Home Blog Chrysanthemums rediscovered
November 8th 2013

Chrysanthemums rediscovered

Written by

Erin Mum

If you work in the floral industry either as a grower or a designer, then you know that “chrysanthemum” is synonymous with a four letter word. You’ll often hear it roll off of customers tongues with great disgust, as if the mere sound leaving their mouth makes them shudder. “No carnations, chrysanthemums or baby’s breath, please!”

For many years I was in total agreement. The mums generally seen at the corner market, en mass at the wholesaler or spray painted like tie dye at Costco and Walmart make anyone with an ounce of taste want to gag.

Chrysanthemum Senkyo Kenshin and Seaton's J'Dore

Chrysanthemum ‘Senkyo Kenshin’ and ‘Seaton’s J’Dore’

Like so many things before it, the chrysanthemum fell prey to modernization, intense breeding and ultimately the loss of everything that made this plant group so special and unique. Uniformity, stiff stems with upward facing flowers, a month long vase life and sterile perfection became the yardstick they were measured by.

Chrysanthemum Alfredo Orange and Candid

Chrysanthemum ‘Alfredo Orange’ and ‘Candid’

But little did I know that tucked away in backyards, sprinkled around city allotments and even planted in pots on patios and terraces throughout the world, passionate people were keeping the old breed of chrysanthemums alive for the next generation.

Chrysanthemum Judith Baker and Rose Maiko

Chrysanthemum ‘Judith Baker’ and ‘Rose Maiko’

Kings Mums is one of the last remaining sources for these treasured heirloom varieties here in the states. I’ve been receiving their sweet little print catalog for the past two seasons and have tried my hand at half a dozen or so varieties with good success. But after seeing the incredible bounty that Jennie from Love N’ Fresh Flowers had blooming in her field, I knew I was missing out.

Chrysanthemum support netting

Chrysanthemum Apricot Courtier and Bronze Fleece

Chrysanthemum ‘Apricot Courtier’ and ‘Bronze Fleece’

So, just a few days after returning home from two weeks away, Chris and I dropped the kids off with Grandma and jetted to Oregon to see these stunners for ourselves. Thankfully we got on it when we did because the greenhouses are scheduled to be put to bed this coming weekend!

Chrysanthemum Wind Dancer and William Florentine

Chrysanthemum ‘Wind Dancer’ and ‘William Florentine’

Never in my wildest dreams would I have equated such beauty and uniqueness with the word chrysanthemum. Chris couldn’t help but chuckle every time I rolled open another greenhouse door and would let out an excited shriek. Even when I thought I had had my mind completely blown, I’d turn around and discover another treasure, that was even better than the last.

Chrysanthemum Viking Orange

Chrysanthemum ‘Viking Orange’

Chrysanthemum Klamath Falls

Chrysanthemum ‘Klamath Falls’

Chrysanthemum Klamath Falls and Caffine

Chrysanthemum ‘Klamath Falls’ and ‘Caffeine’

Row after row and greenhouse after greenhouse, the beauty just kept knocking us over.
Some of these stunners were literally as big as our heads!


Chrysanthemum Myss Goldie and Heather James

Chrysanthemum ‘Myss Goldie’ and ‘Heather James’

Chrysanthemum Radiant Time

Chrysanthemum ‘Radiant Time’


Chrysanthemum Kermit and Anastasia De Green

Chrysanthemum ‘Kermit’ and ‘Anastasia De Green’


Sitting in the car before we embarked on the tour, I had the same pep talk with myself that I always have when meeting a new family of plants. “Keep your cool, be selective, stick to your strict criteria, don’t cave even if they’re beautiful, remember you only have a little spot of ground for them…”

Yeah, well two greenhouses in and I was a goner. Even trying my hardest to be good, the wish list skyrocketed to over 40 varieties. 40 varieties!?! Who needs 40 varieties of mums? I do I guess.

