Home Blog The Seasonal Flower Alliance {May 8th}
May 8th 2014

The Seasonal Flower Alliance {May 8th}

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This weeks bouquet includes: Icelandic poppies, rose foliage, hesperis, ranunculus, wild rose buds, allium ‘Cowanii’, privet foliage, sweet peas and forget me nots.

This weeks bouquet includes: Icelandic poppies, rose foliage, hesperis, ranunculus, wild rose buds, allium ‘Cowanii’, privet foliage, sweet peas and forget me nots.

As everyone is gearing up for Mother’s Day this weekend here in the states, we’re flying around harvesting as many flowers as humanly possible. The weather has warmed and while it’s bringing the field crops closer to flowering, the hoop house ranunculus and anemones are slowing down. We may have only one short week left with them until they retire for another year. And so it goes.


A HUGE thank you to everyone who joined in the fun last week and posted a bouquet. Seeing beautiful flowers from gardens spanning the globe was so, so inspiring!

Our new website is going live here shortly and in the next week or two we’ll have a real way to link to your bouquets but for now, the comments section will have to do just a little bit longer.


Alright, now it’s your turn. What blooming in your neck of the woods right now?


  1. kim Smith on

    loving the inspiration ladies!! Beautiful! I will try to get a picture on here soon.. spring is in the air

  2. Viv on

    Beautiful flowers all around!! My early flowers succumbed to heat this week!! We went from 38degrees to a blistering 87 degrees!! Maybe my lilacs will be ready next week—slim pickins”!

  3. Gretchen on

    I’ve got a couple of pretties around the house right now, but haven’t put any of them online. But one of these weeks I’m going to get it together and jump in! Love seeing everyone’s work!

  4. Vera on

    The seasonal bouquet from my backyard in the Netherlands includes tulips (of course :-)), irises, honesty, sweet cicely and aquilegia:
    Thank you for the inspiration! I grow a lot of cut flowers but all too often do not take the time to make proper bouquets.

  5. Karen Cherry on

    Erin, What a wonderful inspiration you are to all of us backyard bouquet makers. I’ve been sharing bouquets from my backyard, at my church, for many years. I wasn’t able to share last weeks bouquet, here, because of time constraints. I hope it’s not too late. My desire is to share this weeks bouquet before the week is up. Like you the Lilacs were in full bloom in my yard. I have several Syringa cultivars in this bouquet, ‘Sensation’, ‘Beauty of Moscow’, and ‘Miss Ellen Wilmont’, along with Variegated Solomon’s Seal, (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’), also the dark foliage of Heuchera ‘Amethyst Mist’, and twigs of a purple foliaged hazel nut, (Corylus maxima purpurea ‘Rote Zeller’), I enjoy using dark foliage to contrast.
    I noticed some of the comments here, mention the lack of flowers at this time. I wonder have they ever thought of visiting a local botanic garden website to see, “What’s in Bloom”. Then planting some of those perennial or woody plants, to fill in the gaps, the times may vary from year to year but ususally the sequence is the same. The Missouri Botanical Garden is just a couple hours away from me and I have referenced their “Bloom Time Summary” many times, just thought I’d share another tool in the backyard bouquet makers bunch.

    Thanks for sharing your passion with us.

  6. Lisa K on

    Autumn in the southern hemisphere brings kale, persimmons, misty, salvia, banksia, silver tree, alstroemeria, chrysanthemum, flax and grape….

  7. Flower in mind 2015 on

    Hi! Your arrangements are so great! They are gorgeous! I would love them in my home! Simply inspiring! Look forward to your next arts work!

  8. Mel on

    Absolutely stunning pastel wonder. I agree that last week was lovely looking at all those arrangements.

    Here is my contribution for this week –

  9. Asiatic Lily on

    Are you planning to make a bouquet of lilies or something similar to water lilies?
    By the way, your composition is very nice – good structure and colors. Erin – you are an inspiration to me !

  10. Andi on

    That is beautiful! Our lilacs are almost finished as is the columbine but the peonies are coming on! Here is my bouquet for the week from Southwest Washington State:


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