Home Blog Little Boy Blue
July 13th 2011

Little Boy Blue

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Jasper has always been a family guy. He loves family time, family dinners, family squeezes (group hugs with him in the center) and family movie night. Anything with the word family in it makes him happy.

As a baby he spent the majority of his days in a sling snuggled close to either Chris or I. In all of the early photos of us growing our first big veggie patch, mowing our then expansive lawn, curing squash, tending the chickens… Jasper was along for the ride. As long as you were holding him, he was happy.

Even now as he’s stretching taller and taller, he is still always near. He says he feels the most grounded and calm when he’s with us.

Elora is the complete opposite. While she definitely appreciates togetherness, she’s bound to be a world traveler. Last week after lots of preparation and personal responsibility building she took her first solo trip. A whole week with her grandparents in California riding the plane both ways alone. While I was squirming with anxiety about the whole thing she was relaxed and confident reassuring me that she was up for the challenge and excited to grow up in the process.


While she was away Jasper got an upgraded version of family time, weaving himself tightly into every project and adventure that week. Lots of burgers (his fav.), snuggles, home time and trips to the beach.

 Recently he informed me that he’s going to live with us until he can build his own house debt free. Oh and it will be on our property of course ;)


  1. Beyond My Garden on

    I really enjoyed the Jasper profile with perfect accompanying photos.

  2. Denise on

    Loved reading this. My little Ruby girl is a snuggle bug too. Loving your blog as always!


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