Home Blog 3 awesome things!!!
November 29th 2012

3 awesome things!!!

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Good morning flower lovers! Wanted to take a quick minute and share three magical things I thought you all might want to hear about. The top dogs in the floral industry have all been up to some amazing things this month and now we get to reap the benefits! Read on…

First up, Kate Holt of Flower Wild just announced she will be putting on two workshops this spring in California. Both will be focused on wedding and event flowers and look absolutely incredible!!! You can head on over to her newly redone, totally to die for blog for all the details: Flower Wild  Eeek, so exciting!!!

Second, Sarah and Nicolette of the Little Flower School just announced a series of classes they will be teaching this January in Australia. It sounds like they will be stopping and tutoring in L.A. on their way. Be sure to follow their blog for all the details. Little Flower School
And lastly, the amazing Ariella Chezar just launched a new Facebook page. If you want to have your heart broken by beauty, then head on over to Ariella Chezar Design. 
She also recently announced two new workshops, one in Maui this winter and the other in wine country around mothers day. Her gorgeous website www.ariellaflowers.com should have all the details soon.

Ariella Chezar in the garden


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