Home Blog Dahlia Tuber Giveaway
May 10th 2023

Dahlia Tuber Giveaway

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To celebrate the upcoming premiere of season 2 of Growing Floret we are hosting a dahlia tuber giveaway—our biggest one to date! 

We’ve put together nine deluxe tuber collections and each one is filled with 23 of my favorite varieties, including some really rare and hard-to-find treasures. 

Each box contains 60 to 70 tubers—enough for your garden and plenty to share. Along with the tubers, we’ll be tucking in a signed copy of Discovering Dahlias and a packet of seeds from my dahlia breeding patch. 

An overhead of Discovering Dahlias surrounded by tubers and planning cardsCollections include three tubers of each of the following varieties:

Alloway Candy
Bloomquist Alan
Bloomquist Compare
Bloomquist Golden
Bloomquist Tory P
BJ’s Rival
Eden Benary
Eileen C
Irish D Porter
Little Snowdrop
Peaches N’ Cream
Poodle Skirt
Platinum Blonde
Roque Starburst
Sandia Bill J
Sandia Brocade
Sandia Garnet
Sandia Panama
Sandia Sunbonnet
Winkie Lambrusco

Check out the dahlias section of the new Floret Library to see what these beautiful varieties look like.

To enter to win one of these deluxe dahlia tuber collections, please tell us what you’re most excited about for season 2. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and winners will be announced on May 16. 

Good luck!

UPDATE: A huge congratulations to our winners: Kristen, Brittany Jewel, Isabella Langley, Zina Cheney, Emma Finn, Katy Carroll Smith, Dustin Croucher, Claire and Ginny.

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  1. Dana Brrgman on

    I’m interested in learning mor about your dahlia breeding process in season 2. My kids want me to create a pink and a purple stellar for them, so I need to figure out the best combinations to use to make this possible.

  2. Rocio Garcia on

    I love to see my garden full of different types and colors of flowers, I plant a different variety each year and love the results. When I am gardening I conect with nature and feel like I am doing my part to preserve earth.
    It is January 2025 and I am excited to see what this year will bring, hopefully I can have new varieties of Dhalias in my garden that will be fun to see it grow.

  3. Maria on

    Sometimes certain varieties you just fall in love with. I have had my heart set on Alauna pochette surprise. I cannot stop thinking g about her. It’s like a wedding dress. I know she was meant for me and my garden and nothing is going to compare. I would be most excited if she was coming home with me! I have scoured the internet and cannot find 1 anywhere. This would be what I would be look forward to the most if I get her in my garden to be loved, adored and admired. How do I get her?

  4. Maria on

    It’s always so exciting to see new colors and variations of any flower. What I am most excited about is all the new dahlia varieties. I don’t know what it is about dahlias but they have stolen my heart (And I could say the same for snaps and sweet peas too)

    Can’t wait to see what next year brings! Let’s go 2025

  5. Melody Godfrey on

    I was a floral designer for 20 years then tried being a realtor, not for me. I have decided to go back to my love of flowers but this time growing them.

  6. Beth on

    I’m loving my dahlias ! The dahlia seeds quickly because tubers and are filling my garden with glorious colors. I look forward to more amazing blooms in years to come.

  7. Kelly Trone on

    I’m a Nana and all my littles (grands) know I love flowers. But what I love the most about growing flowers is almost the same as nurturing my grands. You sprinkle them with love everyday and you watch them grow and blossom into amazing humans just like your plants blossom and grow into amazing flowers! A bonus is I feel like my Mom is right beside me helping.

  8. Jessica on

    I am most excited to see what new flowers you create and all the beauty and joy. Life lessons and inspiration.

  9. Kathryn McKenzie on

    I’m exited for the giddy anticipation that comes with gardening and growing dahlias. All the stages of growth are pure joy to me!
    The Floret Farms books are my guides for my small raised beds – a big thank you for such beautiful inspiration. This year, I’m also looking forward to harvesting my tubers at the end of the season . I’ve been scared to try it , but I think I can, I think I can!
    Wishing one and all a happy 2024 Dahlia growing season!

  10. Kelsey Sprout on

    To fill our first home with flowers and tiny feet. We were finally able to buy a home and are making it “ours”. I am finally able to garden and have been finding my home in the local gardening community and hope to give back as much as they have given me.

  11. Brocha Weiss on

    Planting instills peace and happiness when having a hand in displaying God’s beautiful world!

  12. Olivia Carney on

    Hope. Devotion. Love. Laughter. That is what I have seen and taken from your beautiful show.
    Hope- The tiny dahlia shots popping up from the ground ,a whisper of the hope of another beautiful summer.
    Devotion- Your tireless efforts to make your dreams reality has in so many ways inspired me to dream bigger things, and to work hard for them.
    Love- The way we can see that you love what you do! Laughter- It is heart healing, and I just wanted to say that you and all your team bring laughter to my heart.

    As I anticipate watching this second season of Growing Floret, I look forward to seeing your wins, and your set backs. Your love and laughter. Your devotion and your resilience!

  13. Don Bundren on

    Your story in your show is invigorating and exciting the way it is filmed and the way your stories come across and reach out to the viewers. I think I’m even more impressed with the way you approach the videoing of the show and the photos and how you capture them. I feel like I’m a kid Playing in a A sandbox I have always been a strong visual person and looked at life through the details for inspiration, and your show brings it to all of us… Thank you For sharing your dream with all of us.

  14. Kim Haney on

    I started growing things to eat when my oldest son was born 26 years ago and haven’t stopped. Slowly started adding in some flowers here and there. During COVID and being immune compromised I was shut in for most of a year and half. During that time I discovered a new local florist that had all her weddings canceled in 2020/2021. She started Zoom/Facebook flower arranging classes. Where she would porch drop off all the supplies for you to make an arrangement while she did a live. Simply put, I got hooked. Not only in learning but having fresh flowers in the home. I took a month long class with her to learn more in depth about arranging flowers. Then I decided why have flown in blooms when I can try planting some cut flowers? I had never considered adding cut flowers. I planted my first dahlia tubers. Break out and Cafe a u latte big beautiful blooms. Then last year I had to have major foot surgery so I knew I wouldn’t be able to plant much of a garden that year. But my dahlias still bloomed and thrived. Let’s hope they come back up this year since I wasn’t able to pull them out.
    I would be so blessed to be able to plant some of your dahlia varieties. They have been such a happy space in my garden. I love to be able to put out my extras so my neighbors can enjoy fresh blooms at home too.

  15. Cindy Cornell on

    I’m so excited! I just found your show on Max tv. I love gardening and sewing. Your show has brought me inspiration to expand my knowledge of gardening. I currently have a rose garden of about 10 bushes. We do a vegetable garden every year. I can salsa, beans, and jellies. Yes I love making jelly to share with my family. (Plum, peach, grape, apple butter and pear butter.)
    I would love to grow your dailia tubers.
    Thank you so much for the beauty you have brought to our country.

  16. Lonnie on

    One day a retired lady turned around in our driveway. She was lost and somehow managed to find her way onto our one lane road. Stopping to admire my dahlia patch at the driveway’s end, we visited and shared gardening stories. . Home she went with an armload of blooms. I thought this was a chance meeting. The next day, determined to retrace her lost steps, she once again appeared. This time her car was filled with ladies from her retirement center. She wanted them to enjoy what had experienced the day prior. This happenstance meeting reinforced the need not only to share your garden beauty with fellow gardeners but more importantly with those who no longer have a garden or the stamina to tend one. From that chance meeting grew my love of taking dahlia blooms to nursing centers. This year I’ll be adding Floret celosia for that extra WOW factor! Your blooms will bring happy memories to many retirees. Thank You

  17. Shannon Tallitsch on

    My mom has always grown dahlias. So when I started my collection of dahlia tubers about 15 years ago, I quickly realized the inherited love that I had for these flowers. As my children grew, photos of them were speckled with my dahlias. Dahlias in my daughter’s hair, dahlias on the dining room table during summer family meals and they were even the subject for my daughter’s high school photography project. I quickly realized that I was not the only one that loved these flowers. Neighbors would sneak over and take a peak in my garden, help weed a bit (I’m not the best at weeding)..of which I would happily cut a small bouquet and lay it on their back deck. My daughters would take little bouquets around the neighborhood for anyone that wanted them. Each year I’d dig these tubers up, pile up the buckets and save for the next spring. Unfortunately last year I had an unexpected sickness and was hospitalized right when there was a deep frost and lost all my tubers. I’m looking forward to starting the journey again. I just planted my first set of your dahlia seeds, a first for me. I think this time around, I’ll probably appreciate them a bit more and not curse the earwigs quite so much.

  18. Charlene wacenske on

    Do you still sell the tubers? I would love a box for my yard. I’m raising my grandchildren and want to show them the beauty of growing flowers. Love your show.

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      We aren’t offering dahlia tubers, just the seeds, which are easy and fun to grow!

  19. Grace Climaco on

    I love flowers, they are very calming and absolutely beautiful. I just started watching the Floret show, but I have seen articles about your flower farm from magazines. The pictures of your flowers inspires me to keep working on my garden. I have a couple of Dahlias in my garden, and would love grow a few other variety, to add more beauty to my small flower bed. I admire the focus and goals of your company, very inspiring!

  20. Karry Tippit on

    Love your show, and the idea of having more flowers in the world. A very cool concept.

  21. Kimberly N on

    My friend gave me 5 dahlia plants last summer …I love them I never thought I would be so excited to watch my flowers grow I think I took a picture of them every week lol oh look the are growing oh look how tall oh look they have a bloom starting g lol …thanks to Chrissy T I’m hooked I love them …I look forward to planting my tuber baby’s that I got to dig up with much excitement!
    I have so much to look forward to !
    Thank you so much for all the beautiful inspiration ..
    And the free lessons so I can learn to grow my new live for flowers .
    I look forward to spreading the love by my gift of a tuber to a friend or two !
    Thank you
    Kimberly N

  22. Kelly Moran on

    Floret is my heart. I’m so excited about season 2 because I feel like I’m apart of this journey with y’all! My love for flowers started when I gave a bouquet to a special person that needed it and when I saw the look on their face the scripture for the book of Esther came to my head “I was born for a such a time as this.” Flowers are my ministry. I want to bring peace and love to anyone who needs it. I’m taking a big step this year with that and I’m so excited to continue learning from Floret! Bless you all for everything you have done!

  23. Sarah Jurek on

    For the past few years, I have only grown vegetables and a very small amount of flowers. I’m so excited to grow more cut flowers this year!! My grandma used to grow so many, and I miss her so much. Growing a vegetable and flower garden was her thing and reminds me so much of her!

  24. Natalie T on

    I moved to a new state and am excited to start a garden with a special area for flowers!!

  25. Kathleen on

    My mother grew dahlias when I was little, whenever I see them they remind me of her , I have 2 little girls that are as excited as I am to grow them this year, something I hope they can remember and continue to do in their lives. I am ecstatic about growing dahlias it’s been a dream for a long time.

  26. Lam Ravinskas on

    Hi. I am a 57 year pld grandmother to a beloved grandson who just last weekend revealed to me how much he want to help me with my garden. I have plans to dig up a space of 50×25 square feet of grass and weeds to grow dahlia and I am too excited to wait til warmer weather. I have been digging since two weeks ago and it is very much still winter and very cold. But I’m most excited that my grandson wants to learn to grow flowers with me.❤️

  27. Cindy Hill on

    I am excited to try growing the dahlias from seed this year. I want to dig up a patch of grass and just have a pollinator garden. Thanks for the link to the growing workshop, I can’t wait to get started!

  28. Christina Walton Bolt on

    I’m so passionate about dahlias and am inspired by the beautiful variety that Floret is growing! I’m also grateful for all the inspiring and educational videos that Floret is providing to help me grow in my gardening skills!
    Thank you!

  29. Mary Bray on

    I am so excited to start my journey of growing your beautiful flowers. We have a large empty front and back yard. I look forward to visiting your amazing flowers! ❤️

  30. Rose on

    Would love to win this! Most excited about flowers!!🥰

  31. Dawn Defibaugh on

    Are you doing a dahlia tuber giveaway in 2024? I love the variety of colors and textures in dahlias. They are the focal point of my garden.

  32. Yolan on

    From the very first “Hello” Dahlias won over my heart and soul! Their diversity in color and form draw you into the garden. Can’t image a garden without these gorgeous blooms

  33. Bobbie Bedard on

    I am new to your web site. My niece introduced me to you. You have a beautiful selection of dalias. My niece happens to be getting married at the end of the summer. She told me she would love to have dalias in her wedding bouquet. It would be wonderful if your dalias were in her wedding. I look forward to “everything” season 2. Thanks for the beautiful flowers!!

  34. Michael Averill on

    Watched Season One and was impressed! Very similar to The Lost Kitchen which is close to us. My wife is an avid gardener – plants, flowers, and vegetables. Not as large as yours, but provides many flowers and fresh vegetables.
    We lost most of are dahlias this fall given the many changes in weather. Would like to replace those lost. Would enjoy tubers or seeds. We have three small greenhouses on our back porch now with seedlings and cuttings. Your consideration is requested.

  35. Donna Brown on

    I love your huge color selection and I always looking forward to growing new varieties!

  36. Gabrielle Harris on

    We just found Floret (last weekend) and are still finishing season one, but I love that you made your dream come true, that you’re giving back to the land and farming responsibly, that you create art and bring happiness to lives and that your blooms live forever in memories and photos from life’s most important events! I am very excited to finish season one and start season 2 to see the journey continue. It inspires me, and I am almost starting to see a path for something different when I retire from career #1. For now though, we just bought our first house together in July and I immediately immersed myself in planting flowers, sometimes to my husband’s annoyance because had/have so much to do! He’s the one who found Floret so he isn’t that annoyed and he loves flowers too. I have been obsessed with each season that’s passed and how to plan for seasonal interest in our yard. I am delighted when I harvest seed pods and finally bought some envelopes to store them in versus my haphazard storing and guessing game of what I may be planting in the future. Dahlias are special to my husband and I. We have been obsessed with some of our neighbors gardens that feature Dahlias as we walked by with our dog, and we are both so excited to grown and design our own garden. In fact he is the one who pointed out we should grow them! He had no idea how plant obsessed I am, and I had forgotten, but I think as soon as I’ve had a yard of my own I started growing. My first house, 20 years ago, I planted gladiolus and Sweet Peas, so hearing Erin’s story about Sweet Peas touched my heart. My heart dog used to love to smell them and they will always have a special place for me. I smile just thinking about flowers and planting, about watching them grow to see what art we’ve created with our choices and placement of seeds. To nurture and care for the plants at each phase.

  37. Kathy Claassen on

    Oh my goodness! I just discovered Erin and Floret flowers through a friend! For nine years, as a nurse I cared for a client who had muscular dystrophy, and was on the ventilator. It was very hard work, but I loved caring for him! His mom is an avid gardener! She used to have a dahlia garden, and would send us Nurses home with huge bouquets of dahlias! Thus began my love of dahlias, and now it is a beautiful reminder to me of my client who has since passed away! Kathy

  38. Kerry Onree on

    What I adore about Erin is her earnest unbridled contagious enthusiasm. If you were to ask me, & technically you are (“-“)
    That it is why not only viewers respond to Erin & the second season so well, but honestly, & I really believe this to be true-
    It’s a contributing factor if not THE reason Florets originals reciprocate that which is bestowed upon them, & ultimately us, the viewer & customer.
    I bet there is not one skeptic that could possibly poo poo any of what Erin has created✊.

  39. Kimberly Merrill on

    Dear Erin,
    You are an amazing inspiration to me through all that you do and your books and show!
    I can truly relate since I’ve taken on my barren acre of terrible rock hard soil and spiky weeds!
    Thinking of your hard work and passion helps me to toil away at changing my neglected land into a beautiful & healthy ecosystem!
    I’m already in love with zinnias, but nothing could be more beautiful than dahlias!
    I promise to give them the best manure enriched loamy soil in a sunny spot and to share bouquets to bring smiles to everyone I know!
    Thanks to you, I’ll learn to properly store and devide them every year before the frost is too harsh!
    I’m fantasizing about right where I’ll put the beautiful dahlia bed as I speak!
    Somewhere that will bring smiles to everyone who passes by!
    Maybe even help my dream come true of a Tiny Farm that offers U Pick Bouquets and inspires others to transform their yards into an oasis!

  40. Mary Miller on

    Dear Floret,

    I don’t now where to begin…Erin’s story and the story of Floret are beyond inspiring. It reminds me in so many ways of Erin French (maybe it’s the name) and her story of ‘”Finding Freedom” by returning to her hometown of Freedom Maine to open a restaurant. Like you she has impacted her community and its local farmers in countless way. Like you she is a tireless worker. Like you she is a creative person. Like you she is happiest sharing the fruits of her labor with others
    I watched Growing Floret and just want to go out and dig in the dirt. It warms my heart when the world we live in seems so upside down, that the simple act of gardening is so healing. I see the smiles on the faces of the people Erin connects with and I KNOW she is doing what she was born to do.
    It gives me hope!!!

    I recently moved from a house with many trees and a shady yard, to a house with a sunny backyard.
    Decided to put in a bed of Dahlias. While searching the internet for Dahlia sources I came across Floret. What a find, there is so much guidance, information, and encouragement . I know that it has been a struggle, please know your hard work and sacrifice are motivation to countless people (not all of them gardeners.)


  41. Liane on

    Hello, I retired from my office job as a civil engineer 2 years ago and now spent my time on my little 20 acre horse farm in Maryland. I have loved Dahlias since I was a child. My mother always had them in Germany and I loved the beautiful flowers with all their unique colors and shapes. For 2 years now I have started my own Dahlia garden, they seem to be the only plants I am truly successful with, other than Strawberries, Blueberries and Tomatoes.🤔 I have a large open area in full sun and another under light tree cover were I want to expand my Dahlia Garden into. At this point I have 50 thriving plants, and hopefully a lot more once I dig up the tubers. I am excited to add other varieties to my collection. I hope to grow my Garden to give away beautiful flowers to bring joy to others.

  42. Wendy Holloway on

    Hi Floret,
    I am a retiring nurse. I helped deliver babies most of my career. Career of 24 years. I finally am unable to do that anymore. I was a bit sad about retiring.
    But I do love growing things. I have a large flower bed in my back yard. I have grown mostly cannas, zinnias and rose of sharons. My flower bed is all sun.
    I didn’t know what a dahlia was. My sister told me about “Growing Floret” on TV. So I started watching and It brought me out of my sadness.
    As a nurse, I love to make people happy. It comes natural to me. I have been sharing my zinnias with my friends and family every year.
    Not many but a few. I love to watch them grow. I talk to them and tell them how beautiful they are. I did buy some dahlia seeds for next year. I am going to try growing in Texas.
    I would love to have some of your dahlia tubers. I could share flowers with so many others. Like nursing homes, and home bound people. Thank you for this opportunity. And thank you even more for coming into my life at the right time. You are such a beautiful person.

  43. Shalini on

    Hi Floret,
    Recently I stumbled upon your website, trying to search for unique dahlia tubers online. I have become addicted to the site. Saw all the episodes & ordered 2 books. My daughter reminded me I already have “Cut Flower Garden”. I realized that was the book that inspired me to grow cut flowers in the first place!! I’ve had it since 2017.
    I am a physician & don’t get a lot of time but all my spare time is spent in my garden. Our neighbors walk around & enjoy flowers in our corner house. I don’t grow for selling but sharing with friends & family….plants & bouquets. I first started dahlias with local store bought tubers grown in pots in our apartment patio almost 20yrs ago. I must have tried about 40different varieties since then. I wish you sold dahlia tubers that you grow & breed. They look amazing.
    Deep down I have always loved flowers. When I was about 3, my aunt used to get flowers on teacher’s day & fill a bucket with water & put all flowers in there. Waking up to their smell in the morning was my treat.
    In a way I envy you…the way you follow your heart & passion for flowers & inspire others. Watching “Raising Floret” made me realize how hard it really might be…& envy transformed to admiration. I am a fan!! I would love to see your farm in full bloom in next season…all the pictures you have in library, in real time.

    Best wishes,

  44. Karen King on

    As a child over 55 years ago I grew up in Bellingham WA and my grandparents lived in Mt Vernon. Both my parent and grandparents had large dahlia gardens. It is one of my first memories of flowers.
    I now live in Lancaster PA, and have absolutely loved gardening and have treasured raising my 6 children and now grandchildren in my gardens, although I never ventured into dahlia…never that is until I came upon your show and discovered your book Discovering Dahlias.
    I am happy to say that this year is my second year and I now have over 10 varieties of stunning dahlias added to my flower garden as well as a few rows on the edge of my vegetable garden! I was able to successfully dig, store and replant all of them.
    Your show and workshop have inspired, taught and challenged me and I can not wait to for your new season to be further inspired and trained!

    On a side note, I gave my mom your dahlia book for Mother’s Day and both her and my dad have loved it! They recognize places in the pictures from their many years of living in the Pacific Northwest. They are both in their 80’s, and still manage to plant, dig and replant dahlias every year!

    Thank you for giving me the inspiration to add dahlias to my gardens and to continue a family tradition.

    Karen King

  45. Linda Bond on

    I’ve been growing dalias for years in planter containers on my deck. I’m always trying to find Dalia tubers. I just watched your movie Growing Floret. It was a beautiful movie. You had a wonderful dream & feel you should stay in to flowers.
    I saw you were giving out tubers contest. But unfortunately I missed out on it. Dalias are my favorite flower. I just can not afford many. And was so hoping you had a catalogue I could buy from. Please keep following your dreams. I so wanted to buy some tubers from you to support your business.
    Good luck on your future endeavors.

  46. Gayle Simpson on

    Our daughter wanted your Floret Farms book for Christmas four years ago. It changed her life. Their yard is now into the third season with so many flowers. She gives them away to teachers, neighbors, etc. It is a science op for her boys. Fast forward to our
    Anniversary party . We found a Floret Farms influenced gal here 3 states away to buy all our flowers from. Daughter did 12 arrangements. I used to be a florist. Life is glorious.

  47. Marianne Gibson on

    I’m just into my first few years of growing plants and want to venture out more into growing flowers. I have 9 potted plants such as Zz, snake, Poinsettias, and 3 potted impatiens. I want to venture out into growing more flowers but One variety at a time; it’s just for my personal mental health and for sharing with my community, neighbors, friends, and family who simply need a little flower power in their day. I love your show! I was wondering…do you have just one Dahlia tuber left to giveaway? Dahlia is my favorite scent from BBW. Thanks for sharing your story on screen. Keep shining brightly!

  48. Caroline Matheny on

    I love flowers. I love sharing. I love Floret who loves the same. My garden began as pollen and nectar for my honeybees. Being a backyard beekeeper I see the need to plant resources for my girls during all seasons. They enjoy Dahlias and Zinneas and look forward to sharing their pollinator efforts with all flowers. Without our pollinators our world would be without color.

  49. Brandy Camp on


    My name is Brandy.

    I found Floret at the lowest point in my life. I suffer from Treatment Resistant Depression among many others. I have tried medications, therapies and unconventional treatments. Your show has eased my suffering and motivates me to grow Dahlias. This is my first season. I’m hoping that this helps me mental disabilities. Even if I’m not chosen…anyone reading this that suffers from Depression or Anxiety…you are not alone. May your flowers bloom a light within you again.

    I look forward to season 2 bringing me hope and some kind of piece.

    Happy growing!


  50. Valerie Prusaitis on

    Oh My Gosh!
    I’m watching your shows and loving every minute !
    Your desire to fill life with flowers is inspiring.
    I’ve recently retired from an intense neonatal medical career and missing it so …..
    Yet I need pursuits that calm me .
    You’ve inspired me towards my passion for art and gardening ,
    Thank you 💕

  51. Chelsea Sakamoto on

    To Keri (from Papaikou),
    I found some dahlia tubers in Hilo! I actually have some that I’m about to plant & once they divide I’d love to share with you! There’s also some very sweet people in Volcano that gave me some tubers and they sell them as well! I just started watching Growing Floret and after watching the second episode I ordered two books and got inspired to hurry up and plant my dahlias! I’m so excited to grow more cut flowers this season!

    Keri, find me on FB & we can connect:)

  52. Keri on

    Aloha, Dahlia’s have captured my heart. Erin opened my eyes to the beauty of dahlias I’ve never known before. Prior to Erin I honestly didn’t even know Dahlias existed. I was so captivated by its beauty I just somehow knew this needed to be a part of my life. Apart from being a stay-at-home mother to five and a part-time online student. I seemed to be all consumed by the idea that I needed to grow Dahlias. I had gained this new weird obsession to learn how to grow and care for dahlias. I live in Papaikou, Hawaii where I found out that I could grow Dahlias year-round. I was so excited to hear about the future growth potential. I went on a hunt to find Dahlia tubers in my area with no such luck. I was surprised that I couldn’t find a single farm in Hawaii that would allow me to purchase Dahlias. So I took my search to the world wide web to find myself caught in a literal web of “sold out, too expensive, or no shipping to your area.” I could feel what Erin had described in the floral industry as “doors closing all around me.” I’m still on the hunt and will be waiting patiently for Dahlias to find me.

    • BriAnn, Team Floret on

      We offer dahlia seeds in our shop that are easy to grow. If you don’t have our Discovering Dahlias book already, our signed copies also come with a free packet of dahlia seeds!

  53. Michael Villarreal on

    I just binged Growing Floret and I really enjoyed it. I’m just starting my gardening adventure and just removed my overgrown flowerbeds from the previous owners and starting from scratch. I’ve been growing a few fruits and Vegetables and had success. This year I added some more vegetables and after watching floret I started and Texas Wild Flower experiment in the corner of my yard. My says they look like weeds but I told her to be patient and we just got a few blooms this week. I just read your book Growing Flowers in one day and just started Discovering Dahlias. I came to your shop to see if I could order Dahlias but I remembered you guys decided not to do that anymore. I will be ordering seeds from you today because Im hooked.

  54. Sharon McGrath on

    Hello! I just discover you and your amazing flowers. I’ve decided to try and grow flowers in my small garden and dalhias just seem to touch my soul! It’s been an incredibly hard year and gardening seems to help put a bit of peace back in my life. Early morning and late evenings I sit on my porch and just marvel at what grow and the colors are breath taking. Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us. You have helped me more than I can say.

  55. Dana Plummer on

    Hi my name is Dana I’m from Texas! I just watched you alls beautiful show about the farm and the beautiful flowers . My husband and I love gardening . We lost our beautiful twin daughter Madyson a few years ago and it was devastating.
    Gardening is what has gotten us through the pain and helped heal a bit of our pain.
    I would love to have a chance at getting my hands on your dahlias. My daughter loved flowers and they would make a great addition to our little bit of peace in our back yard. Thank you so much ☺️ 🦋🌻💐

  56. Ramil Caragdag on

    Hope to avail some of your rare and gorgeous dahlias tubers. I’m a fan, I watched your show season 1, and bought your two books.

  57. Yaindy Lara on

    I just stumbled upon season one and fell in love with your story. My family and I bought our first home last year I started my own little flower garden. I’m so happy and exited to watch my little flowers grow. It’s so beautiful watching the show and seeing how many people life you guys have been able to inspire. I’m excited to continue to watch the show plus I’ve already signed up for some classes so I’m really really exited about that.

  58. Barbara on

    I just found season 1 about 2 weeks ago and watched all episodes on a rainy Saturday with my puppy and cats. I was bummed there were not anymore episodes but then like the miracle of your flowers there’s season “2”! I work in a flower shop and I texted all my friends like a crazy person to tell them your show was a must watch. Bummed I missed a chance at getting some of your dahlia tubers but love love love your mission. Waiting now for some seeds to arrive from you guys. Take care stay well and congrats 🍾

  59. Charmaine on

    All I can say is wow I saw your show on discovery for the first time today one amazing story you and your family have had. And your flowers are absolutely beautiful. What you have accomplished it’s just amazing. My daughter-in-law has started a family flower farm herself, and she grows flowers and sells out of her stand . I have to say it is very hard work not as easy as people would think I have total respect for the job You and your family have done and all of your workers that I’ve helped you. I am looking forward to watching more of your episodes and ordering some of the seeds. Thank you for all the information on growing flowers.

  60. Kelly Dundule on

    I am so excited for the inspiration that you always give to other growers. We started our farm last year and I can see the vision for where we could be in 5 years. Thank you for all you do for our industry 💐

  61. Vivian on

    I just started watching your TV show and I am enjoying it tremendously. I would love to buy tubers from you

  62. Alithza on

    I just started watching Growing Floret and your story is so inspiring! I just enrolled in your mini course, Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world!

  63. Brandy Stanaway on

    New to your page. I am loving it so much. Great information. I just got my first lilac. Not sure the name but I’m excited to have it.

  64. Patty Curry on

    Just saw your posts accidentally and loved what I see. I am registered for your mini course and can’t wait to see what it’s about and learn new things. I was interested in your dahlia giveaway but unfortunately I missed it. Can’t wait to continue learning from your site.

  65. Sheila Douglas on

    Looking forward to the next season…Thank you for sharing your journey.

  66. Becky Raney on

    OMG, I have known about Floret for a long time and sold my printing business back in Jan 2020 – we used to do some printing for you back then, and I always loved loved all that you do and “when I have time” I will get more into growing flowers. I am in love with what you do. I am so excited to now being able to dedicate time and share the love – with my little “starter” garden, I would make arrangements of flowers and take them to retirement centers and drop them off for those who need a “little brighter day”. I would love to add to my collection for season two giveaway. The collection you are talking about – sounds amazing!

  67. Jessica Stackpole on

    Discovered your farm on Facebook and I’m SO glad I did! I’ve learned so much in just 2 days of watching your videos, I can’t wait to learn more!

  68. Stephanie Trusty on

    My Mom instilled in me a love of flowers and gardening. She passed away 10 years ago. Growing flowers and watching gardening shows like Growing Floret does my heart and soul so much good! Is there anything that is so uplifting as seeing beautiful flowers? It helps me to focus my thoughts of my Mom not on sadness but on sweet memories of her working in her flower garden and cutting flowers to put on our kitchen table.

  69. Maya Mitalipova on

    I would be happy to get dahlia tuber. I bought a few varieties of your seeds. Now dahlia time.

  70. Michelle Huddleston on

    Dahlias are living, growing, magical fireworks. Pops of color that take my breath away.
    I am counting the minutes until Season Two!

  71. Cindy on

    The preview of your upcoming season 2 show looks lovely!! I’m brand new at gardening in Phoenix AZ and trying my hand at zinnias and dahlias. Your show is so inspiring to me!! Thank you for sharing your lovely garden with us.

  72. Reina Cardoza on

    I can’t wait to watch season 2 of Growing Floret!
    Your work has inspired me to grow dahlias in a
    15 by 5 garden space. Living in the city won’t stop me from growing dahlias.
    I grew 3 varieties last year for the first time but I lost them to overwatered during the heatwave here in Southern CA.
    Im still learning hopefully this year I will do better though!

  73. Maria on

    Hi, excited to join the group

  74. Whitney Westberry on

    I just finished watching season 1 for the second time. Why? I feel that watching it multiple times helps me understand that much better. The why especially. Why you guys do what you do, and the why I want to do what you do. To learn even more about the passion you have for gardening. I have had the passion for gardening for 15+ years and it truly is my zen time. Not only that, but I share the love with my five boys. Now you can see why gardening is my zen time. In all honesty, I was a city girl who grew up not understanding the life of plants and truly, I took it for granted. Now I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am finally building my garden year by year strengthening soil, teaching the boys how to seed inside and so much more. I started growing dahlias 5 years ago. My first set of tubers came from you guys. Now the joy of waiting “patiently” for them to bloom is the best part. So all in all, I am excited for season two. Again, why? Because I am ready to learn more. I am ready to put the show on repeat, make my plans, and see what I could possibly grow next in my ever growing garden. Thank you for building the path for those of us you have truly taught and inspired.

  75. Laura Tuttle Stabell on

    I grew dahlias for many years in a huge cut flower garden. Each spring I planted hundreds starting April 15th before weeds emerged and waylaid me! I would pot up culls to fill holes that appeared later on. I left that garden to begin farming on a new site. I took a bit of each type with me to move to the new farm but what a time I had!
    As I was supposed to open up for business to host events at the farm in the garden rooms I had created, Covid hit!
    The state shut down everything right away.
    I had to make a choice between opening the farm or continuing to work. I had to go back to work! Finally now, Im opening the farm-on weekends only, but found the dahlias had mostly rotted. I know many will come back from just an eye or two but I need to buy new stock. Unfortunatly, this set up has been costly and there is no budget for new bulbs this year!
    I was taking a days rest in bed after working too many days into the night, and half asleep saw your offer.
    Am I dreaming? Free dahlias!? I must be!
    But this garden has all been dreams hasn’t it! Despite drought, deer, rodents, no see ums that come out at dusk just when things cool off. The garden is growing and a place for dahlias is sitting bare…in anticipation!

  76. Jessica Lewis on

    This is so generous and kind of you! Some truly amazing finds as well! Thank you for all you do to share your knowledge and love of flowers with all of us.

  77. Abbigail Crane on

    Holding my sleeping newborn, I found Season One of “Growing Floret”. I still remember the sense of peace that washed over a disheveled, postpartum me while I watched Erin move through what looked like an ocean of flowers. I remember thinking, “I want to do that too”.

    At the time, I was only 3 years into my gardening journey but I had been dreaming up the garden I would create for our little girl before I ever held her in my arms. I knew I wanted to create a green space full of sensory experiences and wonder where she could explore and develop a deep love and respect for nature.

    Still a novice vegetable gardener, cut flowers truly intimidated me, but watching Erin talk about her love for this work and the magic it brought to her life, I knew I wanted to try.

    I spent the whole winter studying “A Year In Flowers” and “Cut Flower Garden”. I watched Season One of “Growing Floret” at least twice. I drew out idealized plans for the bare backyard of the house we recently moved into and in the early spring I helped my then 6 month old daughter plant her first seed.

    During baby’s naps and after she had gone down for the night, I worked in our yard to make that idealized garden plan a reality (often times in near total darkness because nights are often the easiest time to get things done when you have a baby, haha). With each small goal I accomplished in the garden, I felt myself lift a little bit higher out of my postpartum fog.

    In that time, the most beautiful thing of all happened, people close to me saw what I was trying to create and believed in my dream enough to help bring it to life—contributing both gifts and their time.

    Now, 3 months and many hours of hard work later, I’m watching our sweet girl learn to walk along the edges of the raised beds (generously gifted to us), a backdrop of delicate cosmos, sunflowers, and vegetables behind her. I’ve been able to share what I’ve learned with friends who are just beginning their gardening journeys and this past weekend, I giddily brought my first bouquets to those who contributed to helping me build this space as a “thank you” to them.

    I started writing this comment as an entry to your giveaway but I think what I really want is to say thank you for all you’ve already given me. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Floret Team. You helped me find myself again and so much more.

    I can’t wait to watch Season 2!

    Much Love,

  78. Kristine on

    Congratulations 🎈to all of the winners!!!!!

  79. Becca on

    There is a quote I’ve been carrying with me from season 1, and it reminds me of my purpose with work in maternal and reproductive health for 2 decades goes something like this, “Education levels of playing field. Having access to information and educating yourself, is the most direct path to empowering yourself.” Flowers bring me joy outside of work I can share and give to others. Thank you for lighting the torches on the path for clearly so many of us, and democratizing education that fills this planet with the good she deserves. Keep going Floret Fam!!!!

