events. We are 100% invested in you getting everything you came for, including making your wildest dreams a reality.

View More: http://brookecourtney.pass.us/theseasonalbouquetproject

View More: http://brookecourtney.pass.us/theseasonalbouquetproject

For those that need it, we’re offering a three part payment plan for any of our summer-fall workshops this season. Also, if two people from the same family, farm or business want to enroll together, we’re offering a 10% discount.

To get more information about these options just email Jill at [email protected] with WORKSHOPS in the subject line and she’ll get you the necessary info.


So many beautiful and inspiring souls have come to learn with us and I thought you might want to hear first hand what they got out of the experience.

“For new and experienced flower farmers, Floret’s Farmer Florist workshop is going to change your life. You will learn so much! Erin is a joy – as is her team; the setting is glorious, the information plentiful and the hands-on practice truly invaluable. I’ll never forget my experience and highly recommend it.”
~ Tara Kolla Silver Lake Farms Los Angeles, CA

“After three amazing days totally engulfed with the Farmer Florist Workshop, I moved my passion to the forefront of my farm business. Erin oozes experience, modest confidence, overwhelming support, and oh! so candidly shares her love of and success in the business of sustainable flower farming and design. The Farmer Florist workshop lit a fire in me and that excitement is quickly and successfully spreading within my farm and throughout my community!”
~ Stephanie Hall, Sassafras Fork Farm Rougemont, NC

“The workshop was a game-changer for our business. The information, tips and resources shared during the two days were absolutely invaluable, plus connecting with fellow flower enthusiasts from across the continent was great fun. I took what I learned at the workshop about growing, designing, photographing and marketing and ran with it. And so far, it is paying off: Buckeye Blooms is having our best season yet! I left the workshop affirmed and confident in my skills as a grower and designer and am proud to be part of the growing group of global “farmer florists.”
~Susan Studer King, Buckeye Blooms Elida, OH

“Seriously – that workshop was a game-changer, it gave me the inspiration and momentum I needed to dream big. The generosity you offered in technical experience and, as importantly, the open-heartedness in sharing who you are (fears, flaws and all) was amazing.”
~ Sarah Monterio, Farmhand Flowers Germantown, NY

“Even a week later, I can’t stop smiling! I’m so excited about our future whereas before I was mostly terrified. Thank you for being so supportive and reassuring.”
~Emily Calhoun, Floriography Mesilla Park, NM

View More: http://brookecourtney.pass.us/theseasonalbouquetproject

These are the last workshops we have planned for the 2014 season and as of writing this they are already over half full. So, if coming out to Floret is on your bucket list this year then do not delay. We’re standing by to answer any and all questions, so just drop a note to [email protected] with WORKSHOPS in the subject line and Jill will get you any answers or help that you need.

I hope to see you here soon!








  1. Marian on

    On a bike ride last sunday, I realized there are no flower farms around here, lots of crops and meadows with cows but no flowers…. and so I started dreaming of some land and my very own flower farm. That’s what your inspiring blog has done with me ;) Such a pity you’re sooooo far from here, cause I’d love to come to one of your workshops.
    Looking forward to the pictures of it!

  2. Michelle on

    So exciting! Is this potentially something you’d offer annually? I’m booked up for August but would love to plan ahead for next year if it’s an option!

  3. Jordyn on

    August cannot come soon enough. I am so excited to take your Floral Intensive Workshop and run with every little bit of information I will be soaking up from you. 2015 is going to be a good year :)
    Pretty Lovely

  4. Corinne on

    If your workshops are anything like your blog, they must be awesome.


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