Home Blog Discovering Dahlias is Here!
March 8th 2021

Discovering Dahlias is Here!

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It’s here! Floret Farm’s Discovering Dahlias is officially going out into the world, onto the shelves of bookstores, and into your hands. I hope you love it as much as we do!

I can’t thank you enough for your excitement surrounding this book and for cheering us on the entire way. I’ve been growing dahlias for nearly 20 years now, and in that time I’ve never seen another flower elicit such a strong emotional response in so many people. Dahlia mania is a real thing! 

To celebrate the launch of Discovering Dahlias, Jill and I filmed a special video in the flower field:


I also wanted to share a little more about the making of Discovering Dahlias and some behind-the-scenes photos of what making a book actually looks like. 

When we set out to write this book in early 2019, our intention was to create the most beautiful, informative, and inspiring book about this beloved cut flower.

We wanted to write the dahlia book that we wished existed. Most of the dahlia-related books on my bookshelf fall into two camps. They are either highly technical, geared toward growers wanting to win awards at dahlia society shows, or they are coffee table books, heavy on photos and light on information.

Like our two previous books, we wanted it to be both beautiful and informative. We wanted to present thorough, specific information in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

But most importantly, we wanted to share the overwhelming diversity and beauty of one of my very favorite cut flowers. 

floret team planting dahlia tubers in the fieldfield of floret dahliasWe thought that writing a single-subject book would be somehow easier than a wide-ranging topic like flower growing or arranging.

In our minds, it seemed much more straightforward. But in reality, the project proved to be incredibly complicated and very layered because we did a deep dive into all things dahlias. 

And the Variety Finder section of the book just about put us over the edge as we photographed and wrote descriptions for nearly 600 individual varieties — a project that we’ve been working on for a number of years.

Then we had the painful task of narrowing down our favorites and sorting them into a streamlined color order even though they don’t neatly fall into straightforward categories. 

discovering dahlias behind the scenes set upThe book was originally only going to feature 200 varieties, but after documenting so many amazing varieties, there was no way to cull the list down that hard.

So after a lot of begging and negotiating, we eventually got our publisher to increase the page count, which allowed us to feature 360 varieties in total. 

Making the book stretched us in so many ways — mentally, emotionally, and creatively, and there were many times we all wanted to throw in the towel.

But the day I held the finished book in my hands made all of the 4 a.m. writing sessions, weekend photo shoots all summer long, and endless hours of editing worth it. 

dahlia arrangement set updahlia arrangement in the fading sunlight of the floret studioThe most exciting and rewarding part of making this book is knowing that it will help inspire and educate gardeners all over the world and help spread the magic of dahlias far and wide.

It is such an honor to have the opportunity to be able to write a book, and because of all of the incredible feedback we got from readers early on, I know it’s the book you most wanted us to write next.

 For more than a month, the Floret Shop has been filled with mountains and mountains of books. I have signed and the team has packed more than 15,000 pre-ordered copies!

I love imagining all of the mailboxes that they will be arriving in and all of the excited gardeners cracking the book open for the very first time!

If you haven’t purchased Discovering Dahlias yet and you’d like to order one from the Floret Shop, we just restocked signed copies.

And if you have a local independent bookstore or gift shop, they could use your support right now. Discovering Dahlias is available from most major book retailers, too.

buckets of dahlias in the floret field at duskrainbow of flat lay dahliasA massive thank you for your enthusiastic support of Discovering Dahlias. Thanks also to everyone who has sent sweet messages, posted heartfelt reviews, shared dahlia memories and personal stories, and tagged #discoveringdahlias on Instagram.

You guys are amazing!  

Timmy the cat and fields of gold dahlia arrangement




  1. Kelly McKinney on

    How do I get my Dahlia’s to dinner plate size? Can I start them from seeds? Do I need to order seeds from a dinner plate Dahlia, or can you produce dinner plate size Dahlias from any seed? I am new to growing them and I am in the process of trying to start a flower farm with my soon to be husband and our children.