  80. Loan Hutton on

    You are such an inspiration to me. I am a newbie to dahlias but it’s quickly becoming my obsession. I watched all your videos and learned so much. Thank you for the giving away opportunity. I hope to win some tubers.

  81. Stana Messinger on

    I’m excited to see how you continue to handle the pressures of an ever-changing industry with such grace and perseverance.

  82. Carole O on

    I’m so excited to see how the farm (sanctuary) has changed and flourished since last season! Thanks for sharing your world with us.

  83. Sonya Masur on

    LOVE learning everything, your tips, sharing and info is beyond! Love your books and your energy! Thank you for continually sharing and inspiring!

  84. Grace on

    To see how your business has grown over the years and the knowledge from expanding it. Thanks for being an inspiration always.

  85. Grace on

    To see how your business has grown over the years and the knowledge from expanding it.

  86. Sandy Davis on

    Learning how to use them in color landscaping, floral arrangements & storing them.

  87. Danielle on

    Every tidbit of information you have is so wonderful. A friend shared your book with me last year, as I started growing more dahlias. Your flower knowledge is so helpful, and your flowers are stunning!

    Thank you for all you put out to us novice folks.

  88. Nancy Repka on

    I am enjoying your books and have started planting dahlias in my garden for cut flowers. Your website is my go to for anything I have questions on. From landscape fabric, tools, seeds, and your knowledge on gardening.

  89. Kristen on

    I have been following Floret’s journey for about a decade and loved being a part of your inaugural Floret Workshop class of 2018. As Floret has grown and pivoted and flourished in its evolution, watching that journey has given me the inspiration and permission to pivot and grow and evolve, too. When I started the Floret Workshop in 2018, I was (and still am) a medical provider, drowning in burnout and seeking peace and beauty in growing flowers. Dahlias and that workshop was my escape from a sometimes harsh reality of hospitals and ERs. At the time I was hoping to leave medicine and start a new career in flower farming and floral design, but I have found the steady and changing seasons of flower farming to be so restorative that I never had to leave my career…just needed to pivot. I continue to experiment with new flowers and varieties of plants, including dahlias, and now grow all sorts of plants in my backyard micro-farm which is such a peaceful oasis in sometimes stressful and trying times. Thank you, Floret! I so look forward to seeing this next season of Growing Floret and how your farm continues to change, grow and bring inspiration and peace to so many of us! Congratulations on all the success- it’s amazing to watch!

  90. Harshika on

    I watched season1 and got inspired to grow dahlias. I am excited what’s in store for season2 and share the tubers with my community garden members.

  91. Chiqui Bacallao on

    I am looking forward to seeing a blooming garden full of dahlias this season. I have only been growing them for a year but have fallen in love with all the variations of shapes, sizes and colors of the dahlias.

  92. Melissa Ahjahorie on

    I started growing Dahlias 3 years ago and fell in love.I find your journey so inspirational and admire how you built everything from nothing but a dream.

  93. Philip Lawrence on

    I am excited because growing them is totally new to me and I want to learn more each season especially in season 2.

  94. Eileen on

    I am new to growing flowers and your journey has both inspired and motivated me! Thank you for sharing your life as well as your love of flowers with us. I look forward to seeing where the next season of your series takes us. I also look forward to more lessons, insights and wisdom from the team at Floret. Thank you!!

  95. Rebecca Watford on

    I’m inspired by Floret. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helpful information for growing strong, healthy, beautiful….plants.

  96. Brooke on

    I am so excited for this and am so thankful that you share your knowledge with us, it’s such a blessing!

  97. Marta Pettit on

    I can’t wait for the new season to start! You are my inspiration. It allows me to dream about having a beautiful flower garden myself . Every season is a chance to do it. I love the Chinese proverb that says , “Life begins the day you start a garden”. Dahlias were my father’s favorite flowers and I think of him when I see one.

  98. Anissa on

    I’ve been following you guys for a few years now and I still take all the mini series over and over and learn new things or am reminded of good tips and tricks for growing flowers the best I possibly can. I’m looking forward to the section on taking cuttings from dahlias and when it’s a good time to do that. This is something I haven’t tried yet! Thank you for all you share, from flowers, to educational books and series, to clothing that works best in the field and beautiful unique jewelry. It’s all good! Where can I buy a Floret Flower cap to wear out and about??

  99. Jenni on

    I’m most excited to see changes on the farm. I took your class last year and have learned so much! I’m excited to see what you have done lately and talk about every minute with my sister. She and my husband encouraged me to start my own flower farm and business. I love the beauty of your flowers. I also love that you are a teacher to us all. That is what flower farming is about to me. Kindness and bringing beauty to others.

  100. Denise Henderson on

    I can’t wait for the second season. We had our own businesses so I completely understand the ride that can be when you are completely in love with the pursuit of your dream. I find your honesty about your professional and personal journey inspirational. My family and I are watching the show now. I have purchased seeds and we are really getting into working in the garden again. What a gift – Thanks for sharing your story.

  101. Gabi Schnieder on

    You have created a love of flowers and dahlias in me. Your work is incredible!!

  102. Sandra Blair on

    You have inspired me so much! Love the detail and organizational skills you have. Keep up the great work!

  103. Barb on

    I just learned about your farm and your IG page. Your flowers are amazing! I am excited to learn more and enjoy the natural beauty that you share with all of us. Congratulations on your success!

  104. Kelly on

    Such a good feel informative show. It is getting me into planting more flowers not just my veggies and indoor plants!

  105. Dilish on

    Your show was truly inspirational and cant wait for season2. I want to learn a lot about growing flowers and establish a cut flower garden of my own.

  106. Brian W on

    What a great giveaway! Thank you so much for your generosity. Im looking forward to learning some of the business aspects of running a cut flower farm in season2. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  107. Abby on

    Your show has become one of our “happy places” to visit while we are working in our art studio. It inspired us to design a collection of floral folk art paintings and embroidery pieces we call Wilde Bloem. We traded out old goat pen to make a beautiful garden at the base of the meadow on our mountain. We’ve planted a variety of seeds hoping to have a little piece of art in our meadow. We would be so honored to receive some Dahlia tumblers to bloom in the Wildes. Thank you for the peace and joy you have given my girls.

  108. Renee Smith on

    I just found your site, as one that was recommended from one of the Cut Flower Facebook pages that I belong to. I am so excited to have found you, and to find that I am so close to you! The selection of seeds that you carry, and the knowledge that you so willingly and lovingly share with us, is a testament to the joy that your flowers bring to you and your family. You inspire me to want to create a tiny piece of what you have! I can’t wait to turn my front yard into beds of flowers. Who knew how many choices there truly are! Thank you for the beauty and knowledge that you are bringing to so many! ❤️

  109. Laura Minkel on

    I have enjoyed growing some of your flowers from seed last year. I loved seeing the unusual varieties in my front secret Garden by my front Patio. It became my happy place when I need a stress break from doing periodic 24 hour shifts caring for my dying mother. It became a place of respite and peace for me. After her passing we planted a new rose called Like no other in her honor. This year’s flower seeds from Floret are now in the garden growing well!
    Your Season one was great to watch as it was beauty and armchair travel all rolled into one. It feed my soul! Looking forward to watching season 2 !
    Regards, Laura Minkel

  110. Michelle Riddle on

    I have been inspired by a sweet friend that follows you and adores all things flowers. I have now become just as obsessed with cut flowers and I would like to share these tubers with her! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us!

  111. Tim McIntyre on

    I love the Dahlia Tahoma Stellar:

    Beauty spoke at the moment of creation
    its love was over whelming
    The Creator still invites the non-being
    into the universe of being.

    We were meant to do wild things with our Creator
    to be as children and as wise
    Congratulations on your still new beginning
    All your gifts are superbly wild and stellar.


  112. Eva B on

    Finding you on instagram 5 years ago was life changing; I grew up “having” to help my mom with her gardens every summer. Your instagram and blog inspired my own adult love of all things flowers but specifically I discovered a love of Dahlias. I’m looking forward to following along on your continued adventure as gardeners and to gathering more of my own inspiration. Thank you for bringing beauty into the lives of those around you and sharing with others !!!!

  113. Carissa on

    I hope I am not too late!
    I loved season 1; seeing all the struggles you had to overcome, hard decisions made, the hard work and determination to endure! In season two I would enjoy getting more in depth with the planting process, how you manage work and family life with the kiddos, and more about what each person on the Floret team does!

  114. Susy on

    The exquisite uniqueness and also the commonality of beauty when enjoyed and appreciated with enthusiasm, it’s a vibe!

  115. Debbie Garcia on

    Can’t wait for Season Two!!! It is so exciting to watch all of what goes into your flower farm and all the hard work and organization that you put into it!!!I’m looking forward to what goes into the next fields you are preparing for and I love watching your Dahlia section on the blooms you breed yourself.

  116. Emily on

    I love to learn and be inspired! Thank you for sharing your journey!

  117. Allie on

    So excited to see the new farm development and hope you’ve created the “place” you’ve dreamed of.

  118. Erin Dengeles on

    Excited to see all the new happenings on the farm since season 1. My favorite thing about floret is learning about new varieties and breeds that are the most unusual and beautiful.. from pumpkins to tulips to dahlias and peonies.

  119. Michelle on

    I discovered your books about a year a go and have checked them out from our library many times now. I have started growing dahlias and even saved some seeds that I started this spring. I’m excited to see what comes up! I have learned so much from your books, mini courses and season one. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and beautiful flowers with the world.! You are an inspiration!

  120. Mary Creedon on

    Although I am not a flower farmer, I am an avid gardener! I always look forward to all ur mini series to view and learn from! I never grew dahlias before this last season and I have recently become captivated by their beauty and have started Growing them from tubers the last 2 years. I look forward to seeing what new things I will learn in season 2. I love to follow the progress of ur business ! U have done such an amazing job!

  121. Molly on

    My husband and I are avid flower and vegetable gardeners and would love to be able to do this full time. For season two I want to see even more beautiful flowers and colors!

  122. Joy on

    Such beauty!

  123. Jeanne Fairbanks on

    I’m new to all this and I just can’t wait to see what you have in store for season 2

  124. Lea Kelly on

    Watching Floret Season One with my husband was SO DELIGHTFUL and we often look again and again to see if there is a new season! I am most excited about the glorious creation and colors and glimpses of what is growing on your flower farm. Isn’t it amazing that something so small and fragile, like a flower, can grant such powerful encouragement, hope and celebration. Here’s to more seeds, more growing, more multiplication! If I win the gift box, I will be so thrilled to watch the growth in my own mountaintop yard. Thank you!

  125. Michele on

    I truly love the positivity and beauty and peace that you spread from your work and your show. Please keep doing what you do. I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience a world I never knew existed before watching your show!

  126. Amy Harris on

    It brings me joy to see your farm and stunning flowers! I have watched your videos as well and have had great success growing your dahlia seeds in Vermont. Such an amazing variety!!! Dahlias are now my favorite flower!!!

  127. Megan on

    I’m excited to see more of your dreams come to life!

  128. Emelie on

    I’m excited to see all the different varieties of flowers and progress on your breeding program. Love all the shots of the fields in bloom!

  129. Beth Reynolds on

    I am so excited to see how the farm is moving along!

    I hope to see your home too and how the grounds have matured!

    I love your story, your journey all the people you have surrounded yourself with, your sweet husband!

    I look forward to seeing your challenge’s and your triumphs!

    Best of all I look forward to seeing all the beautiful blooms you have created:)

  130. Rena Jenkins on

    From the first time I saw you on Magnolia I was hooked .I anxiously look forward to all your books and growing tips , you honestly are the person that ignited my passion for growing. I savor every book and video like its a treat . In the morning I grab my cup of coffee and my gardening journal and walk the garden I get excited to see what has popped up, on a weekly bases I make flower arrangements for my kitchen, bathroom , entry room and Livingroom. I admire your passion to follow your dream , Thank you Erin !and honestly look forward to everything you share with us .

  131. Sheila Schmitt on

    We have a nice little Dahlia bed in the yard that we, and all the people that come by really enjoy all summer long. I am looking forward to learning how to keep in in prime shape for all to enjoy! Thank-you so much for all your lessons and the wonderful seeds you have available.

  132. Pilar Runyan on

    I am so exited to this, i hope I am not too late to participate. My husband and I after so many years waiting finally couple afford 3 acres lot which was purchased so I can start farming flowers. (My dream finally came through)
    I first knew about dahlias because of floret, I got the 3 books and some seeds and since then, I have been learning as much about farming flowers. I hope and pray I would be blessed to have at least one tuber from your amazing farm. Thank you for doing this. You are so wonderful. Pilar

  133. Belinda Kennedy on

    I can’t wait for Season 2. I have learned so much from watching the show. You put so much heart and passion into the flowers and it shows. I am a novice gardener. I just planted some Dahlia tubers. They are starting to emerge. I hope they are as beautiful as those I saw on your show! I live in Northwest Louisiana (humid south) so wish me luck!

  134. Amy Bennett on

    I am excited to have found you. I now have a source for Dahlias. I used to work for a Bulb warehouse and filled many orders for Daffodils but I will be interested to learn more about the Dahlia.

  135. Diane Peterson on

    Just placed the date on my calendar, yay!! You have given me the courage to grow dahlias and store them over them Winter. Thank you for giving us inspiration to learn new things.

  136. Kylie Brown on

    I am so excited to take away more of your knowledge and experiences! I am trying so hard to overcome my fear of failure and start my own cut flower business! My life long dream! And what I wouldn’t do to be a proud owner of your Dahlias! I live in Northern VT and haven’t come across anyone with your tubers!! Let me be the first!

  137. Shannon on

    As always, looking forward to Erin’s soothing voice and humor along with more flower tips!

  138. Justine Curbelo on

    I am beyond excited to watch season 2! You truly inspired me to make my dream garden a reality, and truly realizing it can be done!! I love watching your growth and so happy this is happening for you!!!

  139. Michele Harris on

    So excited to see your garden and business grow! I have watched your first season multiple times. Love your books and all the mini courses I’ve taken.

  140. Ana on

    I can’t wait to see how the farm continues to grow in Season 2. Your story and journey is so inspiring. You deserve every success with the joy and beauty you spread.

  141. Misty Crutchfield on

    I just can’t wait to see how the oasis you created around your home has grown. I just love watching the series to be inspired to transform my 10 acres. This is my first year to grow Dahlias, and of course more varieties of flowers in my garden. The online courses I participated in, in February, have been so valuable with all my gardening. Highly recommend them. SUPER Pumped about season #2

  142. Wendy Partenheimer on

    I am so excited to see how the farm is continuing to grow!! Seeing all of the beautiful dahlias!!
    Learning new tips and tricks!!

  143. Margeaux Spain on

    I am most excited about season 2 of Growing Floret because it is a TV show that makes me feel so GOOD after watching! I always come away feeling inspired to be true to myself and my dreams with every episode. Last season when Erin decided not to sell dahlias but to instead play with breeding them and enjoying them, wow, that was such a powerful message!

  144. Stephanie on

    I am so happy I found your page! I am a recently retired school teacher of 30 years. I am looking forward to learning all about gardening. Dahlias are one of my favorite flowers and I’d like to dive into learning all about them. I am new to this but I’m going to go watch season one and then I’m sure season 2 will be following closely.

  145. Kathleen Naylor on

    As an artist and a gardener, I am eagerly anticipating the feelings of inspiration and joy in season 2! Season 1 was more than a gardening show; it was like going home to my childhood, watching nature in wonderment. And the artistry of the filmmaking made me feel like I was walking in a floral painting. I need inspiration this year, both in the garden and in my artwork. Happiness awaits!

  146. Nicole on

    Soo..excited for season 2 and to see the things you’ve been working on!! Hope you will do a deeper dive into who you are individually – outside of flower farming. Congratulations on season 2!! 😁👏

  147. Megan Kim on

    I’m looking forward to season 2 and seeing how all the landscaping plans for balance, production and beauty is evolving. Also the status of the rose garden and your observations.

  148. Xiafei Lin on

    I (and my 6-year-old daughter) read all your books! That inspired us to creat our only cutting flower garden, and share the blooming joy with all neighbors and friends! So excited to see Season 2 to learn more about your story and flower magic 🪄.

  149. Jennifer Suggs on

    Looking forward to seeing your Dahlia breeding patch and the gorgeous photography of the farm in Season 2! I just lost my mother and would love to be able to plant a flower garden in her memory.

  150. Devin Rozansky on

    I’ve been following on Instagram for awhile but I haven’t watched season 1 yet. Waiting for season 2 so I can binge them both! I’ve been a gardener for awhile now but love seeing all the different varieties of every flower you have!

  151. Sara Nichols Chiabai on

    My mother passed away suddenly two weeks into the pandemic lockdown and a dear friend gave me the book A Year in Flowers. I felt so alone and incredibly heartbroken and each day the only thing that would ease my heart and mind was looking through the pages — it was if the flowers were the only things that could understand and respond to me. That summer, in honor of my mom and to try and connect with something safely, I tried growing some flowers in our backyard (with my mothers goal of always trying to have one thing in bloom in her yard all year long). What I have learned through my learning journey via the Floret books and Season One is two-fold (1) rehabilitating a farm, yard, yourself in order to expand what you are able to offer and share with others, isn’t always easy but so incredibly worth the effort and time and (2) the awe that comes from realizing the more you cut and give away, the more that grows!!!!

    I could not be more thrilled that Season Two is coming out soon — what I am most looking forward to is continuing to feel that I am walking alongside the Floret Team in our collective effort to bring more beauty to the world through flowers! Yes, life can be filled with unnerving obstacles and challenges at times, but together — and through sharing beautiful flowers with others — we will prevail!

  152. Cindy on

    This would be an incredible gift. Good luck to everyone!

  153. Olivia Pope on

    I loved season 1 and am so excited that you all are back for another season. Congratulations! I’m most excited to see how the farm has grown, and of course to be inspired all over again!

  154. Kathleen Morrison on

    OMG! This is my first year of purchasing Floret seeds. My sweet peas are thriving and can hardly wait for the zinnias to show their faces. So looking forward to the others to start blooming, Pincushions, Shasta daisies, Sweet Williams, and more. It’s gonna be a beautiful blooming season❤️

  155. Heather on

    I discovered both your page/blog and online shop last year. It is addictive. I am slowing growing my flower garden along side my vegetable/herb garden. I actually started researching while going through Stage 4 Cancer treatment. Your site literally gives me happy endorphins! Being outside, hands in the dirt, learning what works in my climate/soil has been incredibly cathartic and I truly believe helped cure me. Can’t wait to see your new mini series and thank you for sharing your talents and joy with the rest of the world <3

  156. Steph Rosenberg on

    Super excited to see progress on the dahlia breeding patch in season 2! Cheers, Erin!

  157. Megan Anello on

    I am most excited to see you all more ! Been a follower for years and it’s great to see your ambition, drive and mountains you climb !

  158. Lisa Rudick on

    newbie to floret so im not sure what to expect but excited to see and learn and become part of the floret family!

  159. Kyra on

    Can’t wait to see the progress & growth of the farm design and how the backyard space is coming along for you and the family to enjoy! 🌼 love love love floret thank you for all you do 🙏🏼

  160. Elizabeth on

    Your emails with their beautiful photos of your flowers inspire me to get excited and motivated to work in my own garden. Thank you for sharing your excitement and enthusiasm.

  161. Elizabeth on

    Your emails with their beautiful photos of your flowers inspire me to get excited and motivated to work in my own garden. Thank you for sharing your excitement and enthusiasm.

  162. Katherine Hall on

    Each day I wake up and look at the garden in the new light with passion and see the way the sun or even the rain has changed the garden. I watch each pedal of each flower which such passion for their life. I am so excited to see you share the same passion as I do for these flowers! I am very excited to continue this journey with you in your next season so I can learn everything I can to create the beauty you create around you!

  163. Catherine on

    I’m excited to see more about the creation of the library and breeding patches and of course, more dahlias!

  164. Hillary Miles on

    I’m excited to see how your work with Becky Crowley continues to shape the farm! Happy Season 2!

  165. Barbara on

    I love reading your emails and seeing the beautiful flowers you grow.
    I’m looking forward to learning how you grow tiny seeds and their tiny seedlings, as my experience with Breadseed Poppies was disastrous!

  166. Lisa on

    The beauty you create with flowers is inspiring. Can’t wait to learn more. 🌸🥰

  167. Estela on

    I loved season one of Floret. It moved something inside of me that I had hidden and tucked away silently. After watching Floret season 1, I started growing my own garden, and named it the “Healing Garden”. In season 2 of Floret, I am most excited about learning more about growing flowers. The trade secrets no one really talks about. But most importantly I look forward to dreaming and aspiring to reach more because that’s what Erin transmits. I can’t wait!

  168. Kaitlyn on

    Loved season one! Excited to see all the new happenings in season 2!

  169. Zaida Hager on

    I’m most excited to see what kind of science/breeding projects you have going on! When I found you, I went back and watched a ton of your Instagram videos and I love how you educate us with such passion about flowers! I’ve learned so much from you in such a short time. Thanks for everything you share!

  170. Lisa Olson on

    I look forward to see how you help other struggling growers, in blossoming their business. Your selfless nature is very inspiring.

  171. Devin Gerling on

    Hi! I have just been watching season 1 with my grandmother and it has helped her to ‘get me’! What a beautiful story and so encouraging for new growers. The hard season is worthwhile! I’m excited to see how the soil is doing on the new farm in season 2 as well as how the zero waste initiative is going! So inspiring!!

  172. Emily Woodward on

    I’m so excited for season 2! You are seriously changing the world with your flowers and positive vibes. I love to see the flower community grow with you at the helm.

  173. Forrest Thayer on

    My wife and I are so excited to see how Floret impacts people using flowers in Season 2. Floret’s approach to connecting people with flowers has inspired us to do the same this growing season from our tiny backyard. We’re hard at work getting seedlings in the ground so we can share the beauty with people in our lives. Thank you, Floret Team, for all the work you do to inspire beauty.

  174. Aubrey Hopkins on

    I will never forget the opening of the first season; Erin asked us to recall our first memory of flowers. My six year old piped up and said her first memory ever was me tucking identical flowers in our hair during the warm summer months when she was only 2. It just reignited my love for flowers.

  175. Beth Janik on

    I look forward to learning even more about all the awesome flowers that you grow. You provide us the incentive and the confidence to expand our gardening practices!

  176. Emily on

    I’ve always loved your content and decided this year to grow a cut garden! I’m so inspired by you and hope I can share the happiness your flowers bring with family and friends!!

  177. Karen Osier on

    I loved the first season and can’t wait for season 2. It is nice to see that even the most successful growers have struggles. Growing flowers may not be easy but it is worth it when you see such beautiful flowers and can share those with the world.

  178. Susan Ardissono on

    I’ve learned so much from your books and videos. Dahlias connect me to my dad. He grew dahlias. He passed away almost 21 years ago. Every time I see dahlias I think of him.

  179. Amy Marie Bullock on

    I love everything about planning, planting and watching things grown in the garden; especially flowers! 💕 I am so excited so follow along with the next season of Floret. You are all so inspiring! Much love! Amy

  180. Barbara Lassen on

    Continue your amazing work as you are an inspiration to us all . You bring such joy with your flower farm . It’s so wonderful watching what you keep creating .

  181. Lauren on

    This show always seems to calm me and make me feel inspired to just live life beautifully. It amazes me to see how you can grow such beautiful flowers and all of the hard work that goes into it. Ready to feel all the calmness and see all the beauty in season 2!

  182. Christine on

    Excited to see new techniques !! Tips!!! Flower varieties!

  183. Cheryl on

    We all need more joy, peace and beauty in this world. When I feel the need to escape I head to your videos and dream of day’s to come when I can walk to my own flower garden.

  184. Madeline on

    Absolutely loved watching season 1 and how all the amazing flowers are grown! Can’t wait to see Season 2!!

  185. Kevin M. on

    Thrilled to continue to learn more about how to be a better flower farmer – and be inspired by others stories/journeys! Would LOVE to add some of your dahlia tubers to our collection as we try to grow more! Cheers

  186. Lori on

    You are an inspiration and a favorite IG account for quite some time. I admire the endless hours and hard work you put in, and feel pride at the fact that you’re up north of us in Washington. I look most forward to how the show makes me feel. Happiness at the end of a day of hard work and so many flowers!! Dahlias and Zinnias are a couple of my favorites!!

  187. mary O"Brien on

    i am looking forward to your show… its so relaxing and inspiring. thanks for sharing your flowerso

  188. Hannah on

    What an incredible giveaway!! I can’t wait to drop back into the deep well of inspiration that Floret offers in every facet of the business. I started gardening with Floret seeds and it brings me so much joy. I love to see what is happening behind the scenes!

  189. Candace on

    I love seeing your farm and dreams grow! It’s such an inspiration!

  190. Kelly Blood on

    I’m excited for season 2 because I really want to see more on the hedgerows and windbreaks as that’s what I’m working on this spring! Updates on how your farm expansion is going will be incredibly valuable to me as well. I just purchased a very neglected 20 acre piece of land and I’m hoping to transform it into something beautiful that I can share with my loved ones. I’m excited to see how season 2 will help me on my journey!

  191. Rosemary Melillo on

    I look forward to seeing the progress of your new garden. Incorporating all the trees to beautify the garden. The roses will be beautiful to see. I enjoy your enthusiasm for gardening. Erin you are a wonderful teacher. My garden has improved from all the knowledge that you share. I’ve been more successful starting plants from seed. I never knew you could start dahlias from seed! Thank you Erin and team. Sincerely Rosemary

  192. Jaemye Brandon on

    I just watched Season 1 and it was so inspiring! My husband and I just bought a farm last year and we open our u-pick flower garden in July! It hasn’t been easy, we rocked a comfortable boat, but we’re so excited!

    I’m most excited for season 2, for selfish reasons. To keep that fire lit and to motivate us to keep pushing and to grow. To learn more from you and what has/hasn’t work for you. And like you, to bring flowers to others. 💐

  193. Michelle James on

    I’m looking forward to being inspired to grow my own cut flower garden. I love learning all I can about gardening. I just purchased season one and I’m excited to get started watching! I love growing zinnias in my vegetable garden and I think dahlias are going to be so much fun!

  194. Liz on

    Simply put, I am most excited to see the process of transformation! “The process” is often difficult for me, and I often struggle to persevere because I forget to keep the end goal in mind. I find it empowering and an encouraging reminder (that it can be done) when I watch others work through the process.

  195. Elke Duffy on

    Dahlias are in some of my earliest childhood memories growing up in Germany. These beautiful flowers are staples in even the smallest gardens all the way to the showiest estate expanses of flower collections. It is wonderful to rediscover them on the American West Coast with you.

  196. Allison Easterling on

    I have a large garden in a neighborhood full of kiddos and young families and want to make it a learning opportunity for my community. I have LOVED watching your growth over your social media platforms and during the show and can’t wait to watch season 2 to get even more inspiration and have the confidence and gumption to explore my own version of a floret neighborhood learning garden in the foot hills of Fort Collins CO. I’d love to pay it “floret” forward ❤️🌸

  197. Sarah Wright on

    I live on soil that has been viciously ravaged by the owners before me. It hurts the soul to see dead soil and I am most excited to see the Floret farm thrive after expanding into soil that has been poorly stewarded. Also, I love the friendship between Erin and Jill! Also (last also, sorry) I love catching glimpses of the Floret originals being developed such as celosia and zinnias. Come on, season 2.

  198. Stephanie Cate on

    I am most excited to see how the farm has grown, how you have adjusted to the expansion, and how you think you will roll out all the beautiful new breeds you have created so home growers can enjoy them too. I also love to draw inspiration from new design techniques you show. Looking forward to it!

  199. Juliet Branch on

    I dedicated my life to flowers 8 years ago. I was raised by generations of gardeners but the magic didn’t click for me until I threw myself to the dirt. I started by doing flower gardens for restaurants, then freelaced for wedding florists, but I TRULY learned who I was meant to be on the first flower farm I worked several years ago. Luckily, the owner turned out to be a bully and I was sent back up the river. But my dream didnot die there! My fiance and I have landed on a retired plant nursery, where we live in a camper and I rent space in a green house. We are in the midst of our very first blooming season! We spent most of our budget on our Floret sweetpea trellis tunnel, because magic and invitation are important to us. My mom watched the first season of your show and it allowed her to better understand me, to grasp the potential in this very important work. I will never live without spreading the joy and medicine of flowers, giving them freely every chance we get. I am so grateful for your upcoming second season, and as I’ve AT LAST achieved my own holy flower rows, I am so eager to enjoy the series with my mom. We just bought a secondhand table for the yard so we can have company over for meals. I see my mom and grandmother eating quiche in the flower field as we learn and explore through your generous teachings. Thank you for being a sweet part in my journey to fulfillment. I farm today in Charleston SC, but my parents raised me in Port Orchard WA. You are a healthy dose of nostalgia and inspiration for us all. I have so much Gratitude and congratulations.

  200. Michelle James on

    I’m most excited to learn about your breeding program on Season 2! Also, to see what new exciting projects you have going on! Congratulations on another season of Grownig Floret!

  201. Kati on

    I’m most excited to watch the growth of Floret. Watching season 1 gave me an incredible amount of motivation and confidence in starting my business. Although different industries, there are so many similarities that I saw between us. Excited to see where you go!

  202. Chasity on

    I loved season 1 and can’t wait for season 2! So much inspiration!

  203. Kerri Morrin on

    I can’t wait for Season 2. Your family and business story is so inspirational and humbling. Your connection to the dahlia flower is as real as the complexity of the flower. The first view of a dahlia is beauty but the complexity, layers, shadows, and death reminds me of how much it resembles life. I work in a very stressful industry, and when I come home to the beauty of my flower garden it all goes away. It reminds me to be as kind and beautiful to others as long as I am granted time here on Earth. Share the beauty because there is nothing better than to give someone flowers and see them smile. I would be honored to share the beauty your family has worked so hard to create and make this world a little brighter.

  204. Christina F. on

    Looking forward to all the garden inspiration!!!!

  205. Lisa on

    I am so inspired by y’all and the beautiful blooms you create. Looking forward to season 2!

  206. Syd on

    I’m so excited to see you teach us even more and show us unlimited beauty!

  207. Katie M on

    I’ve been so inspired by season 1. I’ve been feeling like I’m in a slump with my garden. Moving to a new house in the fall with absolutely no flower beds has given me a completely blank slate to work with, but I’ve been completely overwhelmed with the magnitude of the task of cutting my own beds and preparing the soil from what is now clay. I put on an episode and I was immediately refreshed and remotivated to try again and not let the unknown get the better of me! I can wait to see more little inspiring moments from season 2

  208. Kate H on

    Looking forward to learning something new! Always down to earth and informative.

  209. Bess P on

    I can’t wait to see how the farm has evolved and changed since season 1! What’s new, what plans had to be modified, etc! And to get to know the Floret Team more!

  210. Sarah Campbell on

    I’m excited for season 2 to see all the unique cultivars you have and the explosion of blooms!

  211. Katie Bennett on

    I’m so excited to see the magic unfold once again! Your farm is such an inspiration.

  212. Megan Godwin on

    So excited for Season 2! Im brand new to growing flowers and Im so inspired seeing Floret and how you’ve grown. Your show is an absolute happy place :)

  213. Elizabeth on

    I can’t wait to see what’s new to the garden in season 2. I love seeing all the beautiful blooms. Excited to see what inspiration I can get for my garden.

  214. Christina F. on

    Cannot wait for all the gardening inspiration 🥰

  215. Beth Amos on

    I enjoy watching the growth of your farm. You can see the planning, work and the real life lessons you learn and pass along for Do’s and Dont’s as well the books and people you reach out to as resources. It is a great reminder of the importance of engaging with community and giving back to help others.

  216. Logan Rodman on

    Truthfully just so excited to continue to learn and admire all of the hard work you guys do on a daily basis. You bring the reality behind the pretty instagram photos.

  217. Norajean L on

    I am so excited for season 2. I can’t wait to see everything you are working on!

  218. Wendy (firefly-acres) on

    I’m excited to see what you have done with your new farm space. At the end of the first season you were talking about the English garden landscape along with all the heirloom roses and your personal dahlia garden. I’m also excited to see your seed collection setup.
    Season 1 spoke to me when it came to my next chapter after we moved to our small 2 acre farm
    ( firefly-acres) and my husband retired. I ordered all your books read them through a couple of times. I watched your tutorials and also bought some books of your suggestions. I spent the winter is 2021 reading and learning and watching and learning absorbing as much info as possible to successfully grow from seed and store my tubers.
    I’m now growing cut flowers and dahlia’s. I have a website a Facebook page and am currently selling. I’m making enough money to expand my dahlia crop but not enough to make a living. My plan is to eventually join floret University this next winter.
    I’m really excited to see what this summer will bring because I added 100 different dahlia’s to my collection. I decided to focus more on show dahlia’s but still have some novelty dahlia’s that are popular.

  219. Abby c on

    I am working on designing a garden for my first time on my property, and I am so excited to start making my own bouquets, fingers crossed Season 2 works for me!

  220. Sarah @littledreamfarm on

    I’m most excited to see where you take the additional land and property. I got the sense you were exploring and delving into regenerative agriculture, which is so important for a farm with your following and reach to emulate this method of working the land to other growers. Conventional growing, as you well know by now, is anything but conventional in terms of being in sync with nature. Proud of the work you are all doing adding hedgerows, windbreaks, working on soil health, and being a great example of organic gardening and flower production for many others to follow. Keep that up!! Looking forward to watching and glad y’all can finally share it with the world!!

  221. Victoria Y on

    Your show and your posts are my happy place. I love learning and following along with all you do. Thank you for being my mini getaway from everyday life.

  222. Rachel on

    I started my flower garden nurturing some peony bushes and I can’t wait to start expanding. Dahlias are my favorite and I love seeing the beautiful varieties when I visit my family in Seattle. I’m planning to expand at my own house. I can’t wait to see in season two how your hard work and decisions at the end of season one have developed.

  223. Hannah Hewitt on

    I am attentively waiting for season 2. So curious to see how you will bring additional heritage blooms to your gardens! I’ve read that you are rescuing roses from bygone eras to bring back to popularity. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter of floret magic.

  224. Jennifer Goebel on

    I have been looking forward to season 2 since the end of season 1. Season 1 changed my life! I found a new passion and purpose. I took the Floret Workshop and have been working on getting our family business and future farm going. It has been a blessing. I can’t wait to see how season 2 inspires me! I am forever grateful to Floret!

  225. Jennifer Goebel on

    I have been looking forward to season 2 since the end of season 1. Season 1 changed my life! I found a new passion and purpose. I took the Floret Workshop and have been working on getting our family business and future farm going. It has been a blessing. I can’t wait to see how season 2 inspires me! I am forever grateful to Erin and all those who are a part of Floret!!

  226. Liz Kavanagh on

    I am working on designing a garden on what was my grandparents property. My grandpa was a huge flower lover and grew lots of dahlias over the years. ❤️🥰

  227. Jennfier Goebel on

    I have been looking forward to season 2 since the end of season 1. Season 1 changed my life! I found a new passion and purpose. I took the Floret Workshop and have been working on getting our family business and future farm going. It has been a blessing. I can’t wait to see how season 2 inspires me! I am forever grateful to Erin and all those who are a part of Floret!!

