Home Blog The Seasonal Flower Alliance { September 18 }
September 22nd 2014

The Seasonal Flower Alliance { September 18 }

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You can really feel that Fall is just around the corner, at least in our little corner of the world. The morning harvest time has just been bumped back by an hour to allow enough light for picking. Scarves and down vests have become our new early and late day attire. The first changing leaves were tucked into last weekend’s wedding and Jasper and I made an apple cobbler for dessert last night. It’s not long now.

Fall has always been the kids favorite season. It’s when this crazy flower ride finally slows down and by mid-October Chris and I can to shift our attention from the flowers, back to the family. It’s as if we live two lives. The flower season and the off season.

While I love the changing colors and the slanted light that Fall brings, it’s probably my hardest season personally. Six months of solid harvesting and sales, nearly every day of the week, for such a long stretch finally takes its toll. By this point I’m always struggling to keep a smile on my face and enough passion in my heart to finish out the season strong. There’s no time to correct any mistakes made earlier because the finish line is so near. All that I can do is ride it out, take notes on what didn’t work and promise myself that I’ll do better next time around.

I won’t lie, it’s really, really tough.

But there are only a few more weeks to go and then we get to shift gears and move from harvesting and delivering, to cleaning up and preparing for next spring. A fresh start. New ideas, new plans and even bigger dreams.

This week’s bouquet included: dahlias Cafe au Lait and Bracken Rose, heptacodium, raspberry greens, queen anne’s lace, love in a puff vine and snowberry.


If you’d like to join me in this fun flower project, simply make up a bouquet using seasonal flowers, snap a photo of it, post it somewhere on the internet and then leave a link to it in the comments section here. If you’re on Instagram, you can use/search the hashtag #seasonalfloweralliance for even more flowery goodness all over the world.


  1. Karen Cherry on

    Erin, your bouquets are always stunningly beautiful, spectacular. I just wanted to share some of the results of your encouragement and inspiration. Armed with your fabulous blog, facebook, and flickr photos I was able to motivate this congenial couple to grow their own wedding reception flowers. The groom-to-be took very seriously this responsibility entrusted to him and lovingly tended to his growing floral charges. He was elated with their first blooms, escorting them to his bride-to-be. Then four days before the big event, the storm that decimated your Dahlias threatened to do the same to theirs. We decided to harvest about half of the Dahlias the evening before the storm hoping they would keep. Then we waited to see what would happen. Fortunately their delicate Dahlias were spared. Friday evening before the big day we descended upon the floriferous plot and stripped it of buckets of fabulous flowers, to be used by many friends in the making of extravagant bouquets. Thanks to your nurturing spirit it was a great success. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=282771158583327&set=pcb.282773725249737&type=1&theater

  2. Margit Van Schaick on

    So exsquisite! Erin, this bouquet is so moving, eloquently expressing the season.

  3. Mel on

    That Dahlia is just amazing. Perfect arrangement, love the pinks and the light in the photo too!

    Here is a little one I did last week –


  4. Caitlin | Our Natural Heritage on

    Thank you so much for keeping it real Erin :) I hope you get the rest you need (and deserve) as soon as possible!

    I love this week’s bouquet, I am always romanced by dahlias, but I love them with all those frilly/spikey accents!


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