Home Blog Let’s meet in Michigan
July 27th 2016

Let’s meet in Michigan

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Floret_truck_filled_with_flowersI’m headed to Michigan this fall—would you like to join me?  I recently made plans to attend one of the biggest flower grower gatherings in North America:  The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers’ National Conference.  This year’s conference will take place November 6-9  in Grand Rapids, Michigan and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to present as one of the keynote speakers and serve as a panelist for one of the sessions.  View the complete conference agenda here.

As you’ll see, it will be an action-packed few days, filled with presentations by some of the country’s most experienced farmers alongside some savvy small-scale new growers, horticulture researchers and experts. Flower farmers from across the continent will be there and I can’t wait to connect with so many flower friends all in one place.

ASCFG_National_ConferenceIf you aren’t already familiar with the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, this organization supports variety trials and university research related to cut flowers, plus it provides educational resources, organizes conferences and coordinates regional events among many other flower-focused activities.

During the early years of Floret, the ASCFG was a great resource to me.  I regularly scoured the organization’s “bulletin board” for information on germinating specific types of seeds, post harvest treatments for hard-to-hydrate blooms, and plant disease prevention tips.  The information so generously shared by fellow flower growers was invaluable and an important part of Floret’s early success.

If you missed out on one of Floret’s on-farm workshops this year, attending the ASCFG conference is going to be one of your next-best bets for learning in-depth information about cut flower production. Or if you simply want to surround yourself with hundreds of fellow flower lovers to soak up information and talk about the beauty of seasonal blooms, you’ll definitely want to register.  For a three short days, the center of the flower universe is going to be Grand Rapids. I hope to see you there!


  1. Lori H. on

    We just stumbled upon your site and have been drooling over it for the last few weeks. We’re dreaming of becoming budding flower farmers (and may be in way over our heads after planting 700 dahlias this year!). Grand Rapids is our home town! Hope we can make it! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful, helpful advice about flower farming. What a fabulous resource.

  2. Erin Reese on

    I can’t wait to hear you speak and hopefully get to meet you!

  3. Suzanne Brummel on

    My home town! I live 2 hours drive away now but will figure out a way to go!!! So excited!

  4. Barbara v. Holtey on

    So sad it is to far for me ?
    Do you know if there is something similar in Germany ore Europe? I love your Blog and all your wonderful pictures!
    Greatings from Switzerland ???

  5. Jane Berry on

    I will be there too! Very happy the conference is in my home state??. Looking forward to hearing your presentation along with the others.

  6. Amber Oatman on

    Dreaming!! Praying it doesn’t fill up before I can register. How amazing would it be to start my flower farming journey with all this knowledge! Wow ❤

  7. Val on

    I am moving back to Michigan just in time! I saw this conference announcement a couple weeks ago but having Erin there has just made my dreams come true! I will be there.

  8. Heidi @ Willow Lane Flower Farm on

    We are coming to the conference. I can’t wait to hear you and all the other speakers. I have appreciated the ASCFG since I became a member this spring. It has been a wealth of information.

  9. Shyla on

    Erin, Thankyou for sharing! This is in my part of the country and totally doable for me! I’d love to see you there!


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