Home Blog What makes the Floret Online Workshop unique
November 10th 2017

What makes the Floret Online Workshop unique

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Over the years, I’ve turned to online courses to dig deeper into all sorts of different topics ranging from creative photography to marketing to copywriting. Online courses can be a great way to learn more about a particular topic from the comfort of your own home. 

I’ve spent more mornings than I can count perched at the dining room table with my laptop and a strong cup of coffee taking frantic notes as I watched online course videos. I’ve applied so much of what I’ve learned through these transformative courses and my business has benefited tremendously. 

When the team and I started putting the pieces together to create the Floret Online Workshop, I thought back on which online courses were the very best and made a long list the things I loved and wanted to incorporate into ours. I also noted all the things I wanted to do differently for our course. And I’m proud to say that we were able to accomplish all of them–plus more.   

Here are a few key things that make the Floret Online Workshop unique.

First and foremost, this is truly a workshop. Unlike some online courses where the instructors upload a few powerpoint videos and pdf documents and then walk away, the Floret team and I participate alongside you throughout the 6-week course. We host weekly Q&A sessions, discuss course content with you inside the learning community, and support you in big ways and small. We pour a lot of time, love and intention into the workshop, which is why we are only able to offer it once per year. 

Printed course book. Even though the workshop is in a digital format, I know how important it is to have a physical copy of the course materials at your finger tips. That’s why we mail out hard copies of the book to every registrant, so that you won’t need a ream of paper and an entire box of ink cartridges to print out the course materials. This 250+ page printed course book contains a decade’s worth of information and resources on growing, harvesting and selling flowers on a small scale. 

Lifetime access. The Floret Online Workshop course content is yours to keep once you register. This is a feature that is really important to me. I’ve signed up for more than a few costly online courses only to learn later that access to the content expires after just one year. In the Floret Online Workshop you can go back and re-watch the video tutorials season after season, without fear of them disappearing. Plus, you’ll have access to all of the new content we add to the course. Over the past two years, we’ve added dozens of new resources and videos to the workshop content. 

Convenient format. I am a visual learner and need to see something done, usually more than once, for it to sink in. The Floret Online Workshop video tutorials allow you to learn at your own pace, view them in any order and re-watch them anytime and from any device. Plus, we filmed the videos over the course of an entire year which allows you to see spring, summer, fall and winter tasks. Concepts that were impossible to demonstrate in person due to time constraints and seasonality are now covered in depth in this comprehensive course.

The Floret Learning Community. This private online forum is a place where you can totally geek out about flowers, discuss the workshop content, connect with others in your growing zone or region, post progress photos and ask any questions that surface. This amazing group is, hands down, one of the nicest, kindest, most giving group of people you’ll ever meet.  They’ll be there to lift you up, answer your questions, cheer you on and support you on your flower journey. Activity within the Floret Learning Community will be continue long after the conclusion of the 6-week workshop!

Floret Online Workshop Support TeamOnline Support Team. If you have followed Floret for any length of time, you’ve likely heard me talk about Team Floret. I have the immense privilege of working alongside an amazing group of incredibly smart, talented, kind, generous (and hilarious!) teammates every day.  

When we used to host workshops on the farm, I would also invite other successful farmer-florists to join the Floret Team to help out. Many of these same growers are back to support students in the Floret Online Workshop. This incredible support team of experienced farmer-florists from across the country will be available to answer climate-specific questions, discuss course content and share more about their experience and expertise inside the Floret Learning Community. 

Collectively, this team represents a diversity of growing zones and climates from the chilly northeast to the hot, humid climates of the south and everywhere in between. They also bring expertise with various farmer-florist business models, including urban and rural markets in all different regions of the country.To learn more about this incredible course, please visit our Floret Online Workshop page.

Registration for the 2020 Floret Online Workshop will be open November 4-8, 2019. I’d love to have you join us!


  1. Johnston on

    Beautiful flowers! These make life colorful. The effort you take to cultivate the flowers is really appreciable. Very beautiful to see.


  2. Kathryn Cronin on

    Am I the only one who is slightly – that’s British for TOTALLY – regretting missing the workshop – I have a season to come and assume that the next opportunity is Autumn, your Fall, for 2018, yours who will know better next time

    • Rachel Torrealba on

      No you are not the only one ?
      I’m looking forward to doing this workshop and in the meantime I’ll be reading Erin’s book ???

  3. Carol on

    Hello Team Floret,
    I just received my class materials, going through the course workbook I feel as excited as I did decades ago when I was starting off to college. Now a grandmother and fellow farmer I am so looking forward to renewing my flower growing passion and sharing with my daughter as we learn and plan our garden together. Thank you for offering your knowledge in this most modern way! Reaching so many across the globe and uniting kindred spirits through the beauty flower growing.