Chrysanthemums Norton Vic, Pink Splendor and Peter Magnus

Chrysanthemums ‘Norton Vic’, ‘Pink Splendor’ and ‘Peter Magnus’

In our house the t word or ( trial) has officially been banned from conversation. Having such limited ground, but such an appetite for variety, I often make things really, really complicated. When stressing over how on earth I’m going to fit everything for an entire season into our two meager acres, I like to threaten that I really need the BIG farm NOW so I can devote an entire acre just to my seed and plant trials. Poor Chris! Its not like he’s opposed to my wild, flower obsessions but they sure make for tricky figuring.

*As a side note, I was able to finagle 3 whopper trials into the tight mix this past season. Celosia (60 varieties), Sweet Peas (37 varieties) and Ornamental Peppers (20 varieties). I’ll share the findings here over the winter.

Chrysanthemum Kyoji and Peter Magnus

Chrysanthemum ‘Kyoji’ and ‘Peter Magnus’

Chrysanthemum Mary Jane

Chrysanthemum ‘Mary Jane’

While I’m not able to offer any major growing tips or tricks with you just yet, I’ll have all of that info available by next season. For now King’s Mums has a great growing resource page. You can also head over there and either download their digital catalog or order the print version to drool over all winter long. They’ll start taking orders soon and will begin shipping little rooted cuttings by early spring.

Chrysanthemum Mary Anne and Norton Vic

Chrysanthemum ‘Mary Anne’ and ‘Norton Vic’

Now that I’ve seen these beauties in all their glory, it’s a real shock that they ever went out of favor to begin with. Each variety pictured here made it onto my must grow list but there were so, so many other gems that were equally special too. I’m sure with a little more time to pour over the catalog I’ll be adding to the list again. Shhhh, don’t tell Chris, but I think an epic trial is in order straight away!

Chrysanthemum Fleur De Lis

Chrysanthemum ‘Fleur De Lis’

I say we bring these heirloom treasures back from obscurity and into high fashion once again. Their time has come.

Who’s with me!?!

Chrysanthemum Fleur De Lis

Chrysanthemum ‘Fleur De Lis’


  1. kate sorbara on

    I am looking for mum seeds because you cant send the plugs across the boarder. Can I buy the seeds from you.

  2. Michele webber on

    Can you tell me when your chrysanthemums seed or roots will be available? 2024 fall? 2025 spring? Plus when do you sell your flower seeds? I’ve bought your seeds and dahlia bulbs but would really be interested in the mums as well. I keep looking at your site but there is no dates posted.
    Kind regards

  3. Beth C. on

    Where did you see these in Oregon? Would they offer public tours?

  4. Paula on

    Where can I buy these cut flower gems!! Seaton’s JDor and Williamson Florentine took my breath away. My heavens, they’re all gorgeous! No wonder it’s the imperial seal of Japan.

  5. Laurie Niles on

    Absolutely, a classic that deserves to shelf status

  6. pamela martinez on

    I am not clear on whether you have the Apricot Courtier and Heather James in stock to order, or if you do not offer them yet.

    I would like some if you have them. Can you let me know if you do how I would obtain them?

    Thank you

  7. Karen Turner on

    Winter dreaming and planning…we live in the mountains, checking to see if our local deer eat the mums for breakfast each day. These are a must even if I end up fencing them in.

  8. Nancy on

    My obsession with heirloom chrysanthemums started a few years ago. Erin inspired me to grow these beauties. They are simply stunning. Like dahlias they come in different forms and colors. These are great fall flowers. Have gotten cuttings from both Kings Mums and 3 Porch Farm. These are not those supermarket and deli mums! Check it out!

  9. Lori P. on

    I am looking for new ones as well – in Canada…………..

  10. Zan Hare on

    Can they be grown from seeds?
    How can I get some. I have been very frustrated with the lack of availability

    • BriAnn Boots on

      Chrysanthemums are typically grown from cuttings. Kings Mums has some great varieties as well as 3 Porch Farms!

  11. Kiira on

    Check out the National Chrysanthemum Society. The local chapters will have plant sales in the spring.

  12. April on

    I am so sad that King’s Mums won’t be selling to new customers this year. I just found their website last year during off-season, and I was so excited to order some new varieties. And now I can’t! 😭

  13. Teri Sutton on

    They are now open to the public so you can get them.