  2. Elke on

    I’m really a snapdragon gal (I grow 200 or so every year in my backyard garden over here in Vermont – just so I can make the biggest bester bouquets for my table!), but a client of mine just loaned me your gorgeous dahlia book and now I can’t stop thinking about dahlias! He was also kind enough to give me 3 small plants that he started from the gift bag of mixed seed he received with the book. My question: How many different varieties are in that mix? Can I really expect them to be any one of the 360 (or more?) in the book?? Or did you have a smaller selection for the seed mix? I’m so excited to grow them this summer!

  3. Yolanda Daniels on

    I found your website through a You Tuber who has her own garden show “Garden Answers”. I always forget her name but she is located in Oregon. In April, I purchased a bag of Dahlias at an ACE store. I live in Northern Virginia and in May I was planting the Dahlias, but not doing any homework, I potted them in shallow planters and upside down. A few weeks later, I happen to catch an episode of Dahlias on “Garden Answers”. I quickly dug them out and replanted them correctly. Fingers crossed this just happened the Mother’s Day weekend. In that episode she recommended your new book, “Discovering Dahlias”. I went on your website and applied for the fall workshop waitlist. I can’t tell you how nice it is to find a website that actually covers every detail of a flower. I have been trying to grow the typical Lowes and Home Depot flowers sold but some how they don’t seem to make it through the end of the season, even after I apply food, fertilizer and soil absorbent crystals.
    I am 62 years old and I work full-time, but I want to start my own small business selling flowers. I have seem so many Dahlia variety flowers in my life. I look forward to taking your workshop. Oh, yes, I just purchased your book.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Yolanda!
      I’m so glad you found us. Workshop registration will open this fall and we’ll be happy to have you in the class!

  4. Meredith Kenworthy on

    I love dahlias! I was wondering – can one grow dahlias in a raised garden or a container pot?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Meredith,
      You can absolutely grow dahlias in a raised bed or pot, just make sure they have adequate enough space and enough drainage.

  5. CK on

    My book came in just a couple days. My 2 year old nephew loves it too and I think his comment says it all, “ Cool Flowers!!!!”
    Thank you so much for all the great info, beautiful photos, print outs and seeds. We planted the seeds right away and have 20 healthy seedlings now. So excited to see what they all look like this summer!

  6. Lois on

    Thank you… I know it took a lot of hard work to bring this stunning book together. Skeptical at first – I’ve been gardening for decades and have read many garden books – but this book has beauty and brains – awesome photograhs to look at and chock full of useful information. The instructions on seed starting, which I’ve always found challenging, are inspiring. Can’t wait to start planting see the flowers in bloom.

  7. Martha on

    Just got my book and am beyond excited about it. Delighted you also took the time to share this behind the scenes post. As a photographer, it’s really fun and interesting to see the shots as they are set up as well as learn about things that go into making the book, harvesting the flowers. And I agree with you that not all books are into the nitty gritty of how to get from start-to-finish and so this book is a huge asset to the world of flower lovers and gardeners wanting to grow their own. I believe it will also inspire thousands of others to get their hands dirty with their own tubers. Thank you too for the seed packet! And I can’t wait to take my cards to get printed so I can have them to gaze upon for inspiration when it’s not flowering to get ready for the next season. Will be fun to pin them up where I can see them in my inspirational gardening area.

  8. Elizabeth Walters on

    Thank you for staying the course to bring this beautiful reference and resource to print. It was so much fun to open the package when it arrived in the mail with the unexpected extras- the bookmark is stunning. I am giddy with excitement to see what my bonus packet of dahlia seeds from your personal breeding patch grow into. I. Can. Hardly. Wait. Thank you again.

  9. Mavis Zvobgo on

    Well done to you all who worked tirelessly on the success of the book. I’m getting my copy soon!