    • Team Floret on

      Yay! So delighted to have you join us, Carol! WE’re excited to dig in!

  4. Jackie Walsh on

    I can’t wait for the workshop to begin I am super excited it’s my first year growing cut flowers and I can’t get enough. Floret Farm as inspired me so much I am now on the hunt for my own land to hopefully grow amazing flowers and begin a new chapter in my life and live my life long dream. Thank you Erin for sharing your wonderful journey.
    Please could you tell if there will be any flower farmer support for the workshop based in the U.K.

    Kindest regards

  5. Jennifer Stites on

    Hi Everyone!
    I just signed up but it didn’t ask for my address. Did I miss something? Or will we be adding our addresses later for the mailed materials?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Jennifer, we will be sending out a survey to all registrants that asks for additional information, including your mailing address so we can send your course packet and other goodies. So delighted to have you in the workshop!

  6. Amy on

    Will this course be offered at another time, maybe next year? I would love to take it, but financially it would be better for our family for me to take it next year.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Amy! Thanks for your interest in the Floret Online Workshop. Yes, we do plan to offer it again in a year–we’d love to have you join us!

  7. Grace on

    Is there anyway to purchase the 170 page packet that goes with the course seperatly? I’d love to take the course but the budget just won’t allow it right now.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Grace, The Floret Online Workshop is only available as a complete course. Sorry, but the course packet is not sold separately.

  8. Laura on

    I am so grateful that there are some strong, inspiring women in this industry. It means the world to me that Erin is willing to share her knowledge without feeling threatened or competitive- there can never be too many flowers in this world. I’m so happy to be a part of this workshop!

  9. Kim Smith on

    Hi , my daughter and I are very interested . Thing is we are in Ocala FL, we are very humid June –
    August . Sept – winter with chance of a few 30 degree days … need more flowers in my life will this work here . We have a couple of acres extra if needed

    • Ramya on

      I am wondering the same for hot climate growing locations like southern India. Dying to create something that’s beautiful like the array of floura in cold climate areas.

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Ramya, thanks for your question! We’ve had attendees from all over the U.S. and several other countries attend our on-farm workshops. The online course includes foundational information that will apply to any growing zone as well as techniques that can be adjusted for your climate. I encourage you to read the quote from Little Farmhouse Flowers who speaks to this. You can read it here: https://www.floretflowers.com/workshops/praise/ Plus, we demonstrate flower farming fundamentals such as seed starting, plant propagation, and dividing dahlias plus market bouquet packaging and marketing that are, of course, not climate-specific. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Kim! Please see my earlier reply to Ramya’s question and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions!

  10. Daniëlle & Roos Raven on

    Hallelujah from Holland! We’re in!! Our daughter Roos (12) is almost even more excited as I am… We started last year with some small tryouts in growing and selling flowers, with our ‘bakfiets’, and it made us and so much more people so happy. I had to think it over some time, it’s an investment of course. But we go for the full YES, I’m sure we are going to love all of it. It’s going to be a lot of shared fun for both of us. We’re looking forward to all of it and all of you! Love from Holland.

  11. Charlotte Pemberton on

    I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to take this course at the very beginning of starting my first paddock and I have 10 months before next spring so I can prepare the soil properly and give myself the best start. I know this will save me thousands in the long run!

    • Team Floret on

      We’re so happy that you’re joining us!
      Yes, this will save you so much time and money in the long run.

  12. Lisa on

    I agree with Cali above, this post provides the additional information I needed to make a decision on the course. It is an investment – in me. Count me in! Am super excited! Any chance of getting a California all-star flower grower on board to support the workshop? It looks like CA might not be represented?

    • Team Floret on

      Hi Lisa,

      Thrilled to hear it. We have two wonderful growers in California that will be assisting throughout the course, so you’ll be in good hands. So excited to have you join us!

    • Lisa on

      Wonderful to hear there will be CA reps as well – super! Can’t wait!

  13. Ange on

    The online workshop looks amazing. Are there more details on what’s covered in each of the modules?

  14. Lynn on

    I agree, your generosity in sharing your knowledge makes this such an incredible investment in me! Signed up early am the 9th and am so ready and excited to get going?

    • Team Floret on

      Thrilled to hear it!

  15. Cali Walters on

    Thank you for this post, the details you’ve shared make me feel more confident in taking the plunge and making the investment! I’m excited!

    • Team Floret on

      That’s wonderful news Cali!

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