  228. Lori Jolly on

    I am so excited for season 2! Season 1 increased my love of flowers, and I’m now growing my first cut flowers ever! I’m excited to learn more and definitely be inspired more!

  229. Launa on

    After gardening for 25 years and trying everything but Dahlias I’m excited to expand my few Dahlia into a garden of them, you’re an inspiration and wealth of knowledge, thank you for sharing.

  230. Molly on

    I look forward to all the things I will learn. You all are so amazing in the way you share. The flower community is the best it is so uplifting and happy.

  231. Joanna Conyngham on

    I came late to the glamorous Dahlia party! My grandfather, almost 90 years ago, won enough ribbons from the Georgia Dahlia Society to fill one of his old cigar boxes, which I covet. Last year, at age 73, I decided to honor his Dahlia legacy by trying to grow some store bought tubers. Never have I seen so much greenery, struggled with so many floppy stems and waited and waited. I’ll never forget the morning I went out to my garden to see what, if anything, was going on and the most gorgeous bright purple Dinner Plate Dahlia was tucked in the leaves! It literally took my breath away and was immediately added to my Facebook feed! Many more of all sizes and colors followed and I was hooked! My sister sent me your Dahlia book and with it I harvested tubers, produced cuttings and have planted a new crop and shared cuttings with my friends. I am thrilled with the responses to my enthusiastic and beautiful posts and love sharing how easy and rewarding Dahlias are to grow! Oh, almost forgot, last fall I entered 3 blooms in the flower show at our county fair and won 3 ribbons which currently reside inside my granddaddy’s old, worn, coveted cigar box!

  232. Bill Danforth on

    I am looking forward to the mid season color the dahlias add to the garden after the spring flowers decline.

  233. Deanna Burkhammer on


    I have followed y’all for years and taken your online course. I am a huge fan. You all are an inspiration. This season I hope to see how the day to day business is run. The financial side of the business, any tools that make the day to day of a flower farmer slightly easier. Where do you all get the seed packets, how is it printed? The different employees and their specific jobs that makes it easier. Do you guys do companion planting? Slight fixes for struggling plants(such as lengthy seedlings, molds on seedlings, proper ventilation…ect.) how do you protect your plants from birds, moles? Are your kiddos involved? How do you relax? This is now my second year full on farming. I am a mother of a toddler who is homeschooled and trying to run this business and take him to activities. I would love to hear anything that could help. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and my family looks forward to see your new season! Congratulations on a new season! ❤️

  234. Heather Newcomb on

    In season 2 I’m excited to see what else floret does to get flowers out into the world and grow community. To me, this is what flowers are all about!

  235. Stephany Bryant on

    Excited to see if you’ve added your rose collection in your space. Looking forward to being inspired by show, and seeing my husband’s face when I say let’s do another weekend project! Ready to dig in!

  236. Brandon on

    Of all the many reasons I am excited for season 2, the biggest reason is the motivation that the show brings to do all the tedious work! I have to work on our flowers in the evenings after teaching all day and there are times when working on the soil or pulling weeds is the last thing I want to do. When I watch your show, it’s a reminder that the hours and hard work that are put in will be worth it, and it gives me the extra push I need at the end of the day!

  237. Lori on

    I am most excited to see how all of the trees and shrubs planted around Erin and Chris’ home have grown, and what it looks like now. I wonder what having more visual separation from the rest if the farm has meant for their vision and creativity for their business. Or maybe just brought them some peace? Can’t wait!

  238. Cindy G on

    What! I would love win! Dahlias are so beautiful, native to my country. I am excited for the new season and all the beautiful blooms, wonderful insight on growing. I live in an arid windy area of the Texas panhandle so I need ALL the help. I’ll have to rewatch season 1 to review and stay up to speed on everything.

  239. Terry Hinz on

    Thoroughly enjoyed season 1. I have always had a vegetable garden, more recently started adding flowers. Watching Floret has given me the inspiration to start adding cut flowers to my growing garden area. Who will we meet in season 2??

  240. Janet Hedrick on

    I just love dahlias and can’t get enough! You are such an inspiration!

  241. Suzanne Webb on

    I’m new to dahlias and can’t wait to see what blooms this year. I am doing a combo of tubers and seeds so that I have some reliable blooms and some surprises. I’m excited for learning in this next season of Growing Floret and for all the beauty.

  242. Carolyn on

    I love this flower but have not yet had the experience to grow this beautiful fliwer

  243. Angie Meyers on

    I am not sure if my first comment made it here on May 12 as I was in the car and got a weird response when I submitted. I fell in love with you and your farm so much during the first season. I loved seeing all the challenges and the rewards of growing your flower farm. I also realized I am going to be satisfied just growing my yard and experimenting without turning it into a business. The look on peoples faces when I share my flowers and tubers is so gratifying without overwhelming me. ( especially if I get a whole new group of tubers 😉 ) I so look forward to seeing what new challenges, failures and successes you have in the second season. I feel like I have been waiting forever for this season!!! Come on May 23~~~~~ Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with me and all your other fans

  244. Michelle Easterling on

    I started growing dahlias 3 years ago after watching your show. I have since bought all of your books! As a mother, it’s easy to get caught up in the day in and day out tasks of children. Dahlias brought me something for me and myself. A hobby that I have come to love every year. Now my children love to cut and arrange flowers and even check for eyes on tubers. Dahlias have brought a new bond especially with my daughters who I believe will grow them too! Looking forward to the next season as I have so much to learn!!

  245. Danielle Kuboushek on

    This is my first year growing cut towers and I’m excited to just learn more!!

  246. Shannon Staudt on

    I am most looking forward to hearing how y’all work as a team. I think the first series was so interesting to hear how you all found each other. And how things started. But I’d love to hear how ideas are fleshed out to make Floret so unique. Also more flowers! I’ve been following y’all since day 1 on Instagram. And I know how many varieties and types you all have added to your catalog.

  247. Sharon on

    I absolutely love dahlias. They’re my favorite flower for arrangements. Thanks to my Mother who has been gone for quite awhile. We grew some burgundy decorative dahlias and dug up the clumps every year. We didn’t know about dividing them back then tho. That would have made for a lot less storage.

  248. Jessica G on

    I’m a beginner flower gardener and I’m excited to learn as much as I can, especially about dahlias😊

  249. Bethany Miller on

    What where have I been! Needing to run check season one or before I know what I’m excited about for season two.

  250. Ashley Monaghan on

    I’m excited most to learn how Floret has sustainably grown over the last few years, including new breeding experimentations and seed selling tips!

  251. Merisha Baldwin on

    For season 2, I’m looking forward to learning more about your process for managing the farm & caring for your flower babies. I love seeing the cooperation of the entire Floret Team & the partnership with the surrounding community. I’m most excited about enjoying the beautiful images & learning more about flowers.

    I loved dahlias before I even knew what they were. My grandmother grew them in her yard. I have pics as a kid among the dahlias. So when I bought my first house recently, naturally I wanted to grow dahlias & that’s how I discovered you, Erin. You are amazing! Thank you for spreading joy, light, and positivity in the world. Thank you for being a role model. Thank you for sharing yourself and your knowledge with ppl like me. 🌸💕🌻

  252. Allison on

    Dahlias! Just simply dahlias. Can’t get enough! 🌸

  253. Imo on

    Thanks for all the shared information and new web page you will be providing in season 2. That’s a lot of efforts to put into. Love and appreciation.

  254. Megan White on

    I can’t wait to see how you manage all the fields of different types flowers in real time along with the helpful hints you have on Instagram. And OF COURSE SEEING THE DAHLIAS! Watching your love for dahlias has made me want some and started my journey in discovering how to grow flowers to share with my neighborhood and hopefully by next year, with my town! I haven’t grown any dahlias yet but they’re high up on the list to figure out! I love watching those clips and can’t wait to have full episodes showing your beautiful farm again!

  255. Yvette Hargrove on

    I’m excited to see if you will reveal some of your zinnia breeding experiences and if those seeds will become available! :) Also, what you decided about dahlias.

  256. Shelagh G on

    Our dahlia garden started your last year of selling tubers and it’s brought our family, extended family and now community so much joy! We live for color and teaching our children nurturing and and sharing the beauty with others. What started as one garden has quickly multiplied and I can’t wait to be inspired by Season 2 to continue to find joy! Thanks for sharing the beauty!

  257. Sonya on

    I just found out about you last week, so I am just excited to binge watch season one and two. Love, love, love everything so far.

  258. Kim Orndorff on

    I love the outdoors and growing flowers. I have bought your seeds in the past and they are wonderful! Thank you for bringing some of Gods beauty to our world

  259. Aki on

    The beauty, grace passion… it’s just so inspiring and incredible! Thank you!

  260. Sarah Michalek on

    I’m excited to see the explanation of the vision and direction you chose for the farm in Season 2!

  261. Maggie vantangoli on

    So excited to see the continued growth of Floret and all the beautiful varieties you’re breeding!

  262. Alicia D on

    Thank you for all you do and beauty you bring!

  263. Sarah Visker on

    Thank you so much for all of the wonderful content you put out. I have learned so much from your books and season 1. In season 2 I hope to be inspired to try something new in my cut flower garden. I hope to have enough flowers to share the beauty and invite friends and family over for a bouquet making party.

  264. Susan D on

    There is so much to learn about growing flowers and I love your passion and approach. You explain everything so well. I’ve been growing flowers around our home for 30 years and still feel like a newbie. I look forward to learning more about amending soil, dealing with pests, tips for growing each variety and when to cut flowers for the longest vase life.


    I’m looking forward to more inspiration! Watching you create this beautiful farm, sharing it with the ones you love, thanking everyone that helped make it a reality, and seeing the gratitude you possess for everything you have is something rare indeed. Growing flowers is a beautiful way to make a living, but planting seeds in the hearts of those who want to fulfill a dreams as well….that’s truly a blessing!
    In reality you’re in the blessing business!
    So what I’m most looking forward to is you sharing all the blessings you’ve been given and paying them forward to us!
    Thank you ♥️

  266. Susan Foster on

    Like Erin, I have a passion for growing and flowers are my favorite things to grow. I have recently put in a large garden and decided to dedicate a big portion to growing flowers. I saw Erin’s book online and purchased it. It has helped me tremendously. I purchased 23 varieties of seeds from Floret and my journey has begun.
    I live in a rural area and do not have internet capabilities to have streamed season 1 but I plan on watching it at my son’s this summer. I was excited to learn about the show and am looking forward to seeing both seasons so I can continue to learn from you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It is so very appreciated.

  267. Rebecca on

    You were an inspiration to me to start a flower farm in 2020. I have learned so much from your books and videos and want to thank you for sharing your knowledge. I would love to be able to grow dahlias that came from your farm and share them with my sweet niece who also loves dahlias! It would be such a joy to grow them together! Thank you!

  268. Laine Muir-French on

    First off, I want to express so much gratitude to you guys for opening up your life to us with Growing Floret! To Erin, and the whole team: you all are incredibly inspiring. Feeling excited and anxious for season 2.

  269. Susan Baker on

    You put so much hard work into all things Floret and yet your approach gives even the most inexperienced gardeners and lover of flowers the belief that we too can have a beautiful cut flower garden!! Thank you for putting wind beneath my wings.. my Grandma would’ve loved to see that I was trying to grow & harvest cut flowers !!🌸

  270. Cheryl McCormack on

    I admire your tenacity. The Floret family is inspiring! I enjoy watching how you share your talents to create a wealth of beauty and quality information. Tank you!

  271. Jill on

    Your story is so inspiring and encouraging. I am looking forward to seeing how you continue to learn, share and grow!

  272. Anne Davis on

    I am awe struck by all the information given.

  273. maria gentry on

    I loved season 1, and am looking forward to more adventures in season 2!

  274. Brooke on

    Thank you for all of your knowledge that you’ve shared with so many of us. I’m excited to see what you have in store for your beautiful flower farm on Season 2.

  275. Jen Cosby on

    I love how y’all work together as a team to the point of becoming a family and I look forward to seeing how y’all continue to grow and work the farm, inspire so many, and share the joy of flowers with others!

  276. H. S. on

    Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge of growing flowers, you’ve inspired me to start my own cut flower garden. Can’t wait for a season 2!

  277. Cheryl on

    During Season 1, I was moved by how hard Erin and Chris had to work and the nany challenges they slogged through. I am looking forward to watching and being inspired by their well-earned victories in Season 2.

  278. Emily Mack on

    I’m so excited to see what you share next from your farm! Thank you for all the teaching you do related to flower growing. You are an inspiration to me! ♥️

  279. Tracie on

    I’m looking forward to seeing all of the changes in biodiversity and plant health from the new garden design. Also excited to learn from you all as you grow, and I begin my own small cut flower garden.

  280. Isabelle on

    I can’t wait to see what flowers you grow next season!

  281. Christy Kaiser on

    I can’t tell you what an inspiration your show has been to my daughter, and I. Covid was a hard time for both of us and the magic that your farm brings has inspired us. We now have cut flowers to share with our friends and family, which helps us bring the same kind of magic you do to the world around us. Thank you for all that you do and I can’t wait to see what magic the next season has.

  282. Krista on

    I can’t wait to see the flowers & all of the study & thought you put into them! Excited for it!

  283. JOY KERR on

    I have always had dahlias in my garden, but once I read your book, I decided that I would concentrate on growing really beautiful and unusual dahlias. Thank you for the beautiful illustrations and easy instructions on how to cultivate store, divide and grow beautiful dahlias. It has not only brought beauty into my home, but on a weekly basis, I have been able to bring flowers to friends, neighbors, and even in to my colleagues at work to brighten their days.

  284. Devan Butler on

    I am most excited to see how the new garden set up is going! I love the English design and have tried to incorporate cutting materials in all of my landscaping around my yard. I also like spotting your cat in the scenes!

  285. Patti Priester on

    I’m excited to learn a new hobby and start enjoying all the beautiful flowers that are out there. I can’t wait to see flowers in my house and share with family and friends.

  286. Karen on

    I can’t wait for season 2! I am a growing, gardening mature novice and want to nurture just a little of the blooming beauty you are instilling and inspiring!

  287. Lauren Earley on

    I’m excited for inspiration and learning something new with Season number two! Rhyming was unintentional.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge

  288. Amy Freeman on

    I am excited to see what happens next on your farm. What giving away all those dahlia tubers brought in to you. And of course I’m looking forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers.

  289. Cathy on

    I have been dreaming of having a “cuttin patch” forever! A local grower has been an inspiration for me and told me about Growing Floret…I am hooked and determined to make it happen! Would love to be able to say I got my start with this wonderful giveaway. Erin, you are a true inspiration!

  290. Gracie Bailey on

    Seeing how y’all overcome the ever changing conditions in agriculture; like weather and wildlife. Loved the first season. Excited for this next one.

  291. Eileen McCarthy Mendonca on

    Floret is my inspiration and Erin you make me feel like I can do anything! You give so much with every book, post, blog and season. So excited!
    Thank you

  292. Catherine on

    Already thinking about where to plant these beauties
    So stunning

  293. Lin on

    A wonderful world to visit. Just love Floret!

  294. April lilly on

    We love Floret! I’ve followed this farm on Instagram ever since it started out till it’s grown big and has inspired me to now start my own flower farm! Just purchased 24 arches and now have over 100 peony bushes and are now selling peony’s to customers (from now small garden) but are growing to our new farm. Thanks for inspiring everyone! That anyone can make their dreams come true!

  295. Hannah on

    Looking forward to watching! I love your flower farm. It gives me ideas how to try that here in Ohio with native plants.

  296. Angela Kuhl on

    I am looking forward to seeing all the updates on the farm including your landscaping!

  297. Kurtis Cagle on

    Most looking forwards to hearing about hybridizing and seed production!

  298. Dayana Cagle on

    Most looking forwards to hearing about hybridizing and seed production!

  299. Jean Albert on

    I’ve been planting nothing but tomatoes and parsley for the past 6 years before finding you. I’ve learned so much to a point that planting dahlias is no longer intimidating to me! This is the first year I’m planting them and am as giddy as a child when I found my tuber showing sign of life. I’m happily overwhelmed with the knowledge you share and wondrously curious of your farm development and your own development as a farmer since your last season. Best wishes to your success and thank you thank you.

  300. Terri on

    I’m looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful flowers, especially the new varieties that you have been working on. Your enthusiasm is contagious!

  301. Maricruz on

    Looking forward to all the floral beauty captured in Season 2!!!

  302. Elizabeth Ulrich on

    I am most excited because I absolutely love all things Floret! Being able to see your life in flowers in season 1 was truly a gift, it was filmed beautifully. Since watching season 1 for the first time I’ve been eagerly awaiting season 2. I can hardly wait to see more from the farm!

  303. Mindy on

    Your beautiful flowers and content are really inspiring me to get creative in the cottage garden I’ve been working on at my homestead in Alaska. Whomever wins this will be one happy camper! What a generous gift.

  304. Victoria on

    I’m excited to learn more about dahlias, flowers and how to sustain my own small flower farm in NW Oregon

  305. Tawny Regan on

    I’m looking forward to more of how your farm is growing into itself and maybe some stuff on breeding certain colors of flowers.

  306. Tatyana Kuznetsova on

    I’m most excited about all of the new knowledge you’ll be sharing with us! Your passion for flower farming and education is so powerful! This is my second season on the farm. Can’t wait for season two!

  307. Nigel on

    Inspiration, beauty, community, dreamy shots of fields of colour, challenges, knowledge, the team, the cats and the stories.

  308. KaraketYong on

    I’m looking forward to beautiful bloom this season and learn more about dahlia so that i can do better next season.and i hope that i could try breeding dahlia like you erin so that new beautiful variety coming my ways. This is my first year into growing dahlia but you’re already inspired me to try breeding. looking forward to your give away so that it’s can maybe make my collection bigger and better. Thank you!!

  309. Marissa on

    I’m so excited about the new season! I have learned so much from Floret and Erin and I can’t wait to witness more of the beauty on the Floret farm. The first season had me hooked and is what inspired me to live my flower dream! Gaining additional knowledge to apply to my little flower farming business is also exciting. Yay season 2!

  310. Lisa S on

    I’m so excited my friend introduced your company to me! Dahlias are addicting and I find my patch getting bigger and bigger. I look forward to learning from you.

  311. Yolanda Bass on

    Looking forward to sharing the next part of your journey. It always an inspiration to witness all your hard work and the generous ity of your experiences and information you share.

  312. Alison on

    I’m looking forward to the continuation of the journey! Dreaming big and working hard to make those dreams a reality.

  313. Julie Ann on

    Lookin forward to second season ! Such beauty and inspiration from you so devine! Thank you!

  314. Savannah Compton on

    I’m looking forward to learning so much new information as this is only my second year growing dahlias or really any flowers. I’m so excited and love being able to look up all the knowledge on your site. I have been going over all the different greenery and foliage to find accents to pair with the dahlias to hopefully make bouquets this year. I can’t wait to see the second season. Thanks so much for all the knowledge you are sharing with everyone!!!!

  315. Vanessa Ky on

    I’m looking forward to the wealth of knowledge you so graciously offer to share. We just purchased 5 acres and I am working on a 20+year dream of finally having my own dahlia garden. Thank you for such a gracious offer.

  316. Susan S on

    I’m looking forward to the beauty and inspiration. The show is so beautifully shot and highlights the beauty of what your team does so perfectly!

  317. Alisa Wojciechowski on

    I’m most excited about all of the new knowledge you’ll be sharing with us! Your passion for flower farming and education is so powerful! The way you present information is so approachable and makes learning enjoyable. Can’t wait for season two!

  318. Jess on

    The flowers….. the cheery, lovely, happy little blooms….more flowers….. always!
    Sending happy thoughts your way!

  319. Meredith Elrich on

    I can’t wait for more episodes watching you navigate the tough decisions like in the dahlia episode. Flowers bring so much beauty and joy into the world and I can imagine it’s hard having to choose which ones to keep and which ones to cut at the Floret farm!

  320. Vitalina on

    I’ve followed you because of your display of roses and dahlias so I’m most excited about those flowers in particular can’t wait for season 2! Your passion for flowers is so inspiring! Thank you

  321. Valerie Calvo on

    Congratulations! I look forward to finding out all the things I don’t yet know, as well as more on the roses! It is all very inspiring.

  322. Emily V. on

    More Timmy! :) I’m so excited to see the progress of all the roses you’ve collected, and how you arranged them. Congrats on Season 2!

  323. Sarah Templin on

    I’m so excited to watch you and your staff tackle challenges with grace, humbleness and perseverance. All for the love of beauty and learning. You all are so inspiring.

  324. Gloria on

    Congratulations on season 2! Looking forward to seeing more of your story unfold and the farm awash with all the brilliant colours from your beautiful blooms!

  325. Lisa on

    I love watching the farm grow! I only wish I could have a cut flower garden! I hope to see more of the logistics of the farm working together toward a common goal!

  326. Tanya on

    Congratulations on season two, I like how real everything is in the show, with the struggles the rewards and the success

  327. Jessica Johns on

    I’m most excited to hear more of your story! Other people’s stories are inspiring! :)

  328. Alexis Walk on

    I’m most excited to see the farm on how it has grown since last season and to learn more! Last season inspired me and just watching it made me feel at peace. Sounds silly but it’s a beautiful show and I could feel the realness! Love learning from Erin and I love the show!! I finally have the courage to start growing cut flowers this year and can’t to see what happens- big thanks to the show for showing me the beauty In flowers, thank you!

  329. Matthew on

    Can’t wait to see what season 2 will bring. I love to see the different flowers blooming in my yard. I thank you for all of the information that you put out, it really teaches me a lot.

  330. Margaret Mirgan on

    I just LOVE that the new “Growing Floret” season is coming out just as our dahlias are going to be coming up. It makes our favorite flower’s season even more exciting! Thank you Floret and Magnolia. We love you!

  331. Nicole on

    So excited to see what season 2 will bring. After seeing all the beauty in season 1, I know there can only be more greatness. I admire all of the information that you put out and all of the positivity you bring with your knowledge of Dahlias. Keep being great!!

  332. Andra Hall on

    Season 1 was so enjoyable to watch that I am looking forward to Season 2.

  333. Kelli on

    Most excited about season 2 for all of the knowledge gained from viewing! Flower gardening is amazing . Your flowers are the most gorgeous I’ve ever seen grown ❤️

  334. Peter on

    Wishing you all the best. Congratulations on season 2.

  335. Delia Mannen on

    Y’all are a beautiful team spreading more beauty in the world through your knowledge of, and experience with flowers. Thank you! I have already learned so much from Series 1, your website, library, and books. I am most looking forward to further connecting with the Floret community, the expanded resources that will accompany each episode, as well as the unscripted moments recorded in the Making of Season 2. Clearly your hearts are the authors and producers. Again, thank you.

  336. TG on

    Congratulations on your season 2.🎉
    This would be a dream come true to win this Giveway.🥰

  337. Rhonda Keyes on

    I am looking foward to season 2 because season 1 was so calming to watch. Ever since I lost my mom & grandma I have felt closest to them when I am in my garden. Watching how Erin has been able to fulfill her dream has inspired me to follow my dream of creating my own oasis in memory of them :) thanks so much for letting us into your life! Erin

  338. Miranda Lasz on

    Looking forward to seeing how your gardens and practices have morphed. Just like the flowers, every season is just a little different with newly discovered beauties.

  339. Maryann on

    Looking forward to cool, quiet mornings before the sun is up. Working and enjoying my colorful dahlias and all the lovely smells. I just turned 70! and want to make this season the very best. Makes me smile!

  340. Tara on

    Looking forward to all the beautiful flowers and more techniques to growing them in season 2 . Love your story and like you I learned to garden from family (aka grandma ) and friends . My happy place is still doing my grandma garden , community garden and helping all my friends appreciate this wonderful hobby . Your seeds are amazing and love seeing new varieties . Congrats on season 2!

  341. Michelle Bailey on

    Over the years my garden has slowly morphed from all veggies to now mostly flowers. Dahlias are my favorite. I love the shapes and colors and endless flowering. Collecting flowers in the mornings in the cool of the garden is my favorite thing. Your show is so inspiring. I love the glimpse we get into your world. You have started a flower garden movement. Thanks for making the world a more beautiful place.

  342. Megan on

    I look forward to quiet evenings watching this incredibly calming, beautiful series. After a long day of taking care of my family, the episodes in season one were such a wonderful way to end my day. I appreciate the work that goes into creating not only the series but floret. I am a small flower farmer myself and Floret is incredibly inspiring. Erin and her team’s tenacity is infectious!

  343. Gillian Coykendall on

    I am most excited about learning more about working with my climate and soil to have a beautiful garden that feeds my soul.

  344. Jen Howe on

    I cannot WAIT to see how the farm has changed since last season! 🥰

  345. Joy on

    Continuing to dream that I’ll be able to grow beautiful flowers in my garden! I started seedlings this year with your seeds, fingers crossed!!

  346. Deb Wilkey on

    I hope you have begun to see and by now absolutely know how much we all “out here” were ready to “grow”.
    Season 1 didnt disappoint on that! I along with so many others loved your openness and even vulnerability- however we saw a Master at her craft with her flowers..! I have learned so much. I have grown along with my new flowers and where I go when I want to go to my happy place-ha! So, Thank You and everyone at Floret for that. I am just excited about WHATEVER you have in store for us in season 2.
    Well done!

  347. Gina on

    Looking forward to some real life flower farming! And of course stunning flowers 💐

  348. Chantal on

    The beautiful cinematography

  349. Cole on

    I’m looking forward to some sweet drone footage!

  350. Madhavi Vonteddu on

    I was amazed by your generosity and the good you wanted to do for this flower farmer community. I am also curious to know how you are generating income for farm and staff since you dropped many of your previous business means.

  351. Abby Gibbs on

    I’m excited to learn from such helpful honest people! Season 1 was absolutely beautiful. I cried in every episode. Floret’s journey is inspiring and I feel capable to learn such a stunning art. Thank you for your work. It is appreciated!

  352. Chrissy Wilson on

    Just planted my first ever flower seedlings this past weekend from seeds from Floret. So looking forward to season 2 and learning more.

  353. Emily on

    I’m looking forward to seeing how things have developed since the end of season one. There were so many curve balls thrown at Floret in season one and watching you overcome and determine how to adjust course was inspiring. I’ve had so many unexpected “bumps in the road” and changes to plans over the past several years in my small business that I still haven’t managed to return to operating the way I was or how I would like to with all of the shifts and changes. I know that season two will be just as much of an inspiration to keep moving forward, even when things play our differently than I expected. I planted flowers for the first time last year to use for our wedding, and it was such a source of peace in the midst of everything going on. We’re just passing our last frost date, and I’m excited to see my perennials coming back. I can’t wait to get my few dahlia tubers in the ground and put in the annuals I purchased from you this fall. Thank you for everything you do to make beautiful flowers available to the world and for all of the time and energy you put into education. There are so many beautiful resources that I’ve been able to take advantage of as I begin the journey of growing flowers, and I am forever grateful.

  354. Tara Brown on

    – the continued insight you and your team share about the art of flower growing, the real ups and downs of pursing your dream, and the unbelievable beauty and magical place of of Skagit Valley – my childhood home.

  355. Ashlee wallach on

    So excited to see the breeding process and continue to see the day to day on the farm! It’s all so amazing!

  356. Karly on

    I’m just so excited to see it all! I love seeing the ups and downs which is so relatable to my farming experience! AND I just feel like I learned so much from season 1 that I’m excited to learn more!

  357. Kathy R on

    All the new things I’m going to learn!

  358. Valerie Lopez on

    I am so so excited to see what your farm looks like now that you’ve planted trees, shrubs, and native plants to support the animal life and ecosystems around your farm! It must be so incredible to be surrounded by cultivated and wild beauty. I can’t wait for season 2!

  359. Deanna on

    I am excited to see more of the day-to-day work on the farm and the process of breeding new cut flowers. Watching the first season left me eager to watch the second!

  360. Allison Lamb on

    I’m most excited about seeing you guys crushing your goals & being awesome! As an added bonus I hope to see how Becky’s garden design has come to life.

  361. Jessica Nystrom on

    I’m so excited to see how the farm has changed, what new projects you are working on, and how you adapt to challenges. I love the wonder, curiosity, and possibility that each new bloom brings! I feel honored that you vulnerably share your journey with us.

    Season 1 had me in tears every episode. It touched my heart in a way that I didn’t know I needed! It gave me space to heal and permission to be completely captivated by flowers.

    Thank you.

  362. Tina Hansen on

    Can’t wait to see the beauty you’re cultivating at Floret in season 2! It’s inspiring to watch your vision for the farm come to life and continue to grow! Thanks for sharing your passion for flowers with the world.

  363. Lynette Wineland on

    I am most excited about how inspired I get when watching your show as well as following along with you via your email updates and Facebook page. I have a small flower farm in Iowa and joining you on your journey has been such a joy and all that I have learned from you is knowledge that will forever be appreciated by me on my journey. All my best! Lynette at Jester Hill Farm

  364. Anne Knowlton on

    I wish you we’re giving away seeds to Canadians as your flowers are so beautiful 😍

  365. Elizabeth on

    I am so excited to see a little bit more beauty brought to the world in season 2. Being able to see the love of following your dreams and making the world a better place is so refreshing and encouraging.

  366. Alyssa Gibson on

    I cannot wait for Season 2 of Growing Floret! I’ve been looking forward to this from the moment I finished watching the first season. So excited to see what is in store!

  367. Hayley Smith on

    My husband and I watch the show together and he’s obsessed with dahlias. I love watching his passion grow and don’t know where we would put them all if we won but I love him so I’m entering.

  368. Michelle Vrbas on

    I’m honestly just excited to soak in knowledge on everything from flowers to ducks, making flower arrangements, and my favorite- how to keep everything organized!! After watching you on IG for years and living in the PNW for 10, it took a move to the east coast to finally get me to plant my first tubers this spring. I’m so excited to see how they turn out and learn how to improve for the next season. 😊

  369. Elizabeth Santiago on

    I am most excited about learning from your journey & receiving whatever wisdom you will be sharing in season 2! I am new to flower farming, but have been a long time lover of the peace and beauty that comes from having fresh cut flowers in spaces of my home. I am now enjoying learning about the process of growing my own flowers, mostly through shows, books and online research, but my favorite has been through connecting with local friends! One new and very dear to me friend is a local flower farmer who has been so generous with her time and knowledge. Her encouragement has meant so much!! It would be lovely to win this giveaway and be able to try some of your favorite Dahlia varieties! It would also be so incredibly amazing to be able to repay my flower farmer friend’s kindness by sharing tubers with her as well! xo.

  370. Destin Padgett on

    As a small scale farmer (more of an ambitious gardener really) I look forward to just being inspired by your farm. I’m bad about comparing myself to others and watching your show makes me feel inspired but your frankness about farming and how sometimes things just don’t work out is encouraging for me.

  371. Rachel on

    The ‘Crossroads’ episode from season 1 was raw, real and inspiring. I admire your dedication and long-term vision to become the most impactful flower farm in the world! As if that Dahlia giveaway wasn’t generous enough, now you’re offering another. I can’t wait to see how that tough decision paid off in Season 2. Huge thanks to you and your team for all your hard work!

  372. Megan M. on

    I just cannot wait to see the growth/change in the farm since season 1. I love seeing how you set everything up and plan it all out. Eeek! So excited!

  373. Jessica Hammes on

    I’m so excited to learn more about Floret and to see more beautiful flowers blooming in your part of the world. What you are doing has inspired me greatly. Can’t wait to be amazed again this season!

  374. Sandra Gregory on

    I admire your work and dedication to the flowers and farm. The shared knowledge is so valuable that you provide and the beauty of the flowers is so appreciated. Dahlias are a new addition to my garden this year so I look forward to learning more about these stunning varieties. 😊

  375. Suzanne Fischard on

    I’m most excited to see you work to find a balance between the business side and personal side. Making money AND making a life you love – it so inspiring to me in my own career pursuits – thank you so much for sharing your process! (Also hoping to see more close up time lapses – dreamy!)

  376. Audrey Long on

    I am most excited to see more footage of the farm and the behind the scenes work that goes into this glorious farm! I am an aspiring farmer and lover of flowers so your show is literal eye candy for me while also being super educational, I love it!!!

  377. Eric on

    My father grows vegetables and some flowers as a hobby in his free time. I am excited to watch this season with him and see all the new flowers on the farm.

  378. Ashley Alexander on

    I’m most excited to hear what you’ve learned and how you’ve continued to discover what you love doing with flowers. I’m grateful that you’re sharing your story – it’s inspiring and I can’t wait to hear about the next chapter.

  379. Alyssa Thome on

    I am looking forward to the zap of inspiration I will derive from watching you and your crew work, create, and dream. As a flower farmer and a full time third grade teacher, spring is crazy busy and tiring! I need all the inspiration and motivation I can get. I think Growing Floret Season 2 is just what the doctor ordered.

  380. Noemi Perez on

    The first season was inspirational for me and my family! I was amazed at the variety of colors and shapes of dahlias. Also the many different types flowers and foliage you are able to grow is astounding! Such hard work goes in and the payoff of bountiful flowers. Can’t wait to see the new varieties!

  381. Kayley Hartman on

    Brand new follower and recent flower lover due to the flower gardens at our new house that our previous owner adored. Wanting to be more knowledgeable about flower farming, I just ordered two of your books to learn more and started season 1 of the show! I’m excited to see where the dahlia breeding project goes and the growth of the farm!

  382. Jessie Blackburn on

    I am so excited to see the team stories! I loved hearing how each person has been integral to Floret’s success in their own way using their natural talents!

  383. Brookeanne Walters on

    I think like so many, I’m most excited to see you living your dreams… achieving your goals… finding your bliss and sharing that joy with others through the beauty you are bringing forth ❤️.

  384. Jenny Jett on

    I’m new to floret flowers but I can’t wait to see all the flowers you grow and your knowledge about growing flowers. I just planted my first cut flower garden so I am hoping that it is a success. I keep buying more flower seeds because it’s so addicting. I’m hoping I can sell some flowers and pay back money from PT school!!

  385. Natalie Johnson on

    I rewatch season 1 when feeling overwhelmed or needing a breath of fresh air.
    I spend more time outside and have a small flower garden in Kansas because of your show.
    Thank you and excited for season 2

  386. Kathleen Bond on

    I’m looking forward to the ups and downs. The moments where flower growing looks magical, like a dream. And the moments where the dirt and grime and exhaustion can’t be easily washed away. More than anything, I’m looking forward to the realization of season 1’s blueprints (and the baby birds that have nested in new hedges!!!).

  387. Lacey on

    Learning more about growing dahlias….

  388. Meredith on

    I can’t wait to see the growth of your farm and the new varieties you have created!

  389. Casey Fischel on

    I knew I would love your show after seeing little snipits of you on Instagram talking about dahlias but I didn’t expect to cry after the first episode. The beauty that nature has to offer, sometimes can only be seen through a screen. I didn’t grow up with the financial means to grow my own garden but was always amazed by the beauty of flowers. I love to see you talk so passionately about every variety you have and it inspires me every time I see your posts, to go start/tend to my own garden. I can’t wait to see what season two has to offer!