  14. Katherine Weber on

    Same question as others – without Kings Mums, where to source these plants? Any farmers in the northeast US?

  15. Olga Swartz on

    I’m with you! Now, do you have to actually visit the flower farm to buy the plants? Or, as a person in the trade were you able to buy the plants? As another commenter stated,
    Kings (the only American seller of “specialty”? chrysanthemums is selling only to their existing customers this year. So. If w can’t get the plants, how do we preserve these treasures?
    Woolman’s has a fabulous selection but they’re in Great Britain.

  16. Radhika on

    Any other place to purchase these mums? Looks like King’s Mum only sells to exsisting customers this year.

    Thank you

  17. Kristen Palmisano on

    I am a new flower farmer and wondered if you have recommendations about where to order chrysanthemum plugs? It looks like King Mums is only selling to past customers. Many thanks!

  18. Lisa on

    I very much want to plant cutting mums. They are so unique and last so long when cut. I hope they start trending soon so I can easily get cuttings or plants.

  19. Rhonda Johnston on

    I have always loved Chrysanthemums! My grandmother grew some lavender ones next to her house and they were 4 feet tall. I even enjoy the smell even though they are used in many pesticides formulas. Evidently bugs don’t like the smell. But i reminds me of Thanksgiving and happy memories because I would always include Chrysanthemums in the Thanksgiving centerpiece. We may have to work on convincing the market these are new chrysanthemums, more beautiful and intriguing than the cheap flower stigma. The florist I offered to sell some to was not interested. I am really looking to see the varieties you are trialing.


  20. Meghan Murphy on

    I love this. Have you seen Enola Holmes? There is a big plot point about chrysanthemums. After I watched the show I immediately googled, trying to find more info on Victorian style mums, only to find they required year-round care, greenhouses and a gardening staff. Happy to see that is not quite the case! Thanks for posting.

  21. Rebecca L Burt on

    Are there more growers than just King’s? They sold out before I learned of them and I can’t seem to find any others

  22. Nitin Gahlaut on

    Do you sell these in plants/cutting/seeds? I would like to purchase some yellow ball which is shown in above the pictures. I could not get the good plant/flower from seeds but I am fine with seeds as well. I also try to find out the similar plants in the USA but nobody sell these verity of chrysanthemum. Last year I brought some seeds from Etsy but when seeds germinated that was different. That was not chrysanthemum plants.

  23. Mj on

    Wow! I can very much understand that moment and cave of wanting them all. I think ‘Peter Magnus’ would be my pick, but that would be due to me having a very small area. They are so beautiful! I think mums and asters are a new fav for me. Thanks for writing and taking us along on this magical tour. May God bless you all this whole year with so much bounty and joy. – MJ

  24. Helen Irma Dean on

    Do you sell these in plants or seeds or both? I would like to purchase some Flue diLis , Caffeine, Radient Time, and Wind Dancer.

    Helen Dean
    Boise, Idaho

  25. Helen Irma Dean on

    Do you sell these in plants or seeds or both? I would like to purchase some Flue diLis

  26. Carin Höglund on

    Happy New Year! I bought your book and I’d be very interested in buying seeds for several of these chrysantemums shown, not being able to recieve rooted plants over here in Sweden. Any way I could buy seeds from you directly or do you know of any specialist over in Europe? Grateful for any advise!

  27. Olivia Burgess on

    Hi! I see you mentioned a US supplier for rooted cuttings. Do you mind if I ask who it is? I’d like to make an order but I’m only finding basic mum varieties… thanks so much!

  28. Amy Neufeld on

    Will you be making chrysanthemum seeds available to buy? I can’t find a source for them here I’m Canada

    • Team Floret on

      Sorry, but we won’t be offering Chrysanthemums.Chrysanthemums are typically grown from cuttings rather than seeds, so you’ll need to find a supplier who offers rooted cuttings in Canada, as I know the main supplier in the U.S. cannot ship plants outside the country. Let us know what you find!

  29. Larry Johnson on

    Would love an update on this. Specifically growing tips and when to cut and how to take care of them after harvesting.

