Home Blog crazy days
August 14th 2012

crazy days

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The crazy high summer pace is here and with it come so many early mornings, late nights and amazingly long stretches standing in the field cutting flowers. Truckloads of beauty are harvested daily and our little white van is zigging and zagging its way, up and down the freeway, delivering our gardens bounty to stores all over the city. Chris is losing track of what day it is regularly since he rises at 3:30, makes the rounds, heads to work, comes home and helps finish orders, loads the van and starts the whole process over again the next morning.


I predict we will tell stories about these crazy, crazy days and wonder how on earth we managed to do it all and still keep a sense of humor.
If you’ve written to me in the last month and haven’t heard back, please know I’m not a snotty bit#*, really, and will write to you as soon as things slow down just a bit but somethings gotta give right now and communication has gotten the axe.

Farm tour seekers, I wish I could have you all over to stroll the rows of abundant blooms but sadly we are still some seasons out from having this be a possibility. Hopefully the snippets here and on Twitter can tide you over until then.



 Wedding season is in full swing as well and we have been blessed with so many cool brides this summer.

I can’t wait to show you all of the incredible magic that has been grown and shared from our garden! Only a few short months left and we will close out another abundant season. Here’s to hanging on tight and laughing as much as possible until then!

Happy summer all!








  1. Lisa P from The Hollyhock Wall on

    The real treasures are not of the floral variety are they……. the blooming relationship strengths are what make the flowers extra spectacular..
    "You grow love lady"!

  2. bobbi on

    there was a time where I thought about becoming a flower designer: I loved the idea of working with something that was alive and that smelled good. Your shop look so lovely, i bet those brides where more than happy to have flowers arranged by you.

  3. Marie on

    Wow – it's amazing how a beautifully put together blog masks the really hard work. What time is bedtime???

  4. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    3.30am every day??! I think you are secretly The Incredibles. Superhuman for sure. Bxx

  5. paisleysummer on

    Sounds exhausting but how wonderful to make people's life more beautiful with your gorgeous flowers. They are just beautiful.

    Penny x

  6. annamaria on

    Gorgeous! Thank you for taking the time to share;)

  7. Floret on

    ha,ha…love it!

  8. agnes on

    You're so cool and we understand!

  9. Holly Chapple on

    Beautiful post, and I know you are not the B word. So happy to know you!! Good luck in the garden, good luck with the brides, and good luck living through it all. Someone in VA. will be thinking of you and I will be thinking good thoughts each morning as we rise to conquer the day. 12 more weeks to go and then we turn our designer eyes towards evergreens!!!

  10. Stacy on

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. xoxo

  11. Kay on

    you are an inspiration….keep calm!!


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