  390. Lori Huster on

    We can’t wait to see and hear the amazing progress you are making on your farm including your breeding project! And also for you incredible wisdom growing dahlias and other cut flowers!

  391. Dara on

    Watching season 1 of this show introduced me to the world of dahlias and I fell in love! I felt such a sense of peace and tranquility watching and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning to cultivate and grow my own dahlias. I’m looking forward to season 2!

  392. Larissa on

    I’ve watched season 1 so many times I lost count, I’ve been counting down the days for season 2! I’m so excited I can’t stand it! I’m looking forward to anything and everything about season 2 but especially anything about dahlias and running a flower farm.

  393. Hannah Dutton on

    I’m looking forward to the inspiration that comes from watching your show. I soak in every bit of knowledge I can to learn how to make something beautiful that will bring joy to myself and others.

  394. Susan on

    The beauty of all you dahlias is amazing. Love the show! So much fun to follow along and I have my friends watching too.

  395. Morgan Cline on

    I am excited to see all the dahlia breeding. I love the science and strategy behind growing flowers.

  396. Kim Flake on

    My first year with dahlias. This would be a great start!

  397. Maria on

    I am mostly just excited to be re-inspired by the beautiful blooms and your little tips!! Fun to follow along!

  398. Becci Newsome on

    Just the inspiration and stillness/peace I feel while watching.

  399. Kara Goode on

    I am most excited to see the colors of all the dahlias planted this year! And I look forward to hearing all the breeding stories!

  400. Jessica on

    Always looking for a good show :)

  401. Alyssa T. on

    I’m looking forward to seeing how the improvements to the soil on the farm are going as well as more of you and your team facing and conquering the anticipated and unexpected road blocks.

  402. Jessica on

    Love to learn new things :)

  403. Jenn on

    I am excited to see more people growing cut flowers and beautifying their area as gardening can be extremely gratifying. It’s a passion for many and unites many generations. (Except the weeding part haha)

  404. Ashley Thomas on

    I’m most excited to see how the farm has changed since last season!! I’m also excited to share in the emotions of the journey—I felt so connected to all of y’all last season, I couldn’t stop crying with every episode!

  405. Elizabeth Haddad on

    This series has inspired me to grow flowers! I grow them for pleasure and to share with other, not for profit, but I have learned so much from your books. I have been completely inspired by the show to create something beautiful.

  406. Jamie on

    I can’t wait to see all the updates to your farm!!

  407. Deanna Bay on

    You have such an honest and beautiful way of conveying your passion, your inspiration, and sharing the skills needed for successful flower cultivation. I have been hooked on you, your farm, your seeds, and your books for years. Now I am hooked on your show. I tell everyone about you and have purchased your books for several people. For season two I am looking forward to the cinematography, the scenery, the stunningly beautiful flowers, the candid honesty, and continued inspiration to bring more beauty into the world through flowers. My flower garden specifically planted for the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds keeps growing thanks to you. My neighbors and friends get to enjoy the beauty of the cut flowers as well. Your inspiration keeps multiplying and influencing others in exponential ways.

  408. Lisa Christopher on

    I have learned so much about growing and caring for plants and flowers from the videos you have share with us. Your passion and enthusiasm are truly an inspiration to us all. So excited for season 2!

  409. Linsey on

    I can’t wait to see how the Floret gardens have changed from last season and what updates you all have made to your beautiful farm.

  410. Nona on

    I’ve been through a really rough season of life these last 6 months. Winning a dahlia tuber giveaway (dahlias are my favorite!) would be a huge bright spot and inspiration for me to get back to work in my flower garden.

  411. Kirsten on

    I just love learning about flowers as a business from you! My parents started growing dahlias a couple of years ago and everyone is delighted by the blooms and bouquets. Would love to give them some unique varieties to enjoy.

  412. Greg W on

    My wife and I enjoyed watching season one together as she has recently started the beginnings of her own flower farm. We are both excited to learn about breeding different dahlia varieties and have collected seeds from our dahlias last season. Thank you for your inspiration.

  413. Wendi O. on

    I’m most excited for all of the pretty flowers.

  414. Leann Murphy on

    I’m so excited to learn more about flowers! I’m just getting started and there is a lot to learn!

  415. Stephanie on

    I can’t wait to see the breeding work! I’m also interested in seeing how the garden design aspects have matured.

  416. Shelbi schnoor on

    I’m most excited to get a behind the scenes look on all the fun things you guys have been working on this past year. As you have been more silent on Instagram I’ve been imagining all the creative things you guys are cooking up at Floret!

  417. Mia on

    I’m excited to learn more about flower breeding! I’m a hort major and it’s definitely something I would pursue as a hobby in the future!

  418. Heather Groves on

    I’m excited to see Season 2 of Floret and all the hard work in planning and preparation and also the beautiful imagery in the valley! Very inspiring! Can’t wait!

  419. Amanda Pike Livingston on

    There’s something so incredibly special about planting seeds and watching them grow. This is my first year having a garden and I want to thank you for sharing your love, excitement, and knowledge for gardening. It’s awakened something inside of this burnt out toddler mama! I can’t wait to shower the hardworking people who live in my community with as many flowers as possible!!

  420. Shauntya Brown on

    You are the reason I fell in love with cut flowers! I stumbled upon your show and instantly got hooked! I love your story/testimony of your garden/farm journey! You’ve made me believe I can grow beautiful flowers on my own. I can’t wait to see Season 2! I’ve started growing zinnias and now I’m excited to learn about growing dahlias!

  421. Angela Turley on

    Season 1 inspired me to start a flower farm and meant so much to me. The cinematography was so beautiful and the story shared was so inspiring. I am so excited to see what beautiful and inspiring stories are shared in season 2. I can hardly wait!

  422. Ellie on

    The feeling of watching your dream unfold ❤️ it’s so inspiring to watch you make it happen!

  423. Jacqueline Bailey on

    I would love to know what a tuber is?? 😂 But seriously, I am learning about companion planting in raised vegetable gardens and would like to know what veggies benefit from dahlias?

  424. Connor Williams on

    I can’t wait to learn more about flower farming (my dream job)!

  425. Cole Williams on

    I cannot wait to see Dahlias!! Your stories helped build our love of dahlias and build a community of flower lovers in our region. Can’t wait!

  426. Patricia Girard on

    Your love of flowers inspires me! The time you take sharing
    your craft is a benefit to all flower lovers.

  427. Amy R on

    I loved season one for how much beauty and love were evident…I also loved seeing the American Dream fulfilled through hard work and honing talent. I look forward to more of the same in season two!!!

  428. Chelsey Shaw on

    I’m a new fan, and I’m so excited to learn so much!

  429. Beth on

    I love all the beauty and inspiration!

  430. Marissa Connolly on

    I’m excited for more of the world to see the beauty and knowledge that you love to share with others.

    How sweet of you to want to share these dahlias with others. Whoever gets them will be so blessed!

  431. Julia on

    Season 1 was so beautiful and inspirational. I love Skagit Valley. Thank you for allowing the world into your home and business. I cannot wait to be able to see and learn more in season 2.

  432. Kate Johnson on

    I watched season 1 when I got Covid at 4 months pregnant with my miracle baby after 9 years of infertility. This show helped me calm down in a very scary time. I cried many times while watching season 1 because I just loved all the things I saw and learned, and probably a little bit of pregnancy hormones do we. It was such a happy and wonderfully filmed show. I felt like I was friends with everyone and cats who were on the show and I just can’t wait to slip back into this world again with my 10 month old baby girl! Thank you for making a season 2!!!!

  433. Keilani on

    I can’t wait for more inspiration and beauty from all that you do! Learning about the story of Floret has been so moving.

  434. Emily on

    I remember you talking about the name “Floret” in the first season – how when you were starting out in this industry, you felt so small and fragile. That’s exactly how I feel now as a new, first-year flower farmer. It’s so inspiring to see how far you’ve come, and I’m so excited to see what’s next in Season 2!

  435. Betty Moseley on

    Your tubers make the most beautiful flowers. Thank you for a chance to win a tuber.

  436. Andie on

    I am a novice dahlia gardener and am inspired by you. I enjoy seeing all the varieties and have learned a lot.

  437. Bridget on

    I’m excited for the inspiration!

  438. Jane Bowman on

    So excited to see what you and the farm are up to in the new season! There’s always a sense of hope in your shows, from what a seed can become to what a tuber can produce to what soil can do to what overalls can hold :) The sceneries are also breathtaking! Thanks for inspiring so many!

  439. Amanda Nauman on

    I am most excited to see all the beauty that has been given to us. And of course for more dreams to aspire to!

  440. Kimberly Thompson on

    Just all the insider tips and knowledge!! Your discovering dahlias book is what inspired me to grow then and I’m on my third successful year. Also growing 7 different seeds from you so just want to see what other great info you have!

  441. Emily on

    I’ve learned so much from your blogs and books! I’ve really enjoyed the business perspective of the show and watching your journey in how you started to where you are going. My husband an I own a coffee shop (I do flowers as a hobby) and so small businesses have a place in my heart. And am excited to see what you have to share with us in the next season! . You are an inspiration.

  442. Cherri on

    Next week I will plant my first Dahlia Tuber! I purchased five varieties and it feels like hiding a treasure!
    I am looking forward to taking in more beautiful inspiration from Season 2 and cultivating a deeper knowledge of the absolute magic of these amazing flowers.
    I am so grateful for the generous spirit of Floret!!

  443. Renee Webeler on

    I look forward to seeing all your tips and tricks in growing beautiful flowers. Things I can use in my own garden weather it’s annuals, shrubs or even veggies.

  444. Mary on

    It has been a thrill to watch your videos and learn from you on all things dahlias. Every year has been an enormous learning and growing curve. Thank you for sharing Timmy and your knowledge. Keep up the good work.

  445. Charity Stoltzfus on

    I am looking forward to a peek behind the scenes of Florette. The work you do is so beautiful and I love the way you share the joy with others.

  446. Nicole on

    Excited for more beauty!

  447. Kate Fenstermacher on

    I’m most excited to gain more inspiration and encouragement from the Floret team and to continue to watch a beautiful and uplifting show!!

  448. Mandy on

    I’m most excited about seeing all the beauty you have created on your property. It is very inspiring for myself as dive deeper into flower farming.

  449. Britney on

    I’m excited to get more inspiration and motivation to continue my little at home cut flower garden!

  450. Alexis Longley on

    I can’t wait to see the amazing work put into the creation of your beautiful farm. Such an inspiration!

  451. Karen on

    I’m most excited about sharing whatever we learn in Season 2 with my sisters and mom. We have bonded over your show and have each planted a Dahlia patch in our garden. Although we don’t live in the same city, we get to connect over Dahlias, sharing what we’ve learned, tips and pictures back and forth. Your show has created a stronger bond between us and I’m so grateful for everything you share on your show, books and blog. Thank you! Can’t wait for the season to begin. Karen

  452. Jenna on

    Your story and farm have been such an inspiration, thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and for the confidence you instill that there’s beauty and growth in the process. My sister has always loved flowers, she ran her own small floral design business for several years, and has always grown a beautiful selection of flowers in their suburban backyard, learning from stories like yours, and trying a few new varieties with each season. Planning for her own farm eventually. Her bouquets are always the prettiest and she gets as much joy from sharing them with neighbors, friends, and family as the lucky many have in receiving them. Her 40th birthday is tomorrow and this dahlia collection would make an incredible birthday gift for her from the floret family she adores so much! Can’t wait for season 2!

  453. Abby on

    I’m most excited for the beautiful filming of the farm. Gosh, it’s breathtaking and makes me appreciate God’s beautiful creation.

  454. Kelly on

    I am new to Dahlias and have learned so much from Floret. I am excited for season 2 to watch the Floret family. You can tell they all love what they are doing! I can’t wait to see how the gardens have grown in a year.

  455. Harley on

    I’m most excited about the new dahlias and beautiful creations you show! I got so into dahlias through season 1 and haven’t been able to purchase any yet, but I have been collecting the ones from other greenhouses I see in my area! I love watching you and hearing the different techniques you use.

  456. LaJuana Oswalt on

    I am excited to see where you go from here! You are applying my personal principle – look for opportunities for generosity and joy! You are awesome and incredible and I admire you so much.

  457. Emily A. on

    I’m looking forward to seeing more beautiful footage of the glorious flowers! And learning more about growing cut flowers of course!

  458. Kara Richardson on

    Hi Floret!!!
    I am most excited for season 2 because I find the show relaxing, beautiful and inspiring to watch <3
    After a long day juggling kids, work, plants, kids again (x4), all while trying to grow my flower farm business— it is nice to sit back, be clean and dream about what could be someday!!! Got to keep dreaming, loving, believing and spreading joy!!! 🤩 ✌️ ❤️ THANK YOU!

  459. Cristina on

    I’m looking forward to learning from your experience as I love gardening! Thank you for being an inspiration!

  460. Sunshine n Blooms on

    I have enjoyed watching your farm grow☺️ thanks for all the hardwork you’ve put into tutorials, videos, books, the list goes on. Thanks for sharing your joy of flowers. Keep on sharing and we’ll keep on learning so we can share flowers.

  461. Kayla Martin on

    I excited to see your thought process when laying out your growing spaces. I love how you have the different sections and purposeful/beautiful dividers.

  462. K.K. on

    Keep doing what you do! Keep practicing your gift to inspire, to teach, and to bring joy through your hard work and love of flowers. Your enthusiasm is contagious!

  463. Anna Hachey on

    As a florist I am looking forward to more of your specialty blooms and colors, so many of them are delicate and creamy and dreamy 😆 Definitely looking forward to all things Floret!
    Congratulations on a season 2!

  464. julia liu on

    i’m excited to learn more about you and your team! you are such an inspiration.

  465. Maria K. Zamora on

    I came across of your show on the magnolia channel on discovery +. I was searching for inspirational shows while I was in the process of starting my own indoor house plant business and I discovered Floret. I became obsessed so moving , authentic & seeing all the hard working people. I definitely got inspired and started gardening this year . Made me think on how I want to feel in my own oasis. For season 2 I’m excited to see how the flower farm has evolved since season 1, and their team I loved hearing their stories.

  466. Misty Walters on

    I absolutely love everything you and your team does each and everyday. Thank you so much for this opportunity and I truly hope more people will be inspired by the work you all do. I truly enjoy all of your videos and tutorials about all kinds of flowers!

  467. Bryanna O’Hare on

    This is my first year growing Dahlias and my first year being a flower farmer!! We have bought so many of your seeds. Two of the favorites we are waiting to use in my bouquets are jewels of opar and tomato currants! I am a huge filler fan. Frankly I’d love a bouquet of just filler and your descriptions and unique fillers w/ detail inspire me! Sunflowers Dahlias and zinnias are the winners for us this year. I would love to win and see your book and have an opportunity to grow your other varieties!! Good luck to everyone ☺️☺️

  468. Julie C. on

    From your show to your books and social media platforms; everything is a thoughtful & rich resource for flower lovers of all ability levels. I just can’t wait to learn more!

  469. Divya on

    I’m looking forward to seeing more of your farm and learn from your experience as I venture into dahlias for the third year in my backyard garden!

  470. Rachel Le Grand on

    I am most excited to see what y’all have been working on and take in the beauty of your flower farm! I am completely new to growing my own flowers in my small cut flower garden. I just want to soak up all the wisdom you and your team have to offer. I hope my small patch of earth is even a fraction as successful as your operation.

  471. Lauren whitehurst on

    This is my second year planting tubers, and you have been my inspiration! I attend college in the winter and look forward to going home to plant some beautiful flowers to give away to people.
    Can’t wait to see what else you accomplish through the Lord’s wonderful creation!

  472. Lindsey on

    The cinematography in your show is just breathtaking- it draws me in and feels so magical! I can’t wait for the newest season and to be drawn in by the incredible story you tell and the beautiful imagery all over again!

  473. Caitlin McGrew on

    I’m excited to watch for the first time and learn how to become a flower farmer!

  474. Viktoriya on

    You are an absolute inspiration! Looking forward to seeing you grow floret and inspire me to dig deeper, plant more and sprinkle happiness around one flower at a time!

  475. Myrna on

    I’m looking forward to season 2 as everything you have done in the past has been such an inspiration to myself and thousands of others! Thank you for your willingness to share your love and vast knowledge of flowers!

  476. Alison C on

    I’m looking forward to see the beauty you continue to create and grow on your farm. It’s such a gift for you to share your journey as so many of us that follow you are taking the steps to start a flower farm. To see how far you have come is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your gift of teaching so many how to grow beauty in our own gardens.

  477. Jen Buchanan on

    My husband and I work together in the garden, he is the “infrastructure” and I am the “grower”. I have always grown a few flowers in amongst our vegetables. But last year, we added fifteen more raised beds to our garden, specifically for cut flowers. The prior winter, I spent many hours participating in on-line classes, pouring over books and seed catalogs, watched anything that had to do with flowers, listening to podcasts and dreaming flowers. The growing season was soon upon us and the summer was a blur (we also both worked 40+ hours a week) and then… just as we thought we figured out our routine, it was done! We did it, and survived the season, we were so absolutely giddy with “Frostmas.” We processed most of the food we grew, either by canning, dehydrating or freeze-drying. It was quite a notable year, not only for our gardens, but for each as individuals and for us a team.

    Whether it is vegetables or flowers, growing is a year round process, with lots of planning, patience and moxie. It was my husband, that had watched the trailer to Growing Floret, and suggested one night that we watch it together. It was wonderful, and we are very excited to watch your next season!

  478. Erica VonCanon on

    It’s my first year farming and you have been such an inspiration! Watching season one really gave me such motivation to work towards my dream of flower farming. I can’t wait to see what adventures you take us on in season 2!

  479. Melanie davis on

    I’m excited to see more inspiration and how the farm has expanded. I hope you touch more on breeding and I would love to hear more and how you got into it.

  480. Alex Montoya on

    What an adventure we were able to join during season one! The Floret team has created such a community of love and support for an industry that has often been overlooked. Season two is such a stepping stone for the flower and agriculture community. I’m excited to see all of the growth, lessons and adventures that come with running Floret. In a world where our tv space is often overflowing with content meant to overstimulate, it is refreshing and comforting to have a space dedicated to this art. Thank you for sharing!

  481. Emily on

    I am so excited to see what Season 2 has in store! Season 1 served as such an inspiration and jump started my interest in flower farming. I can’t wait to see what continued advice and insight you’ll provide next season!

  482. Tiffany on

    I just love your style of teaching. Everything you touch turns to beauty and its truly magical. I can’t wait for season 2! 🫶

  483. Amy Harmegnies on

    My sister-in-law invited me to a Dahlia 101 class and I’m loving that we can bond over trying out this new adventure of growing dahlias together. She is amazing with plants and I’m learning! I love these beautiful flowers and I love her. I’d love to win these and gift her some beautiful dahlias to add to her garden. Your book is both beautiful and informative, I’ve enjoyed all the pictures and instructions. Thank you!

  484. Valerie Collins on

    This show makes your world seem tangible for those of us who don’t have much beyond a dream of fields of flowers. Seeing all the beauty cultivated on the Floret farm, even before the new acreage, and how Becky helped create a space with wildlife in mind is so inspiring for me. The first flowers I grew I planted after my grandpa’s passing; never to believe I would whole heartedly fall in love with them like I have. I have a dream of seemingly endless rows that I can cut to bring the joy I feel from them into others lives. I kept getting discouraged since this industry has boomed and is so full of amazing information and flowers, it seems like there’s no more room, what more could I bring? But in one episode, Erin mentioned she wanted to give away the dahlia tubers so others could follow and bring flowers into the world too. That’s when it struck me, more people in this industry further prove its importance, its revelance and its achievability. My husband and I just bought our first house, with enough land for my flower patch dreams to finally come to life. So now I have the same nervous excuse you did, I can’t start a farm without a name! Thank you SO MUCH for your inspiring show, I’m most excited for season two to hopefully see Becky’s design in full fruition, to see what other wonderfully inspiring things you have to share and to enjoy the beauty of flowers from the comfort of my couch !

  485. Liz Gardea on

    I haven’t had much luck with dahlia’s these last few years and sensing that your lovely specimens will turn things around for me. 🙏🏻.
    Keeping my fingers crossed!!

  486. Madi Fielder on

    Oh my goodness!!! Heart eyes!!! I can’t wait for season two and diving in to learn more about dahlias and to soak up everything you have to say! Please please! I wish I could live a day in your life! I’d love the chance to win this and trial a dahlia garden in my backyard to go along with all my floret zinnias! Woo!!

  487. Vivica Williams on

    We just rewatched season one and are counting the days for season two! Thank you for sharing pure love and beauty with us.

  488. Lauren on

    Just getting into gardening and am very excited to continue learning and discovering the benefits of getting my hands dirty in the earth. In exploring different flower varieties I’ve been particularly drawn to dahlias!

  489. Lisa Meiners on

    I would love to have these dahlias to supplement my back garden for the bees and hummingbirds. That would be spectacular!

  490. Dena Iadanza on

    I’m excited to get some inspiration for new things I want to grow in my garden!

  491. Laura West on

    I cannot wait to see what other trials and projects you have been working on, I love watching the trajectory of your business change and grow!

  492. Todd Glazier on

    I’m here for the breeding and development process behind the scenes!

  493. Christina Koether on

    I cannot remember the last time I was more excited about something. Next week can’t come fast enough!!!! So so excited!! I’ve watched season one a billion times, and will undoubtedly do the same with season 2. Congrats ❤️. If I win dahlias, I’ll share with my community garden friends!

  494. Todd Glazier on

    Can’t wait to see all of Chris’ action shots and behind the scenes!

  495. Tracy Tegeler on

    I love seeing the process behind everything. I have learned so much and can’t wait to keep learning!

  496. Aarika on

    OOOO I cannot wait for season 2! You are so inspiring. I have taken every mini-course and have read all of your books. You are helping my flower dreams come true! Thank you so much for sharing your journey!

  497. Crystal Johnsen on

    Excited to learn and enjoy! Daydreaming about this list of tubers!

  498. Lauren on

    Please Please Please give us all more information on you research …. For the LOVE of DAHLIAS!! I cannot wait for Season 2! It is a dream of mine to learn and create a trial dahlia patch. I’m just like so many others…. in LOVE with the beauty and vast types of dahlias! Thank you Floret Team for Sharing!

  499. Amie Ech on

    So excited for season 2! Loved hearing your story in season 1, how you got started, and am looking forward to seeing more! It’s been fun trying some new-to-me varieties from your store and seeing all the amazing diversity in the dahlia patch! Would LOVE to win this package to share with friends who also love dahlias/Floret!

  500. Connie on

    The first season opened up a whole new world of flower growing for me. So excited to see and continue learning from you and awesome crew.

  501. Jennifer Rock on

    I’m amazed at the number of varieties of Dahlias. You are a joy to watch, so informative and helpful. Thank you!!

  502. Christy Murdock on

    Just can’t wait to see all the beautiful blooms and learn more about the growing process.

  503. Meghan on

    literally excited about all of it, but hoping for some Timmy content too!

  504. Mo Davis on

    I love how willing you are to share your knowledge of growing flowers. so inspiring!

  505. Morgan Patterson on

    So excited for season 2! Hoping to learn more about all of your hybridizing and seed saving techniques. YAY!

  506. Emily Fontana on

    I’m most excited for knowledge and inspiration for my own garden!

  507. Erin on

    I can’t wait to see everything and learn from you!

  508. Val on

    I can’t wait to see how the perennial and tree borders start to grow in to really give the new space a mature and natural environment!!!

  509. Phil Smith on

    Looking forward to watching with my wife

  510. Margo on

    We have been dividing the same red dahlias my grandmother planted as her house which has stayed in the family through 5 generations in coastal RI (and sometimes they don’t make it. Stored w/sawdust in pp bags in the unheated cellar by the furnace .)We are on the 4th/5th gen inhabitants gardening now & I would love to brighten up the beds w some fancy new varieties! Ours grow 5’ tall x 3+’ wide and are a dark maroon ish red w a “normal” size flower. I want to liven the beds up w lots of color & shapes!

  511. Alena on

    In the new season, I am looking forward to your new Dalia varieties, learning more about other flowers. For instance, I learned about decorative tobacco from you and bought 2 of your varieties last year. I am hoping to attract tons of hummingbirds. Also I am hoping that maybe another book will be coming out soon. I love the way you write and your husband’s photography is like living pictures. Thank you Erin for making this world brighter! You are an inspiration!

  512. Jennifer Khazanov on

    I am most looking forward to continuing to watch Floret grow and thrive. It feels like I have been watching y’all since forever and I am eternally grateful for everything y’all have taught me.

  513. Bekah on

    Literally everything! <3

  514. Rasna on

    Most excited to see how I can have plant succession in my zone 7 garden where I can plant flowers one after other to have year round colour

  515. Girlie Delizo-Jasper on

    I have been waiting for season 2 to see the journey continue for Floret. I just re-watched season 1 in preparation. Can’t wait!

  516. Krista Histand on

    I’m excited to be starting my third year of growing dahlias. My mother gifted me two of your books last year for my birthday.
    I’m learning more as I go, and I have so many more tubers ready to go in the ground than ever!!👏 So many more blooms!!!!😁

  517. Mandy Clayson on

    Most excited to think of all the new possible color palettes and dahlia combinations for floral design!

  518. Allyson on

    I’m excited for season 2 because I want to see how you’ve progressed and I want to look for ways to improve my own garden.

  519. Brooke O’Gara on

    I’m most excited to learn any new tricks or tips for growing flowers. I grew some flowers from seeds for the first time this year using seeds I bought from Floret! The tips in Cut Flower Garden were so helpful for me since this is my first time gardening. I love all the beautiful color variations Floret Farm has so I’m looking forward to seeing any new ones! Dahlias are my favorite flower so I love seeing anything to do with them!

  520. Kim Jennings on

    Floret is a bounty of inspiration. If we have our roots in a garden why shouldn’t we live in a world where we can re-crate beauty. To be one with nature and grow flowers is a glorious, meaningful life. Thank you for sharing the wonder of nature with us. Cheers to a bountiful harvest of color and loveliness.

  521. Nichole smith on

    Can’t wait to see the new Dahlia breeds and just to soak up your goodness!

  522. Jaye Liptak on

    My dear sweet neighbor and friend has a dinner plate sized heart and talent for growing (and gifting!) dahlias. Her Dahlia-Rama excitement has bloomed over our whole neighborhood and now we are all planting dahlias. She’s even planted dahlias by the telephone poles and has brightened up our whole world. She would be the BEST recipient and caretaker, grower, sharer and spreader of the Dahlia-Rama bulb giveaway.

  523. Arely Kloss on

    Very excited to watch the journey, the new adventures, trials and tests that keep bringing amazing beauty to our lives.

  524. Rachel on

    So excited for this next season and to see what’s all going on at the farm! So much inspiration! Love the Dahlias and everything you grow! 💐

  525. Sarah Harker on

    I am most excited to see how the farm has grown since last season and to see the new varieties. I have literally been checking weekly since the end of season one for the next season to be announced. Such a big fan!! I’ve learned so much from the books and the show. Congrats on season two!

  526. Morgan on

    I am most looking forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers and getting more inspiration for my own cut flower garden.

  527. Kathryn Chauveaux on

    Love dahlias. I have watched your journey from the first season. Love your seeds too.

  528. Alan Shanks on

    OMG what fun to have so many Dalias! My garden would be full of color and I could give Dalias to all my friends so their gardens are full of color! Love this idea!

  529. Radha on

    To me Growing Floret conveys perseverance, hard work, goodness in people, the power of nature and the will to dream and follow through. It brings hope and energy to those watching and I am excited for Growing Floret to enhance the motivation in season 2. Thank you! It has meant a lot to me.

  530. Lisa Rybarik on

    There are so many things I am excited about for Season 2. First of all, I watched Season 1 six times. I just kept watching and learning more things every time. For season 2, I can’t wait to see you transform your backyard and garden. I also can’t wait to see all of the varieties you are creating and experimenting with. I learn so much from you and can’t thank you enough for all your knowledge that you are sharing with us. If I won this dahlia giveaway I can’t even express how happy I would be. I would grow them and share with others.

  531. Kristi Rosendahl on

    I just love watching you using your gifts and talents to accomplish such an amazing thing that brings so much beauty, joy and hope to so many of us!!

  532. Kathryn Maher on

    To learn what Floret is up to next! And be inspired!

  533. Carly - Cloverbee Flowers on

    I am most excited for the honesty, transparency, vulnerability, and realistic storytelling of the Floret story! I love watching the team progress, change, and adapt to whatever is thrown at them and it has helped me significantly in my own small business! Love your message, your product, your service, and your flowers! Thanks for continuing to share!

  534. Keith VonBernewitz on

    More stories on how your plants grow from babies to fully blooming plants!

  535. Shelly Conkey on

    Just found season 1 and am hooked. Can’t wait to get though it and into season 2. Love your story so far and all the stunning flowers. Looking forward to more of that in season 2!!!

  536. Elaine Deschambeault on

    I am looking forward to the storytelling and the visual imagery that Erin shares during the programming. It is so inspiring that she makes us feel we can all bring this to our own lives.

  537. Lindsey Casper on

    In the last season last episode, you focused on going from all about efficiency garden to creating a beautiful sanctuary and doing more for the animals that live there. Would love to hear more about that or see a book on this topic!

  538. Jen Howerton on

    I can’t wait to continue watching Erin and Floret grow. Her dream and story are so incredibly inspiring. I have always loved flowers and floret has made me fall head over heels for them. I’m excited to learn more about the soil, the varieties and the people that make it all happen! Thanks for all you do.

  539. Savannah C on

    I am so excited to see what Erin comes up! Her variety of flowers are so beautiful and I love watching seeing what she comes up with. I also love how honest she is with her struggles, as a new gardener it’s nice to know that successful gardeners have struggled too.

  540. Jen Whitelock on

    Excited to see what you and your family are up to! 💗🌸💝

  541. Lynn on

    Currently at my house, we only have a veggie garden, and even that isn’t that well looked after. I am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers and inspiration to start my own cut flower garden!

  542. Sophie O on

    I am most excited for the beautiful imagery and storytelling

  543. Jennifer valliere on

    During Covid I started enhancing my gardens and getting to know flowers so much more. Part of this process was finding your insta and then your show, which is a magical story to follow. Since then I have really fell in love with specialty tulips, dafidols, and dahlias. They bring me so much excitement to watch them grow and each flower becomes a master piece. Cannot wait for the new season to see what else there is to learn.

  544. Jessica Justice on

    Cannot wait to see the development of the new tree plantings/design in the gardens created with Becky!
    Also, the improvements that have been made with your soil issues is so interesting and the information shared was so helpful with my own problematic soil. Thank you for all of the knowledge you and your team share!

  545. Tyra on

    I’m excited to be inspired by you to keep growing through challenges, learning curves, and successes just as you have done. Season 1 was so magical and filled me with hope. Sometimes I need that bit of hope to lift me up when I feel I’m not successful enough. After I watched Season 1, I felt empowered to keep trying to achieve my dreams.💗

  546. Kim Castner on

    I recently found your show and your insta. I’ve never seen such beautiful flowers. Absolutely loved the show and can’t wait to watch the next season.

  547. Brianna O on

    I’m looking forward to the essence of magic that Season 1 captured so beautifully. It’s a show with soul. I hope there are more drone shots of color-coded dahlia fields too.

  548. Morgan on

    I watched you and it made me fall in love with flowers! I love to just see the grounds and how it’s all maturing and just your process. Can’t wait for the new season!!

  549. Jackie Nordeman on

    I never knew dahlias existed until about 3 years ago when I visited a local “cut your own flower” farm. They had tubers for sale by colours only: “orange”, “red”, “yellow”. I still don’t know what types I have😆 My sister in-law is an avid (and pretty successful) dahlia grower and she recommended your books “Cut Flower Garden” and “Discovering Dahlias”. I poured over every page of those books in 4 days! I love the information and the photos are stunning! I’m a full-fledged dahlia addict now and I need to learn all I can so I can grow and gift beautiful bouquets to my neighbours and friends! Flowers bring me such joy and I want to share that! My grandfather became a wholesale florist when he came to Canada from Holland. I’ve always loved spending time in the greenhouse (under the benches more than being helpful 😉) I’m looking forward to season 2 so I can take notes!!

  550. Kate Ronconi on

    I loved watching season 1 of Growing Floret, learning about Erin and Chris and their work at Floret, what goes into flower farming and the real glimpses into their life. I find Erin’s videos to be a wealth of knowledge and yet as an aspiring flower grower, they are not overwhelming, but comforting and watching Growing Floret gives me a relaxed feeling rather than the anxious feeling of how to do all the things that need to be done. I can watch it over and over again and enjoy the calmness that it makes me feel. I’m so excited to have a new season and again learn new things from Erin and see the beauty of floret.

  551. Stephanie Terrell on

    So exciting! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your life with us. Looking forward to seeing the subtle things on the farm that have changed since Season 1. Congratulations!

  552. Cheryl Zotti on

    I am excited to see how the floret continues to grow. In the first season, it was evident that there was so much hard work that went into the flower farm. It will be interesting to see how Floret moves forward with dahlia tubers. Everyone (including me) wants tubers from Floret! There is so much genuine dedication to sharing her knowledge to help others, and I look forward to learning more.

  553. Ashton on

    I absolutely loved season 1, and cannot wait for season 2! Flowers are so special, and watching the show made me feel inspired and excited to continue growing my own flowers. I am so looking forward to seeing the new growth of the farm in season 2.

  554. Debby Hargrave on

    I’m excited to see how your flower farm has grown in season 2! I loved seeing the reality (both the good and tough times) on the farm. I can’t wait to see new dahlia species/types that you’ve been able to create and grow since season 1. The dahlias are my favorite part of the show!

  555. Katrina on

    Eeeks – I’ve been living under a rock! Season 2?! First I need to watch season 1! If it is anything like your site, I’m so excited for all the floral beauty & knowledge sharing. :)

  556. Laura Rios on

    I can’t wait for the next season! I am a new gardener and I am hooked. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

  557. Malcolm Hargrave on

    What I liked best about season 1 was how you took us behind how you take care of the land on your farm and how the weather and other conditions affect the land. I’m excited for season 2 to see more about your land and flower farm. You live in a beautiful part of the country!

  558. Sarah Hargrave on

    I watched season 1 and was inspired to start my own flower garden which includes my favorite flower – dahlias! I can’t wait to see how your flower farm has grown and continues to grow in season 2

  559. Gina Wildermuth on

    I want and need to watch season 1. I bought your discovering dahlias book . It’s my favorite! I have been passionately growing dahlias for about five years. I always dig and divide my tubers and share with my friends. I have my daughter hooked on growing dahlias also! I love your educational videos. I have learned so much. Erin , you taught me how to divide my tubers! The plastic wrap winter storage method works great for me.
    Thank you😊

  560. Erin K. on

    Erin & team, what an incredible gift for the lucky winners. I retired at the beginning of the pandemic and picked up home gardening since I finally had time for myself and hobbies. Your books, mini courses and of course, season 1 of Growing Floret have taught me so much. I look forward to Season 2 and continuing to learn from all of your resources. Gardening, growing and continuing to learn inspire me to expand my grassy yard to flower patches!