  30. Raven on

    LOVE! I’m with you! :)

  31. Collin on

    I really like Wholesale Terrance West Youth
    Jersey and we can show you the details

  32. John Valentine on

    I have been gardening for about 50 years and have always loved chrysanthemums. But here in New Jersey the spiders dont over winter well. I would like to find a seed source. I like Kings but find them pricey.

  33. Bobbi on

    Erin I love mums and badly want the Candid mums from your book. I searched everywhere on kings mums and I do not see them?? Help :)

  34. Cathy on

    Wonderful post! Seems I have gotten a bit obsessed with my mums the last couple years and you gorgeous photos are feeding my habit. Are you selling any of these mums yourself? It seems I can’t find certain varieties in the Kings catalogue. Like William Florentine or Candid….

  35. IRMA141 on

    Oh Thank goodness someone appreciates these beauties :-D

  36. Linda in Arlington on

    My Mom grew mums in her garden and I, like you, turned my nose up. I wish now that I had joined her in this endeavor because I’m sure I would have learned much. She was an amazing gardener, loved so many things fully. I have many starts from her plants in my garden, but not the mum. I think this year I will join you in this “new” find and add the mum in my garden. Thank you for taking us along on your journeys.

  37. Heirloom Mums: Back in Style | on

    […] reading about heirloom mums on Floret Flowers and Love -n- Fresh Flowers blogs in 2013, I was excited to try these beautiful flowers in the […]

  38. Gwen on

    I am absolutely with you in bringing back these beauties! I have been looking to no avail to find plants, especially the spiders.
    I hope you will offer plants as you develop your new family of Mums!
    This is an excellent article!
    Thank you so much.

  39. Christopher Trunk on

    Here are Heirloom Mum Suggestions from the article above.
    This list may make it easier to order the flowers pictured above.
    From website:
    Flowers grown on a flower farm by Jennie from Love N’ Fresh Flowers.

    Chrysanthemum Viking Orange

    Chrysanthemum Klamath Falls and Caffine

    Chrysanthemum Miss Goldie and Heather James

    Chrysanthemum Radiant Time

    Chrysanthemum Kermit and Anastasia De Green

    Chrysanthemums Norton Vic, Pink Splendor and Peter Magnus

    Chrysanthemum Kyoji

    Chrysanthemum Mary Jane

    Chrysanthemum Mary Anne (Jane?)

    Chrysanthemum Fleur De Lis

    Chrysanthemum Senkyo Kenshin and Seaton’s J’Dore

    Chrysanthemum Alfredo Orange and Candid

    Chrysanthemum Judith Baker and Rose Maiko

    Chrysanthemum Apricot Courtier and Bronze Fleece

    Chrysanthemum Wind Dancer and William Florentine

    Good hunting!
    Christopher Trunk, Grafton, OH, Zone 6a

  40. Christopher Trunk on

    For mum-lovers, here is a concise editing of a web-article referenced in the article above. Its a short cut to best-cut mums to grow and in your garden.

    10 Best Mums for Cutting, Flower Arranging
    described at Loven Fresh site.
    Plants available from King’s Mums.

    Apricot Alexis: copper-gold football mum. Productive plant. Thick stems. Not reliably hardy in Zone 7. Light frost can damage buds. Great for wedding arrangements. Overwinter cuttings in warm place.

    Lynn Johnson: Pure white, fully double flower with light yellow centers. Tall stems bloom early in season. Must spray for aphids. Bouquets and centerpieces.

    Candid: Maroon/ruby red, fully double foot-ball type mum with recurving petals that have a white/bright pink underside. Pair with warm, soft pink and peach blossoms along with purple kale in arrangements. Buds make great boutonnieres.

    Seatons Ruby: Numerous orange florets/tubes crowd the center with deep salmon petals protruding in a daisy form from behind the cushion center. Flowers appear about 2-4” across. A lovely fall color when mixed with purple/maroon leafed plants. Buds make handsome boutonnieres.

    Mocha: A spider mum with widely separated orchid pink petals. Flowers as wide as your hand with a dense center about 3” wide in medium purple. Stunning. Pick with blooms half-open so it looks like a quill rather than a spider. Productive plant with slender stems, so it needs staking or placement in a sheltered spot.

