Home Blog Focusing on Gratitude
November 24th 2016

Focusing on Gratitude

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floret_fall-bouquet-7Here in the states, we are celebrating Thanksgiving today. A holiday centered around abundance, gratitude, and the celebration of plenty. Traditionally an overflowing table is set, family and friends gather round, and everyone feasts and shares what they are thankful for.

In light of recent events, focusing on the positive has been more difficult than usual. I’ve heard from many of my closest friends that they’re having a hard time shaking off fear and uncertainty about the future. But no matter who you voted for, or what you believe is the right way forward, it’s important that we extend grace to one another, rather than letting our differences divide us.

fall-1Above my kitchen sink, I tape up inspiring quotes and positive reminders to help me stay focused on what really matters – growth and gratitude. One of my favorites is from Fred Rogers, which I’m sure you’ve heard before. But it feels all the more relevant today, so I thought I would share.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” -Fred Rogers

fall3This quote is a wonderful reminder that extraordinary things are being done by ordinary people, all around us. And when we look for the goodness in humanity, we can find it quite easily.

For me, I would have to say the unsung heroes in my local community are the Mount Vernon children’s librarians. The kind and enthusiastic women who staff our small town library are some of the most caring people I’ve ever met. Watching them encourage and support each of the children who visit, is nothing short of miraculous.

And in my daily life, my biggest blessing is my Mom. Not only is she a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me, but she also showers my children, and husband with equal amounts of love and support. She is the rock of our family and I truly can’t imagine what life would be like without her in it.

I would love to hear about one of the helpers in your life. Who is the special person in your world bringing light and joy to those around them? Large acts, tiny gestures, they all count. My hope is that by openly sharing our gratitude, that we’ll inspire each other over this long holiday weekend.

fall2The team and I would love a chance to bless a handful of these extraordinary souls with a special gift of garden goodies. So, please, if you have a little free time over the next few days, I would love to hear about that special someone in your life who deserves to be highlighted.

Simply leave a comment below and share who you’re grateful for and why. If you want to enter multiple people, go for it! Just be sure that you post a separate comment for each person.

UPDATE: My heartfelt thanks to everyone who posted about a special someone in their life.  We loved reading your sweet stories of kindness, grace and gratitude.   Even though the giveaway time has ended, please do continue to post your stories here.

And congratulations to Anna, Angela and Mary for being chosen to receive a little care pack with some goodies from the Floret Shop for you to gift. We’ll be in touch shortly to send you your packages.  With abundant gratitude ~ Erin & the Floret Team


  1. Madison Puch on

    I know I’m a little late, but I wanted to share anyways! I’m so grateful I found your wonderful blog and magical world of Floret Erin. Ever since I read through your entire blog two years ago my life has been quickly and dramatically changing! I was inspired to go out on a limb and really start to pursue my true passion, a career in nature. I’ve since then started working in an orchid greenhouse and simultaneously learning as much as I can about flowers, plants, and the balance of the environment. I’d have to say that I am most thankful to my parents. They have continuously supported me through my successes and failures. Always. They are the two people who listen to me vent, and help me really see the big picture when I get too caught up on all the details. I can never thank them enough. I love them more than I can say. To show my gratitude, I’ve been planning out a massive overhaul on their yard! I want to create an environment of peace, relaxation, beauty, and harmony to show them all I’ve learned and how much their support has fueled me. I’ve already ordered some seeds from you and many other wonderful farmers, but a few more could never hurt!

    And again, thank you for all you do. You really have helped so many of us find our dreams and fuel them into brighter futures.

  2. Jillian on

    First and foremost my thanks are to God for never abandoning me. But a very close second are my three children, ages fifteen, fourteen and eleven. They live with servant’s hearts and never cease to amaze me with their generosity, kindness and faithfulness. I can always rely on them to lend a helping hand whenever I need it. Last spring they all helped me plant, water and weed hundreds of seedlings. I could not have done it without them! I appreciate that they are determined to work hard and to always put their best efforts forward. I am blessed to have them in my life! I am grateful, thankful and beyond impressed to be a mom to three amazing kids. Love you guys!

  3. Tina Simcich on

    The gratitude that I feel even more deeply this season is for the ones who work to protect the land and the water, the ones that prioritize people and healing the land over profit-taking. I feel gratitude for the pollinating ones and the micro-ones who work in the living soil. I feel deep gratitude to all those who seek to honestly help us bridge divisions and show us that our life on this earth is a blessing and a gift that we need to nurture and protect. I know Erin you asked for gratitude for one person, but this is what came into my heart when you asked your heart-felt question and in a sense, we are all one. Thanks for all your beautiful gifts all you beautiful Floret people!