  10. Rosi Aspin on

    I have so many friends and family who grow and love dahlias and of course I’m bitten by the big too!!
    I got my 4 copies on Friday 12 March and read itcover to cover in one hit I loved it so!!! Yes a bit enthusiastic I know.
    Found out all the errors I’ve been making especially about water, picking long stems, and pinching out those central stems early in the piece. So I’ve gone through and pruned them back and watered heaps… New Zealand is just coming toward the end of the season but will probably get another month or two yet left of blooms
    Thank you for such a beautiful book, it really does inspire me to do better with care and love!!’

  11. Ginger McIntyre on

    Thank you for the dahlia book, so luscious and beautiful and an awe inspiring testimony to a passion without bounds! I gobbled it up and will double down on my consumption soon. I learned so much. And the colors took me to heaven. I pray all your efforts will return to you, yours and your team and their family in infinite measure.
    You have rocked my flower world!

  12. DeAnn Schlatter on

    I had such joy when my book arrived!! And this blog post was great fun to read- I kept looking for the kitty in all the pictures! Haha! You need to mention it’s name, because I know I’ve been told, but I forget.

  13. Kim B on

    Beautiful Book with Amazing Photos and so much Needed information for us Newbies !!! Thank you for sharing !

  14. Alyssa Eby on

    Love the photos of timmy! Thanks so much Team Floret for all the hard work you put into this book to make it possible!

  15. Stacy Mackey-Valdez on

    The butterflies that get stirred up inside me are almost unbearable! I have to limit my time with the book in case I explode with excitement and impatience for summer!

  16. Debbie Morrison on

    Congratulations Erin and Team Floret! “Discovering Dahlias” is truly a floral masterpiece — so informative, inspiring and simply stunning! Thank you for all of your hard work, perseverance and for sharing your passion with others!

  17. Jamie Huth ~ Kent OH on

    Discovering Dahlias has my 11 month old granddaughter mesmerized she smells every page, I think I may have to invest in some scratch and sniff stickers!!! Last summer was my first attempt at dahlias, using some in my son’s wedding was successful to say the least. Erin, your resources and your drive make just the tiniest of gardeners such as myself want to do so much more. Not for profit just for desire. Thank you for all you share!!

  18. Susan Munro Ross on

    As a many decades gardener the experience of receiving your book in the mail from such a far off land both amazing and quite mouth watering! I simply can’t wait to sink my teeth in to it. I have grown Dahlias both successfully and not so in varying climates here on the Eastern side of Australia and look forward to reading all your tips in order to do a better job of it this coming season. Don’t worry I’ll remember to add 6 months to all the dates mentioned.

    Thank you Erin for your contagious (hard to use that word this year) enthusiasm and simply stunning photos of such divine Dahlias.

  19. Joy on

    I love my book it is filled with gorgeous pictures of beautiful dahlias!!! And all of the information is just what I needed !! Thank you to all at floret and Erin, for all of your time, effort, and hard work you did to produce such a treasure!!

  20. Maribeth on

    When I was about 5 yrs. old I was given a great big book of Fairy Tales with the most beautiful pictures. It just took my breath away and motivated me to learn how to read all by myself. I absolutely loved that book and how exciting it was for me to open it and gaze at all the beautiful pictures. I experienced that feeling again today when I opened my copy of Discovering Dahlias. I’ve already sent copies to two friends. Thank you all so very much for your diligence and perseverance in creating this gift to all of us Dahlia lovers!

  21. Daphne Luttrell on

    Love holding your book and seeing the beauty and hard work this must have taken! I do have a question about how to get the cards and seeds…

  22. Tanya on

    Wow Erin and Team Floret – your energy, creativity and passion constantly inspire me in my gardening and with growing dahlias specifically. This book is a shining example of all of that. Your rainbow palette has motivated me to plant my dahlias to create such a visual display and your cataloging led me to create daily Facebook and Instagram posts of all my dahlias (30 on a city lot) with those great names and to write something witty about how the name and the flower and me relate. I am running out of room in my garden !!! I will enjoy the book as a way to experience the beauty of many more dahlias than I can manage. Thank you.

