Home Blog Seasonal Flower Alliance: July 17
July 17th 2015

Seasonal Flower Alliance: July 17

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The past few days have been a beautiful blur.  In preparation for welcoming workshop participants to our farm, the team and I went on a major weeding and tidying spree and I don’t know if our zinnia patch has ever looked prettier.

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 3.51.16 PM

I’ll be sure to post a few behind the scenes shots of the workshop soon.  Until then, I thought I’d continue the zinnia theme by highlighting a few submissions for this week’s Seasonal Flower Alliance post that feature this great high summer flower:



What’s in bloom where you live? Join in the flowery fun by sharing a photo over on Instagram as part of the Seasonal Flower Alliance.  Here’s how it works:

1) Snap.  Take a photo of flowers that are in season in your area, whether it is a fistful of blooms from your garden or a vase full of flowers from your local farmers market–it doesn’t have to be fancy!
2) Tag.  Upload your photo to Instagram with the hashtag #SeasonalFlowerAlliance.
3) Share.  In your photo caption, please share what flower varieties are featured (if you know them) along with your location and/or USDA hardiness zone.

It’s a fun way to see what’s in season both here and abroad!

Not on Instagram but want to see what others are posting?  Check out the latest:


  1. Paige on

    Oh all the flowers are so pretty! The zinnia patch looks so good! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Toko Bunga Surabaya on

    The article from you here really help me a lot and really such a nice article.
    I will keep it in mind, thanks for sharing this great article.

  3. Natalie on

    Hi there Erin,

    Just wanted to know do you seed save? Or do you buy your seed in every time? Thanks

  4. Jeanie Caggiano on

    I’m the second photo, and so excited you posted it. It’s my fourth Instagram photo ever, inspired by #seasonalfloweralliance. And when my dahlias finally decide to bloom in this cold, rainy Illinois summer, watch out!

  5. Jeanie Caggiano on

    Wow! You posted my little farmer’s market bouquet as your second photo, and I am so excited. It’s my 4th Instagram post ever, and I’ve been buying farmer’s market blooms because my 22 dahlia plants are growing sooooo slowly in this super-rainy, super-chilly Illinois summer. But it heated up to the high 80’s this weekend, and the dahlias are perking up. Thanks for loving my photo. My wish is to come to a workshop next year.


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