  4. Linsey Joy on

    Gathering together with family and friends for the holidays is such a treat for me! In addition to the blessing of seeing new and old faces and indulging in deliciously prepared food. I always look forward to this time of year when we can collectively reflect upon what we are all thankful for. Also, we have this small tradition in my family where every thanksgiving everyone sits around the table and before we say grace or touch a single fork to our mouth. Each person (young and old) around the table shares what they are truly thankful for and why. This thanksgiving when it was my turn to express my deepest appreciation; I paused for a moment and then turned towards my mom. A lot of emotions swelled up inside of me within those moments, but when you love someone as much as I love her, sometime tears are inevitable.
    My precious sweet mother, she is such a resilient women and treasure. Working day and night to help support our family of twelve. She is the one that my heart goes out to each and every day. The one that I am proud of and love with all my soul. More than anything; I am thankful for her. This wonderful lady is also the one that got me first hooked on gardening. When I was little we always had a vast garden filled with all sorts of bountiful goodness. My favorites were the heirloom tomatoes, squash and strawberries that I’d help her plant and harvest each year.
    However, it hasn’t been easy for my mom. Ever since my father broke his neck in a car accident several years ago, she has been the main one who has provided for our family by selling her humble baked goods at the local market. When money was tight and food was scarce she was the one that put aside her own dreams, passions and even health in order to keep our family afloat. It hurts me to see my mom working herself to the bone, but that’s what she does and you can’t tell her otherwise. With my mom it’s not her first it’s everyone else first. Never do I see her spending money on herself or investing in things that she needs, it has always been for others. Her daily selflessness for our family truly inspires and amazes me. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful women in my life and I owe her everything including another garden someday.

  5. Sam on

    I feel extraordinarily fortunate to have my soulmate by my side each day. We’ve been friends since I was a sophomore in high school and partners for more than half my life. No relationship is perfect, but ours is pretty darn close. The humor in the struggles, the constant volley of ribbings we give each other keeps us going in the tough times. Fundamentally the secret sauce is acceptance. He accepts me for all my (huge, totally enormous) flaws (re: the “secret” calendar, the over-full endless commitments that I make, short temper when I can’t get it done, how many times can a girl loose her keys in a day…I won’t keep going) and I try not to push him to the brink… works pretty good! So, here’s to you John. Thank you for everything.

  6. Annie on

    I have so much to be thankful for – my life is filled with amazing, loving people. My husband and tiny daughter are the two I’d like to highlight here. My husband has completely changed my outlook on life: I dream bigger and reach higher. My daughter, who is only 11 months old, is my littlest hero. She reminds me everyday to be curious, to laugh, to explore. Watching her make strangers smile in the grocery store is such an inspiration to me, I wish I could make everyone in the world smile like that! And, thank you, Erin, for writing this post and all the other ones you pen. Your words have given me the courage to take a leap into the world of flowers.

  7. Kathie Brinkman on

    Clearly, the person who is the greatest blessing in my life and that of my family is my mother.

    She is a woman of great strength and courage, but she considers herself ordinary. She lost her husband at age 60 and has seen two adult children pass away, but she has not lost hope. She’s 91 years old now and we still plant our flowers each spring and take great pleasure in our blooms. She can’t do her gardening any longer but she stands at the door to watch me tend her roses. Her face lights up as the blooms come in the door :-)

  8. Jenna on

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Floret team!

    I’m constantly grateful for my husband. He’s my farm partner, my best friend, the one who cheers me up, and the one who calms me down when I get stressed out. He’s one of those people who’s full of light, no matter what’s going on. We farm off the grid in northern Canada, and we teach during the cold season to help make ends meet. It’s a crazy life, but one we deeply value. I love the adventure of farming out here in the bush, but I know it would be ten times harder without my partner to share the work with — and to share the laughs, too. Together, we’re creating the kind of life we believe in, and I am grateful for that, and for him, every day.

  9. Jenna on

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Floret team!

    I’m constantly grateful for my husband. He’s my farm partner, my best friend, the one who cheers me up, and the one who calms me down when I get stressed out. He’s one of those people who’s full of light, no matter what’s going on. We farm off the grid in northern Canada, and we teach during the cold season to help make ends meet. It’s a crazy life, but one we deeply value. I love the adventure of farming out here in the bush, but I know it would be ten times harder without my partner to share the work with — and to share the laughs, too. Together, we’re creating the kind of life we believe in, and I am grateful for that, and for him, every day.