  561. Siri on

    Watched season 1 and absolutely loved it. I admire how Erin and her family didn’t give up despite of many challenges after expanding the farm. The entire season1 is so authentic and inspiring. As someone who loves plants and gardening to the core, I am so looking forward to season2.

  562. Andrea Luckey on

    Your adventure gives me such joy that tears come to me .. Can’t wait to see “ how your garden grows …” in season 2 .. how the plant scape that Becky helped you with has matured .. if you have harvested your first jars of honey .. and of course .. can’t wait to see your Dahlia Place .. 💕💕💕🌸🌸. Thank you for sharing your journey with us .. truly amazing and inspiring to watch !! Xo

  563. Connor Hedstrom on

    I am entering this contest for my wife and mother-in law. I have watched them bond over their love for gardening and specifically dahlias. They farm together on a small hobby farm in central Minnesota. Watching them every spring plan out the garden and determine which dahlias to plant based off of the floret blog is so fun. They are both giant fans of growing floret and we have seen every episode of season 1 several times. We were so excited to hear there was a season 2. I know they are always so eager to get an inside look at the growing floret farm and love learning more about all the hard work and dedication Erin, Chris and the entire team have sacrificed to create such a wonderful company. I would love for them to get to experience the joy that would come with this giveaway.

  564. Loretta on

    I’ve been waiting for season 2 with great anticipation. I can’t wait to see what changes you’ve made to Floret and what new things you guys are working on. Can’t wait to watch!

    Blossoms and blooms,


  565. Mikayla on

    I’m just starting out in the flower farming world (in Maine) and dahlias are my favorite. I went from 10 dahlias to 26 this year! I’m super excited to see some of the varieties I planted this year. Floret inspires me so much and I can’t wait for more inspiration on season 2.

  566. Allison on

    SEASON 2!!!! I’m excited about every part of season two. The show is such an inspiration and really brings me so much joy! I must admit that I’ve actually seen Season 1, three times. Can’t get enough. The farm is beautiful and seeing the whole crew and all animals is simply the best! Thank you so much for everything team Floret!

  567. Gina Leibrant on

    I love all the information you so willingly share! It made transitioning to a farmer florist so painless. Thank you!

    Would love to expand the Dahlia field with these beauties. I have a perfect space ready for them.🌸

  568. Kristen on

    Hoping the baby ducks make a cameo! And love learning everything that goes on behind the scenes, such a wealth of knowledge!

  569. Sophia Royal on

    Yay! I can’t wait to see the show and how much you’ve grown. I’m excited to see how the landscaping you were starting turned out!

  570. Loree Miles on

    Omg ! Am I too late? I have 50 acres in central Iowa. I’m a Master Gardener and Master conservationist and I grow totally organically. My soil is black and beautiful and crying out to show off what it can do for dahlias!!

  571. K Tegzes on

    I love listening to Erin, she knows her stuff and I always learn something awesome.

  572. Ashley on

    I love seeing all the things you’re working on! You’re projects and breeding flowers are so inspiring. And I enjoy seeing Timmy. Most excited to see what you’re getting into next!

  573. Kristin R. on

    I am most excited to SEE the show! I signed up for Magnolia Network just to see Growing Floret! I’m excited to see how the farm is laid out and learn more tips and tricks for dahlias and zinnias and more!

  574. Laura and Barry Stueve on

    Looking forward to Season 2 and what will come to light about Erin’s vision for where to take this business/creative venture next. In addition to her passion for bringing beauty into the world we appreciate her risk taking and adventure in following a dream that continues to form and flourish.

    We also love the way the show has displayed the sheer beauty of the flowers you grow and the wonder of the Skagit Valley (although we are bit concerned that you will draw more people to move our beloved northwest WA that is growing in population so rapidly already). We also look forward to more of your collaboration with other local farmers and the way you nurture community.

  575. Margaret Fontaine on

    Floret has inspired me to start my own cut flower business as my retirement gig! I found the courage, the education, and the inspiration from Erin and her team. I am forever thankful for her dedication in sharing her experiences. ❤️

  576. Amy on

    I’m most excited to see the layout of your farm progress-and to learn more about your thought process. You’ve inspired my love of flowers-and so many others’ also!

  577. Sarah on

    Your books are my go-to Mother’s Day gifts. I’ve been wanting to try dahlia’s but I’ve been intimidated by growing them. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us!

  578. Jess Farnon on

    Erin and her team are such an inspiration to so many! I am looking forward to season 2, because season 1 had so much relatability for me as a small scale grower. I would watch and just feel a sense of relief, knowing the floret team struggled with some of the same challenges we are faced with on our farm as semi-new growers. It’s so great to learn from one another in a community of flower people that want to see each other succeed!

  579. Lori Newell on

    Loved season 1 and so excited to see the new season! I am in awe of you and all the floret staff. I love that you share so much of what you’ve learned and love all your projects. Congratulations on the new season!

  580. Gabe Miller on

    For the love of my moms flower obsession… this would be amazing to have.

  581. Maia S. on

    In anticipation of “Growing Floret: Season 2,” I am excited to learn about your latest endeavors and find inspiration for my farm. In farming, there is always work to be done, and what beautiful work it is. Thank you for being a steward of the land and sharing your beautiful farm.

  582. Shelly Snider on

    I am looking forward to Season 2 , you keep it so real. I love the flowers, but I also just love the interaction with everyone . You make me feel like snyone’s flower dreams are achievable but not sugar coated like it’s so easy.

  583. Anne C on

    Looking forward to learning everything I can to be successful at my new endeavor of growing dahlias. So thrilled to have received two of Erin’s books from my kids as Mother’s Day gifts! The beautiful photos are very inspiring.

  584. Paula Kula on

    Floret has had an immense impression on me. I knew I loved Dalhias but had no clue how to go about successfully growing them. From you I learned to amend the soil. To keep the plants healthy. It’s hard work, but what a reward. My parents, and grandparents were Ohio farmers. It’s in my blood as well. I don’t have a farm but create small gardens where possible and they make me very happy. Thank you ☺️

  585. Di berry on

    I can’t wait to be back on the farm again… so serene!!
    And to see the star…. Timmy 😝😍

  586. Donna on

    So excited for yal! The growth of all your doing and the flowers is so inspiring. I can’t wait to see all the beautiful dahlias and new breeds 😍

  587. Rachel on

    I’m looking forward to season 2 because of the courage it will bring me as a first year micro flower farmer. As a major introvert myself, I resonated a lot with the words Erin spoke in season 1, and found the show incredibly inspiring…. So much so, that I purchased season 1 and rewatched it a few times!

    I can’t wait for season 2!

    And I love. love. love dahlias

  588. Stephanie Schoenthaler on

    I am most excited to soak in all of the beautiful inspiration! From the gorgeous cinematography of the farm and the flowers, to the captivating story-telling by Erin and the Floret team, I loved every minute of season one. My most favorite thing is hearing the excitement in all of your voices as you discuss every detail. I can’t wait to walk away from my first (of many) watches, reinvigorated by all of that passion. Also looking forward to those special moments that really speak to me – in season one it was Erin talking about flowers being magic (yup) and the images of frost on the huge field of dahlias. Thank you for all you do :)

  589. Amanda Hindley on

    My friend introduced me to the show, and I just finished season 1. I cry at every episode. Just seeing how dedicated, passionate and driven Erin is and how impossibly hard she and her husband and their team work is very dear to my heart. I am a passionate business owner as well and I know how hard it is, how rewarding and how exhausting. Erin almost has me wanting to change professions!!! To be surrounded by so much beauty and to spread it to the far corners of the earth is transformative. It is beautiful.

    I’m ready to be watch and be inspired by more beauty, creativity and passion in season 2! So grateful to Floret for the gifts they work so hard to share with us all. Thank you!

  590. Melanie Hames on

    Looking forward to seeing the behind the scenes of the new projects: dahlia breeding, seed collection, zinnia breeding and I’m betting there will be surprises debuting in season 2! Season 1 was filled with so much beauty, shared the history of how Floret came to be, the trials and vulnerability behind the scenes, inspired me and motivated me, so bring it all! 🤍

  591. Janelle Rosin on

    I am looking forward to all views of your fields and also any peeks at any new varieties you are growing….of anything!

  592. Jason Karr on

    I’m looking forward to getting some creative inspiration on redoing my Mom and Grandmother’s yards. They’ve appointed me garden master.

  593. Lisa on

    Most excited about the breeding of flowers that is happening on the farm!

  594. Hector Navarro on

    Looking forward to more inspiration on beautiful flower gardens.! Thank you for this wonderful resource.

  595. Lex on

    I just discovered your account and immediately ordered “Cut Flower Garden!” I am so excited about Season 2 and “Discovering Dahlias!”

  596. Amanda on

    Definitely looking forward to receiving inspiration and encouragement to get out in the yard and do things!! Grow things. Beautiful things!!

  597. Kristen on

    Most excited to see what adventures Timmy gets up to! Equally happy to learn more about how you’ve learned and grown as a group of dedicated teachers and growers.

  598. Allyse on

    I can’t wait for all the inspiration and find out what changes have been made!

  599. Rebecca Archibald on

    I have had a difficult year with tremendous loss and am so excited to watch a new season of Floret – I have simply watched the original so many times that a new season will keep me inspired and feeling lighter for weeks to come. I used the series originally as inspiration to do what I love – we have used Erin’s story to follow our own heart and create an environment that is peaceful and energizing all at once. So excited to see what’s next…

  600. Kristen Beyke on

    The thing I am most excited about season 2 is to continue dreaming for myself and to get more inspired to reach for my goal. We have been searching for land to buy for almost a year and sometimes it doesn’t ever feel like it will happen. So this summer I’m loving on my garden I’ve tended and grown on our tiny .3 acres while dreaming of a huge garden in my some day.

  601. Marianne Henze on

    Been waiting forever for Season 2. So looking forward to following along on your journey. You transparency, wit, and knowledge have been such a joy to watch! Cheers to you both for this new season!!!

  602. Jamie Lockhart on

    Wow, Season 2 of Growing Floret means so much to me and my flower farm. The stories from season one literally changed the course of my life. From struggling to sling flowers just to get out of debt to now being the biggest and best flower people in the country… I’m continually in awe of your determination and grit. But also that you pause and really soak in the beauty you’ve created. Cheers to season two, flower friend!! Thanks for inspiring and encouraging us all!

  603. Lydia Keegan on

    I am most excited for the inspiration and beauty we get to take on when we watch Growing Floret!!

  604. Lisa Dent on

    Oh my this is wonderful. I love Floret and have learned so much. Building a small greenhouse and starting to sell and give away flowers. I would love to win a collection, and a signed book. This is so exciting.

  605. Kayla Flewelling on

    So excited for season 2! My children regularly ask to watch “the flower show.” I love that I can let them watch something calm and beautiful.

  606. Abbey Hodson on

    Where do I even start?
    My husband and I have religiously watched Growing Floret, read all of your books, and starting with one acre of land, starting from the absolute bottom, much like Chris and yourself. Currently in my third year, I have shed so many tears, learned so many lessons, and always rock dirty knees and fingernails. You are an inspiration for people like myself that quite literally started from the bottom. Very little money, and nobody but each other. I think there is so much beauty in that.
    SO that being said,
    I am most excited to see all your progress (and baby ducks)
    I’m excited to continue learning from you, and I’m totally excited for the aerial shots of your farm!
    All the love, and sweet peas,
    Abbey Hodson

  607. Allie on

    I’m so excited to continue the learning journey and be inspired to create more beautiful spaces! From dahlias to zinnias I can’t wait to watch season 2 while I nurture my own little cut garden! I can’t thank the Floret team enough for bringing so much joy to so many people.

  608. June Ouchi on

    I decided to rewatch the ” Growing Floret -Season 1″ today on my day off to enter this tuber give away: took me for 4 hours while I was getting finished all my choirs. I remembered I was blown away in every sense when I first watched it but this time I was keep crying whole time especially the first episode. Like her first Sweet Pea delivery to a old lady and both start crying. I cried: I just connect so much about the sense of people and flowers. All the memories and aoo the connection to each flowers.

    I am not a flower farmer nor a florist: just a very enthusiastic flower gardener in a city life with small garden space. I had to move from a house with big back yard to a current house has a way smaller growing space during Pandemic but growing flowers has been always my best time I can be true myself and happy. I still think about some rose bushes I could not move from old house to a new house because I have not enough growing spaces.

    I loved every small and big stories about how Erin started her flower business, starting from a tiny backyard with no money. How she met all the amazing helps and talents created the dream team, Floret, inspiring business decision and book release and workshops…..

    I learnt about Floret blog first time during the Pandemic while I was laid off and furloughed. I took her mini growing course and kept reading her blogs. It kept my unpredictable dark life during the hard time more encouraging and more positive one. It has been always encouraging and giving me a hope.

    Now my work at coffee shop is back and I bring my flowers I grew in my garden to the shop all the time. Some customers comment about my flowers say, “I saw a gorgeous flowers from outside so I came in! ” That moment my day gets brighter and cannot wait till my next day off to garden. I always say proudly ” I grew them in my backyard” People admire them and smile. I love the moment. I am not a florist but I know I have a vision about flowers and the magical power of flowers.

    I am looking forward to see on the Season 2 about how it looks like now about Erin and Chris’s personal gardens in front of their house after those years planting the trees and planning by the special garden designer lady from England? I want to see how the Dahlia tuber business they sold to the neighbor farmer guy ( he is great! ) – if he made a fortune? Maybe more about Floret online education business and maybe bit more about many influential farmers and flower friends to Floret.

    I love you Erin and all the people of Floret. Thank you for sharing all the inspiring stories through blog, mini course and show like “Growing Floret”. So happy to discover you and share all the love of flowers.

  609. Sarah Schuster on

    Im most excited to see all the changes on the farm! Especially your garden. I have such garden envy!!!! :)

  610. Lily Vasin on

    Oh my goodness I want to learn all the things. I started my flower cut garden several years back now n am just now starting to getting into dahlias.

  611. Brook Nelson on

    I am so excited to see Season 2! I enjoy seeing all the beautiful flowers, and I am always so impressed with your love for them and the love you have of sharing your knowledge about growing them.

  612. Maggie on

    I’m so excited to learn more about how you think about planning and goal-setting, both short-term and long-term. It has been really inspiring to see how generous you are with your knowledge, from the mini video courses to now the library. Everything you share is so inspirational and joyful and I can’t wait to dive in. I have some dahlia seedlings that I just transplanted from your Bee’s Choice mix…can’t wait to see how they turn out! <3

  613. Rachel on

    I’m looking forward to hearing about the resources you have to share and what’s new at your farm.

  614. Alexis Penzell on

    Have been moderately successful with dahlias and am looking forward to learning how to maximize their growing potential! Love your tutorials!

  615. Carol on

    I am excited to watch your new series and continue to learn all about growing dahlias It will allow me the opportunity to grow and share beauty and bring much joy to many people.

  616. Caren on

    Love dahlias & your insight into growing them, and your knowledge of how to get the best possible blooms throughout a summer- fall season.

  617. Alexandra Schneider on

    I am excited to see more behind the scenes, the upcoming collections and garden-inspiration of your farm. Always stunning!

  618. Leilani San Gabriel on

    Your blog, books and website are my daily dose of sunshine. I discovered your show “Growing Floret” while helping my 11-year-old daughter with autism find a good show to watch last year. Both of us finished all 4 episodes of Season 1 in one afternoon! After the show, I made sure I followed you on Instagram and signed up for email updates. We also have all your books. This spring, we had an opportunity to drive to Skagit Valley for the tulip festival and we were mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the valley and all the flowers, albeit, we only had a very short window of time. My daughter and I would have wanted to visit Floret when we were there but I know you and your team are working on that. We are super excited for Season 2 and follow your exciting adventures.

  619. Tanya J. on

    Looking forward to learning even more! I love Dahlia’s!

  620. Hannah on

    I’m excited to watch season 2 and see how Floret continues to evolve and grow, and to be inspired by the hard work, team work, and heart behind Floret

  621. Veronica S on

    Looking forward to seeing the challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve managed through them!

  622. Meg Browning on

    Give me any and all info! Im excited to
    Learn it all. just started a mini farm (Rincon Valley Roots!) in about 1/4 acre area of our home yard. It brings me SO much joy to learn and see all things floret is up to!! Thank you for all the inspiration. I planted LOTS of your seeds this year.

  623. Rebecca Moonshot Farm on

    So excited for season 2 and especially seeing how your seed breeding growing operation has developed! Y’all are doing really exciting things out there for the US flower industry.

  624. Allison on

    I just started my cut flower garden and l am learning so much from you. I can’t wait to learn and see more!

  625. Heidi Hower on

    What am I excited about in season 2 of floret, everything of course!!! We’ve been waiting for 8 months for it. Congratulations on season 2. 🐞

  626. Melissa Grett on

    This is my 2nd year growing flowers. I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way but I am taking notes and learning! I am excited to learn in every way as growing flowers brings me so much joy. It’s therapeutic. ❤

  627. Julie Hall on

    I love everything flowers and dahlias are one of my favorites. I am just so fascinated by the process and how new varieties come about. So basically everything.

  628. Andrea Corcoran on

    I started a cutting garden last year and have lived by your book, blog posts, and seeds! Would love to add Dahlias to the mix. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!

  629. Megan Craig on

    So excited for more you have to share! We’ve created our own small cutting garden at home and as a preschool teacher we would love to expand our gardens with some of these amazing dahlias for our children to arrange and enjoy!

  630. Amanda on

    I am excited to escape into the oasis that is the Floret farm. Season 1 was an escape into what felt like a magical secret garden and I can’t wait for another adventure into this magical land. You can absolutely feel the love and passion that has been cultivated by so many into each square foot of the farm. Thank you for sharing that magic with all of us!

  631. Ryan Brown on

    Your show, books and dahlias make my wife grin from ear to ear so that’s what I’m most excited about!

  632. Emily F on

    Season 1 was so expiring to me! I went from thinking “what a waste to grow a cut flower garden” to thinking “what a waste to grow flowers I can’t cut!!” Funny how that happened! I’m so excited for season 2, and hoping to see more of the transition to focusing on seed production!

  633. T. Small on

    I am most interested in viewing how Erin and her team provide real life flowering experiences to new flower gardeners. My daughter and I are starting with the bare minimum and we question everything we are doing and are hoping for the best. Our biggest surprise is the time we are putting in from planning, planting, watering, replanting, etc, etc….. just want tips on working with what you have – don’t have hoop house, green house… yet.. We loved the tip on butter knives!! 🍴

  634. Gretchen Moscon on

    Season 1 was so inspiring for me. You create beauty in this world that has so much ugliness. I can’t wait for season 2 for the same reasons!

  635. Gao on

    I’m excited about everything and anything you share!

  636. Cee on

    I’m looking forward to seeing the development of your rose garden. It will make me so happy to know all those heirlooms are finding new life! I am a lover of dahlias, so seeing what new cultivars you’ve all bred over there in your flower lab will be pretty exciting, too!

  637. Hannah Brown on

    I am so inspired by everything you do! Pursuing what your passionate about is possible! The color, texture, reality of hard work on the farm. Thanks for all you do.

  638. Lisa Mabry on

    I’m looking forward ro your landscape design, the type trees, shrubs, expansion of gardens, an all the things! We are building a new home, new garden, an interesting in design, structures, overall floret look. Breeding program 2, ill pursue seed selling harder at this new location

  639. Danielle Haulotte on

    I can’t wait for season 2! I have watched season 1 more times than I can count & I feel like I still learn something new every time I watch it. I love getting ideas about incorporating some of the things you do in your garden/farm and trying new plants & flowers that I see you grow. I like the idea of the hedges that you grow around your farm and inviting wildlife to eat seeds and make their home there. So many things, I just can’t wait!

  640. Tiffany Hilton on

    I am most excited about seeing different methods of flower farming and what the future holds for Floret!

  641. Carrie Kirkwood on

    I’m most excited to get another little glimpse at the behind the scenes at this amazing company you’ve built!

  642. Swetha on

    Growing flowers – Most beautiful job there ever is. it comes with lot of hard-falls and failures. Joy of growing them overtakes and overlooks all the hard work. I loved watching information on different breeding techniques.

  643. Jillian Boyd on

    I just started getting into dahlia growing and cut flower growing. Your instagram and videos are my favorite! I would loveeee to be picked to grow some of your favorite dahlias and read the book!

  644. Sarah lair on

    Thank you so much for offering this! Super excited to be considered here in Colorado. My mom is a master gardener and if I win she will have to help me take care of them 🤣. I am most excited to get to watch the small business aspect of the show. We too own a small business (in food) and it’s very inspiring to me to watch fellow entrepreneurs excel. Cheers.

  645. Elise on

    The color and the variety!

  646. Allison on

    I am looking forward to seeing the evolution of your lives, as well as of the farm. Also, curious to know about your pursuit of breeding programs. I feel there’s much to be improved upon, and I trust your judgment implicitly!

  647. Sarah lair on

    Thank you so much for offering this! Super excited to be considered here in Colorado. My mom is a master gardener and if I win she will have to help me take care of them 🤣

  648. Dara on

    I’m so excited to see all the new happenings going on at the farm! The behind the scenes information on growing and caring for the huge variety of plants you grow is what I’m most looking forward to.

  649. Meghan on

    I am soooo excited to sit back with a warm & cosy drink, wrap up in my favorite fuzzy and worn blanket, snuggle into my couch (that basically eats you up when you nestle in) and let the story-telling narrative of beauty & hope in Growing Floret carry me into a new place of flower dreaming this year. I cannot wait to learn & ponder & be renewed with a vision for joining hands with nature in seeing the world made even more beautiful!

  650. Carly on

    I can’t wait to see how the farm has grown after the massive landscaping and improvements in the land. Taking that flat, barren lot and turning it into a glorious, established new world is incredible! I also hope to see more on the zinnia and dahlia breeding programs!

  651. Jenny on

    I watched season one twice! Season two should be equally inspiring! Congratulations!

  652. Kianna on

    I loved seeing all the types of flowers grown on your land. So excited to see more behind-the-scenes, storage suggestions, garden plans, and seed collecting!

  653. Amy Abelove on

    I’m excited to learn what new dahlia challenges Floret is facing and just soaking up as much info as I can!

  654. April L on

    I love seeing all of the beautiful flowers come to life. Its so inspiring. Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge and journey.

  655. Allyson on

    Cannot wait for season 2! I love that you are showing that even though the flowers are gorgeous, it is still a business and it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows all the time. It’s hard work and I love seeing your guys’ joy in that work and the results.

  656. Jamie C on

    So excited to watch more episodes! I love garden and flower inspiration. You’re so helpful and lovely to watch.

  657. carah on

    more knowledge more community more flowers more beauty!

  658. Grace Deguzman on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. I am a visual learner and appreciate your books and videos. I can’t wait to see season 2 and learn more about your flower farming journey.

  659. Jo Nessralla on

    I love that you share the good & the mishaps. I learn so much from you!

  660. Anne Baetzel on

    So excited to see more behind the scenes work and all of the gorgeous flowers!!!!

  661. Jana Burgoyne on

    I’m most excited to see my new friend, Julianne’s reaction! She came to our flower farm yesterday – she’s six – and her parents told me that Growing Floret uncovered her passion! They were do excited to find our farm! She was so careful and equally obsessed with every detail as I am! We talked about the next season coming.

  662. Ashley on

    Flowers! Flowers garden layouts and tips. Hard work paying off with so much beauty!

  663. Chelsea Kaye on

    I am so excited to learn and continue to learn about your journey as a small business /farm to what Floret is today. I live in Washington as well, so each time I watch your show, I feel as if we are part of the same community of growers here in Washington. You are inspiring. And I am so grateful for all that I have learned from you.

  664. Kate Urquhart on

    I grew up helping my mom and grandmother within their gardens and taking pride in harvesting flowers, fruits, and vegetables knowing I helped to grow them. At 20 years old flowers have become my passion and Dahlias are what started it all. I became frustrated in not getting the perfect blooms or when my tubers froze and rotted on one cold night during the winter. The dahlia has made me learn to put the work in and keep learning from the wisdom of other gardeners. I love dahlias more than any other flower and would be forever grateful for the opportunity to grow more, perfect my tuber harvesting methods, and to pass on more tubers to other gardeners in need/ need to have their day brightened. I want to uplift my community. I work in healthcare and my cut flower garden is to bring smiles to others, my main plan is to donate bouquets to different units of the hospital, hospice houses, and nursing homes. I want to share the beauty of flowers with anyone who needs them. Thank you Erin and everyone at floret for your beautiful book about dahlias and for this opportunity. I have encouraged everyone I know to watch your show so it furthers a deeper love in flowers as it did for me.

  665. Kylie on

    I’m so excited to see all your beautiful flowers, the colors just bring me pure joy!

  666. Debbie LeGay on

    E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G.

    Every episode of the first season was inspiring, emotionally moving and provided viewers the encouragement to keep moving forward toward a dream. And for us growers of flowers, it’s a reminder how powerful the gift of flowers is. They brighten any room, under any circumstance.

  667. Giani perez on

    I binge watch the 1st season and am anxiously waiting for the 2nd season. To learn about growing, about what floret is doing in the property to make it more wildlife friendly and making it such a beautiful place. I started my dahlias this year from the bees choice mix and all of them germinated, unfortunately i lost some due to weather. But i have some left and im excitedly waiting to see them bloom. I wish to one day start my own little flower farm. Gardening and flowers are such great therapy for mental health, I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for years and the only thing thats truly made it better is seeing things grow and being able to aid nature in making that happen.

  668. Jessica on

    I’m excited to see more of your process, and see the beautiful flowers!

  669. Jennifer Richardson on

    I’m so excited to see the growth that has taken place on the farm. I so appreciate the window into how mindful you are in your leadership and how you grow into the things that are for you while learning to say “No” to the things that aren’t for you 💗 That wisdom coupled with stunning beauty has me really looking forward to season 2

  670. Nicole S. on

    So looking forward to more of the beauty on your farm! It’s all so inspiring! Can’t wait to see the designs and how it all comes together!! So many things💝

  671. Emily Desai on

    In the early days, I loved *trying* to get Floret dahlia tubers before they sold out (and managing to get beautiful seeds, either way!) When Season 1 came along, it was SO good to hear about the process and watch the episodes (more than once) as I tried to figure out soil, where to plant in our little city yard, how to divide dahlia tubers, following your dreams, sharing with others! Now it is year 3 planting dahlias and I still feel like I have SO much to learn in Season 2!!! I cannot wait – so much good will be packed in these episodes and I am 1000% HERE FOR IT ALL! Thank you :)

  672. Jade Hutchison on

    So excited to see the varieties and to share such wonderful flowers with the ones you love. Nothing like the face you get to see when handing a bouquet of Dahlias to a friend! Blessings 🤗

  673. Karen Tyson on

    Spreading knowledge and beauty one dahlia tuber at a time. Thank you for investing in us, your Floret fan club!

  674. Sheila Bruce on

    Can’t wait for season 2! Erin is the queen of flowers! I want to learn more from Erin! She has inspired me to make the most of my own little plot and now I enjoy beautiful blooms all spring and summer. I love gifting arrangements to family and friends. 💗

  675. JoEllen on

    I didn’t have a lot of luck with my first try at dahlias and want to give it another try! I am sure I will learn new things from the second season. I am excited to watch!!! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and love of flowers!!

  676. Brooke on

    I am excited to have dahlias all summer along to gift Happy Day bouquets. My youngest daughter lives to ding dong ditch her designs in mason jars for people. The more blooms and variety, the better!

  677. Michelle k on

    All the inspiration!! Growing my little garden with my 9yo daughter and her pondering cross-pollinating some cosmos.

  678. Robin on

    Can’t wait to See Season #2!!!

  679. Ellette on

    You share such good tips on annual flower growing. I have learned so much and can’t wait to see what you have for us this time!

  680. Chrissy on

    Excited for ALL the blooms and fruits from the garden. 😊

  681. Kate Urquhart on

    I grew up helping my mom and grandmother within their gardens and taking pride in harvesting flowers, fruits and vegetables knowing I helped to grow them. At 20 years old flowers have become my passion and Dahlias are what started it all. I became frustrated in not getting the perfect blooms or when my tubers froze and rotted on one cold night during the winter. The dahlia has made me learn how to put in the work and keep learning from the wisdom of other gardeners. I love dahlias more than any flower and would be forever grateful for the opportunity to grow more, perfect my tuber harvesting, and passing on the tubers to other individuals in need/ need to have their day brightened. I want to uplift my community. I work in healthcare and my cut flower garden is to bring smiles to others, my main plan is to donate bouquets to different units of the hospital, hospice houses and nursing homes. I want to share the beauty of flowers with anyone who needs them. Thank you Erin and everyone at floret for your beautiful book about dahlias and for this opportunity. I have encouraged everyone to watch your show so it furthers a deeper love in flowers as it did for me.

  682. Tracy on

    To learn more and enjoying seeing all the beautiful flowers!

  683. Laura Liber on

    I am so excited to check out the greenhouse situation! Also, just any info on your biz/house/setup because it’s so inspiring! I love it all!

  684. Jocelyn Jones on

    So excited for season 2! I can’t wait to see the green houses and just all the dahlias!!!! You all inspire me to start my own little patch amd hopefully I can expand it year by year!

  685. Jessica Munz on

    I’m new to growing dahlias and flower farming in general. I love following along on your journey and seeing the progress you have made and continue to make. It’s very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your dreams and passions with us! Can’t wait for season 2!

  686. Melissa N on

    Part 2: I missed the what I am excited about in season 2!
    I discovered Growing Floret this winter and found your journey inspiring. Watching Season 1 transported me from the depth of winter to the warm, sunny, dirt-filled nails days of spring and summer. Getting excited for all of the joy of the first signs of life from my dahlia tubers as they push through the soil and the nervousness of trying to restake before expected winds and trouble-shooting pests that come too visit.

    This will be my third season of growing dahlias and each year I bring a few more friends along the journey since I am now the expert (lol).

    Looking forward to Season 2 as a way to relax and recover from a good day of gardening!

  687. Sylvia on

    I am excited to see how your greenhouses have been working and how your personal yard/dahlia patch is growing!

    Also for Timmy updates 🥰

  688. Amanda Hobbs on

    Hi!👋🏻 My name is Amanda Hobbs and I live in Powell TN. I am wanting to start my very first dahlia garden this season, we are a zone 7a. I was informed that your page/show is perfect to watch to learn the ins and out of Dahlia planting. I will be most excited to watch season 2 to learn even more about this beautiful flower! Thank you for sharing your journey and knowledge! I did a very small raised garden bed of wildflowers and absolutely feel in love with going to the back yard and cutting fresh home grown flowers. My girls loved sticking the bouquet of flowers in mason jars and giving them to others! 💕I would love to do that we Dahlias next!

  689. Nancy Haase on

    I can’t wait to see how the farm has progressed since the new design was put into place. The show is so inspirational so I like to watch it to get me motivated to get out into my own yard and dig in the dirt! I got a late start in my own yard this year with planning dahlias and starting my seeds. I hope they forgive me! When I feel like I am being a little obsessive with flowers in my garden, it’s nice to watch your show to know that I’m not alone in my obsession. I can’t imagine doing what you do at Floret, and I am in awe of your energy and enthusiasm. Marking my calendar for the new season!

  690. Valerie on

    I love dahlias and have been clearing more areas to incorporate new varieties. You have opened a whole new world of gardening for gardeners worldwide and I thank you.

  691. Noelle Marshall on

    I love seeing how you’ve grown and your future plans! It’s so inspiring! Such a great story of hard work and dreaming!

  692. Kendall Dines on

    Hi! Newbie and small home garden farmer here! 3 years into my ever expanding garden. Your show is amazing. One of my favorite memories of the show is your opener when you talk about the memories of your first flower experience. I always carry those questions with me and close my eyes back to my own experiences with very same questions. Always brings me warmth to feel. I cannot wait to see how you’ve grown (no pun intended) in all things gardening and life. Cheers,
    Kendall Dines

  693. Debby Hargrave on

    I loved watching season 1- watching your flower farm grow was inspiring. I can’t wait to see all the progress you have made in season 2. I learned so much about dahlias and the other different types of flowers you grow. It has helped me into building my own flower garden at my home

  694. Christian ingalls on

    Your impact on the world through cut flowers has been nothing short of phenomenal. I am one of many cut flower Farmer Florists who does it because of you. I have taken your course, own all if your books, bought your seeds, year after year…and with Season 2 on the horizon, I will get a fresh drink of Floret. I can’t wait. Mahalo, Christian of Daisy Dukes Flower Farm

  695. Melissa N. on

    Dahlias and flowers bring so much joy to me, my friends, neighbors and passersbys. Being able to showcase and show off Floret Flowers Blooms would be amazing!!!

  696. Tammy Walker on

    WOW! I loved watching season one and as I watched, I felt as though I should try to give this flower garden growing a chance. Flowers give me a sense of peace and beauty that can’t be explained. I love Erin’s story. Her passion and desire to make her vision a reality becomes tangible. She continues to learn and cultivate new ideas in spite of how hard the process can be. As I watched episode after episode I began to talk myself into stepping out and planting a small flower garden. Last year I had some success and now I can’t wait to start again. Growing Floret is one of my favorite shows and I’ve gotten all my friends to watch along. Thanks, Erin for being so transparent with your story, and I look forward to watching season two.

  697. Olivia Olsen on

    I loved following season 1, watching the business grow and evolve. Learning that Erin, like myself, is an extreme introvert and how she works through it.
    The season was informative, educational and entertaining. I appreciate the research, leg work and examples given. Between the show, the website, and the collection of books, I find myself using the information to mold and build my flower farm in Maine. I look forward to following season 2.
    I want to thank you and your entire team for sharing Floret!

  698. Ruth Anderson on

    I am looking forward to seeing all the flowers, learning new tidbits, and as well as seeing more about breeding flowers.

  699. Patricia Ferreri Staffileno on

    Erin, I so enjoy continuing to learn from you and your team! When my father-in-law passed away, I was able to grow several of his dahlias that he had a passion for. I would love to add to that small dahlia collection. Hooray for Season 2!

  700. Krystn on

    I’m excited to see the continued progress of your breeding program and the hard work done each season by you and all of your crew Your talents with color and texture have us all excited for the day you can share the outcomes with all of us!

    Thanks for sharing your gift.

  701. Elizabeth Leahy on

    Just love that you foster a deep admiration of natures’ beauty for your audience and viewers. Looking forward to even more of that in season 2!

  702. Marit on

    Finding Floret made me fall in love with growing flowers! The knowledge you generously share and your beautiful varieties of seeds make life more beautiful! I can’t wait to see what you have to teach us in season 2

  703. Beth Snively on

    Thank you for sharing your love of dahlias with the world!

  704. Sarah H on

    I’m so excited to see season 2! I watched season 1 and immediately bought your book and researched all about dahlias. Last year I started growing 30 different varieties of dahlias- I learned a lot and your book was extremely helpful. I’m excited to watch season 2 and see the progress on your beautiful flower farm!

  705. Heather on

    Seeing all the projects in the works.

  706. Casey Benham on

    I’m so excited to learn more about the science and art of growing flowers. You’ve inspired me throughout my cut flower garden journey and I love that I’ll get to continue to learn more thanks to season 2 of your show!

  707. Andrea on

    Looking forward to the great views of western Washington!

  708. Julia on

    I am very interested to see how your zinnia breeding program is going and also what is happening with your dahlia patch. Can’t wait!