    Apricot Courtier: A peach-colored, fully double flower with spans the width of your hand. Buds make great boutonnieres or corsage or hair flower. Goes with any orange flower. Peach color is lightest at the edges and grows deeper toward the center.

    Honeyglow: Classic orange mum. Very productive and easy to grow. A fall must. Stems are long and flowers arrange themselves in a spray at one level. Mixes well with ruby red and salmon-color flowers. An early bloomer. Done blooming by Thanksgiving. Very long shelf life.

    Coral Charm: Dark pink to medium purple/mauve, fully double flowers. Not coral in color. Mixes with other autumn colors, including red. Long-lived with staying power over years. Medium-size blooms.

    Moira: A mum for the “something interesting” gardener. Light lavender petals with scalloped petals, like a rolled tongue. Flowers as wide as your hand. Buds are imperial purple. Buds open to ever softer color. Somewhat robust, not for large scale production. A warm purple.

    Seatons J Dore: A baby pink, fully double mum with canary-yellow centers. Mixes well with red and copper blooms. Very productive plant with long, slender stems.

  41. don burville on

    As a young boy during WW11 my elderly neighbour grew chrys migrating to Aussie in 1956 I purchased and grew them for several years. Life moved on and many years later another country another marriage I tried again in year 2000 and enjoyed them but felt I needed more time to give them the care they needed. It seems in Australia they have lost popularity and I am having difficulty finding a supplier. Then I found your site saw the pictures remembered the joy of growing them and those large yellow blooms, but alas found you were not in Aussie a bit of a let down., but will continue to look. Thank you for a beautiful site with flowers to melt the heart and bring those memories back have a good day don

  42. Christopher Trunk on

    I planted a winter garden at my house. Winter is my longest season, nov-mid-march, so I absolutely need a winter garden or I will die of boredom. Mine is a swampy area, so the mums I buy at local supermarkets and do-it-yourself outlets usually die over the winter.

    However, Walmart just began carrying varieties of chrysanthemum morifolium. It comes in two kinds of white, bronze, lavender, orange, burnt orange, red and two kinds of yellow — all button varieties with contrasting or darker eyes which become apparent as the flower matures. These mums take 2 years to reach full size, first year just about 1.5′ x 1′.

    The second year is a wonder! Chry. morifolium grow 2′ tall x 4′ wide the second year, so I have to space them properly the 1st year. I. don’t expect them to do this, as they grew only to average fall-bought size the first year. Few died altogether. The most vigorous are the orange ones, a mid-orange and a burnt orange, … wow-we-wow!

    These Chry. morifolium don’t like wet feet in winter, so they overwinter in drier areas of my yard. They like several handfuls of sandy soil over the crown in the fall/early winter their first year in the garden to help them not suffer from possible heaving. (sandy soil mix = 1 part compost, 1 part coarse builders sand ((get in concrete department of diy stores)), a bit of bone meal and a bit of pelletized lime to make the stuff ph neutral since my compost has oak leaves.) The mums like to be planted in sandy soil mix. Mums here do well under trees in part sun and are ok with tree roots as they are drought tolerant. (Zone 6). Mixed with hellebore, they make good companions at opposite ends of the growing season.

    I bought a wonderful, widely spreading, pale pink daisy mum (Chrysanthemum “Sheffield” or “Hillside Pink”) at a fall festival, divisions from a lady’s front yard, that fades to white. It came from a woman whose grandmother brought it from Massachusetts to Ohio 100 years ago. You never know where you’ll find a new plant. It blooms just before the snow flies, in late October through early November. Nice on Halloween for an early winter garden. Wow! The snow is what stops it, but it lasts through a few hard frosts(!) with tall, stiff, 2′ stems.

    And you can’t kill this mum, unless you really want to, and it vigorously spreads by rootlets to fill a garden bed if you don’t give it away to friends (in 3-4 years). But not invasive — a hoe stops it. Dear ignore this plant.