  23. Lori Chiarappa on

    Congrats Erin, received your book just now, and had to write this. I’ve grown dahlias for only 4 years and made a lot of mistakes and had some successes. Started with just 3 tubers in March of 2017 through Summit County Master Gardeners (Ohio) ‘Saturday Garden Series’ program of 4 speakers each weekend on two consecutive Saturdays. One of the MG members did a presentation on dahlias and brought in some of his tubers the participants could buy. A bag of 3 tubers for $10. So I bought one. That summer thru fall, I was HOOKED and so in love with dahlias! I chaired that very same event in 2018, 2019, 2020 (our second Saturday was right before covid shut everything down) and we still had that same member offer his tubers for our continuing education program and fundraiser. Because I gave it a try, it is one of my all time favorite flowers. Now in 2021 I have 72 varieties on my SMALL city lot! Impressive. Last year during covid, I gave alot of walking passerbyers a flower bunch for them to take home. It made SO many people smile. I am blessed with the little space on earth that I have that I can grow such beauty to be enjoyed by me and others. Too bad I didn’t know about this flower 40 years ago! I don’t believe I would be in the same house that I am still in. I did have to laugh at your downloadable flower cards though. Since I am a visual person I made my own in 2018 on index cards with the dahlia picture glued on it with all the details about that flower. Punched a hole in the one corner and put it on a metal ring. I easily take them off the ring and sort my cards all over the bed to decide how I am going to plant them each season or toss a card out if the tuber is not one I am going to grow again. Next year they might not all fit on my bed. That’s no joke! So cool. Love – coming your way from across the states. Sincerly, Lori Chiarappa

  24. Buzz Kelly on

    I guess you can say writing this book is a lot like marriage. Lots of up n downs, disagreements, heart aches n thinks like pulling out your hairs…Old toners use to say if you have a problem or problems, sit down have a coffee/tea break an honestly TALK it through. End result a happy marriage an a BEE -autiful book that be around a long time… Thank you for all the work you two ladies n staff has done🤗🌹🌷🌺🌸

  25. BeeBee on

    Thank you for your perseverance and kindness of heart in sharing every aspect of your journey to help others be successful. And for making the world more bee.autiful for everyone! Congratulations on reaching today. Woohoo! Bravo!

  26. Rachel C on

    This book is by far your best yet! You can tell so much love and hard work was poured into this book, and your goal of pulling people into the pages was absolutely achieved! I’m almost done reading it because I have had the hardest time putting it down. Congratulations on such an amazing book Erin and Team!

  27. Mary Jo Szymanski on

    I received my copy on Saturday in the middle of seed starting. I stopped immediately, sat down with a cup of coffee, and proceeded to read it cover to cover! Thank you Erin and team for another gorgeous, informative flower book I will keep close by to reference often.

  28. Rebecca on

    Congratulations to Team Floret- looks beautiful! And I love the BTS photos with Timmy.

  29. Kat on

    Congratulations!! I am looking forward to receiving my book and reading it cover to cover, after I page though and enjoy all the photos. Following your story, watching you work, grow and prosper is so inspiring. And you do it all with such joy! Thank you, be well.

  30. Lorie on

    I am so inspired by you all for living your dream!! And as you say it is a TON of hard work. Bringing any worthwhile dream into reality is hard. Day in and day out, year in and year out-keeping at it and loving it even when it is hard and you want to quit. Thank you for such a beautiful, informative, and inspiring book. I received it on Saturday and have spent hours immersed in it pages–thinking of my own dreams and how to make them a reality. You guys are just amazing!!

  31. Mary Beck on

    Got the notification that my book will be arriving today!! I am so excited for it as this will be my first year having a flower garden and first year growing dahlias!!! So glad I found Floret! Your blogs and books have all been amazing resources for me. Thank you!