  709. Anne on

    I started a my first flower garden because of your show. It has been an absolute joy to get my hands in the dirt and see the beautiful blooms that happen because I did that. I can’t wait to see how your farm has grown and how you approach and work through different challenges on your farm. And of course, more Timmy.

  710. Kathleen on

    I love learning about how you continue to grow your flower farm business. And I love anything about dahlias!

  711. Jan on

    …excited to see all the dahlia varieties, the fields of dahlias and other flowers on your farms….

  712. Janelle Meyer on

    As a long time lover of flowers I’ve loved watching and learning from your show. The beauty you create and the care you put in is inspiring. The show gives me so much inspiration for my own garden!

  713. Maureen on

    I am so excited to hear Season 2 will be arriving soon. I am delighted with all of your success. I have all three of your books. In the future, I would love Chris to do an online class on flower photography and filming. What is so enjoyable about your show is your ability to transform a plain field into a garden of beauty. I appreciate your being stewards of your land and will be interested to see if you move toward garden designing as well as seeing your continued seed and tuber production. I love seeing your honesty in growing your business and the challenges that come with that. Wishing you all the best!

  714. Erin C on

    So excited for season 2! I have a bunch of floret seeds currently germinating in my window and would love to expand my garden with some tubers!

  715. Jessie on

    Can’t wait for season 2 with more beautiful flowers and bountiful flower knowledge from Erin and her crew!

  716. Kate on

    So excited for season 2 and to learn from the best!! My mother in law and I have a small cut flower farm and we have learned so much from floret, so thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge! We are growing dahlias for the first time this year and had such a hard time selecting varieties because they are all so beautiful!!

  717. Mahlon Cameron on

    I am most excited to get inspiration for my own garden while watching season 2!

  718. Dina on

    I am such a floret fan!
    I hope I can be one to get some tubers and keep on growing with her! Love the new library!

  719. Lori Bochner on

    I can’t wait to watch Season 2! My mom and I were in Season 1 for a quick clip of your book release party! I love your authenticity and your willingness to be brave and chase your dreams. Being an introvert myself, I struggle with some of the same things you do. But also have such a passion for growing flowers, you inspire me to keep on going! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for this coming season. Wishing you, and the whole Floret crew, the BEST in all things!

  720. Andrea Knapp on

    I’m looking forward to a renewed excitement with Season 2, I experienced a fair amount of tuber root through the winter and have been a bit bummed out.

  721. Barbara Smith on

    I plant a small garden by our town’s post office, which always features dahlias – everyone’s favorite. I hope the new show give examples of dahlia gardens in a variety of settings.

  722. Linda Nolt on

    I love all the education I get from watching these movies…

  723. Linda Hendricks on

    So excited to see the new flowers! It’s fascinating to watch all that happens on the farm!

  724. Melissa smith on

    I cannot wait to see season 2! My sister bought flowers from you and I would love to have some of my own. Love your work!

  725. Blia lee on

    I’m excited to see all the beautiful flowers and the farm. It’s fascinating watching the magic happen at the farm and the process of everything. I can’t wait to see what season 2 will bring.

  726. Beth Dowen on

    So excited to see all the beautiful flowers and the new varieties.

  727. Todd on

    Ok am exciting to learn more about growing flowers and the farm expansion. Can’t wait for season 2 for the abundance of knowledge.

  728. Jen on

    I love everything you do! You’re so thorough and I’m so excited to see the new varieties.

  729. Stephanie on

    Can’t wait to see how the changes to the farm are going and all the beautiful flowers of course!

  730. Hannah V. on

    I absolutely love all your flowers. They are so magical! I can’t wait to see season 2!

  731. Julia on

    Can’t wait to see the new varieties!

  732. Viktoria on

    I’ve recently had a spark of joy from growing flowers on our property. I’ve been a work from home mom for 3 years now and in the thick of parenting I’ve had a hard time finding something just for me until flowers! Now I’m so excited to grow and make bouquets 😍 I’m so excited to watch season 2 because it brings me so much joy and knowledge.

  733. Shalyse on

    Such beautiful flowers 💐

  734. David on

    what an amazing giveaway! I will be reaching season 1 to great up for season 2.

  735. Justin on

    All the different varieties of beautiful flowers you grow!

  736. Ashley on

    Can’t wait to watch!!!

  737. Kyle W on

    I loved the first season; can’t wait to see how the breeding program is going as well as general behind-the-scenes… did the farm layout have any additional changes?

  738. Michelle on

    I have always been fascinated by farmers. Most of my life I have kept a small flock of chickens but recently I have put my hands in the soil planting a small plot of cut flowers. This has been very rewarding and I am always looking for ways to improve my gardening skills. Floret is a great resource for anyone wanting to grow flowers, whether on a small scale, like me, or for larger cut flower farms.

  739. Joya on

    The behind the scenes of flower farming is fascinating!

  740. Cindy on

    I’m excited about your new season because your life is such an inspiration to me. It’s the human process, full of faith and fear, dreams and desires, hard work. The beauty is incredible!!! Not just the flowers but also you and your husband and family. I love how you’ve found your life expanded by inviting others along with you and your hugely loving and generous gesture when you took such a huge loss with the dahlias and then turned around and shared them with others. You do life with such deep and beautiful passion.

    Also, you generously teach from your experiences. I’ve already pulled out my paper for a vision board, I’m looking for the beauties in my life and I’m excitedly beginning my journey using some of the techniques and principles you’ve shared.

    So grateful for you!

  741. Stephanie S on

    I love the show and have many reasons why I’m excited for Season 2 but I’m most excited to see how the Floret farm transformation from last season has evolved! I can’t wait to see how the farm has thrived and grown.

  742. Joya S. on

    So excited to read your newest book!

  743. Steve Anderson on

    I watched season 1 with my wife when we couldn’t figure out what to watch one night. I said “sure why not”. I was mildly interested in gardening as a form of self reliance. Cared very little for flowers. Floret changed all that. I fell in love with dahlias. I didn’t know a flower could come in so many colors and forms. Plus I loved the idea of the joy flowers bring people. The following summer I bought some tubers and went to town. Now I have 30 tubers I saved from last year and two packets of seed including bees choice. Gardening has become of my major passions and I hope to have enough space one day to try breeding some of my own. On top of that, it’s given me and my wife a truly shared passion and hobby. Something we didn’t have before. We are both looking forward to watching season 2 together and continuing to grow closer than ever over this shared passion. I grow lots of dahlias and she knows how to arrange them. Almost like it was meant to be.

  744. Rebecca on

    I can’t wait to see your beautiful flowers and more behind the scenes!

  745. Sue on

    I am new to this site and new to growing dahlias from tubers. I have a lot to learn still but find dahlias so beautiful!!

  746. Katie on

    I am just so excited to see the beautiful videography and to learn more about how to create beauty in the garden!! Thank you for this give away!

  747. Hollie Klinck on

    I’m excited to see more behind the scenes of the flower farm, so inspiring.

  748. Taylor Liardi on

    I am most excited to see everything new happening at Floret! The breeding program they are doing is phenomenal and I hope to see more of this behind the scenes in the upcoming show!

  749. Kim on

    I am so excited to watch Season 2 just to see the ways you all work together on the farm to make things work. And to see more footage of all the happenings on the farm to make it functional and beautiful.

  750. Lauren Seiple on

    I love to see the way decisions are made. The hard work and the tough choices alongside all the beauty. I love watching how the business has evolved and how success is not measured only in profit. It’s the success that allows for the passion projects and the amazing growth. Lovely to watch!

  751. Sherry Pabona on

    Recently moved from Washington. Would love to bring some of the Skagit Valley beauty to my new home.

  752. Kathy Buss on

    As an avid gardener I have learned so much from your show. Years ago there were great gardening shows being filmed but over time they slipped away from how to grow from seed to buying it at The Big Box Stores and sticking it in the ground. Thanks for sharing with us home gardeners.

  753. Kathy Buss on

    As an avid gardener I have learned so much from your show. Years ago there were great gardening shows being filmed but over time they slipped away from how to grow from seed to buying it at The Big Box Stores and sticking it in the ground. Thanks for sharing with us home gardeners.

  754. Ellen Dingle on

    I am so excited to see how more of Erin’s visions become reality and the roles the different members of the farm take on in order to transform dreams into tangibles on the farm. I love seeing how Chris and Erin interact and problem solve in such different ways. And I’m mainly excited to see more beautiful flowers on the screen. The videography in Season 1 was inspiring and I can’t wait to see more of the transforming farm!

  755. Laura on

    I’m most excited to feel inspired and motivated to create beautiful things as you do!

  756. Patrycia Berk. on

    I’m looking forward to the continued beauty you’re sharing with the world! As a new mom, I’m more inspired than ever to make my dream of growing my own flower farm to share with my community. Cheers to flowers, babies, and dreams growing with Floret!

  757. Krista on

    I can’t wait to see what Erin, Chris, Jill, Timmy and the whole crew have been up too. I love Floret so much I went to visit Saggit valley and Christensen’s nursery. ( I live in Florida! And no! I am not rich. But I did bring home a pink pussywillow on the airplane ). Erin is living my dream. Everything her and Chris. Do seems to be perfect and is exactly what I wish I could have done. Erin’s made flower farming what Apple did to computers! Thank you Erin

  758. Rebecca Thompson on

    I loved Season One because of the story around creating your space. I especially loved how much you planted to increase biodiversity around the farm. I am really looking forward to seeing how those plants have changed and established since your addition a few years ago.

  759. Brett on

    I love the up-close slow-motion B-roll of the flowers in the fields through the changing times of day and seasons; my absolute favorite shot of Season 1 was the frost-stricken dahlias as the sun came over the horizon.

  760. Amy Powers on

    I bought 3 of your books after watching Season 1 and my attempt at a green thumb is now black as I haven’t planted any yet..I absolutely knew nothing about flowers and was/am so inspired to try! Cannot wait for season 2 up here in South Dakota!!

  761. Cassie D. on

    I cannot wait to learn more on how you grew your farm from the beginning and grew it to the beauty and successful business it is today! Thank you for all your knowledge and beauty you add to the world!! You are an inspiration!

  762. Melissa C on

    I absolutely love watching Growing Floret for the organizational and growing techniques, all of the learn as you go content, the beautiful flowers (especially Dahlias), and experiencing the dream journey of flower gardening along with you. Thank you for making such a beautiful & educational garden show, allowing us a view into the life of flower gardening on a large scale, and giving us a peak into the process of making the show. It is truly enjoyable to follow along with you.

  763. Emily Taylor on

    I love everything about your show and excited for season 2!!!

  764. Christie on

    Inspiration! Lovely scenes and beautiful colors. Love dahlias. Love knowing that even I can have beautiful color in my garden.

  765. Elaine on

    I can not wait to see all the beautiful products of your hard work! I’m always amazed at how much you all accomplish and how passionate you are in helping normal people access flower farming knowledge! Thanks for everything you do!

  766. Rachel Ann on

    Congratulations on season 2. I’ve been looking forward to seeing the new changes you’ve made to your business. Your classes on growing and caring for flowers have been so inspiring.

  767. Kelli McConkey on

    Your show was the first show I watched when Magnolia Network started and we had to watch it on Discovery plus. I fell in love with your show the genuine way you and everyone on the show conducts themselves. But for me the thing I love the most is the way Chris shows his love for you. He fully embraces the things you need done from learning the photography to just lending a hand in every way. I have been looking for season two from the day I watched the last episode of season one. Thank you for sharing a part of your story with us. It is most inspiring!

  768. Kate bigler on

    My mom and I have loved watching your show and reading your books together. Your story is so inspiring! Since watching season 1 of your show my mom decided to transition her 5 acre farm in puyallup valley, Washington to grow flowers. Her hope is to do mostly dahlias but she decided to take on my wedding florals this year so your floral workshop has helped her get excited about that process. This year she planted her first harvested seeds from last season. She is so excited to continue to grow and learn from your Instagram posts, classes, and tv show. Thank you for all that you share and all the help you give to others trying to start their own business.

  769. Hannah on

    I can’t wait to see all the inspiring things you continue to do! Such an amazement to me and everyone around you. I’m excited to see the beauty you continue to grow and nurture and feel inspired to do the same in my life!

  770. Brynne Guajardo on

    Dahlias truly are the divas of the flower world…BUTTTT so worth it. It’s my first season growing dahlias and I’m hooked. You are such an inspiration to us backyard flower farmers. I’m definitely looking forward two season 2! Keep up the great work, thank you!

  771. Naomi G. on

    The first season told a wonderful story packed with tons of information it sparked my interest in starting a garden of my own at 15. I am thrilled that season 2 is coming soon; I can’t wait to see progress on the flower farm and learn new things to help with my garden. Congratulations on your new season, wishing you joy and happiness as this show has brought to me!💐🌷

  772. Imaan on

    My 8 year old is a big fan of your dahlias she gained a lot of knowledge to watch the season 1 and always asked me when Floret gonna release more seasons like that ? Here is the good news for Season 2 to watch she is very excited. I love that how she engage herself in gardening in a very young age . You are her inspiration she wants to be like you when she is gonna grow up. We both started few dahlias 2 years ago in our backyard and follow your dahlia book to gain so much knowledge and we flourish such a good dahlia garden in our backyard. she always asked me her dream is to visit your farm one day. Can’t wait to start more dahlias with my daughter this year . Thank you for such a good inspiring videos❤️

  773. Alix Hester on

    I am so thrilled for season two of Growing Floret! I am excited to see how the gardens you designed with Becky are turning out. I am also looking forward to more about the Rose garden you put in!! But most of all, I find your show so inspiring! It reminds me to live a life looking for beauty and trying to pass it on.
    You have inspired me to grow dahlias in my backyard, and I am on my second year! I split my tubers, and they all survived. Couldn’t believe it. They are all sprouting new growth!!

  774. Susan bigler on

    I am really excited to watch season 2 as your story has inspired me to start my own flower farm this past year. I am located in puyallup valley, Washington and just finished your flower workshop. I am putting my knowledge from the course into use by growing and arranging all my daughters wedding florals for her September wedding this year with her. We will be using different varieties of dahlias, stock, lisianthus, and much more. I cant wait to learn more throughout this next season about how your business has grown and how you continue to share your knowledge and love of flowers with the world. It would be so so amazing to get some of your breeding dahlias to put in my daughters wedding and to help grow my farm. Thank you for sharing yourself and all your knowledge!

  775. Richard Young on

    I’m so excited to see what the next step in your breeding program is! it’s such a cool thing that you’re doing, I want to see where you’re taking it.

  776. Christine on

    Your show was the reason I subscribed to the Magnolia network!! I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up.

  777. Stephanie N on

    I am excited to see how Floret is continuing to evolve and change! Also, hoping to get to see some beautiful blooming flowers on those trellises! Thanks for a chance to win!

  778. Melina on

    So excited for more beautiful blooms!

  779. Wendy Hutchens on

    Oh, and I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge and see all of your efforts come to fruition on Season 2. I got distracted by eight goslings, lol, and forgot to add this to my comment.

  780. Brian on

    Que maravillosa! I would love to see these beautiful Dahlias growing together in a common garden with their relatives from the natural populations of Mexico and Central America.

  781. Melinda Wochner on

    I’m so excited for Season #2! The main reason I have the Magnolia Network is to watch your story unfold! You and your team are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your passion and educating us all with how to grow beauty.

  782. Kaitlyn Boosalis on

    I am most excited to learn more beginner tips and tricks and education about dahlias!

  783. Jennifer on

    I’m excited for season 2 to see updates on the farm and more tips/ education on growing dahlias!

  784. Wendy Hutchens on

    Just wanted to let you all know you are appreciated and I enjoy your progress since you began and the show. I like the new layout and catalog on your website. I cannot imagine all the effort and hard work that went into it, and it shows. I am excited for Season 2 and let’s be honest, would love to win the giveaway. I have a small farm, flower and plant nursery and there are just not enough hours in the day, though I am inspired by all of you! I keep trying and pushing. Thank you, all, for everything that you do!

  785. Julia on

    My husband and I fell in love with dahlias after an impromtu trip to the local gardening store and picked up some purple and white dahlia tubers. Little did we know that we used those dahlias in my homemade bouquet for my elopement! Ever since then, we have become addicted to dahlias and now have an entire dahlia patch!

  786. Tonnie Scott on

    I am so excited for season 2! I am excited to see new varieties of flowers you are growing and more about what you do to make your farm a success!

  787. Joanna on

    Can’t wait to see what is happening with seed production!

  788. Kym on

    Simply beautiful! Love your site & wish you the best into the future.

  789. Amy Rodrigues on

    I am so excited to see how your seed program is growing with new varieties. Season 1 was so fascinating!

  790. Malerie on

    I’m so excited to see all the new things your farm is doing and how it is growing.

  791. Kathleen Hill on

    When I was young, there was a hillside I used to drive by frequently that was covered in dahlias. It was one of the most stunning views of summer I had seen. All of these years later, after believing that I could never grow dahlias like that, you have come along and through showing and teaching have made it clear that it is possible! I would love to have my own “hillside” of dahlias to add to the neighborhood. The colors and forms and shape are so amazingly beautiful and unique! Thank you for reminding us of this beauty that is possible! 🙌🏻

  792. Teresa K on

    Can’t wait to see all the progress and updates to your beautiful hybridization programs, dahlias, annuals, and all the magic you’ve built on your farm 🌱 it will feel like tucking into a favourite anticipated book watching this season 💕

  793. Janice Wiginton on

    I am excited to see what new varieties of flowers you will breed.

  794. Adrienne on

    Can’t wait to see your farm grow!

  795. Katie Beavers on

    You’ve turned dreaming into a real life business and I’m excited to see how you’re growing and building even more beauty!!!

  796. Jess B on

    Your approach is inspirational in the notion of “you too can do this.” Growing and nurturing plants can be daunting to new and experienced growers alike. The calmness, excitement, and the honesty of your day to day is so relatable. You provide such a unique view into what a backyard grower can become. Cheers to season 2 and happy dahlia’ing!

  797. Bethany Danielson on

    I am looking forward to enjoying the beauty in season two and being inspired. I love the commitment you have to beauty and education. As an art teacher, I strive to combine those two things as well and enjoying gardening as a rejuvenating hobby.

  798. Nattalie on

    I have a new found love for Dahlias after watching the Floret farm season 1. I checked out the Discovering Dahlia book from my local library and realized that I had to have it in my own personal library. I just received it, with Dahlia seeds, last month! Even if Season 2 has only a few segments on Dahlias I’m anticipating the genuine care in which you take your audience through such an authentic experience.

  799. Yandery Flores on

    I’m excited to see your farm your, all your plants and everyone that works there. I was happy to see how kind you were to all of your staff and the process that it take to care for a flower farm. You are living my wildest dreams, gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. And I’m also excited to see you and your journey as a boss, an artist, a wife and mom. You are truly an inspiration.

  800. Margaret on

    I’ve loved seeing your planning process and glimpses of your flower variety experimentation. I’m so excited to get more inspiration!

  801. Jessica Smith on

    Brand new here and can’t believe all the beautiful flowers and varieties you’re teaching me about!! Looking forward to season 2 to get even more incredible inspiration! Thank you for sharing!!

  802. Maurena Andrews Dieter on

    I’m starting anew with a fresh garden and new home and would love to add your flowers as my first showpieces!! Such a beautiful and meaningful thing you and your team do!! Thanks for that. Good luck to everyone! 🍀

  803. Catherine on

    You motive me to make the most of my small growing space with planning and organization!

  804. Mariana Klipic on

    Thank you Floret for teaching us all how to grow flowers the amount of information you put out there for us all is incredible

  805. Meg Hubbard on

    This is a dream!! I would love so much to add these beauties to my garden. What an amazing giveaway!💚

  806. Carolyn on

    Looking forward to the resources and seeing how all your gardening planning and efforts are developing into mature landscaping!

  807. Greta on

    Excited for the ripple effect of creativity and passion for growing in my own humble backyard that happens each time I watch Floret! You’ve inspired me in so many ways!

  808. Janet Miller on

    Erin and the Floret farm have left a HUGE impression on me. I’ve watched. I’ve learned. I’ve been inspired. And now I am slowly converting from flower gardener to flower farmer with your help! I’m so excited to see the new inspirations in season 2! Thank you.

  809. Lis H on

    I recently watched season 1 and started growing dahlias, but in general anything to be honest. I’m excited to see what season 2 will share about the farm. The science and trailblazing Floret has been doing is inspiring. I can’t wait to learn more in season 2!

  810. Sarah on

    I’m excited to see the growth of your farm and all of the new things that are happening!

  811. Katey on

    I watched the first season of Growing Floret ahead of starting the Floret Online Workshop this past winter and it got me SO excited about the class and my adventures on my own property this season. For season 2, I’m excited to see more of the transformation of the farm and the house landscapes… I loved watching the design and implementation of Becky’s plans come together and how they managed to provide privacy and beauty, while integrating so nicely with the farm itself.

    I’ve also loved all the content regarding identifying the roses in the mysterious rose garden collection and am excited to potentially see more of that!

  812. Michele Doyle on

    Learning more about growing flowers and all of the beauty you create at Floret!

  813. Mary M. on

    Excited to see how the farm continues to evolve and all new ideas that are happening!

  814. Brenda Metz on

    I’m excited and nervous to see if the trellis I made and the awesome Floret sweet peas I started from seed will climb and blossom! Fingers crossed and loads of pep talks to them !

  815. Kerena Reinhold on

    Dreaming of starting our own farm someday! Would love some Dahlias to help us get started 🥰

  816. Karen on

    In this little town, along with the climate this is my favorite to grow, they are so beautiful and the compliments I receive are heart warming ❤️
    Locals ask on how to grow them in their yard, I give them advice on my experience with these beauties. So far no one has been disappointed 😊
    If I am the lucky one, I can share the beauty and make people happy and smile.

  817. Sally Schwarz on

    What a gift Floret Flower has been with their inspiration for flower farming spreading far and wide!
    With gratitude!

  818. Jenny Juffs on

    I can’t wait to see Timmy and Opal steal the show. Chickens are a bonus! Oh! How the fly pollination went. Socks too!

  819. Joanna on

    I’m excited for more Timmy in season 2!!

  820. Melanie Sibson on

    I LOVED seeing the process of how you had a passion and a dream of not just having flowers grow, but how this affected every aspect of life, touching other people, communities. Beautiful flowers/plants “rippling” its beauty into others. And just the hard work that you all put into it. It is so inspirational to me! Thank You for not giving up.

  821. Ginger Hengst on

    I’m excited to see more of your beautiful farm and how y’all have grown since season 1!

  822. Anna Bergmark on

    I have a garden now so I am thrilled that when I watch season 2 I can immediately go and play in my own garden and be brave enough to try new things

  823. Dante b ( 4 bees family farm) on

    What I am most excited for with season 2 is to experience and witness the growth of everyone on the farm. Each season is a foundation of learning blocks that you share with the community and it’s such a blessing. Seeing how hard everyone works and loves what they do pushes me day in and day out. I believe the world is lacking love and it’s nice to see a farm full of it – and the willingness to spread it makes it that much more enjoyable. I also can’t wait to see the cute cats making there random appearance’s in the background :)

  824. Jamie J on

    I grew my first Dahlia’s last year and cannot wait to grow different variates again this year! Love your blog! :)

  825. Laura Baltagi on

    I’m excited to see the continuation of your story the exciting things you’ve been up to on Floret farm! You’ve inspired my flower growing in my little farm in Virginia!

  826. Annika Lorenz on

    I am so excited to continue to see the behind the scenes of your business. I have learned so much from Erin and her team and I love seeing all their doing through how they share it on the show. Hooray for season 2.

  827. Casey Thomas on

    I am so thrilled to learn from your experience and get inspired to bring this kind of beauty to my neighborhood and community! I would love to bring some of these amazing plants to my growing garden!

  828. Becca Pritchett on

    I am So Excited to see what new and fascinating things Erin and the Team are up to for Season 2!! Maybe she’ll share a new way to control those pesky weeds, some new flower color, a new idea for arranging the flower garden, tool shed or warehouse?? Erin is always thinking and sharing, the ultimate giver of beautiful sights that we can think on and adapt to our own space, whether it be across the fence, across the country or across the world! So Thank You to the Floret Team for always sharing your knowledge and beauty!
    :) Becca

  829. Marko on

    My wife loved the first season and started her own collection of seeds and tubers from Floret.
    It’s Mother’s Day so I’m throwing my hat into the bin to win a set of floret tubers!

  830. Riley Lovelady on

    I love watching your stories so I know I’ll love the new season! I can’t wait to see all the beautiful varieties and species on the farm. I love how you manage to teach but not make it feel overwhelming. You inspired me to plant dahlia seedlings and I’m so excited to see what they become!

  831. Vilma Valencia on

    I can’t wait to see the beautiful dahlias. I would love to be able to grow some in my home!

  832. Jennifer Wingard Hershey on

    I’m so excited to see more behind the scenes of how Floret functions. And of course the beautiful blooms! Such wonderful inspiration for my future flower business that I am trialing this season. Reading your books and bringing flowers/plants in my life has been a great healer from my mental struggles and PPD.
    I would love to win some tubers! I love how you pass along your knowledge and resources to others and I hope to do the same!

  833. Kylie on

    I’m excited to see more beautiful flower footage and daydream I’m there amongst them!

  834. Lauren A on

    I am SO excited for season 2 of Growing Floret!! I absolutely loved the realness of season 1 and am looking forward to the same behind-the-scenes insight into flower farming in the next season! There is so much to learn from the team at Floret!!

  835. Elisabeth Strite on

    I am excited to see how you’ve grown and see you personal Dahlia breeding garden.

  836. Sarah P on

    Your books and website sparked my love for growing cut flowers! I started a few years ago and have been obsessed with having cut flowers at my finger tips. When season 1 came out, it was amazing to see on the big screen all that you have done and accomplished! I can’t wait for season two to spark new inspiration with all the incredible things you do and show.

  837. Alexa on

    I am so excited to experience the pure bliss that Floret brings to my world! Season 1 was both visually stunning and captivatingly informative so I can only imagine what season 2 will bring. Plus, I am utterly excited by what I will be inspired to add to my garden.

  838. Allison lunde on

    I am excited to see all of the new florals that you grow! I love following along!

  839. Rebecca Kline on

    I am looking forward to continuing learning everything I can about growing flowers! Season one was so visually inspiring I think it changed the way i think about flowers. Thank you for bringing the world this joy!

  840. Zara Julin on

    I have a tendency to always choose purples and oranges for my garden, even when I love all the other colors. I’m so excited to get inspired by the incredible colors in season 2!!

  841. Johanna Pike on

    I am so excited for the amazing film/photography, learning, and inspiration for season 2. I love how you are all able to capture the stunning beauty of flower farming but also explore the reality of how hard it can be. My family and I are on our 3rd year flower farming. I am also a Mom of a toddler and work full time with another job, so it’s not easy! But season one was super motivating and helpful! Thanks for doing this!

  842. Coral West on

    Flowers bring so much joy. I have had neighbors approach me while I’m in my front yard to tell me how happy my flowers make them and now I’m on a mission to spread how through flowers. I’m here for the inspiration!

  843. Samantha on

    I’m looking forward to learning so much more about flowers and planting. I just started my own cut flower garden with all floret seeds with my little baby girl and a flower business to help me be a stay at home mama with her. I can’t wait to learn more and expand my garden for years to come.

  844. Erin Clark on

    Hoping to see a cameo from Jen @old_shed_vintage. Excited for season 2!

  845. Bethany Schoenwetter on

    Seeing the flowers you all talk about helps me dream about what my garden could become. I’m also excited to see the changes to your property.

  846. Francine St Laurent on

    I love seeing Skagit Valley featured, and I can’t wait to see more local beautiful landscape scenes and people/businesses featured! Huge fan of what you’re doing!

  847. Lauren O. on

    I look forward to learning more about growing flowers and seeing all the beautiful things that are created!

  848. Maura ONeill on

    I am
    So excited to see what has happened on the farm since season one! Have their been developments and innovations? Things that changed and are more efficient now? And I just want to see all the flowers! 😍

  849. Darci Ulin on

    Season 1 of Growing Floret was such a delightful visual and spiritual experience for me! I purposely watched the series during winter’s cold and dreary days to harken back to the summer time of growth and abundance. Being in the garden connects me with both of my grandmas who loved flower gardens and vegetables gardens and passed that passion onto me. Seeing Erin, her family and team build this dream together is so inspiring! Best wishes in the future to the Floret team and can’t wait until Season 2 begins. Thank you for taking us all on this amazingly candid and beautifully filed journey with you!

  850. Raylene on

    I’ve been looking forward to season 2 for a long time. I’m very interested to see how the new land does with all the amendments you had to add.

  851. Susan Dinneen on

    I have adored Floret ever since I read the article in Martha Stewart! I love all your books, the TV series, but most especially your vast knowledge and your willingness to share it all. So very generous and kind hearted!
    Thank you!!!

  852. Marcia M on

    I’m looking forward to an update on your farm, flowers, business, and soaking in more of your knowledge. Thank you for sharing with all of us! This household enjoys what you do.

  853. Tinessa on

    I’m looking forward to watching because I’ve followed you for a long time, and buy seeds each year, and am very inspired by your story.

  854. Hannah on

    I’m excited to learn as much as I can about planting and caring for cut flowers!

  855. Amy Prince on

    Dahlias from Floret…yes please! I promise to share with my friends;)

  856. Summer on

    I am so excited to watch a show that is so gorgeously inspiring but also so calming for my nervous system. Looking forward to season 2!

  857. Deanna Rosenkranz on

    I’m looking forward to any changes and updates to the fields and gardens, designs ect. Also I’m always interested in anything new that you’ve tried with your dahlia patch such as hybrids!

  858. Katie Steere on

    I’m looking forward to leaning more into the fact that maybe magic does exist! How else would such beautiful flowers exist?!

  859. Jennifer on

    I expect some inspiration, a spark that inspires me on defining my own path as I grow and sell flowers. Courage and joy to continue.

  860. Deanna on

    I love watching this passionate team of people come together to conquer challenges and problem
    solve. I am always so impressed. While this is the flower/farming documentary, I feel like this group could thrive in any industry. You’re really the dream team.

    I also live in the same state so many of your larger challenges, I deal with on a micro level. Can’t wait to learn more!

  861. Vanessa on

    I’m looking forward to the beautiful imagery and learning and being immersed in the world of flowers.

  862. Lara on

    Looking forward to more flower growing tips and ideas

  863. Amber on

    Were having a watch party with all the local flower farmers and were so excited to be inspired together!

  864. Avery on

    I am just excited to see more behind the scenes of the flower farming process and I begin my own flower farming journey. Thank you for sharing both your educational resources and your love for flowers. It’s quite lovely

  865. Karla P. on

    Up until last September I have only been able to do landscape gardening, but we bought our dream property which includes a 1/2 acre garden for me!

    Floret has helped me so much with organizing and planning my blank slate of a garden. I’m looking forward to learning more about that part of Floret and getting new ideas for next year!

    Thank you Floret!
    PS Most people think I’m crazy for not growing more food, but my floret flowers make me happier than any food I might grow!

  866. Amber C on

    I just love learning and growing. Your website, social media posts, emails are a wealth of information. Thank you for sharing all that you have learned and are learning.

  867. Melina on

    When my sisters and I were little we started selling dandelion bouquets at the end of our road to our neighbors for 5 cents. Our mom instilled within us a deep love of flower gardening and inspired by our entrepreneurship, mom and dad planted a dahlia garden. Thus, Harvey Girl Flowers was born. In addition to our roadside stand—where people would leave money in a jar. We started making bouquets for baby showers, weddings, funerals, and business displays. I paid for part of my college education with flower money. Us Harvey girls love your show and how it’s inspired by our shared love of flowers. Looking forward to season two so there are more phone chats with my sisters and my mom recapping our favorite parts!

  868. Sandra Garcia on

    I am so exited to watch Floret series because apart from being my first time watching her that might explain all what I have already read from her books buy now will be more exciting to see the flowers while she explains. All the magic of breeding dahlias excites me, I would like to learn how does she manage pests and diseases.

    Hope I could learn more about flowers and the skills she has to offer.

  869. Terri Collie on

    I’m just so excited to experience the beauty of your farm. Each & every episode feels like a full emersion of beauty, learning and experiencing everything you have to offer.

  870. Terri Moncrief on

    So excited for the second season of Growing Floret! I so am inspired to start my flower journey. Thank you for sharing all your valuable information for us first timers. It is truly amazing all that you share with us. I am still absorbing all the knowledge from the online course. Dahlias tubers……what a blessing !

  871. Emma angeldonis on

    So excited for season two for many reasons but obviously mostly the flower varieties, would LOVE to win this give away to help a friend

  872. Lauren S. on

    I’m excited to see the growth of your farm and how your story continues. I also just love the beautiful flowers and learning about new varieties.

  873. Elizabeth Laurent on

    I’m interested to see what new varieties you are trialing and just get more of the flower farm experience.

  874. Luther Williams on

    I’m most excited about seeing my wife’s face when her tubers start to bloom. We are a year in of starting our little farm and she has invested so much time and effort into learning and growing. I know she will be front and center when season two starts and can’t wait to learn as she learns from the floret family. Thanks for all you give to the flower community, we definitely appreciate all the time invested.

  875. Rachel Lathery on

    This show has sparked my families interest in having a cutting flower garden of our own. It would be so cool to start out with these fabulous dahlias!

  876. Sarah Gruntmeir on

    I’m a horticulture graduate student studying apple production and I’m excited to learn about the ornamental side of agriculture! Always interesting to compare and contrast the food production and ornamental sides. Plus I’m a fellow WA resident and love to see the other side of the state!

  877. Courtie Bassarab on

    Learning more about flower varietals, and staying organized, as well as winter storage for dahlias.

  878. Jannah on

    So excited to hear and experience more of your story in part 2! Hoping to see a little more of your seed trialing, but just happy to be immersed in more of your beautiful flower world!

  879. Robin Ankerich on

    I’m looking forward to seeing more how you organize and plan for the season. I love the different ways y’all have created systems for organization of the post-it walls to the system of photographing flowers.

    I’m also looking forward to more flower inspiration. This will be the first season we actually have a yard to plant in so I cannot wait to get inspired.

  880. Angie Y on

    I can’t wait for the new season. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is watching with my 12 year old daughter. We have loved learning about flowers together. For Christmas she asked for one of your books and started crying when she opened it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us and spreading joy!

  881. Lisa on

    Excited to see the beautiful flowers again and gain more information and inspiration from you guys! Floret inspired me to start my own little cut flower garden. Tending to the flowers helped me navigate losing my father to cancer. Now my garden is where I still talk to him and feel closest to him.

  882. Aimee j on

    I am most excited to hear about how you stay focused on the things you feel most passionate about. I think that can be hard when there are so many interests that call to our heart, but I am interested to hear what your overarching goals and purposes are and continue to be or have they changed? Thank you for educating and inspiring us.

