Home Blog thursday
April 12th 2012


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It looks like we’re gonna go for another round of pictures without too many words today. I’d love to wax on about how magical life is, surrounded by flowers, happy children and small creature but I just can’t seem to find the words to say it. So, photos will have to do.
The past week has felt like we’re treading water in a churning ocean. Trying to catch up and keep up with the rapidly growing list has been, well, tough. I know we always catch up and everything will turn out in the end but gosh, it’s been hard to remember that.
Yesterday our Oaxacan angel returned! He spent the entire day planting lilies and got every last bulb in. 9 hours straight,2,800 lilies, what a guy! Having him back is the biggest gift of all!
I watched a wonderful interview with one of my favorite people, Me Ra Koh this morning. She is so dang inspiring! If you need a lift, check it out HERE. My favorite part was where she pointed out the term “starving artist”, for her, applies to not feeding her creative self but still expecting it to put out, produce, produce and make money. I loved hearing how unrealistic that is in the long run. My poor creative self hasn’t got any love or space in a very long time. Hopefully this weekend I can remedy that :)

Well, the sun is out and I have a million orders to fill before the van heads to the city this evening . I wish everyone a glorious weekend!!!! and I’ll see you on the other side.

For those that will ask. The white rectangle buckets are called Proconas and we get them from Patger. Also, we grow our tulips as annuals and during harvest cut off the bulbs and throw them away. This seems to break everyone’s heart but it’s how it’s done in the cut flower world.



















  1. Petals in Prose on

    These photos are breathtaking! The spring is a rush like no other. Thanks for all this beauty.

  2. Move on

    Bliss…Thanks for all you do.

  3. julie on

    Such beautiful, beautiful pics…sets my heart adrift. :)
    Love your workroom. xxx

  4. Linadlou on

    Sending you and yours, much love. Thanks for all you do.

  5. Jen on

    Wow–you are amazing. Everything is beautiful, wonderful interesting…Thank you for taking the time to share.

  6. Sweet Life Garden on

    Beauty has such a nice way of making you feel good! Thanks for the photo's!

  7. Julie on

    I know you are so crazy busy–but I just had to tell you how much I adored your photos today. After my own morning of running rampant in the greenhouse and delivering orders, I just spent 10 minutes catching my breath and gazing at your gorgeous blooms. Bliss…

    Thank you.

  8. Sarah on

    what is that last tulip variety pictured, looks like ouliou, my favorite


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