  10. Annie on

    I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. My husband is the one in particular I’d like to highlight here, though. He has completely changed my life – inspiring and encouraging me to pursue my dreams. He has unwavering rays of positive thinking that light up my life. When I’m feeling all down and gloomy, he comes along and says: “Annie, what’s wrong? How can we change this to make things better?” I’m so thankful to share my life with him. With him, I’m willing to take risks I otherwise wouldn’t, to create art I’d otherwise keep inside, and dream bigger than I ever knew I could!

  11. Michelle on

    My mom is a helper. She helps everyone! She planted over 2 thousand tulips for me while I was on vacation this fall. She organized our basement while we were at work. She flies here every spring and fall, from south Dakota, to help me on the farm. She’s my pep talker and voice of reason. She goes above and beyond for others even when it goes unappreciated. If she moved back to Michigan she would be my business partner. Fingers crossed!

  12. Charissa Steyn on

    Love your latest posts and I’m always so inspired and refreshed by your beautiful flowers and smiling faces!! I live here in Everett, WA and would love to someday see your farm!! In response to your question…I would say my husband is one of the most helpful people I know… Everyone comments on his crazy joy! And it’s true, I live with him and get to see daily how he honestly walks in this supernatural, crazy, contagious joy all day! I am so thankful for his presence and support in my life. Ever since I’ve known him he’s spoken life and truth over all my wild ideas and dreams, and I’ve wanted to quit so so many times. He has an amazing ability to do this with everyone he comes in contact with too. It’s incredible to see how a little encouragement can lift someone’s spirit and make them feel significant and seen… And my hubby is so good at this!

  13. Marla on

    I am truly greatful for my step-dad. He’s really helped fill the void I had been feeling when my real dad passed away last year. Made me realize life is short. Seize the day. So my daughter and I decided to take on a new direction in life and he has both physically and mentally been so supportive. He has learned to know the difference between a ranunculus and a parrot tulip, searched out and located a 3 bay sink for bucket washing and built us a hoop house from watching You Tube videos and used discarded top rail fencing. Even fabricated a bender for the fence rail! All this “just because”. He saw the passion we had and wanted to help me achieve my mid- life crisis goals! He listens to me when I talk about something new I learned and want to try with the flowers and makes me feel like I’m the “little engine that could”. He’s a really good, kind-hearted, genuine individual.

  14. Ariana on

    First I just want to say how grateful I am to you for writing this post Erin, and for inviting us all to stop and reflect quietly on the beauty, love, generosity and tenderness we have in our lives and relationships. I have many people I am grateful for, but not all of them garden. One in particular came to mind because she is a gem AND a gardener. My giant-hearted friend Mariela is a social worker at the children’s oncology unit at Sutter hospital in Sacramento. She is a fierce and tireless advocate for the many children being treated for cancer and their parents and siblings. She is also the mother to the most incredible little girl, Sophia, who just turned four and loves to garden also. Mariela and Sophia lost their husband/father to cancer when Sophia was one year old, which has been a really heartbreaking loss for them. Despite the many trials they have been through they embrace life every day with a truly exuberant joy and enthusiasm, and are two of the most kind-hearted and compassionate people I know. Mariela and her husband David started a tradition many years ago now of collecting donations of hats and mittens, scarves, jackets, socks, etc., in the weeks leading up to Christmas. In the last few days before Christmas Eve they wrap them up into individual packages; make hot chocolate and cookies; load the car up with all the packages, and drive all over the city delivering these little love packages with a cookie and a cup of hot chocolate to the homeless all over town. Since David has passed away Mariela and Sophia have kept up the tradition, with many of us joining in because it is such a wonderful way to give thanks. Mariela and Sophia have a beautiful garden that they like to change with the seasons. It would be nice to give something back to a woman who continues to give so many others so much love.


    Thank you for your wonderful comment giving thanks to children’s librarians. I myself would like to thank all the other library staff I work with. The reference desk has been incredibly helpful in providing information to our local citizens on how to handle immediate safety situations, ensuring that our policies are inclusive, planning and programming services (so many!!) for all to get out and enjoy, and training staff to encourage interactions with patrons. We have received accolades from the community and won second place the last two years for being “Best Place to Work,” (its hard to beat the pet store :)) I couldnt agree more, I love sharing our knowledge and information to the community in true democratic form.