    Another heirloom mum I found is Chry. x rubellum ‘Clara Curtis.’ It blooms really early, like a late summer daisy in late July, early August. It grows on the surface of the soil (about 1-2″ deep) and easily heaves over winter. It grows on 1.5′ stems with a mid-pink daisy.

    The neat thing about this heirloom mum is that if you grow a section about 2.5′ x 2.5′, you can trim the front half by half its height once or twice before late July. This gives a two-height planting. The back half blooms first, for about 1.5 months (July-August), then the front half blooms in Sept through Oct like a regular mum. What a neat treat!

    It is wise to shear Clara’s faded flowers after bloom so it puts energy into growing its sparse roots. It is shallow-rooted, so it is tempting to replant and this mum about in late fall, but this shallow-rooted trait means it is easy to disturb in winter and pull out its taller stems. Resist the urge to move Clara past August. I wait until spring to clip off the dead stems and replant them. Dear ignore this plant. Clara likes sandy soil mix dearly to put its sparse roots into.

    I have several more late mums (not Korean) I can’t identify. Their leaves are unusual, deeply scalloped, which helps me tell them apart as they don’t bloom until late October.

    By the way, Korean mum aren’t from Korea. I read they were invented in the USA by hybridizers around 1920. Koreans are really great, late, late 1.5 ‘tall bloomers with pointed, mid to dark pink daisy flowers with thin petals and scalloped, tight leaves. In Zone 6 they open last, just as the snow starts, and bloom through early snow and light frosts.

    Korean mums bloom for about 2-3 weeks before hard frosts wither their flowers, which makes them a 50-week non-blooming perennial. Lucky, they wait until Sept/Oct to grow to any size, so they are great to plant among those short annuals which are exhausted by October. As I don’t do annuals, I plant Koreans among a perennial mix of September tall sedums, spring hellebores and white grape hyacinth (a well-behaved, slowly spreading cousin of the greedy, purple/blue grape hyacinth which seed everywhere!). I’ve learned never to plant typical grape hyacinths in the mixed garden bed as they invade prolifically by seed and offsets.

    Go heirloom mums! I plan to buy as many mums from Kings as I can fit in my yard, …. even plant a raised bed of sandy soil so they don’t drown over winter and MAKE room for them! Yes!
    Chris Trunk, Winterberry Lodge, Grafton, OH (Zone 6)

    • Floret on

      Great tips! Thanks for sharing, Chris!

  43. Seasonal Flower Alliance | on

    […] sure how that happened so fast, but here it is already.  November means mums to me.  Ever since I rediscovered these amazing plants, a couple years ago, I’ve become a little obsessed.  I’ve added dozens of new varieties to my garden and over […]

  44. Seasonal Flower Alliance - Floret Flowers on

    […] sure how that happened so fast, but here it is already.  November means mums to me.  Ever since I rediscovered these amazing plants, a couple years ago, I’ve become a little obsessed.  I’ve added dozens of new varieties to my garden and […]

  45. Shawn on

    Great to read & see all of your wonderful photos! I just noticed that Kings mums was bought up, by a grower in Oklahoma & hopefully, rooted cuttings will be available in 2015. I had thought all hope was lost…

  46. Helen on

    You are so lucky to have all those wonderous chrysanthemums . I have been looking for many years to find the type you have., but they are not available in Australia. The Chairperson of the Chrysanthemum Society here said all the old people who used to grow and present them at shows are now gone, and with them their knowledge.
    We can’t import anything in dirt due to Quarantine, but I would love some cuttings (bare) or seeds if ever you get the inspiration for more work lol
    Thank you for a walk through my childhood, it was magic
    Helen Barclay Australia

    • Holly on

      Helen, I’ve just ordered some gorgeous chrysanthemums from which are in their current catalogue, they’ve got about 20 varieties and are in Victoria, Australia. They’re only available in spring, i missed them last year, but if you get in now (assuming you read this message, a year overdue) you could have some similar ones to those above.

  47. Nicole on

    Wow, this brings back memories! As a child I would spend the summer and every other sunday at the house and nursey/farm of my grandmother and twin uncles. They grew mainly vegetables, but in late summer and autumn there would be only chrysanthemums. Big, small, all colours! It was always a busy time so no time to play instead they took my brother and me with them to the auction with trays full of chrysanthemums.. Such a special experience for us!

