Home Blog Firsts
February 14th 2011


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This weekend, I celebrated my thirty first year of life!

The first Plum blossoms are about to explode into bloom!


My first official guest blog post of 2011 is over at Design Sponge. Hooray!


The first Peonies, Coral Charm, were spotted peeking through the soil.


The kiddos dug their first canal through the yard and happily spent the whole afternoon filling it with water and creating a magical little wonderland.


The first Crocus of the season was seen pushing its way into the world. Woohoo, that means spring is just around the corner!


We spent our first entire day outside, cleaning up the garden. It felt amazing to get moving again!


I harvested our first flower of 2011 from the greenhouse. A teeny, tiny white Anemone :)
Oh yes and happy Valentines Day!


  1. Wasabi Honey Bee on

    Clicked over here from growingflowers, your photographs are beautiful!!! And that cake makes me melt . . . for real melt : )

  2. Clare on

    Happy Birthday Erin! I so love the image of you driving that tractor – so fun! Clare

  3. Floret Flowers on

    Belinda, welcome!
    Clayton, keep that dream alive! I took me many years to finally escape the city into this wild rural life.It will happen;)
    Andrew, it's not really spring here either. I had to hunt hard to find signs, but we're close.
    Denise, so glad you are here!
    Micha, I know, isn't it divine?! My dear friend Nina always makes me a beautiful cake for my birthday.I'm so lucky!

  4. Micha Merrick on

    Am I seeing a devine vision… chocolate cake decorated with little plum branches, pussy-willows, and baby bees wax candles? It's just about the prettiest confection ever.

    Congratulations on an exciting week of happy firsts and Happy Birthday!

  5. Denise on

    What a lovely lovely blog you have! Makes me long to move out of the busy city. I can dream through you. Looking forward to seeing more.

  6. andrew on

    Wow, Spring! It's nice to see. With the 4 plus feet of snow outside right now, I'm thinking spring is still a couple weeks away yet. But that's ok with me. I'll just enjoy yours until mine gets here.

  7. Clayton on

    Wow, what a delightful blog you have! Recently followed a link here from An Apple a Day, and it's been a treat to see some of the pics from around your farm. Hoping to transition from the big city lifestyle to a small farm myself sometime in the next 5-10 years; seeing some of your posts has made me what to make that happen even sooner :-)

  8. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    A wonderful, hope-full-to-the-brim post! The first days that feel like Spring, when you can smell the earth again and see the shoots appearing is such a thrill.x


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