  16. Hannah on

    I am grateful for my best friend. All my life I kind of struggled making a close friend because I’ve always been incredibly introverted. Never in my life would I have expected to make a best friend later in life past high school and well past college. We’ve always known of each other and kept up with each other online, but the past year we really have become the best of friends. As small business owners in the same town, we always have loads to talk
    About and encouragement to give each other. We often say and text the same thing to each other simeotanenelously, can confide in each other for anything, and even one time gave up on settling an issue with Rock Paper Scissors because every round we threw the same identical hand. Alyssa makes me thankful.

  17. Liz on

    I am thankful and grateful for the most extraordinary man in my life…my husband! He has led such an incredible and fulfilling life all the while providing love and dedication to his family. Our marriage has not been easy and I have come to realize that we have worked extremely hard to have a good relationship and that I would do it again at the drop of a hat. My husband and I moved to Hawaii 12 years ago and he was fortunate to get the job of his dreams. He became a lifeguard for the Hawaii Fire Department and has rescued and cared for the community of Hawaii and visitors alike. My husband was not a young spring chicken when he tried out for life guarding at Hilo Bay waterfront but he quickly created a camaraderie amongst the competitors and was able to finish amongst the top swimmers. I have seen him rescue people in the biggest, scariest surf you could ever imagine and he does it with ease, grace and determination. He and the other guards have put their lives on the line to rescue people and bring them back to life. He is my hero that’s for sure. I have seen my husband assisting people with medical aids on the beach and one couple told him that he was the smartest lifeguard that they had ever met, never mind he had been a lawyer for about 25 years but he refuses to tell anyone this. He has been a mentor, counselor and friend to all of his co-workers. He created a sense of unity and friendship amongst his fellow lifeguards. His sense of humor, intelligence and calmness always puts the public at ease and he would never turn his back on anyone. The Hawaiian’s lifeguard motto is Maka’ala which means to stay vigilant and my husband has done that all of his life. He is the toughest person I know and nothing gets him down or at least for too long. But another monumental day is arriving and that will be December 1st when he retires from lifeguarding. He is lucky enough to get to add on his years from his military service (Marine in Vietnam) and he plans on leaving through the backdoor because he’s never been fond of farewells. And one last thing…he was the oldest active lifeguard tower guard in the state of Hawaii:)

  18. Kim Beller on

    I love this post! I, too, am grateful for my mom this year. From the time I was little, we have had a very special bond and often times I think of the ways she has influenced me. She is the most positive person I know. In spite of adversity-she can always find the good. Her huge heart has been my biggest blessing, though, and her example of giving to others has made the biggest impact on me. Watching her shower my father with her tender loving care as he fought so hard to live, recently, is only one example. She has literally given to others in times when she didn’t have much herself. A smile, a hug, an encouraging word, an invitation for a home cooked meal, a whopping big tip to a struggling waitress, sending a family on a much needed vacation, giving a young inexperienced man who had no family a job and training him to be in charge of our family business…..all examples of my mom being a helper and a giver. She is my rock too, and I call myself the luckiest girl to be her daughter.

  19. lexi_nielsen on

    I am also very grateful for my husband. He is my best friend and my teammate. I’m not always the most adventurous person, but he encourages me to pursue my dreams and to try new things. It is largely because of him that I started my flower journey, and he continues to support and dream with me in expanding our little flower garden. Between all that he has on his plate between school, work, service, and other responsibilities, he still finds time to help me and get excited with me over new things I learn. He brings so much joy and sunshine into my life.

  20. Linda Q on

    Wow this is a tough one! I have 3 daughters that I encouraged, since they were little, to be strong, independent and to not to be discouraged by the pessimists and naysayers that they would encounter in their lifetimes. All 3 of them are now grown women with daughters of their own and I am so very proud of who they are and how they live their lives. If I have to choose one for this, it would be my daughter Valerie. She has a full life-4 children, husband, job-but always finds the time to listen to and help others around her. She has volunteered at events that her children were involved in- hockey, Special Olympics, show choir-many times in leadership roles coordinating other volunteers with grace. When I had the idea of growing flowers with her daughter and friends, Valerie was the one who shuttled the tent, tables buckets of flowers (and the girls) to and from the weekly farmers markets.
    So all of you moms with young daughters, there is hope! A stubborn, temperamental girl CAN grow up and be one your best friends and be the person you turn to in times of need. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Corina on

    I am grateful for my three children. We homeschool them and raise them close to the wilderness on our homestead in the Pacific Northwest.
    Two weeks ago, I hurt my back – badly. In terrible pain, I could not walk or sit but had to recline on the sofa for seven days. That’s a whole week of not being able to feed the goats, pigs, ducks, chickens, not being able to cook or do dishes or laundry or any of the many tasks of running a household and a farm.
    My three children did EVERYTHING. This is why there were waffles with whipped cream for breakfast three times in a row.
    My kids are 13, 12 and 7 years old, and they did all these chores without ever complaining. I am beyond grateful.
    Will you be totally disgusted with all the goodness if they tell you they even rubbed my feet?

