Home Blog Friday Round Up
March 18th 2011

Friday Round Up

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Aren’t these babies darling?!!! It isn’t spring without a fresh batch of chicks :)


Ok, first of all Ariella Chezar just launched a new website. Holy crap, you have to drop everything and check it out!!! There are no words to describe it…really, none.

Now if you need a great laugh, you must, must watch this! It has everything: pleather pants, a fierce mullet and a saxophone.

My latest flower growing article (this month was about Dahlias) in Growing For Market  came in the mail last week. It turned out beautiful with lots of big glossy photos :) If you’re a grower, even super small scale, it’s an amazingly useful publication.

Even though it was written 20 years ago and so many great gardening books have come since, this gem still tops them all. Not only is it useful, informative and inspiring it’s also includes flower arranging, veg gardening, heirloom roses, planting an orchard, growing a cutting garden and chickens. Well, this one comes darn close. 

While most of me is firmly rooted in the earth, I must admit that traveling the country in a converted school bus or RV with my little family has been a huge dream in recent years. I would love, love to see new places, meet all of the wonderful people I’ve been in contact with, tour farms, take classes,  open my mind and stretch my comfort zone in new ways I can’t even imagine. While this isn’t in the cards right now,luckily I have  this, this and this traveling mama to live vicariously through .

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!

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