  883. Natalie Davis on

    Season 1 introduced me to the world of flowers and lit up a whole new part of me. My husband and I were in the process of buying a farm that we had no idea what to do with. We stumbled on the show, watched one episode, and the rest is history. Our lives are forever changed! We have just planted the first row of many in our new cut flower garden! Season 1 did so many unexpected things for us, that I can’t even begin to imagine what Season 2 will hold. I am most excited for all the unpredictable things I will learn and for the beautiful inspiration it will offer to get us through the ups and downs of starting a flower farm! Thank you for putting beauty and inspiration into the world! ❤️

  884. Laura Graber on

    I am excited for another Dahlia season!! I greatly enjoy fixing cut flower bouquets for friends, & I think Dahlias are one of my favorites!! Such beautiful flowers, it is most definitely therapy for me!

  885. Sammyjo on

    I love your flowers they are best.
    Your growing tips have stepped up my garden game. (Like a lot) and I love looking through your books for ideas inspiration and how to make a flower last oh so long in the vase. I’m sure the next season will be filled with more of all of these lovely beautiful inspiring tips.
    Ps. You planted a seed for the love of roses and dahlias and it’s a lovely thing

  886. Amanda Dudley on

    I love dahlias! They are hardy and produce all summer long. Excited to learn from you and gain inspiration for my own homestead ❤️

  887. Julianna F on

    I can’t wait for season 2, I love seeing all you do.
    You are such an inspiration, that gives us all ideas
    confidence,to continue with what we are doing.
    Thank you for that !!!

  888. Leah on

    I am so excited to learn more and enjoy how peaceful and wonderful the show is!

  889. Caitlynn Fletcher on

    Looking forward to continuing to learn and be inspired by your journey and generosity of knowledge. You’ve also built such a wonderful community of those passionate about flowers and this season will only grow that further. Thank you!

  890. Pam Nelson on

    I love getting inspiration from all your shows. Look forward to seeing any new varieties you have created and what goes into this. I can utilize so much for our own garden and am always hungry for more. Can hardly wait!

  891. Jessica Clement on

    I’m most excited to see how Floret grows and seeing all the changes to the farm and all the editions!! Walking the fields with you is a vicarious slice of heaven & happiness.

  892. Barb T on

    I am looking forward to additional tips and inspiration during season two. Such beautiful footage captured alongside learning is so enjoyable. Glad to see a local business so close to me highlighted in having their own show :)

  893. Lindsay on

    I am excited to see all the new varieties you have this year!

  894. Lisa E. on

    I can’t wait to see all the new additions to the farm – new varieties, new animals, new spaces! I love learning about the growing, pruning, harvesting process. Love your show!

  895. Dawn Hughes on

    The new varieties you are creating are such a injection of colour, shades, shapes! You & your team have done so much for the flower lovers that we are!! Looking forward to seeing you and the farm in Season 2!!

  896. Tracy Tokarski on

    I love how you are always up to something! My mind is always on the next big thing too because the possibilities are endless! I would love to know, though, why you choose certain projects over others to do. But most of all, the fact that you share everything you have learned with every project with everyone-that is a priceless gift that I hope you realize you have given to all of us! THANK YOU! I just added the new season to my calendar! Can’t wait!

  897. Miriam Watson on

    I’m excited to LEARN!! I’m always so grateful for all the information Erin and her team share. It has helped me be a better grower and a wiser human. Oh, and the beauty. I’m excited to see all of the beauty. 😁

  898. Allison Campbell on

    So excited to see how the farm has come together, flourished and hopefully found the oasis you were looking for. I loved seeing how you made the farm not only functional but beautiful it is something I strive for in my yard and garden and I can’t wait to see how yours has matured and grown and what new adventure you will undertake. You are such an inspiration! You are my biggest reference in my own cut flower garden. Can’t wait for the second season to see what new amazing things are being done.

  899. Jessica J on

    I am excited for next season to be excited and inspired!! As a newbie to gardening I love the inspiration overload. Would love to win the giveaway to continue creating beauty all around me.

  900. Alexandra Pflager on

    Dahlias were my mom’s favorite flower long before it became so popular. She grew them in Greece when she was a girl in empty oil cans. Her family was poor but she always loved flowers and would trade for seeds and tubers. When she mo ed to the US she continued to grow them. In the beginning they were difficult to find but she managed to somehow get her hands on the tubers. I remember the first time she found some being sold at Costco, you would’ve that she won the lottery.
    She has passed away but when I see my dahlia plants growing I feel a strong connection to her.
    Thank you for showing the world how beautiful and exciting it is to grow them.

  901. Tami on

    The beautiful flower shots throughout the seasons.

  902. Tara Markley on

    I’m excited to see more of your day to day and just the beauty of your farm!

  903. Anne on

    I’m so excited to see your new discoveries. I love following and watching all of what your create with everything you are growing. And Timmy the kitty.

  904. Seyyada Burney on

    I’m excited to see how the farm landscape continues to evolve as you expand operations and planting areas grow in!

  905. Keri Medlin on

    You’re an inspiration. Thank you for sharing everything you have learned. My husband and I are embarking on a flower farm journey after inheriting a 24 acre family farm. One of the first things we did was read your books and dive into all your resources here on the website.

  906. Anna on

    Excited to be inspired again, last season was the jumping off point for me to try my hand at a much larger cut flower garden. So I can’t wait to see where this season leads!

  907. Lori Kee on

    So excited to see updates on the farm and all your lovely fields.

  908. Alex on

    I can’t wait to see how everything has grown in after planting all of the hedgerows and trees!

  909. Melissa King on

    Watching everything you do on the farm is so inspiring to a novice like me! I learn so much!

  910. Jenny Law on

    I’m hoping to see more about the zinnia breeding and those amazing colors.

  911. Jonelle schermerhorn on

    As someone who also lives in Skagit Valley it is so fun to see our beautiful local area highlighted. Your flower farm, is like a secret garden nestled in to the most magical place. I’m glad you have your space to share with the world. Cheers to season 2!

    I am also so excited to start planting dahlias with my toddler in toe!

  912. Amber Pate on

    I’m excited to see the beautiful farm and cinematography again!!!

  913. Laura Say on

    I’m excited for all the beauty that you and your garden put into the world! So inspiring! Thank you!

  914. Karl on

    I’m most excited for the love of Dahlias!

  915. Emmy C on

    So inspired by everything you touch and create on your farm. I can’t wait to get out my note pad and a glass of wine and indulge in Season 2!!

  916. Kimberly Linford on

    Season one filled my heart with so many emotions- awe at the beauty of your Dahlia breeding patch and the gorgeous cinematography, gratitude for your generosity in sharing your wealth of gardening knowledge with the world, companionship with other obsessed flower farmers, and seeing the true, raw side of Floret – what it took you to get where you’re at today. I think that’s what I’m most excited about for Season 2 – the emotions, all of them.

  917. Chelsea on

    I’m excited for inspiration as I plant my first raised bed gardens this year!!

  918. Kelly on

    I would love to learn more about the 4 season garden- a fully comprehensive guide that reads like a calendar and explains what needs to happen and when so I can plan my garden timing out correctly.

  919. Heidi N. on

    Excited to see all that you do💜

  920. Danielle on

    I most excited to see what sort of crazy ideas and inspiration this season brings me!

  921. Peggy on

    For the love of flowers – you make it seem possible for all of us to plant a garden :)

  922. Sophia on

    So excited to see all the transformations on the farm! I am ever so inspired!

  923. Kelly C on

    You dahlia varieties are just stunning. I would love to grow these in our new home as I am starting to garden and these would really make the yard pop!!

  924. Rachel Walther on

    I’m excited for more inspiration on cut flower gardens. Never had one and this year we will have a little space for some!

  925. Tammy on

    I am most excited about learning even more from you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, as we start our own farm and continue to learn and grow. I am super excited for the chance to win these beautiful flower tubers, I’ve wanted to add Dahlias to my flower farm, and this would be an amazing collection to get to start with! Thank you for the opportunity 💜

  926. Sophie Dahl on

    I always look forward to seeing people’s lives made happier by blooms!

  927. Duncan Pfaehler on

    Hi Floret,

    My fiancé and I have started growing our own cut flowers for our wedding this year. It is my first time growing flowers from seed and tubers and it has been such a positive and grounding experience. We used a lot of your expertise from the videos online to help us get started. It is a lot of hard work to grow flowers, but watching your show has been so inspiring. The care and daily practice of gardening and the investment to help nurture something beautiful is a wonderful reminder of my relationships with others. It has made me realize that I need to nurture those people in my life just like I do the beautiful seedlings in my garden. I am so excited to see what wonderful and unique varieties you all work to grow in season two. I am also looking forward to seeing how your team is able to manage and overcome the many challenges of running a small, successful, and sustainable business. Keep up the incredible work!!

  928. S Press on

    I’m excited to tune in as anything flower-related is like therapy to me! (Both my own garden and to watch someone else.) And the last season was so fascinating on how Floret really came into fruition. I hope we get to see a bit about the new Floret library creation. When things are a labor of love, it’s much more special. And watching the dahlia patch experiment- impressive is an understatement.

  929. Pj norian on

    So inspiring I am in love with dahlias now!

  930. Jackie on

    What a joy would it be to get to experience the joy these bulbs would bring. Congratulations on season 2!!

  931. Debra watje on

    I’m very excited to see all the new landscaping you did and to hear all the good stories !

  932. Briana on

    I loved season one and was so inspired to grow more flowers! I cannot wait for season two’s release. As a very little girl I remember experimenting with cutting wild roses and propagating them in water. It was so thrilling to watch little roots shoot out and then transplant them into dirt. To this day I love sharing and giving plants and flowers to my friends and family or making trades! It brings me so much happiness. I would be overjoyed to win this giveaway and share the tubers with my friends and family!

  933. Allison Schempp on

    I love learning from you and your farm! I gain so much inspiration from you. I’m excited to see your ideas come to life and see how you have overcome challenges!

  934. Jennifer Largent on

    I am most excited for the beautiful, peaceful photography, being inspired by Erin’s passion, creativity, and entrepreneurship – and sneak peeks of TIMMY!

  935. Randi on

    I can’t wait for the beautiful cinematography showcasing your magical flowers. Your work provides so much inspiration and an amazing platform for learning. Thank you for sharing with the world!

  936. Maddison P. on

    Plant wait to see the borders and the wildlife on the farm!

  937. Cind on

    I‘m excited to see how everything has grown and looks now on the farm! So excited to watch

  938. Cind on

    I‘m excited to see how everything has grown and looks now on the farm!

  939. Briana Barber on

    Can’t wait for season two! I’m always inspired by the colors and varieties! Plus it helps to build confidence to try growing different flowers myself!

  940. Karleen Keller on

    I cried in the first 5 minutes of season 1. Your love of flowers was started by experiencing nature and flowers with your grandma. That gets me right in the heart. My grandma shared her love of flowers with me as well. I just love watching such a beautiful show. It brings joy, determination, and a smile on my face. I have a dahlia garden and keep making it bigger and bigger. Best part of having dahlias is giving the bouquets to friends, family, and just people I think need some joy.

  941. Elizabeth Arrow on

    I just discovered you recently, so I’m excited to learn even more!

  942. Jen Eiserman on

    Love seeing how you continually transform the farm. It’s never done and that is a beautiful (and very relatable) thing!

  943. Stephanie on

    Flower farming is sometimes portrayed as only romantic or only gritty, hard work. By some miracle, you have, in the first Season of Growing Floret, managed to show the beauty of the hard work and the grit in creating so much beauty. It’s an exquisite feat that you have done so beautifully! I loved learning about all the amazing people that are the admirer team and the strengths you all honor in each other! I’ll be watching it the minute it comes out and again – over and over – through the long, dark winter!

  944. Mariela on

    I am most exited to see how much your farm has changes, and see what new projects you are working on!!

  945. Megan Epperson on

    I love the spirit at the flower farm. Your flowers are not only gorgeous, but the encouraging attitude & sincere love for gardening is inspiring! I would absolutely love to win these dahlias!!

  946. Sara mason on

    I’m most excited about seeing how far your farm has come this year. Also how far the dahlias and your new varieties have come. The roses interest me too. Im following with your inspiration and doing massive amounts of cuttings from things in my region.

  947. Tabatha on

    Can’t wait for season 2! I’ve learned so much and I love growing flowers and sharing them with strangers, friends and neighbors. How cool of you to share this gift with others like me to pursue their passions!

  948. Jodi Williams on

    I can’t wait to see what new and exciting things have between happening on the farm and what beautiful flowers you’ve been growing! You are such an inspiration on sharing the love of flowers and the details of growing them!

  949. Taylor on

    Absolutely love dahlias and all flowers! I’m so excited to see the different varieties grown and get ideas that I can incorporate in my garden.

  950. Megan on

    Oh. My. What a Dream!!!!

    Thank you 😊

  951. Anna Novak on

    I am excited to learn more about the history of dahlias and the work of breeding them…. The living library of traits passed down through the years! The inspiration for each form and trait… shaped by the hands before them! Also to learn more about your team and Timmy of course. Thank you for the inspiration!

  952. ToryG on

    This would be amazing to win! I’ve really gotten the dahlia bug lately from season 1, so I’m very excited to see season 2 and learn new information and just follow your flower farming journey! I’d love the chance to grow these beauties and offer cut flowers to my community

  953. Kate A on

    Dahlias are my absolute favorite flower. I have slowly been testing different varieties but can’t seem to keep the tubers through the winter. I am excited to learn more about how to grow them from seed and winter over. thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with the world!

  954. Ange Bumgarner on

    Wow! How exciting that Season 2 is coming out. I can’t wait to see what else I will learn from it. Season 1 changed and saved my life and my soul! In the past year the idea of taking the large area of grass in my yard that sat ideal could replace a job I did not enjoy and caused more stress during a time of transition was eye opening. The show got me to look into what could be for flower growing which I did on a personal small scale and bring joy to those in my community. Floret’s online course has taught me so much, each day I pick up another piece of knowledge that benefits my new farm and my new way of life. Most recently, I have discovered that my youngest child who has been on their own journey in life figuring out who they are and how they feel most comfortable in this world, loves everything to do with the flower farm. It has brought us closer and working side by side with a common passion. We are planning our watch party for Season 2, of course in between tending to our new found enjoyment for the love of flowers. Thank you to Erin, your family, and everyone on your farm for sharing so much of this beautiful world. I look forward to paying it forward as I grow in my knowledge, because everyone should have flowers in their lives.

  955. Kaylee Henson on

    This would help jumpstart my dreams! You’re so inspiring and I learn so much from you and your team. Thank you for sharing!

  956. Pinintorn Iamrod on

    I’m excited for the knowledge you’ve discovered while perfecting different growing methods for these beauties. More importantly, your willingness to share this knowledge to the rest of the world!

  957. Kathy on

    I want to learn as much as I can as I start my journey to grow more dahlias and share them with neighbors, family and friends. 💗

  958. Karen rideout on

    Your show is an inspiration! I ordered seeds from you during your last seed sale and am excited to start a cutting garden. I’m so excited for the next season of your show!!

  959. Anastasia Jarzombek on

    So excited to feel virtually immersed in the beauty & inspiration that is the world of Floret!

  960. Lisa on

    I’m excited to see how things happen on the farm and all the beautiful flowers that inspire me to have a big beautiful garden someday

  961. Dianna W on

    The first season inspired me to grow flowers in my garden and I am now obsessed. I cannot wait to learn more on Season 2.

  962. Ashley Pieratt on

    I am so excited to see the growth of the farm! And the beautiful colors of all the varieties!

  963. Samantha on

    I am excited to see the everyday happenings and the behind the scenes! Also, how many times your cat will make an appearance!

  964. Rachel McFadden on

    I’m so excited to see all the natives you planted at the end of season 1 start to mature and become part of the Floret ecosystem. I’ve seen huge improvements in my own garden after creating habitat for native pollinators and I bet you guys have as well. Cheers to season 2!

  965. Kelly Tsutsui on

    Watching the first season of Growing Floret was so inspiring I finally took action on my dream of starting a flower farm with my daughter! We took Florets workshop this winter and planted our first corms for ranunculus and anemones this spring! I look forward to watching how Floret and the farm change and grow in season two! I love how they show the in’s and outs of flower farming with the reality of how much hard work it takes but how amazingly rewarding the work is!

  966. Susanna on

    Can’t wait to dive back into the beautiful world of cut flowers in season two!

  967. Grit Iwersen on

    I would love to win the giveaway. Dahlia‘s are my favorite flowers and i plant them in my garden the second time this year. The floret flowers farm is a big inspiration for me.

  968. Diana Haripersaud on

    So excited to learn, I’m a beginner gardener (my first year with a real garden) and I’ve learnt so much from you!!

  969. Emily on

    Wow! Wow! Wow! What’s not to look forward to in Season 2! So excited!

  970. Allyson Boop on

    So excited to keeping following your story and watch how Floret has evolved. Season 1 was so beautifully done (my girls and I were in tears) so we can’t wait to see more 👏🏻

  971. Amanda Gosson on

    So looking forward to watching season 2 and seeing Floret continue to grow and thrive! The first season was so instrumental in me starting to grow my own cut flowers and I can’t wait to see what else I can learn. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion.

  972. Gretta Troyer on

    I am so excited for season two to commence so that I can learn even more about floral gardening! I love your dahlias so much!!

  973. Johanna Maria on

    So excited for more inspiration on blooms and to normalized farming and getting our hands dirty.

  974. Gloria on

    I’ve been a long term follower of Floret Flowers and really enjoy learning from their experiences to use in my own garden. Definitely can’t wait to watch Season 2 because I’ve been watching with my family and appreciate how it is bringing us closer together through our love of flowers. I’m so grateful that it is an opportunity to bond more with my Mom and Sister. Thanks!

  975. Jennifer on

    I’m excited for season two! The best part of season 1 to me was the extrondary video of the peaceful views of the farm at dawn and dusk. I cant wait for season 2 shots of the beauity that mother nature displays on this farm. Plus the story of floret farm with the behind the scenes, learn about how it has transformed since the beginning to now… its a beautiful journey and I’m looking forward to see where floret is now.

  976. Hevan on

    All of the knowledge and dedication from last season to come to light! This is my first year growing any cut flowers and I can’t wait to follow along with your journey.

  977. Janelle on

    Most excited to see the cinematography of the show. The flowers are so beautiful and last season was put together so well. Of course can’t wait to learn more!

  978. Katie on

    Love following along and learning so much from you! Planted dahlia tubers for the first time this year, and a bunch of your dahlia seeds as well! I’m excited to see you continue your journey and see all the gorgeous flowers!

  979. Jessica Quinn on

    Most excited to see what else has been going on at the farm and the majestic colors off all the blooms we will see!

  980. Krista Callaway on

    I don’t know how Erin does it…but she sparks a love for growing flowers in my soul! I get inspired to get outside in the dirt and plant beauty all around me!!! ❤️

  981. Gerryanne Bohn on

    I’m so excited to see more beautiful flowers for season 2! I love that the show makes me feel a part of the experience!

  982. Kim Endres on

    I am most excited for season two of growing floret because it shows the real life side of farming, specifically flower farming. As a newly married couple, my husband and I love being able to relate to Erin and Chris as we grow our flower farm and our business. The reassurance Erin gives to everyone who watches the show is incredible. Yes plants may die, you will make mistakes and growing a business doesn’t happen over night. Watching Erin and Chris on their flower journey inspires us even more with ever y single episode. Thank you for inspiring us!

  983. Kate G on

    I have so sincerely appreciated how Erin and Chris have authentically shown the reality of having a flower farm. It’s easy to scroll social media or pick up a pretty photo and imagine a picturesque utopia, but farming (even beautiful flowers) is harder than I could have imagined. Showing the (literally!) dirt behind the beauty is so important, and they’ve done this – whether it’s through talking about missteps they’ve made (learning opportunities), the intersection of farming and life, or the difficulty in making big, impactful decisions about the future of their farm. As a part time flower farmer myself, I am looking forward to more of these reality checks mixed in with the beautiful inspiration of their growth, success, and flowers. Thank you for sharing such a full picture with us! It’s such a refreshing reminder of how hard work can pay off.

  984. Christine on

    Your show is so inspiring and soul-settling. Can’t wait for season 2! 🤍✨

  985. Mindy on

    For this being season two for most this is season one for me. Im excited to learn all the things along with everyone. I have been putting hours and days into this and planted all the tubers I have purchased with my 3 year old daughter. So far she is loving every minute of it and I hope she is enjoying it. Even though she thinks its only planting flower I get to experience the excitement she has when there is a little change.

  986. Theresa Cassidy on

    I just love seeing your journey play out, and am excited season 2 will show all of season’s 1’s hard work pay off! Thank you for your openness and vulnerability. I have learned so much!

  987. Andrea on

    To be inspired by all the beauty!

  988. Rebecca Levelle on

    I’m excited to see how everyone has adjusted to the growth of the farm.

  989. Shannon Stringer on

    I’m hoping to see progress on your rose program—especially how they look on your incredible metal arbors!

  990. Sarah on

    Just loving seeing the next step of Floret and the evolving dream 🤍

  991. Rebecca Shaffer on

    Thank you thank you thank you for all you do for us flower lovers out there! I love seeing all of the behind the scenes of the farm and learn so much from watching! So excited for all of the things to come for floret!

  992. Faith Gladstone on

    So excited to see the growth, progress and new additions your business and farm has taken on! Of course to see all the beautiful rows of flowers, but more importantly the hard work it took to bring all these flowers to full bloom. I love the realness of your show and story!

  993. Marcia Koenig on

    Thank you for all your tips, you have enabled so many to create beautiful gardens. My seeds are on their third year and getting ready to provide another summer of beauty. You taught us to divide our tubers and now my dahlias have more than doubled. Can’t wait for new season, as there is always so much to learn.

  994. Makayla McRorie on

    Floret is my favorite shows on the planet! As a fellow business owner and passionate gardener I’ve adored watching your journey Erin. I’m sooo excited for season 2!!! I’m most looking forward to seeing how the farm has transformed since season 1 and I can’t wait to see another behind the scenes peek at how you are running your beautiful business. 💖💖💖

  995. Rachel Wright on

    I’m excited to see how you’ve grown in season 2! Your kind and thoughtful instruction has really helped my confidence in growing my garden and adding more flowers. I’m looking forward to seeing how the farm continues to evolve, especially after Becky’s designs from season 1. Thanks Floret!

  996. Viv on

    I can’t wait to see more of the breeding hoop houses. It’s amazing to me that I can see inside the development of new beautiful varieties, and I thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful knowledge as well as the beauty you cultivate!

  997. Katie Schiefelbein on

    I am so excited to see how you took your business to the next level. I saw in season 1 how consuming the business was after so much growth and I’m curious what systems you put in place to allow yourselves to manage the growth for the business as well as personally too.
    Also love to gaze at the beauty produced at floret!

  998. Jessica McDonald on

    I’m excited to see what you have been up to on the farm! Learn all about growing flowers and see the beautiful footage of your land!

  999. Shanti Rade on

    I’m excited to see more of the seed breeding work you’re doing in season 2, plus the amazing cinematography of Blue Chalk Media. And this collection of dahlias would be such a dream to plant in my field.

  1000. Emily Swagger on

    Season one was what inspired me to start my own flower journey! I can wait to see what you have done with the farm in season two and the beautiful garden you all designed!!!

  1001. Janice on

    What I’m most looking forward to in season 2 is the new “shire” of hoop houses and new breeding that will be going on in them and also seeing more of the dahlias you’ve been working on and if they’re still growing the same as you expected. They are so gorgeous and I can’t wait until they are ready for the world! It’s inspiring to see what becomes of all the generations of dahlias you’ve grown and nurtured!

  1002. Shawn fuchs on

    I am excited to see new teachings and tips from you and your farm !
    Me and my lady are so inspired by yalls mission and story and want to farm and grow our community and roots (:!
    Thanks for living your purpose and inspiring others to do the same !

  1003. BeBe Miller on

    For Season 2 I’m most excited to see what you all are up to next in regard to trialing varieties. I love the research side of the floral industry and I can’t wait to see if you and the team are working on bringing us new info for a flower we may have overlooked.

  1004. Jen Miller on

    I’m excited to learn more about your growing practices so I can utilize them on our little farm.

  1005. Janine Bennett on

    I live in California. Miss the flowers on my parents century family farm. Excited to learn for this area on bulbs. Thank

  1006. Peter on

    Thanks for introducing me to flowers! So excited to see more of your beautiful farm in season 2!

  1007. Beverly Arnold on

    Your positive teaching and encouragement always brings me back to wanting to do more flowers, more varieties. You have brought back the
    love for farming, no matter what kind and it is coming back around. Your farm is a masterpiece, look forward to seeing what you have added.
    I am curious about how your new addition of bee hives and scrubs are working into you ecosystem. Thank you for all the time and work it
    takes to share the farms progress with all of us. LOVE IT! bev

  1008. Tonya T on

    Yay! Congratulations! I love seeing all that you have accomplished. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thank you for inspiring, teaching and encouraging me and so many others.

  1009. Matt on

    Excited to learn more about flower farming!

  1010. Jeanne DeCosmo on

    Just found your series on Magnolia and I’m so touched by your mission. What I look forward to is your journey and the many insights to life you find along the way. Your books are a labor of love! Thank you!!!

  1011. Jen Searfoss (Thyme in a Bottle) on

    Honestly, I’m most excited by more Timmy time! The outtakes already show that she’s a star!!! I also look forward to seeing what all got done with the roses (a multi year work in progress). And the inspirational cinematography work by the film crew! They sure do make flower farming look glamorous!

  1012. Alisha Ostlund on

    I’m so excited to see the farming process again! I loved watching the behind-the-scenes of how seeds and flowers are produced from Floret. I can’t wait to see all the beauty again!!!

  1013. Kimberly M on

    I can’t wait to learn more about how to cultivate flowers.

  1014. Callie on

    Love seeing all the beauty that you send out into the world. I know it has probably touched coutless lives. Thank you so much for sharing your farm and life with the world is such an eloquent and beautiful way.

  1015. Emily Tuohy Zider on

    My first experiences with growing flowers started when I was a little girl but like a lot of us life got in the way. During the pandemic I watched the first season of Growing floret and fell in love. My garden has expanded to multiple flower beds and I successfully saved my own tubers that I started from Floret Dahlia seeds! I would love to win this giveaway and can’t wait to see what’s to come in season 2. More garden kitty shots I hope!!!

  1016. Alex Jacobson on

    I am so excited to hear about the next part of your story and the lessons you learned along the way. Growing and gardening are such great teachers.

  1017. Samantha Martin on

    Looking forward to catching up on everything you’ve been up to on the farm. These flowers would change the farm!

  1018. Kristin K. on

    I can’t wait for Season 2! Season 1 was the reason I started growing my own flowers in my backyard. I have learned so much from your series and workshops and am so excited for this season’s flowers!

  1019. Marci Jacobsen on

    I can not wait for May 23 when season 2 comes out! I’ve learned so much from floret, I love to see the farm. It’s so relaxing and calms the stress I have from working in a hospital.

  1020. Sandi Lucchesi on

    I cannot wait to watch the continuation of yours and Chris’s story- mentoring, sharing , encouraging and educating people about all things flowers is the most amazing gift to the world. You have been so generous with all of your tutorials, books, blogs, tv shows (!) you are an inspiration and have come so, so far! I too mentor women in my business (sommelier) it is important in this world to share , give back and lift up others in our world- thank you for inpsiring me to grow new types of flowers, start dahlias from seed (what?!) and take cuttings to share my my stock. Cheers to a new season of Growing Floret, I cannot wait!

  1021. Shari on

    This would be a dream to get this beautiful dream box of flowers! Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!

  1022. Amanda on

    I love seeing how much you’ve accomplished, and with such beauty and grace. You inspire me daily. Can’t wait for season 2!

  1023. Mara on

    My husband watched the first episode with me and told me I should go for it. I didn’t think I could do it, but as a physician during the pandemic, growing a flower garden brought me more joy and clarity than I could have ever imagined. Thank you.

  1024. Mindy on

    I am excited to see how your farm continues to evolve. Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  1025. Judy Jimerson on

    I am a flower lover and just found your beautiful flowers. Would be wonderful to have a dahlia garden. I have just the right spot for one.

  1026. Nick Jacobsen on

    We love floret! My wife has introduced me to floret and all things cut flowers. I recently completed a cut flower garden for her, and would love to be able to give her some tubers.

  1027. Rachel Cheney on

    This show is what made me start growing flowers. I can’t wait for even more inspiration from the Floret team.

  1028. Danni on

    I love dahlias but have never grown then. I’m excited to start. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  1029. Monae G on

    Excited to have more programs on tv about flowers and goodness. Congrats on a second season!

  1030. Jamie Smith on

    Liking forward to all the practical tips and also wildlife (and pet life) on the farm!

  1031. Laureen Miki on

    I love getting more information about growing dahlias and caring for the tubers. I love that Erin is local, so I know if I track her process everything should work out for me too! The videos and photography are so stunning… They are always inspirational to me as a beginner growing dahlias in my wee garden.

  1032. Shaleigh on

    I’m most excited for the accompanying resources!

  1033. Matt on

    My wife LOVES your show and I am looking forward to seeing the smile on her face when she is watching it.

  1034. Rebecca Christopher on

    I loved watching the first season of Growing Floret. I loved that it showed the challenges and the beauty of growing. I can’t wait to see the next chapter of Floret to be unveiled in the next season! It’s inspiring to see the beauty and how to work through issues and making tough decisions!

  1035. Ariel Rubin on

    Excited for the evolution of the farm and to see how all the new plantings and gardens have grown up!

  1036. Sylvia on

    Love seeing the beauty in others flower farms and let it spark more excitement within my soul!! And also once you see show it also reminds me to dream but dream big!! Keep up all the inspiring work!

  1037. Nono on

    I am a huge fan of Dahlias, at that moment I have 46 varieties. Your book, Discovering Dahlias, is a huge help for me, because I learned so many information about dahlias and I use every season, on the spring how to divide and plant, on the summer how to care to be a healthy plant and on the fall how to dig them and prepare to store. I love your book and your work.

  1038. Heather Grunig on

    I’m so excited to see Season 2! Season 1 opened my eyes to the beauty and joy and possibilities of flowers. So I grew dahlias from seed last year, kept my favorites and replanted them this year, so exciting! I’m looking forward to season 2 for even more inspiration!

  1039. Jessica Justice on

    I can’t wait to see all of the updates and all the hard work and beauty you and your family/team have been working on ❤️

  1040. Kelley on

    So excited for all the beautiful color combinations 🌸

  1041. Sally on

    A girl can’t ever have too many dahlias!

  1042. Samantha Swaffield on

    I am so looking forward to be inspired and enjoy the beauty of flowers.

  1043. Mackenzie on

    I’m excited to see how your home/ farm has grown in and settled and what it looks like now!

  1044. Megan Miller on

    I’m excited to share season 2 with my family!!

  1045. Jen on

    I am so excited to see all the new things going on at the farm and of course all the beautiful flowers! The show inspired me to start my own cut flower garden

  1046. Angelique Kranholdt on

    Is there any possibility to watch „growing floret“ in germany? I would love to see it!!! 🌸

  1047. Molly Chapman on

    So proud and happy for you all! I’ve been following for several years and seeing Chip and Jo pick you up for a tv series is so incredible! Can’t wait to watch.

  1048. Paula West on

    I can’t wait to see all the beautiful flowers!

  1049. Adelina on

    I already told my family I will not be available the day the season gets released! You have inspired me to grow and sell flowers from my tiny 3rd acre lot! It has been a fun adventure! I’m hardening off a 10×10 area of seedlings I grew myself! I’ve sold out of tulips for the second year in row on Mother’s Day weekend. The flower bug has bite my mother as well! She lives in another state , it would be awesome to share dahlia tubers with her . We chat every morning , so it would be fun to have a dahlia patch “together ” !

  1050. Madeline on

    all the flowers! inspires me so much for my own little garden.

  1051. Annie mayer on

    I can’t wait to see all the different varieties and all the beautiful flowers!!!

  1052. Krista on

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge so openly! My partner is starting an organic vegetable farm and I am learning and helping along the way bringing flowers to the operation (hopefully!) I reference your blog and books constantly. You’re an inspiration that you don’t need prior professional experience to start a flower farm. 🌸💐

  1053. Mel Corey on

    I’m so excited for season two because I started my own little flower farm on my 1/2 acre property after watching season one! I can’t wait to see what’s next!

  1054. Melissa H. on

    I’m excited to see all the beauty the farm has to offer! I learn so much!

  1055. Mel on

    I can’t wait to see more of your beautiful flowers.

  1056. Kyle Lessman on

    I’m excited for the beautiful videography and the sense of calm it brings.

  1057. Rubia on

    I am most excited to see more behind the scenes/inner workings of the Floret Flower Farm. The resources Erin and the Floret team share on both the blog and Instagram have helped so many gardeners in their pursuit of growing beautiful flowers. I find myself constantly referencing the blog. Apart from what is shared through social media, I never imagined I’d be able to see more of what it takes to run the Floret Flower Farm. Creating the Growing Floret documentary was such an amazing idea! This is my kind of reality TV and I can’t wait to watch every second of it and be inspired by all that Erin has dreamed up and created.

  1058. Caroline on

    While I am excited to soak in another season of pure beauty I am also looking very forward to picking up more of your tips and tricks. I am a newby who values your expertise!

  1059. Tami on

    I loved the first season and have watched it more than once. Just can’t wait to get inspired by your passion, energy and creativity, all over again.

  1060. Sam on

    I’m most excited to see a female entrepreneur running a successful and inspiring business. Also, the beautiful flowers.

  1061. Mandy Hornick on

    Can’t wait to see how much your farm has grown! And the seed breeding process!

  1062. Susan Ellis on

    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for Season 2!

  1063. Phaylinh Sayasith on

    I’m excited to see more of your beautiful flowers and process cultivating them. I love watching the behind the scenes of your process and method of flower farming.

  1064. Kristen on

    I am currently watching season 1. I can’t wait to see more flowers and how you have been growing the farm in season 2! You inspire me to start a flower farm in the future!

  1065. Stacy Anderson on

    Flowers are my zen! Looking forward to learning more and enjoying a wholesome show!!

  1066. Katie Stapleton on

    The combination of your story with the photography, videography, & music literally brought me to tears in season 1. As an aspiring flower farmer, you ‘normalcy’ & story of success from humble beginnings has me so excited for season 2 🤍

  1067. Anna on

    I’m so excited for season 2!! I love hearing your story and watching your journey. I learned so much in season 1 not only about how you care for your dahlias but your process in making business decisions. So much goes into it that most of us don’t even realize. I love watching you follow your passion and it inspires me to do the same. Thank you!!!

  1068. Jess on

    Wow, what an amazing giveaway!! I’m so looking forward to the beauty and peacefulness of the episodes!! Absolutely cannot wait!!! 💜💜💜

  1069. Allyson Hall on

    I love dahlias. They are my favorite flower of all time. I would love to learn more about how to be successful when planting dahlias. I can’t wait to learn more.

  1070. Lauren Martin on

    I’m honestly just excited to share in all the beautiful flower goodness while watching with my little fans: Josie, Turner, and Olive. We love learning how to tend to our own garden and to dream BIG from following Floret. Can’t wait for season 2!!!!

  1071. Jessica Van Noppen on

    I am looking forward to learning more about developing my own dahlia garden!! And as always, admiring the beauty you create.

  1072. Georgia Merrill on

    Growing Floret is my blueprint for my amateur flower growing journey. I’m hopeful to one day take Floret’s workshop, but until then I’ll be devouring as much dahlia and farm information as I can in season 2!

