Home Blog #AYearInFlowers Week 13
March 29th 2019

#AYearInFlowers Week 13

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A huge thanks for the enthusiastic responses to my recent Floret Book announcement and the launch of  #AYearInFlowers. I’m thrilled to have so many flower lovers sharing photos of what’s currently in bloom. It is so much fun to see what you clipped from your garden or found at the local farmers market this week.

If you’re just joining us, #AYearInFlowers is a simple way to share what is blooming in your garden or in your area. Each week I’m sharing a snippet of what’s in bloom in my garden as well as a few community submissions from Facebook and Instagram to feature here on the Floret Blog. Additional information on how to participate is posted below. 

Hellebores at Floret Flower Farm

A quick note about the week number: week numbers are commonly used in the floriculture industry and are standardized across the years. Even though we’re entering the second week of the #AYearInFlowers project, this is the 13th week of the year. I include the week number here on the blog and in my social media captions in order to be able to easily compare what’s blooming each week from year to year. Plus, by using the #week13flowers hashtag on Instagram, you can quickly sort photos and compare what’s in bloom this week in different areas of the world.

On Monday, I’ll be posting my week 14 flowers to social media. If you’re participating on Instagram, please add the #week14flowers and#AYearInFlowers hashtags to your caption.

If you live in an area where it is still cold or snowy, please don’t despair. There will be plenty of opportunities to participate later in the season once things warm up a bit.

When we dreamed up the #AYearInFlowers project, I was sure that the garden would be awake and flowering by now. But here in Western Washington things are running a little behind, so for my first bouquet installment I really had to scrounge around for some snippets of spring. Such a fun challenge!

A week in flowers Week 13

This petite bouquet for Week 13 includes: hellebores, skimmia buds, alder catkins, azalea foliage, spirea and heuchera leaves.

Hellebores for A Year in Flowers Week 13

I’d love to see what is in bloom near you. Here’s how to participate in #AYearInFlowers: 

1) Capture. 

Take a photo of flowers that are in season in your area, whether it is a fistful of flowers from your backyard or a bouquet from your local farmers market.

2) Post. 

On Instagram, upload your photo and tag it with #AYearInFlowers;

On Facebook, upload your photo as a comment under my weekly post. 

3) Share. 

In your photo caption, please share what flowers are featured (if you know them) along with your location and date. Bonus points for listing your USDA hardiness zone and week number (i.e. #week14flowers) 

Here are a few submissions posted over the past week:



Over on Facebook: Soizac Drt shared the above bouquet from her garden featuring helleborus, fritillaria, pieris, tulips, lunaria (fresh and dry) and many foliages.  Below, Carolyn Thompson shared Narcissus ‘Ice King’ and ‘Replete’ plus a “sneaky chicken.”

A year in flowers week 13 FB

A huge thanks to everyone who shared photos so far. I can’t wait to see what is blooming near you next week!

1 Comment

  1. Kamaldeep on

    I can’t wait to share pictures from our garden once we start seeing growth. I’m in Toronto and although it’s April, it just snowed a couple of days ago!



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