Home Blog Welcoming Autumn
September 22nd 2016

Welcoming Autumn

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It’s hard to believe the first day of autumn is officially here. I’ve been noticing signs of the shifting seasons for weeks now around the garden, but have been half pretending that summer is going to continue on forever.

While autumn signals a time of slowing down and regrouping, which is always a welcome relief, the shorter days and grey skies that come with it are a hard adjustment for me.

floret-flower-farm-5This summer, like all the others before it, has been filled to the brim. Workshops, trials, visitors and enough writing and photo taking to feel like I was making another book (Which I’m not.). Somehow I thought this summer would be less busy and less frantic than the others, because we have such an amazing team here on the farm. But by now I should know better that.

I guess I forgot that what looks totally doable in the winter, always ends up being so much more once we are actually living it. Like how a 175 variety dahlia trial is so much more work than a few beds scribbled down on a piece of graph paper.

floret-flower-farm-3It wasn’t a bad summer; not at all, it was actually quite wonderful. But it was really, really full.

Some of the things I had on my wish list, never ended up seeing the light of day. Sharing the beauty that was spilling out of our fields here on the blog was really high on that list.

We took the photos, every week, thousands of them. But after spending so much time behind the screen, writing seed packets, bulbs descriptions, how-to’s, new resources, a 30-page e-book on post-harvest handling, a garden planner, text for our new website, book promotional material…. I just couldn’t find any more words to share.

floret-flower-farm-2The last of our big writing projects have finally gone out the door and I’m finding that the words are slowly returning. I have so much I want to share with you. And will in time. But today I have to remind myself that just showing up here, and saying something is enough.

Wishing you a wonderful first day of autumn and the start of slower days ahead.

I’ll see you back here soon. I promise.

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