Home Blog Seasonal Flower Alliance: August 16
August 16th 2015

Seasonal Flower Alliance: August 16

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Working on the upcoming Floret Book has felt like a full time job this summer.  Since I’ve been so busy writing plus planning some other exciting upcoming Floret projects,  Chris has been doing the bulk of the work in the day-to-day operations of running the farm.  After hours of staring at my computer screen trying to crank out yet another chapter, I just love catching glimpses of him hauling in the day’s harvest.   I see his hard work reflected in each and every armful of flowers, like this beautiful Bombay Celosia which was headed to Whole Foods stores in the Pacific Northwest.  (I also love that he’s sporting his farmer-florist tool belt in this shot!)

My choices for this week’s featured submissions don’t really follow any theme beyond being struck by their simple beauty.


I’m excited to see that we just hit another major milestone—more than 9,000 posts have been tagged with #seasonalfloweralliance!   A big thanks to all of you who have participated in the Seasonal Flower Alliance so far–this is a big testament to the level of interest and enthusiasm for local, seasonal flowers.  If you haven’t shared a photo yet, what’s holding you back?  I’d love to see what’s in bloom in your part of the world.  Participating is super simple.  Here’s a quick summary of how to play along:

1) Snap.  Take a photo of flowers that are in season in your area, whether it is a fistful of blooms from your garden or a vase full of flowers from your local farmers market.
2) Tag.  Upload your photo to Instagram with the hashtag #SeasonalFlowerAlliance.
3) Share.  In your photo caption, please share what flower varieties are featured (if you know them) along with your location and/or USDA hardiness zone.

It’s a fun way to see what’s in season both here and abroad!

If you aren’t on Instagram, but want to see what others are sharing, here’s a collage of the latest posts:

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