Home Blog Thanks for the #floretbook love
June 28th 2017

Thanks for the #floretbook love

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It’s been fun to see our recently released book Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden:  Grow, Harvest and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms on the shelves of local bookstores. It’s even at Costco! I confess it is a little surreal to see some of the far-flung places across the world this little book has traveled.

But what I love best of all is learning that the book has helped or inspired readers to get their hands dirty and grow some beauty in the garden this season.  I love hearing how the book prompted someone to grow cosmos for the first time or to try their hand at arranging summer blooms for party or to simply to bring a little nature indoors to enjoy.

photos by: @homefirefarm @fairshakefarm @southernheartsanddots and @gabpacifico

Share what you love or what you learned from Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden by posting photos and tagging captions with #floretbook on Instagram.  I’ll periodically feature a few here.

Special thanks to everyone who has already shared photos and tagged #floretbook on Instagram.  What a thrill to see the book on the summer reading list of flower lovers around the world.

photos by: @charmingeventscompany @oldhomesteadalpacas @splen_dith @furgusonflowerfarm



  1. Kimberly Miller on

    Wow! You book is amazing! I just discovered Floret Farm’s. Just finished reading Cut Flower Garden Book! Love It! Can’t wait to tell our garden club about your book. I have been growing cut flowers for 38 year on our family farm. Love you story and passion. I have worked at a local garden center of 30 years and started their flover shop. You book is written so well, thank you for spending so much time on you book. You answered so many questions for advanced to beginning gardeners. We all have dreams, one of mine was to start a wedding business. Which I did 5 years ago. Now my next dream is be one of your guest designers at your workshops or visit your farm. Our daughter lives in Bothell, WA can’t wait to drive by your farm when I visit next time. You are such a inspiration. Thank you for all your hard work and love of growing flowers. Kimberly Miller Wedding by Kimberly

  2. Naomi on

    I started my first cut flower garden this summer. I was glad to see I made my beds like you do yours. :) And the incredible pictures in your book make me look so much forward to when my flowers bloom! They’re all up, even my dahlias. :D

  3. Sarah Tastard on

    Aw, thanks so much Killoran! Thankfully it arrived the other day (to my immense delight) and I have been thoroughly enjoying it! It’s winter down here in New Zealand, and so I can finally begin planning all the things I want to plant in the spring. I’m so excited!

  4. Nicole on

    I, too, am loving the book. I was wondering when you’ll make narcissus and daffodil bulbs available for order? Thank you!

  5. Killoran Moore on

    Sarah, if you don’t get it, let me know! I have an extra and would be happy to send it! I’m in Canada, but have to order a lot of books from out of the country – I’ve had THREE parcels missing in a many months and two arrive three months late. I feel you.

  6. Elizabeth on

    Oh Sarah~ how frustrating!!! Please let me know if you still don’t receive your copy. I’d be HAPPY to send you one! Just email me and we can work it out!

  7. Sarah Tastard on

    I’m anxiously waiting for my copy! I live in New Zealand and I’ve been trying, for no less than 3 months, to get one of your lovely books. First time Amazon couldn’t get hold of it, second time I got scammed, and third time…..well, it’s in the post and should have arrived four days ago but it’s still not here! I’m more than a little discouraged but I’m sure it’ll arrive sometime and it’ll be worth the wait!


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