Home Blog Catching Up
July 14th 2016

Catching Up

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IMG_1034It’s hard to believe that it’s been three whole months since I’ve posted in this space – possibly the longest break I’ve ever taken. Between pouring over the last rounds of book edits, teaching four workshops and working on some really special new projects, I’ve been a bit short on words lately.

After getting a string of concerned emails about the silence in this space, I thought it was time to finally get back on the horse. So, in no particular order, here’s what’s been happening around the farm.

IMG_2631This year we planted our dahlia tubers earlier than ever and have been experimenting with some season extension strategies like putting hoops over the young plants to push for an earlier harvest. These efforts, combined with a warmer than normal spring, led to our earliest recorded field harvest ever. With over 6,000 plants coming into bloom, I’m excited, and a little nervous about the sea of color that’s about to wash over us!

I sent off the last big round of books edits and will be getting the final galley copy later next week. Eight more months to go until we can all hold it in our hands! Writing this book has been one of the hardest, but most rewarding, things I’ve ever done. The process tested me in ways I never would have anticipated. I’m not going to lie: it was hard. Really hard. But nothing worth doing is every easy and my hope is that all of the time and love I poured into the pages will give you and other flower lovers the information and inspiration to grow the garden of your dreams.

IMG_8017Published by Chronicle, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest, and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms, will be available in stores nationwide and online February 2017. The team and I have been working on an exciting pre-order bonus that we’ll roll out later this year.

If you aren’t already, make sure you’re signed up for our mailing list to be the first to hear.

IMG_9532 IMG_9284In between book edits, we have been busy hosting Floret’s 2016 workshop series. The energy and excitement surrounding each session is always so much fun. My very favorite part of the workshops is setting attendees loose in the flower field and greenhouses to cut anything they want. Watching their faces and hearing their squeals of joy is beyond fulfilling. Seriously, it’s one of my all-time favorite things.

IMG_8629So far we have welcomed three different groups for our 3-day Flower Farming Intensive and we’ll soon host our second of three design-focused workshops. As a quick reminder (because I know I’ll be asked) all of our 2016 Floret workshops are sold out. We’ll announce 2017 workshop dates and details in early October.

Again, Floret newsletter subscribers will be the first to get the scoop. After some recent press–including being listed on Apartment Therapy’s list of Adult Camps for Creatives and Craftersinterest around our workshops continues to build. With a book tour on the horizon for 2017, we will likely offer a smaller number of classes next year. So, if a Floret workshop is on your bucket list for 2017, be sure to sign up for our newsletter.

We’ve also been working on next year’s seed offerings. The trial section of the field is overflowing with so many new treasures. I’m having an impossible time narrowing down the list. I can’t wait to share all the wonderful new seed additions, plus spring flowering bulbs, a slew of new dahlias, plus super special resources with you later this year. It’s going to be incredible!

Thank you all for your patience with this blog silence. Without fail, my attention moves from the keyboard to the field this time of year. I hope you are all taking time to enjoy your gardens and the long summer days. The team and I have some tremendous things in store for you later this year. It feels good to be back in the saddle again.


  1. Viv on

    I have missed you. We’ve all been very busy. I’m glad you took some time to do what you needed to do. Remember to just breathe once in awhile. Looking forward to all of the new things you have in store for us . Thanks for sharing the flower love…many blessings.

  2. Debbie on

    Can’t wait for your book!! Love everything you do! So sad I missed a workshop for this year! :(

  3. Kylie on

    I’ve only just discovered you but I am so buying the book when it comes out. Will be available in Australia at the same time as the US?

  4. Karsten Madsen on

    That top picture is quite the eye-catcher ;) I Co-created a danish flower blog and now on the hunt for floral inspiration for our blog. We would love to feature your blog if we were able to lend some of your photos (credits would be given of course). Happy flowery wishes from Denmark :)

  5. Estee on

    Can we buy these seeds from floret?

  6. Sophie on

    I hope you’ll have some times to post here until i get your book. Your pictures are gorgeous and breathless. We need that in France right now, more flowers, more beauty, more love…

  7. Ariel on

    Cannot wait for the book!!!!

  8. Meaghan Jeans on

    Wow all the way from Australia I am watching and waiting with baited breath for the book release and trying to work out how I can get over there for a workshop. You are an amazingly gifted person with a phenomenal business and family. Thank you for everything.

    • Meri Hayes on

      Agh!! a fellow Australian. I am a trainee florist and avid gardener in the Victorian central highlands. I am also from Seattle, Washington and have just discovered Floret. Now planning my next visit “home” next summer to coincide with a workshop at Floret. Hope you too can make it to a workshop. I’m so inspired and excited!!

  9. Julie on

    So excited to get a copy of your book! Congrats on all your accomplishments! We love seeing all your flowers and the arrangements you make!

  10. Lourdes Burson on

    Thank you for the update. Can’t wait to see what’s inspiration is coming in the book and for the new planting season.

  11. Danica Smith on

    So excited for your book! Thank you for sharing with us. You are beyond inspirational.

  12. Br. Placidus on

    Great to have you back. So looking forward to the book!

  13. Elaine Muller on

    I’m a new florist, with heart for flowers and all things wild. I found Floret no to long ago, and I’m loving it. Everything that you and your team do is inspirational, from growing to creating gorgeous pieces to sharing in such a beautiful way through your images….truly GREAT!!!
    Now let me go and double check my subscription, don’t want to miss a thing. :)

  14. Tangerine Moolman on

    Wow, wow, wow. Thank you for sharing with us. Can’t wait for the book!

  15. Abby gaddis on

    I have been waiting for you to do a book! I’m all over it!

  16. Melissa on

    Excited for your book! I just know it will be THE best. Counting down the months!

  17. Roxann Kosmicki on


    Thank you for all you do! Inspiration is a wonderful gift to give. I have just recently discovered you and your farm and I am very happy to follow, learn, and yes…oooh and ahhh!

  18. Lorrie on

    Thanks so much for this update! I know it sounds strange, but it’s like you’re this great gardening mentor, holding my hand as I’ve birthed our little farm. I’ve missed your posts! Totally understand, though…you’re hands have been more than full! Looking forward to your book!

  19. Cathy Bartolic-Perennial Petals on

    Erin- it would be amazing if you could include a Canadian venue as part of your book tour. I can help set up something in Ontario. You have so many fans here and I know they would be supportive….let me know.

    • Shannon on

      Yes Cathy!! I agree. Where are you from? I live outside Newmaket.
      Let get her here!! :)

  20. Ali on

    Beyond excited for your book! Congratulations on finishing it!! :)

  21. lindsay on

    Can’t wait for the book. It will be a complete jewel!

  22. Paul Flack on

    How early did you plant your dahlias ?

  23. Grace on

    Can’t wait for the preorder. I seldom purchase books new, yours however will be an exception. Everything I’ve learned just from your blog has transformed my garden. My kids and I went out and picked arm loads of flowers from our tiny cutting garden and it was such a wonderful kind of joy seeing my little kids(6 and 3) holding all our hardwork and loving it as much as I was. Thank you for inspiring.

  24. Jessica Gufarotti on

    I am literally holding my breath for both the book and another chance to get some tubers. Best of luck to you during this incredibly exciting time!


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