    Now years and years later, after several studies and jobs and the birth of my daughter. I’m doing an education to become a florist and want nothing more then to be a florist farmer and grow beautiful flowers. Can’t help but wonder when I read this blog if the seed wasn’t planted al those years back with the chrysanthemums..

  48. Amy Renea on

    I am SO bummed to have discovered this article just as kings mums suffers loss from this terrible winter…..grrrr…. Next year!!

    I found your blog by chance and am so delighted that that I did…gorgeous work!!

    • Joan on

      King’s Mums does have ‘unrooted’ cuttings of mums available. You need to call them to find out what cultivars are available. Also many of the chapters are having their mum sales now. The North Carolina Chrysanthemum Society is May 10 at the NC Arboretum in Asheville and the plants are $2@ and 1 free with a $10 purchase.
      Good luck growing!
      Good luck growing.

  49. Stephen Gale on

    like everyone here, I too am a chrysanthemum enthusiast; last year I grew C. fleur, candide, jeff park, and crimson tide; most did well; and I’m trying to winter them over for cuttings next month; but I don’t have a greenhouse; working with them indoors is a problem; temperatures, moisture, and aphids; so I’m looking for a source to buy them. Kings, as I’ve heard has had problems with this year’s crop; Another source Yoder is basically a wholesale supplier so I’m looking for a place to go or a group to join up with in order to put in a wholesale order………stephen gale

    • Joan on

      You can go to the National Chrysanthemum Society’s web site:
      and check there for a local chapter.
      We are so lucky to have these organizations because they may be the only source for cuttings till King’s Mums recovers.
      Most chapters have annual mum plant sales as fundraisers. There might not be a chapter close to you, but if not it will still be worth your drive.
      I have to travel 4 hours to get to my chapter’s meetings.
      So glad that people are again discovering what a treasure these blooms are. Most mum growers are generous and happy to share with novice growers.
      Good luck growing.

  50. LindaO. on

    I was devastated by news of the tragedy that befell King’s Mums. I truly hope they will be able to recover. It won’t be easy.

  51. Full Bloom Flower Farm on

    Oh No! I was so excited about ordering with Kings and I am so sad for them. Do you have another source?

  52. Iris on

    Wow, have never known, Chrysanthmums could be of that beauty…

  53. Keep ‘mum | Country Gate Gardens on

    […] you want to see chysanthemums in a new light check out Floret Flower Farm. To flower growers and florists on Twiiter, Erin seems to be floral royalty and plenty of tweeps […]

  54. Hedgerow Rose on

    Good grief! SO much beauty I don’t even have words.

    Also–so excited to hear about your sweet pea trial. Bring it on! :)

  55. Teresa Sabankaya on

    I got addicted the year before last when I bought from Kings Mums about 25 plugs. I LOVE their varieties and I agree–it’s time to bring ’em back big time! They are beautiful and doing SO well field grown here :)

    • Floret on

      So glad to hear it! I have a strong feeling Kings is going to be SWAMPED with new orders this coming spring and we’ll start seeing these treasures finding their way into a lot of future fall bouquets!

  56. Charlene Boxx on

    Love all of your pictures, and the mums are very interesting and beautiful. Will have to get a catalog and learn more on how to grow these. Thanks for sharing info. My cafe au lait
    Tubers did well and next year I will have many. Another year too ponder with new possibilities. Thanks again!

  57. elizabeyta on

    You are a bad, bad person (as I immediately head to the Kings Mum site!)

    • Floret on


  58. Caitlin@Our Natural Heritage on

    This was such a treat to see new types of Chrysanthemums, they are amazing! I know I’ll be blown away by what you do with them in your arrangements.

    Thank You!

  59. Kathy Hirdler on

    I love mums. They are exceptionally long lasting cuts. I am so glad to see the many varieties and colors coming out.
    The spidery types are so crazy cool!! The colors!! I can see why you were so excited. Fun with flowers!

