Home Blog monday
March 5th 2012


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Today I am feeling the slightest bit lost without a massive project in the works or my partner in crime here to spur things forward. We made incredible strides over the weekend on two new low hoophouses, a 60 footer and a 140 footer.They are modeled after one we saw at Bare Mountain Flowers this October. A day or two more and they’ll be all covered and ready to receive their first batch of baby plants. I got a little over zealous with the post hole digger, trying to work on my “guns” and now can barely move my arms. Ha,ha,what a dork!
Elora learned to drive over the weekend. She took the pickup down the road and back a few times (with Dad in the passenger seat of course) and then tilled a whole bunch of ground for me with the tractor. Watching her fear and uncertainty slowly melt as confidence and pride came in was so very inspiring. Now maybe she can teach me how to run the tractor ;)
So far the new greenhouse heater is cruising right along. The warm space is already bursting at the seams with thousands and thousands of baby seedlings. Spring has certainly sprung and planting season is just around the corner. Size 8 here I come!
Did I already share this incredibly inspiring TED talk (Stroke of Insight) with you guys ?! If not and you can spare 20 minutes, it will blow your mind and start your week off on a very good note!
Recently I discovered Downton Abbey and have greedily gobbled up both seasons. To my delight the lovely Ms. Amy Merrick is a fan as well and posted this stunning photo from a recent shoot. That girl has got some mad skillz, damn!
I’m thrashing around a bit, trying to figure out what next months Growing For Market column will be on. Flower farmers, any burning questions or topics you want me to dive into? I’m all ears!



  1. K. Barber-Flower Farmer on

    I should add I really appriciate your column in GFM. Because of all your wonderful knowledge I just got my Kordes roses, order oodles of seeds to try this year thanks to your "filler," column,put up a 20X60' hoophouse and the list goes on… No I'm not trying to be like you:) Thank you

  2. Unknown on

    Hi Erin,

    I am a small organic grower in northern California, just starting my own farm and am totally inspired by your articles and your farm! If you haven't already chosen your GFM article topic, I'd love to hear about your packing/bouqueting system. What's efficient? What's fun? What's not worth the effort?


  3. edi gardner on

    Love your column! How about an article on co dependent vs conscious behavior in the flower business :-)

  4. Tracy Huntley on

    Erin, I so appreciate your GFM articles too!!! I have such a tiny plot in a suburban neighborhood, but I have ranunculus just on the verge of blooming thanks to you!!!
    Also I was tagged by Amy @ Botanical Brouhaha to play a questions game, and I tagged you yesterday on my blog to play too. If you have the time to play, check it out at: http://springwellgardens.blogspot.com/
    If not I understand.

  5. Unknown on

    Hi Erin,
    Love your articles in GFM, they're sitting in a pile on my desk and I often refer to them for inspiration and help planning my next move. Some ideas for future topics that I would like to see- How to set up the best booth for selling flowers at a farmers market (selling mixed bouquets and flowers by the stem), fetilization program for flowers, seed starting tips for various species, design tutorials.

  6. Ja on

    Try "The Forsyte Saga" as your methadone fix after Downton Abbey. It was on PBS some years back–it is serious stuff. Gorgeous and heart-breaking. The author, John Galsworty, won the Nobel in 1932 for the books. I got all 42 hrs. on audible and can hardly pull out my ear buds to talk to RT.

  7. Faith, Family, Farming, Flowers on

    Hi Erin, thanks for returning my email a few weeks ago. I quickly read all the material you suggested while I went on a cruise to the Bahamas with my mom and sis! I was wondering if any of your followers had any advice on growing the you-pick flowers? And what kind of "flower workshops" would be good to host at our farm stand? Thanks and have a blessed day! Oh and I must check out this Downton Abbey!

  8. Nicole on

    The link to Jill Bolte Taylor's talk was amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  9. K. Barber-Flower Farmer on

    Ideas for article: Ok, so you can grow beautiful flowers, How to find your niche? Where do your customers come from? How to sell your beautiful flowers? Who will buy my flowers? How to package my flowers. Yes, Downton Abbey is killer! Spoiler Alert: love how Season 2 ended.

  10. Heather on

    Hi Erin, The link to the TED talk is not working. Can you give a title or something so we can find it on our own? Can relate to the soreness of a winter of idleness followed by getting the garden ready for spring. My squatting muscles are screaming from helping my daughter rid her beds of grass and planting early spring flowers and vegetables.

  11. Julie on

    Downton Abbey is my new favorite thing! I'm such a planting geek and the greenhouse was getting too quiet, so I "watched" season one as I potted up seedlings last week, and after 48 hours–I finally got season 2 to finish downloading on my iPad. I've already listened to the first two episodes this morning and am about to start #3 after I finish lunch. Pure bliss–and what amazing blooms they had! Sigh…(When I'm done with the potting up, I'm going to really watch both seasons with my feet up and on a big screen!) Have a great week!

  12. amy thornburg on

    That's really funny. I just discovered Downton Abbey myself. Watched both seasons in less than 3 days. The beauty of instant gratification streaming. I'd NEVER have the patience to wait week-week to find out what's happening.
    ~Amy T


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