  32. Judy on

    My daughter and I received our books and seeds (sooo happy about that bonus) on Friday-I read it completely right away!
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion, excited to plant! This will be my 4th season and I really appreciate learning from your expertise!

  33. Josée Smith on

    Dear Erin and team.
    Congratulations! You did it!
    I am so very excited to receive my copy of Discovering Dahlias sometime today!
    It won’t matter at what time it will arrive. Everything I will be doing at that time will come up to a screeching halt to sit down and open the box delivered ( a big treat for me) and devour the pages.
    Growing dahlias will be new to me on my 1 acre property. Excited for the help provided in your book.
    Vancouver Island

  34. Kathy Blakeslee on

    I caught the Dahlia Fever! I love my book, the tips and tricks I just keep rereading and making notes and highlighting sections of the book that will help me improve on my New Flower Farm. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.

  35. Susan on

    What is this package in the mailbox?? THE DAHLIA BOOK!!! It’s finally here, and so worth the wait. Beautiful and inspiring. I’m short on sunny space for all the seedings I’m looking forward to and am wondering about putting them in pots. What size would you recommend? Would 3 gallon be big enough? Any special recommendations for soil?

  36. Patricia Santana on

    I love the book and have fallen asleep with it every night since it arrived. Like a kid with its favorite toy, I carry it everywhere. I have grown dahlias for ten years and the book is still very useful , informative and BEAUTIFUL. As icing on the cake, 16 of the 23 seeds in the Discovering Dahlias seed packet are already sprouting! Thank you for writing this book!

  37. Jana on

    It comes today and I couldn’t be more excited! 🤗 Super bummed about not ordering a signed copy directly through you guys but lesson learned! Already have the cards printed and cut now to decide which ones to try first! 🥰

  38. Val on

    Dear Erin,,congratulations on your book I can’t wait to get my copy soon,,iso wished we could order your Dahlias to Vancouver BC Canada ,,anyways what a great job you and your team have done to make this all happen ,,and sure has inspired me and iam sure tons of others to get growing Dahlias I wished I had more room to plant more ,,as they are one of my favorite 💐
    Thanks again for sending us your video to watch learned a lot from them and love getting all your emails

  39. Kristen J Gray on

    I received the pre ordered new book last Friday. I spent the weekend enjoyingthe pictures and read. Monday I planted the seed pack. This was the perfect 65th birthday present for me! Wonderful effort!

  40. Cynthia on

    Dear Erin,
    Congratulations! I’m so excited!

    You are filling me up with all things flowers,
    and along with Spring
    is coming my

  41. Christine McLaughlin on

    Congratulations! The book is fantastic! I pre-ordered from my local bookseller “Ivy’s” and registered for the bonus but didn’t receive it. May I have it please? i am excited to try some new varieties and combinations this year thanks to your book!
    Thank you, Christine

  42. Cami on

    So happy the day has come for the book launch! I’m SO enjoying my lovely pre-ordered copy that came in 3 days ago!! Such a BEAUTIFUL book! I can’t wait to get my little dahlia seeds into some soil. Thank you so much for sharing your magical flowers!

  43. June Denis on

    These pictures are so stunning! You are all so inspiring – can’t wait to get a copy.

  44. Carla Hanson on

    Can’t wait to receive my copy. Such a lovely journey through dahlias. Thanks for all the years and hours of hard work put into developing this valuable flower resource. Looking forward to what you will come up with next! Meanwhile, catch your breath!

  45. Abgail on

    Congrats! I need to order my copy! The photography is stunning and the book looks super informative.

  46. Patricia on

    Congratulations! This all looks absolutely stunning and I can easily believe that Dahlia Mania is a real thing. I can hardly wait to get a copy of the book! Thank you for your labor of love in the growing, writing, and publishing so we can all enjoy this amazing flower as well.