  22. lexi_nielsen on

    I am very grateful for my mom. She always is willing to listen and help with whatever problems I am facing. Because she started her own small business, she gives me the courage I need to explore and start my own. I am pretty new to flower farming, but she is always excited to see what I’ve learned that day and gets excited with me over the varieties I’ve found. She is the best person to talk ideas with, and always leaves me feeling positive and energized, and ready to go to work.

  23. Carolle Veilleux on

    My biggest blessing is to be able to meet little children who spontaneously bring joy and love everywhere they are and go…they are the best helpers for today and tomorrow ! The heart of these children are like lighthouses on the beach !If such an opportunity of life pops up to meet such a child please take some time to meet pure energy !

  24. Anna on

    I am grateful for the nursing staff in the ICU at the hospital in which I work. I am a resident in General Surgery, and despite the long hours, difficult cases, and heartbreaking stories, my spirits are always buoyed by the team of nurses that support patients, families, and staff in the ICU. Their camaraderie, generosity, warmth and friendship means the world to me. They take care of others all day, and yet still find it within themselves to look after their coworkers. Whether it’s passing you a stick of gum when they know you haven’t had time to brush your teeth in 12 hours, sneaking snacks into your pockets when they think you’re hypoglycemic after a two hour family meeting, or a long hug and a cry when patients take a turn for the worse, they are the heart and soul of the unit. They share in the everyday joys and pains and the hospital simply wouldn’t function without them.

  25. Molly on

    I am grateful for my husband. He has Always had my back. Somehow he has kindly taught me self sufficience. He is fun, funny, kind and loyal. He’s also stubborn. Not ever in the best of health he keeps going forward with optimism and determination.
    Just as an example, my niece grew up in a very disfunctional, abusive, alcoholic home 500 miles from us. During one crisis he drove over and picked her up and took her on vacation with us while things settled down at home. After another crisis, he encouraged and helped me get her moved into our home all in 24 hours. We got her enrolled in a cosmetology school, he drove her back and forth to classes for 13 months, he helped teach her how to drive, he went to counseling with her, enlisted his sisters and our friends to befriend and support her. She no longer lives with us but she’s working in a salon, driving, and has the means to be independent.
    He also encouraged and supported my idea to start my own business. He didn’t Do things for me but, because he’s who he is, his network of friends and customers were a wealth of knowledge and advice for me. Wholesale Stone Supplies is now 6 years old.
    He’s also my gardener. We’ve had big gardens for as long as we’ve lived together. And, for being old school, he has gone along with converting our garden over to cut flowers. We’ve now grown flowers to supplement a half dozen weddings flowers. And we’re signed up for two next year. Now if I could only convince him to try the fabric :)

  26. Amy Young Miller on

    I am thankful for my good parents, Jim and Elna, who–though they are in their 80s—are the most giving and generous and humble folks I know. They take care of all the widows in their neighborhood (though they all are actually younger than my folks); their house is always open for anybody who needs a snack or a cup of tea or some conversation. They share anything they have with you. They are the salt of the earth and everybody who knows them loves them dearly. I am so grateful for them.

  27. Michelle on

    I am thankful for my children, for they are little light beams that can take any given moment and make it into a happy one. They are a reminder that everyone should love as much as they can, always stay playful and look on the bright side.

  28. Mary Raines on

    I’m grateful for my daughter, Annie Taylor, who gives ceaselessly in her work as a social worker and supervisor in Bellingham providing foster homes to children. She has the ability to understand and work with the differences among all groups and facilitiate difficult situations. She runs daily, is a team member on recreational soccer and softball teams, and is a terrific mom to a 15 year old. She’s a blessing in so many ways to both her family and the community. She’s my hero. I’ve gifted her bouquets from my new dahlia garden which she has shared with the dear receptionists who are the first contact with families. Can’t think of a person I’m more blessed to have in my life and more grateful for. Thanks for the opportunity to express that!