  60. Cindy on

    I’m with you! Have been thinking about King’s little beauties for a few years now but was stuck in that mums are out of style thing. These are beautiful! Thanks for the pictures and great blog.

  61. natalie on

    I’m so glad you have argued FOR chrysanthemums, these varieties you’ve photographed here are so beautiful! I had a walk-in customer request a hand tied bouquet the other night, and he specifically said, “don’t make it mumsy,” which I took to mean, leave out the chrysanthemums, but that was not what he meant at all… so the florists had a laugh and he walked out with a few golden ones, of the “old guard,” none of this stiff, costco variety, but beautiful blooms.

  62. grizelda o'connor on

    I am so chuffed you have come across the wonder of chrysanthemums. I live on Vancouver Island and have a bit of a time getting some of the rarer varieties, but continue to propagate the ones I do have. I discovered Kings Mums earlier this year, and they will send orders to Canada. Next year i will be jamming things in again, already no space in my about one third of an acre, but they do well in pots. Lots of luck.

    • Erin on

      I was scrolling through the comments to see if there were any notes from Canadians! I’m farming in Vancouver and we’d love to add chrysanthemums to our flower field. The Kings Mums site said they don’t ship to Canada – but you have bought from them before? Please let me know Grizelda!!
      Thank you for the inspiration Erin!

  63. Elisa on

    Wow!! I’m so sorry to admit that I didn’t realize there were so many colors and species of chrysanthemums… :( I’m with you…I say they should have their comeback. I am excited to add them to my garden list for next year!

  64. Peggy h. on

    I am with you! I have always loved mums. I am finally in a position to order some for my garden. Can’t wait for the catalog.

  65. Kathleen Barber on

    I have had their catalog for a long time also and was mystified by them but after ready Jennie Love’s blog and yours with those beautiful pictures I believe I can grow them. Now after seeing your pictures my order will be big too. Now to get our customers excited as us.

  66. Anne Matthews on

    Need this season extender, beautiful. Farm to vase!

  67. Roxy on

    Out of this worlds! Loved them and your pictures, WOW!

  68. Ariana on

    Beautiful post Erin. Bringing heirlooms back into our bouquets sounds like my cup of tea. I love the Chrysanthemum Fleur De Lis, the Chrysanthemum Apricot Courtier and Bronze Fleece, William Florentine, and the Chrysanthemum Viking Orange and Chrysanthemum Klamath Falls. Can see why choosing would be a challenge! Thanks for sharing your flower adventures with us!

  69. leloop on

    I’m sick of love.
    wonderful, magnificent, gorgeous, splendid, superb !!! :)

  70. Elise on

    It is love all over again, I remember when I discovered ‘Matchsticks’, I cant believe the beauty of these heirloom beauties!! Off the hook

  71. Leslie on

    Love Love love! Let me know when they are available !
    Been looking for other colored football mums for ages. All we can get in L.A. are white, yellow & sometimes lavender.

  72. Sara on

    What a beautiful post! Totally inspiring, I will certainly be seeking out some varieties to grow here in the UK, you’ve convinced me the chrysanth has been overlooked for too long

  73. Rose on

    Thanks so much for the close up pictures. I was planning to order mums for my cutting garden this year but some of the pictures on the site were not in high resolution–so it did not capture the beauty of them. But your photographs of the mums are awesome. Can’t wait for spring! Now I just have to narrow my choices (I have even less land than you) ..decision, decision.. :)

    • Tom Halley on

      I have to grow my mums outside, and I live in challenging environment (high desert). My star performer this year was “Pat Lawson”, a beautiful and vigorous white intermediate incurve. “Jefferson Park”, “Candid”, “Apricot Alexis”, and “King’s Pleasure” all did exceptionally well and all were cold-tolerant, except KP (but it bloomed early enough that I had some very satisfying success). All came from King’s Mums.

      Good luck!

  74. Corina on

    Honey? Every real woman needs 40 varieties of these beauties! Go! Go!!!!

  75. McKenzie Powell on

    Can I advance order for William Florentine and Candid? A year out. Two years. Whatever it takes.

    • Floret on

      Ha,ha! Of course you can!

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