  47. Kerry on

    Congratulations Erin. This is a fantastic achievement and you deserve all the success that is coming your way. What a beautiful gift to put out into the world.

  48. Melissa K on

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to get it and grow my first dahlia!

  49. Judy on

    IT OVERFLOWS my ♥️ To see your success and the JOY you guys have !!! Thank you for saying yes to
    Flowers ! And beautiful flowers they are ⭐️.

  50. Enjaneek on

    I’m so excited to order this book and start a new journey with learning how to grow these beautiful flowers!

  51. Kate Stone on

    I ordered last October but amazon isn’t going to get mine to me until March 17th, are we extending the seed contest?

  52. Jessica on

    Planting my very first dahlia tubers this spring and I can’t wait to get my copy of your book and the seed pack to add to it!! Thank you for the work you do!!

  53. Mienke on

    I hardly don’t want to go to work because Amazon is delivering my book sometime today! I take solace in knowing I’m off tomorrow and will have the luxury of spending my day with my face buried in your book, if I can actually wait that long!
    Thanks for bringing the beauty of growing dahlias to all, and I’m even more excited than ever to be starting my own cut flower garden this year after 40+ years gardening!
    Blessings to you and the Floret team,
    Mienke in 🇨🇦

  54. Janet Madeira on

    You are incredible! And now I have to share my hero’s with so many more people! You have guided me gently and with great wisdom into the world of flowers for life. I have used all your information and enthusiasm to keep moving forward!
    Onward and upward! Most of all thank you and congratulations!🍾

  55. Mireille Collin on

    Congratulations !i have been following everything you do from online in Quebec you are an inspiration to me .Being now a small 1 acre farm growing lots of dahlias I’m certain this book is a must and a pleasure!

  56. Zoraya on

    I received mine last week and I’ve gone through it a few times. I can’t resist the beautiful photos that Chris captured and the amount of information that you and Jill put together. Thank you for being trail blazers in this amazing flower growing movement. I’m trying to figure out a creative and fun way to share my book receipt on social media. Thanks again for sharing your passion, love of dahlias with the world. Continued blessings always. Also, for putting together the AMAZING 2021 floret workshop. It has been life changing for me. I have gone to our local nursery and could almost cry at the fact that I now can recognize the terminology of gardening. I’m not a complete novice anymore!!!! Now I’m off to putting all this knowledge to practice! Gracias, thank you all!

  57. Emmy on

    I can not wait to see it in my mailbox!!! Viewing the photos in this email has got me itching to grow beautiful addicting dahlias as well. Congratulations to everyone on all of your success with the book launch.
    P.S. The kitty that shared the spotlight in this email has to be the most photogenic Fluffykins ever..

  58. Jolly Dee on

    I ordered this book so long ago….can’t wait to have it in my hands soon! Thank you from sunny West Wales, UK

  59. Debbie Kostolansky on

    I love, love, love this book. So much great information and wow! the photography is stunning!

  60. John Lalley on

    Hi Erin, Jill, etal,
    Maureen and I just completed your course and are eagerly awaiting you dahlia book. We plan to record a video for your once it gets here.
    We want to tell how much we have enjoyed our relationship and all of the knowledge you have imparted. As we enter retirement age, we feel like we have a whole new career in front of us and an incentive to get up and work every morning. As I near my 70th birthday, I am hoping for thirty more years to enjoy growing dahlias and other beautiful flowers. We are starting out my helping our daughter and son-in-law supplement their catering business as they fight through the impacts of Covid. Thanks so much for guiding us on our path to the final third of our lives. Hopefully we still have what it takes t make an impact like you have.

  61. Drew Sensing on

    Ah! I’m buying one right now- missed the last book. Thank you, so excited!

  62. Sophia on

    Congratulations! Thank you ever so much for such a breathtakingly beautiful, informative, and inspiring book! Will treasure it for years to come! 💐


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