  1073. Suzanne on

    Your flowers are just gorgeous and your stories inspiring!

  1074. Lisa on

    First off…what a huge collection of tubers! I’m blown away by the variety.
    As a fellow lover of digging in the dirt and an introvert, I love to watch your story unfold. Your struggle, habits, hard work, and joy are inspiring. Can’t wait to watch season 2!

  1075. Jessica Jones on

    I am just learning to garden and grow in a greenhouse on our newly purchased 10 acre property and I am trying to soak up all of the information I can on growing and transforming a property like this! Hoping to learn some tips from the show!

  1076. Rebecca on

    I grow a small amount of cut flowers as a hobby and mainly share them with family and friends. I’m thankful for all the knowledge you share at no charge! It has helped me alot! Dahlias are one of my favorite flowers. This giveaway would b fun to win and I’d had more to pass on to cheer other people’s days!!💐

  1077. Meredith Mayo on

    We especially love seeing your creativity at work during the breeding process. Can’t wait for season 2!

  1078. Shelly barber on

    Love your page and beautiful flowers. I planted my dahlia seeds and every one has come up! So excited to see what season 2 brings. Dahlias are my favorite

  1079. Emma Murray on

    I’m excited to see fresh ideas cultivated over the winter come to life! Always an inspiration to see a fellow flower farmer (albeit one with much more experience than I!) chase their dreams and make them come to life. 🌷

  1080. Jaime on

    I have fallen in love with flowers through your education. I’ve always loved the look and smell of the florals, but I’ve gotten such a rich understanding because of your efforts to engage and teach us be to better flower farmers! This is my first year attempting dahlias and I would love more than anything to win!!

  1081. Jennifer Nevener on

    I can’t wait to see what you have in store, thank you for taking us to a beautiful place and sharing with us!

  1082. Jenna Raether on

    I can’t wait to see what is new and inspiration for my own gardens!

  1083. Katie on

    So excited to have a resource to help learn to make an amazing garden/yard to bring joy to others! Thank you for your time and effort poured into Floret and helping others. God bless!

  1084. MaryAnn on

    It has been a joy watching you and the Floret Family grow and evolve into this amazing flower adventure that has engaged and inspired so many to fill the world with beauty. Thank you for continuing to share your journey and helping others create their own fields of dreams to bloom.

  1085. Emily Latham on

    I’m so excited for season 2 because I get to see more of what goes into the growing processes and my favorite people in action again! ;)

  1086. Lynde Pas on

    Excited to see you grow!! I want to win!!!

  1087. Shannon Brown on

    Love your energy and guidance, can’t wait to see more about the farm, particularly about growing new breeds.

  1088. Laura on

    I’m waiting for my Floret sweet peas to explode into bloom, recently planted my Floret dahlia seeds, can’t wait to learn about dahlias in Discovering Dahlias that my sons gifted to me for Mother’s Day. Thanks for beautifying my life with all you do!🌞💐

  1089. Barbara on

    My garden is my happy place! When I’m feeling good that’s where you’ll find me. I’m battling cancer for the fourth time and when I’m recovering from chemo
    I love to watch Floret Flower. I can’t wait for season two!

  1090. Jody Osburn on

    I love it all! I found the first season to be so uplifting – can’t wait for more as you expand the farm.

  1091. Sarah Cate on

    I am so so excited to binge watch season 2!!! I think I am most looking forward to learning new techniques to gardening and also admiring how you take intricate time to notice every detail of God’s creation. It’s really inspiring!

  1092. Andrew Clemons on

    Looking forward to seeing what is new at Floret! You are a inspiration to gardeners all over.

  1093. Krysten Beaven on

    You make it accessible and help me move past the intimidation and working to grow and sell my blooms. There are always nuggets of knowledge to pick up while watching!!

  1094. Alexis kaminski on

    I’m so excited for season 2! I’m a first year flower farmer (Little Compton Flowers) in Rhode Island and it is so amazing to be able to follow you on your journey! I have all of your books and have successfully taken a few dahlia cuttings this spring and I feel so accomplished! Thank you for helping me on my journey and I love watching you BLOOM!

  1095. Mary Quarterman on

    I can’t wait to see how you have documented the continued growth of the farm. So much has happened since the last season on your farm and with your business! Besides, the photography is so beautiful! You are so generous with sharing your experiences and that is much appreciated. I have had the inspiration to grow new flowers since starting to follow Floret, including dahlias…and now there is very little grass left in my urban Seattle yard! Thanks.

  1096. Michael Startzman on

    My wife and I have started a modest flower business – of which I admittedly know very little. But I know it makes her happy and she adores the classes and books y’all produce – so much so that she eagerly awaits all the news and tidbits from Floret. It makes me happy that she’s happy so I’ve been reading up too. I also accidentally killed a few of her plants that I thought were weeds – apparently I still have more to learn!

  1097. ML on

    Learning more and being inspired.

  1098. Jennifer Strolsee on

    Growing flowers is not easy and you break it down to inspire others. I love it! Dahlias are my favorite, and i look forward to trying to raise them.

  1099. Kelly Epps on

    Can’t wait to be inspired by your beautiful gardens. Just makes me want to dig up my whole yard and cover it with flowers!

  1100. Nathalie on

    Absolutely love your approach to your flower farming . Also speak from experience and not to sell us something . Such a relaxing and beautiful show

  1101. Timothy on

    I can’t wait to watch season 2 with my daughter!

  1102. Jani Lewis on

    Love the peaceful nature of the show. I look forward to the upcoming season!

  1103. Jinger on

    I’m most excited about sharing Season 2 with my daughter as we are currently watching Season 1 and she has already started growing flowers from seed! Thank you so much for all the inspiration you send us!

  1104. Paula Bolash on

    the pure inspiration of it all! and the generosity to share it

  1105. Michael Locklear on

    My husband and I have fallen in love with dahlias! We are enjoying seeing our current collection pop up in the last week. I have learned so much the last few years through books and videos from you and some other amazing people! I can’t wait to see what you share in season 2!

  1106. Brienne on

    I’m most excited about the calm the show brings me. I have watched the first season multiple times and it always brings a calmness over me which helps me focus on following my dreams.

  1107. Charles Aiken on

    Our family has loved following Floret. We can’t wait to see everything that the new Season will bring!

  1108. Patricia Ellis on

    Just can’t wait for season two!! Dalias are like a breath of fresh air and being a flower lover has changed my life!! Thank you for that!

  1109. Elizabeth Shockman on

    I’m most excited for the cinematography. The beauty of the last season got me through a long/tough winter. Can’t wait to watch!

  1110. Ingrid Margason on

    I can’t wait for season two!! Floret is one of my go to happy place shows.. I’ve learned so much..Your books are are eye candy… I see plants/flowers in a different way..
    Yahoo can’t wait !!!!

  1111. Ann Forrester on

    Adding to my comment, so excited to see your Season 2 – lol, I just had our “season 2” at the new house on my mind in the first comment, lol.

  1112. rachel on

    I love all the awareness you’re bringing to your little section of farming and how that’s inspiring more people to invest in taking care of our beautiful planet. So excited for your success – you all deserve it so much!

  1113. Helen on

    I am looking forward to season 2 to watch it with my youngest daughter. Home from college and majoring in environmental studies and art major, she is interested in flowers and farming. So glad to be able to share your story with her.

  1114. Bri Benvenuti on

    Your show bring such peace and beauty. Looking forward to tips and the overall tranquility.

  1115. Ami Utah-Adjibola on

    I am super excited to watch how you grow out your fabulous rare rose collection this season!

  1116. Jane Daly on

    Congratulations on season two! New follower here, so I’ll have to dive into season one first 🤗

  1117. Janine on

    Just more lessons and pretty pictures!

  1118. Ann Forrester on

    After moving from our home of 23.5 years, we have been creating new garden spaces at our new home. I’m so excited to see all that grows in our new space. Adding in your stunning dahlias would be the icing on the cake!~

  1119. Hollie Little on

    I love seeing all the amazing things you grow! These beautiful flowers are such an inspiration to my artwork. I have bought some floret seeds/bulbs and I have really enjoyed watching them grow and will soon will have them bloom. I cannot wait to see Season 2!

  1120. Kirsten Jones on

    Can’t wait to gaze at the gorgeous flowers and sunsets on your magical farm! Congrats on season 2!!!

  1121. Theresa on

    Looking forward to soaking in all the floret beauty and inspiration with another season of Growing Floret. As I am just starting to grow flowers, I especially love learning any new tips!

  1122. Lisa Snow on

    I am excited to learn more, especially about seed saving!

  1123. Lauren P on

    You’ve inspired me to start where I am with something small, and watch it grow 💜. We love watching your story!

  1124. Carla Reynolds on

    Just starting my flower journey! Have been following you and am inspired to get started!

  1125. Jamie kustudia on

    I am excited for season two to see if you welcome any more animals to the farm. The ducks are adorable and have a purpose eating all the snails and slugs. Can’t wait to see more beautiful clips of your farm.

  1126. Rachel L on

    I’m SO excited for season 2! I can’t wait to learn more about Floret behind the scenes and the teams process of creating projects and putting them in action. Like Erin, I love a good efficient system and floret has really figured out some really brilliant systems and hacks.

    Im also a seed saver by trade, so I really hope there’s more about the seed aspect of the business. It’s all so inspiring!!

  1127. Hedy on

    Can’t wait to see season 2!

  1128. Ryan on

    My wife loves everything you do! She has been gifted all 3 of your books and refers to them constantly. We built a garden in our backyard so she can grow dahlias and whatever else you showcase. I know she’s VERY excited for the new season to come out and be even more inspired by your amazing work!

  1129. Wendy Rutan on

    I love gardening documentaries! They make the heart long for order and beauty in a world of chaos. Floret season 2 will be good therapy for me.
    If God so wills it, I would LOVE to win this amazing Dahlia package for my own pleasure garden!

  1130. Samantha on

    Can’t wait to see the beautiful cinematography!

  1131. Jennifer Petersen on

    Hello to you and your team, Erin! My excitement for season 2 ranks up there with playing with puppies! I love your show and how Magnolia presents your story. It’s real and raw, not predictable as we watch your dream continue to grow deep and wide. I appreciate the opportunity to care for something so near to you and your family’s heart.

  1132. Lori Kekel on

    Season one gave me zen, season one gave me hope, season one ignited a fire to connect more with the earth. After watching, I planted my first cut flowers ever!! I am hoping that season two is just more of the same… more of the peek into a fantasy land most of us only dream of; more of the beautiful cinematography and calm soothing flow that brings peace.

  1133. Mary Dondlinger on

    The first season of Growing Floret made me believe that I could start a small flower farm and make it successful. Looking forward to seeing the challenges and successes that you have encountered, as your story is an incredible inspiration!!

  1134. Katie P on

    I’m excited to see how the farm and business has evolved! And to see how the farm landscape has grown into itself after the big project to make it feel more like an oasis 🙂

  1135. Jordan on

    Excited to see new flower breeds!

  1136. Nikki on

    I just love seeing the work and passion behind growing flowers. Makes them even more incredible to share with loved ones.

  1137. Jill on

    I can’t wait to see more behind the scenes from Floret during season 2, and learn more about flower growing and farming!

  1138. Ruth Bowman on

    I love anything flowers so all of season 2 will be amazing!

  1139. Susy Aguiar on

    I cannot wait for season 2!!!! Season 1 sparked my interest in growing my own flowers and gave me the confidence to do so. Now following along on social media and newsletter updates has really helped give me a treasure trove of information! I thank you all! I am most excited to see the growth on the farm at Floret and get inspiration for mg own tiny garden here in Georgia.

  1140. Morganne Frazier on

    Our family started a regenerative farm in 2020 to help salvage a family business and shift our lifestyle. Growing Floret had inspired us to focus more on flower growing and bringing more beneficial insect life to our growing homestead. We now sell flowers at our local farmers market and have started breeding dahlias and selling seeds & tubers.

    Erin and her team make growing flowers accessible. My family believed in the beauty and potential of flowers after seeing this series. We’re so looking forward to sitting down as a family to help us relate to the challenges that the changing seasons bring to even the seasoned professionals. And to learn and grow more and more with floret!

  1141. Amberly Smith on

    I love that you inspire me in my own garden! All of your beautiful flowers have ignited a passion in me and I love adding them into my own garden! I also have learned so much and always look to your resources you put out. Thank you!

  1142. Lisa Perry on

    I am most excited for the way your show makes me feel when I watch it. I feel completely at peace, it’s something I look forward to so much. Seeing how you’ve created this amazing business and developed your land in such a beautiful way is absolutely joyful. I watched season one twice, and was so inspired. I have been working on plans for a cut flower garden on my property.

  1143. Lindsey Jacoby on

    I am excited to see the beauty of your garden and to learn some tips and tricks that I can apply to my garden because I live in the same area!!

  1144. Jo on

    I’m super excited to see all of the flowers you have been breeding!!!

  1145. Erin Finley on

    Excited to see how the farm has grown since season 1 and grab some great tips for my tiny cut flower garden!

  1146. Katie Meads on

    I can’t wait to see how you guys continue to cultivate (pun intended) your growing business, breeding program, expanding farm & how you’ll undoubtedly continue to inspire me in my own gardening journey, giving me the push to pursue MORE beauty through bringing even more flowers into the world!

  1147. Ali Haynes on

    Can’t wait for all of it! Flowers, dogs, hopefully baby ducks! 😊 love what y’all do!

  1148. Karissa Miller on

    I’m looking forward to seeing more of the breeding program!

  1149. Katrina Van Dusen on

    It’s a pleasure to just watch and hear – such lovely flowers – even if I don’t act on what I learn, but you do inspire me to try new seeds/plants/techniques as I garden.

  1150. Tricia glover on

    So excited to watch season two and learn about all things flowers and the breeding program! Such an inspiration and good wholesome entertainment!

  1151. Tyler Maxwell on

    Excited to see all the tips you have to share about getting stems from the farm to customers and building profitable working relationships on season 2 of Growing Floret. I stumbled across y’all’s journey in the wee beginnings and have loved watching the growth of the farm as well as Chris’s photography skills over the years. Cheers to many more bountiful seasons 💚

  1152. Michelle G on

    Excited to see all you’ve done since season 1! Love seeing the dahlia process

  1153. Amy Bowling on

    Can’t wait to be inspired by season 2! It’ll just make me want to plant a bigger garden 😂

  1154. Clarisse on

    I can’t wait to learn more about growing beautiful flowers in an efficient ways and getting tips from an inspiring professional! And of course spotting your cat roaming among these flowers!

  1155. Bobbi Oxendine on

    I am excited to see several things:
    1. Updates on the design work from Becky Crowley. I feel like that could be a show all by itself.
    2. Where you land with the business of Dahlias.
    3. More about the breading y’all are doing.
    4. How the farm landscape has changed.
    5. How you, your family, and employees are doing. What everyone is working on and how everyone is balancing.

    Selfishly, you and the show are inspiration. I took the plunge last year and purchased a little small holding to grow flowers. I don’t have it all together yet but the more I see of the realities the better I get at finding my path!

  1156. Ashley Schoenknecht on

    It would be easier to say what I’m not excited about!! Not excited for the season to end! All the inspiration, your amazing story telling, it’s all exciting.

  1157. Leigh Ann on

    I am excited to see how the farm has evolved since the end of season one-especially in regards to the breeding program. I love that the show is filled with so much practical information but also lighthearted and fun!

  1158. MeaghenC on

    I love the breeding program and learning more about it!

  1159. Brooklyn on

    I can’t wait to see the hard earned knowledge the floret team will pass on and the beautiful way in which they chose to do so.

  1160. Laurel Griffin on

    We have recently moved our tiny NH flower farm to a new, 11 acre farm in VT – leaving us the rare opportunity of a do-over! Starting from scratch means we can incorporate all of the fun & new exciting things we can watch on the newest season – woo! Even though I took the inaugural 2018 Floret course, there are even more helpful tips on the show… can’t wait!
    *also, true fact, as a flower farmer, it’s super fun to watch other flower farmers farming on TV while I am nice and cozy in my pj’s sipping wine at the end of a long day!

  1161. Shanie Wenzel on

    I’m excited to learn how to make my backyard flower garden more productive. The evening farm walks with the cats!

  1162. Heidi on

    I’m excited to see if they show some of the design work Becky Crowley did!

  1163. Katrina Hayes on

    So excited to continue to feel inspired! My 8 year has taken so much away from all things floret and has even begun selling her own bouquets from the flowers she’s been growing (with a little help).

  1164. Stephanie on

    I am most exciting about seeing all the beautiful flowers and the work that goes into them.

  1165. Jess Mayhew on

    I am most excited to see all the progress and findings you’ve made on your breeding experiments. I love watching the team dynamic because your team is incredible! ❤️‍🔥

  1166. MJ on

    Always excited to see the growth of you permanent plantings!

  1167. Megan on

    I cannot wait to see the new season! I’m so fascinated by the work you are doing, especially with the breeding program. It’s really inspiring to see how far you’ve come since the beginning and especially in the last few years! Congrats on season 2!

  1168. Mona Batchelor on

    We did not have access to Growing Floret until recently, although I have followed for a long time. We binged when we could and are excited for the new season. Watching you grow with grace is both emotional and motivational.

    I grow daffodils, irises, and zinnias, but have yet to dip my toe in the dahlia waters. Thanks for the chance at that opportunity with such beautiful stock.

    Keep growing and we’ll keep watching!


  1169. Carri on

    I’m so excited for the way watching floret made me feel! Such an inspiration and honestly the only series I can say actually fills my cup. 🤍

  1170. Keely Shea on

    I am SO excited for season 2! I just rewatched season 1 and it’s been my inspiration to keep going even when things get tough. I can’t wait to see what you’re doing on the farm – how the breeding program is going, seed harvesting, and general projects on the farm. Can’t wait! – signed a 2021 Floret Alum!

  1171. Melissa Burns on

    I am so excited to see the new varieties of dahlias and I just love watching whole process! You and your team are incredible!!!!

  1172. Nicole on

    Just discovered your show and have instantly fallen in love with it! I am a novice planting my first flower garden bed and enjoy watching your families story and growth. Flowers are an endless source of inspiration for watercolor paintings that I do and your show, content and brand are like magic!!

  1173. Adrienne Madarasz on

    Can’t wait to for you to introduce me to new flower varieties, learn more about how to improve upon my gardening and to see the dreamy/beautiful floral videos.

  1174. Lacee Tucker on

    Yay Just excited to learn more things I never realized were involved in growing and breeding flowers.

  1175. Andi Wenck on

    Wisconsin farm kid here! Would love to start my own fresh cut flower farm one day, and you’ve been such an inspiration! Love the positive impact you’re making on the ag industry!

  1176. Jennifer Gorman on

    I have been waiting in anticipation for season 2 since season 1 launched! I took on a whole new love and understanding of flower farming. Erin does an amazing job of sharing her knowledge and making it look so easy although it is hard work. I dream of turning my little corner in a small city into an urban oasis of flowers!

  1177. Jo Torres on

    You have some of the most colorful and loveliest varieties in dahlias I have seen! I can’t wait for season 2, so happy for y’all

  1178. Laura seward on

    I’m most excited to see all the things you’ve added to the farm! And new breeding patches. I love everything you do. Thank you!

  1179. Olga on

    I am excited to see new varieties you are breeding! They are the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen, hopefully one day I will be able to plant some of my favorite in my very own garden!!!

  1180. Nicole on

    Can’t wait for season 2 and to see more Timmy!

  1181. Teri Tooley on

    I’m just now getting into flower farming, and your farm/show inspires me. Especially when I get discouraged.

  1182. Nikita ernst on

    I’m excited to see how you’ve progressed in building that soil in season 2. “Dirt” is so fascinating! And truly the key to growing anything.

  1183. Keri Palmer on

    This collection would be a wonderful start to our avl garden.

  1184. Stephanie on

    So excited to see how the farm has grown and to learn so much more new stuff! Delighted you’re back for season 2! Thank you for sharing all your expertise! What you’ve grown is beautiful and its beauty extends far beyond your garden.

  1185. Naomi Mercado on

    Your farm gives me life. I love ❤️ to see what season 2 has to offer. I might not be great with words but will love to give a home to these seeds and spread the energy over here in Florida.

  1186. Julia Wilson on

    My soon to be MIL turned me onto you this past year, I read your books cover to cover, immersing myself in all things dahlias as they are a new found love of ours! She has started quite the operation this year and I’m excited to see how she applies her knowledge from you for years to come!

  1187. Cristin on

    Dahlias are my favorite, thanks for sharing all of your wisdom! Each season the colors and textures you create expand, it is so cool✌

  1188. Marisa Brown on

    Excited to dig into season 2 and learn more about the flower farm

  1189. Pam Slough on

    I really enjoy watching how you organize & structure your gardens! It’s such a huge job & you make it more manageable. I also enjoy just watching you walk through the fields. They are so lush & beautiful. Can’t wait!

  1190. Jenna Noebel on

    Your passion for all things flowers has sparked so much joy in my own flower journey. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge about flowers and the farm!

  1191. Sarah Jean on

    I have used the floret resource library as an inspiration and information to start my own cut flower farm this year and even planted some Floret seeds in my garden!

    I love all the content you create and am looking forward to learn about the breeding programs you are working on in Season 2!

  1192. Arin on

    I am excited to learn more about the farm and what has changed since last season!

  1193. Amy on

    I’m so excited to see how the farm has changed with all of the updates! I also loooved seeing the Cahokia breeding patch in full bloom with you walking through and the beautiful cinematography 🥰 season one was like a big hug with flowers! Can’t wait for season 2!

  1194. Courtney Worden on

    I am so excited for your second season! Season one just gave me so much hope and inspiration with planting and flowers and I cannot wait to see the next installment of your story!

  1195. Alysia Loerch on

    I’m new to growing flowers and so excited for season 2!

  1196. Arin on

    I am excited to keep learning from you!

  1197. Cindy Anzel on

    I’ve learned so much and cannot wait to see how things have progressed this season! Congratulations

  1198. Traci Skocik on

    Your first Season was one of my go to relaxing/comfort shows. Your story was inspiring and the beautiful visuals made me constant re-watch. Looking for more of that beautiful comfort content. Thanks so much!

  1199. Kate on

    I’m just so excited to see how the crew and the farm has evolved since season one!

  1200. Sarah H. on

    I’m excited to continue learning more from you and seeing your beautiful farm!

  1201. Rebekah sampson on

    I have loved following you and watching you expand your property and business. As an entrepreneur myself- it is truly inspiring. I am excited to see what else you have brought to fruition in season 2!!!

  1202. Mandi Johnson on

    I’m most excited about seeing all the beautiful flowers in season 2! You’re so inspiring.

  1203. Lindsey loucks on

    I can’t wait to see how the farm has evolved in the off season! And of course how the wild weather may have played a part.

  1204. Diana on

    I just can’t wait to learn more in season 2! Love it.

  1205. Lauren Hill on

    Yay! Another season! I can’t wait to see how the farm has evolved. Dahlias bring me so much joy in my southern garden during the hot summer months :)

  1206. Tracy P. on

    I can’t wait for the new season and see how, if any, things have changed at Floret. I check for new episodes every week 😊

  1207. Tracy Santrock on

    I binge watched all four episodes of Season 1 and am so excited about expanding my Dahlia collection. They are fascinating flowers and the evolution of Floret has been aw inspiring!

  1208. Elaine on

    I can’t wait to watch the new season and how the farm has grown, all your tips and motivation – so excited!!!!!! Love everything floret, including all the mini workshops – packed full of tips etc … bring it on season two of floret 👍🏻👍🏻 thank you for doing this for all your fans and followers 🙌

  1209. Bob Toews on

    Who doesn’t love dahlias?! What a great possibility. Thank you!

  1210. Kristin Waltner on

    Can’t wait to keep learning so I can grow my own beautiful flowers!

  1211. Marlene Epley on

    I read every word and watch every video from Floret. I took the course a few years ago and I still refer to it often. I don’t know what the exact content of Season Two will be but I do know I will learn something valuable and that it will be a joy to watch.

  1212. Billie Giese on

    Everything! You are a great inspiration and you cover all the bases from small to large. Thank you.

  1213. Margie Brown on

    Can’t wait to follow along and live vicariously each new day through your growing season.

  1214. Amy Clark on

    As a florist for over 30 years, I am just learning the process of working with local flower farmers. I love the varieties they grow and learning the ways to process and design with flowers that haven’t been dry packed for weeks and shipped from a thousand miles away. I look forward to watching what you are growing next. I know you are a huge inspiration for the little flower farms here, as they mentioned you by name when they told me they grow your varieties.

  1215. Sarah Ellis on

    To learn even more about getting results like Erin’s flowers!

  1216. Leighann Tindle on

    I’m a backyard grower turned business and I’m excited to learn more about florets mission and how you settled into your lane as a business .

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  1217. Elizabeth Saleniuc on

    Can’t wait to be awed and inspired by more of what you are working on. Love your work!

  1218. Jules C. on

    This is my first year growing flowers from seed and diving into the expansive world of Dalia Tubers. You were recommended to me for your books on growing flowers. I have learned a great deal you in creating my own flower paradise and look forward to any future classes and videos, especially the documentary “Floret Season 2”. I believe flowers are Gods way of smiling on the earth with their uplifting colorful beauty.

  1219. Diane Marshall on

    I would love to add this collection to my gardens. My backyard would be amazing.

  1220. Kat Clear on

    Cannot wait to learn more from the very best!

  1221. Linda Rowe on

    I’m a novice , like so many others. I suppose I just want to surround myself beauty and have some bouquets to share with others

  1222. Joanne Czarnota on

    Love your show! So much great information. Can’t wait ! Your Dahlia’s are Devine!! 💕

  1223. Judi Beaulieu on

    Absolutely love your show and you! So excited for the second season.

  1224. Rebekah on

    Can’t wait to see what your working on next! Always exciting!

  1225. Diana Cramer on

    I followed Floret before there was a show so season 2 will just add to and expand on what I have learned about what works and what doesn’t where I live and the way I plant.

  1226. Susan Cox on

    I loved the first season episodes and I’m excited to see more of what’s happening on the farm.

  1227. Julie on

    Season 1 made me feel like I was a part of your journey of growing floret … so much so, that it inspired me to start my own journey and plant my first cutting garden this year. I can’t wait to follow along again in season 2. I’m excited to see how you continue to inspire and influence the world through flowers!

  1228. Cindy Sherman on

    Your books, growing wisdom and joy continuing to encourage us in season 2 will be amazing! I cannot wait, thank you.

  1229. Diana S. on

    I love watching to see your passion of flowers and all the new varieties of blooms growing on your farm.

  1230. Jessica on

    I am excited to flood my being with the immense beauty that comes through all your work. You inspire me to make life beautiful 🤩

  1231. W Leach on

    I can’t wait to see the results of your efforts with your new ventures in breeding and the processes of how you achieved your goals. I most especially can’t wait to see all of the glorious color and beauty.

    Best wishes!

  1232. K Steiner on

    Dreaming of Dahlias. Learning so much from you and excited to see what season 2 has to share!

  1233. Heidi on

    Dear Erin, my friends ( Kate and Alison) and I are huge fans of your beautiful flower farm. We are on the southern tip of Africa, yet your magic reaches us even here. We have been inspired by you to start our own flower farm!
    Even though we would not qualify for the free give away, we would so much like to purchase a hamper with unusual dahlias, because we have very limited options here in South Africa. Please consider our request.
    Looking forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards.

  1234. April Brown on

    I’m most excited about knowing you have a show! How did I miss that? I have to see it!

  1235. April Brown on

    This is an incredible giveaway! So exciting.

  1236. Mccose on

    When I watched season 1, I felt quite emotional watching you and your family & team go on your journey. It was beautiful and I am so excited and interested to see the next part. Your explanation of how growing and giving flowers is an act of love is spot on- it’s how I feel too!

  1237. Courtney Osborn on

    I LOVE your show! My sister in law introduced me to it and I really want to try my hand at some Dahlias in Northwest Arkansas!!! Thank you for giving us a little glimpse into all of the joys and trials of your business, passion and life dream! It’s fun to feel apart of it. Cheering you on!!!

  1238. Jennifer Swenson on

    I am most excited to witness more of the passion that Growing Floret exudes. I have been so inspired by your love and dedication for flowers. Two years ago I probably wouldn’t have been able to pick a dahlia out of a bouquet, now my garden is beautiful place i enjoy. My sister introduced me to gardening, your book, and the show, and I am forever grateful to her… it’s also a plus that I feel the connection to the show as a Skagit local.

  1239. Magda on

    I’m excited for all the tips and tricks you offer,
    Your enthusiasm, passion and knowledge as well as all the inspiration!
    Thank you!

  1240. Kevin T on

    Love seeing your show and books about your farm. Very interested trying your dahlia in our garden.

  1241. Karen Hill on

    I failed to add that I am highly anticipating more of your tips, tricks, and creative energy in Season 2. You make the world a better place. 🌷💝

  1242. Mira on

    I love season 1 and really excited for season 2!
    I learn so much about the flower and the details about having a flower business. In season 2, I can’t wait to see more beautiful flowers and good stories from floret!

  1243. Kelsey Lawrence on

    Like so many others who have commented, I am inspired by the show and your unrelenting motivation to chase your dreams. I have a similar spark and know the work it takes to start and grow a business- the all-consuming aspect of it, the love, stress, thoughtfulness, and work behind it all. Though my day job isn’t farming, my wife and I are building gardens all around our property to enjoy and share with our neighbors. Our cutting garden is under construction now and was fully inspired by Floret. For season 2, I am most looking forward to seeing you continue to enjoy and find peace in your gardens and for you to keep sharing your passion. It’s such a beautiful and relatable way to change the world and spread the love of flowers.

  1244. Karen Hill on

    Your books, blog, and buoyant personality reawakened a long slumbering interest in dahlias. I used your info as a guide to select healthy, strong, productive tubers this year. Thank you for generously sharing your hard earned knowledge to enlighten minds and enliven gardens!

  1245. Titinia Howell on

    Okay, I am so excited by this giveaway. You have no idea what the show has done for me. I am a nurse and worked through the pandemic with Covid patients and it all took a big chunk out of me. When I found your show on HBO I binged watched it two times in a row. It reignited my interest in growing flowers which led to me starting a cut flower garden. Basically, it lead me out a very serious depression. Not only am I spending time in my garden (my happy place) but it’s also reignited my joy in being a healthcare provider as being at peace with myself allows me provide better care to my patients. I didn’t even realize that there would be a season two until a couple of days ago but I am so excited to see it! I’m most excited to see how Floret grew throughout the pandemic and how it has inspired others.

  1246. Margaret S. on

    So exciting to see your harvest after all the hard work! It’s magic!

  1247. Laura D on

    As a new gardener, I love watching and learning anything I can. While watching Season 1, I learned so much about the varieties of dahlias and the colors – you grow such amazing flowers! I can’t wait to have some of your beautiful flowers in my garden!

  1248. Kristine on

    I happened to see a few episodes of season one and was so inspired by the authenticity of your business!! I am looking forward to seeing more beautiful videography and continuing the story of you!!!

  1249. Shirley Hagen on

    In spreading the beauty and knowledge of flowers so do you inspire hope and joy. Looking forward to watching your documentary’s! Thank you and your family.

  1250. Ryan M. on

    Your passion and knowledge has been inspiring to watch! Can’t wait to see what we will learn in season 2! Dahlias are my favorite flower of all time and I love what you and your team are doing!

  1251. Lennon on

    I can’t wait to watch season 2 with my mom and who knows what I will learn! :)

  1252. Charlie on

    What I am most excited about for season 2 is to see the new changes and to learn. I learned so much about flowers in your first season that I had no clue about. I thought I did and I did not. You have been inspiring for me in my gardening life.

  1253. Lauren Godwin on

    Watching your team grow has been inspiring, but I truly just think it’s your passions growing larger with more support. Excited to see new “uh oh” and new “yay!” Moments big and small.

    Thank you for taking us along the journey. We appreciate your team romancing the little things in the day to day to keep life beautiful.

  1254. Mary Dowling on

    Looking forward to learn where your journey has taken you in Season 2. Floret has been inspiration to all of us !

  1255. Kelli Wallace on

    It’s been wonderful seeing you grow (no pun intended) and learn over the last several years. Thank you for being an inspiration to gardeners everywhere. I’m looking forward to seeing you learn from mistakes and persevere through the hard situations.

  1256. Brooke Mackey on

    I’m most excited to watch season two with my daughters! I love gardening with them and its nice to have a gardening show that we can curl up and watch together. Two of them asked for their own garden beds this spring and its been fun watching them pick what they want to plant.

  1257. Melissa on

    I honestly didn’t know there was a season 1 until the rabbit holes of the internet (finally!) lead me to this site! I’ve always adored dahlias, and have been scouting out new varieties, and am thrilled to learn there’s actually a show to watch now too! (The Husband is considerably less excited, but he’ll get over it…)

  1258. Susan O'Halloran on

    I have watched Season 1 so many times. And I always feel joy and wonder when I watch those episodes. The anticipation of what Season 2 will bring is a wonderful gift! Thank you for sparking so much magic!

  1259. Catherine Kennedy on

    Looking forward to more views of the gorgeous flowers and more peeks at the various color palettes for further inspiration in my own garden!

    Watching the show is calming and heartwarming. It’s wonderful to hear others speak passionately about flower gardening. Personal gardening is rewarding but solitary; therefore, I enjoy watching the show and in some small way feeling connected to a flower community.

  1260. Amy G. on

    My daughter is 13 and loves dahlias. And Floret. She is obsessed with gardening.

  1261. Emily Towne on

    Interested in discovering new dahlia flower forms, especially the Anemones.🌸

  1262. Amanda Zarchukoff on

    Floret is a beautiful farm, and I love seeing all the new things and flowers going! I’m most excited to see any new varieties of dahlias – specially rare and heritage varieties!

  1263. Alivia Giffen on

    Floret is a beautiful farm, and I love seeing all the new things and flowers going! I’m most excited to see any new varieties of dahlias – specially rare and heritage varieties!

  1264. jay tice on

    Looking for color, color, color,

  1265. Jill weiss on

    So excited for Season 2… season 1 is the reason I became a flower farmer and now I own a nursery and a flower farm🌸💚

  1266. Erin on

    I’m so looking forward to the color, vibrancy, and the peace that comes with the season. I’m also excited learn more about what you have been doing and become even more inspired to plant flowers here in my own space. Learning from you and other creators like you has completely inspired me to begin gardening, and I have loved every minute of it so far. Thank you!

  1267. Karen Johnson on

    Cannot wait for Season 2 and All the Beautiful Flowers

  1268. Faith Allison on

    So excited season two is so close!! I’ve been anxiously waiting. It’s hard to pick what I’m most excited about… the cinematography of season 1 was just beautiful and inspiring to watch, and it was refreshing to witness how vulnerable and open you were with your story and struggles. Season 1 was a true treat during a time I think the whole world needed the healing magic of flowers and the encouraging to grow something. Thank you for all you do!

  1269. Katie Bigler on

    Oh Floret! You are so inspiring. Thank you for letting us peel back the curtains on your farm and see how many things run on your farm. I am so excited to “visit” your farm again. Thank you for inspiring me on my flower journey!

  1270. Shannon on

    Timmy! The beautiful mornings. The fog.