  29. Jontal Corley on

    I am beyond grateful for my step-mom. She has always balanced the role she carries so graciously and loved me unconditionally. She gave me love, care and safety in the ways I needed. I’m so honored to call her one of my moms, I’m near tears just writing this. She also taught me a lot about gardening. Before I was even interested I watched her cultivate her backyard oasis throughout the year. Now I know the joy of a pleasure garden too.

  30. Kris on

    Grateful for my photographer/friend Shara. She has no filter for how she feels and usually says it! This is so refreshing, encouraging and as a creative professional we share so many thoughts, business challenges and joys of this life we’re immersed in as designers. When the days are long her encouragement can uplift or celebrating our excitement in new endeavors ….her reliable friendship is something I’m thankful for.

  31. Georgina on

    I am grateful for my baby boy.

  32. Susan on

    I was just thinking today how much gratitude I have towards my wonderful sister who cooks Thanksgiving for us for the last 10 years. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after the birth of my third child – she helped care for my older two children who were very young still. She is my best friend. Her birthday is in two days along with my cancer baby who will be three tomorrow. Grateful to still be here to be with them. I landed on this site through another cancer survivor and the flowers remind me of God’s blessings. God Bless you.

  33. Elena Gatzios on

    Your posts are always so inspirational! ? Someone very special to me is my older Brother who is a Salesian Priest in California (Belleflower) and mostly referred to as Fr. Fiesta ?he is a community and youth priest who has always dedicated his time to helping other people ( which is what salesians are called to do )
    Over the past 10 years we have lost 2 siblings and most recently almost lost another . Thank the Lord our most recent Trauma did not take a fateful turn . Holidays Have been a very difficult time for our family . My older brother has gone above and beyond to stay in touch by calling , writing letters , flying across the country to visit siblings, friends who have been in need . He is always so gracious and kind and ready to help at a moments notice . He has always been a huge inspiration to me and to hundreds of people. His huge heart has blessed , encouraged , mentored , taught and always always done it all with love , kindness , and humility. I am so very thankful to have him in my life .

  34. Heidi @ Willow Lane Flower Farm on

    I’m grateful for my husband. A man who encouraged me to pursue my dream of flower farming. He didn’t see the unknown as an issue. He just told me to go ahead and do it.

  35. Susan on

    My sister is my best friend and rock. When I went through breast cancer simulaneously with the birth of my third child- she cared for my older children and made sure they were doing homework, fed, and bathed. Today she cooked thanksgiving like she does for the last decade. Her birthday is on Sunday along with my cancer baby who will turn three tomorrow. These beautiful flowers you grow remind me of God’s greatness in blessing us with wonderful things like my sister. ?

  36. Maegan on

    Professionally, I am so grateful for the community I have found at the ASCFG in the last year. People who have only begun their farming adventure and people who have been farming for twenty years can get together and share ideas, learn from one another and offer nuggets of wisdom. I have never seen another industry with so much kindness and encouragement shared at regional and national meetings, and it inspires me both in my career and in my personal life. I am grateful for the opportunity to hear you speak at the national conference in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago, because it left a lasting impression on me and how I am going to navigate my farm forward. Personally, I am thankful for my family that is so supportive of me and all of my crazy ideas. I am thankful to live in a beautiful, quiet corner of New England. I am even thankful for Donald Trump, because though I absolutely despise him, I truly believe that he will teach us something, even if it is what NOT to do. I will allow him to inspire me to be one hundred fold kinder to everyone who crosses paths with me, and help all I am able.

  37. Becky Crowley on

    Wow Erin, I’ve spent the last couple of hours exploring your brand new website! How fabulous. I’m particularly enjoying the resources section, as well as the videos. The gallery is exquisite. The depth of information to be found through your website and blog has always been such a valuable tool for me, and I’m sure your new site is going to prove invaluable to hundreds of cut flower growers and flower farmers (including me). Please keep on doing what you’re doing, it is so appreciated. Now I just can’t wait for your book to arrive… hurry up March!

  38. Mary Ann LaRose on

    My daughter is such a kind and compassionate soul who I am so thankful for every day. As a young woman of 28, she is a RN in the pediatric oncology unit at UCSF and I am so thankful for the love and compassion she shows to her patients and families. This caring personality carries over into our family as we are often reminded by her work of the preciousness of life and reasons to be grateful each day for what we are blessed with, and not on those things that we don’t have.


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