Home Blog rolling with the punches
March 1st 2012

rolling with the punches

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What a champ! Smiling pretty much the whole time ; )
 Who needs reality t.v when you’re a farmer! Life is just one big adventure.

 We bought a used g-house heater off craigslist this summer for a song, from a nursery going out of business. It sat in the garage for many months and just last week we finally got it, along with propane and electricity installed in the new propagation greenhouse. Well, first day in and the monster started smelling bad and make loud booming noises. I had the repair man out and three of the six burners are toast.The cost to repair was more than a new unit. Damn!


So, Chris took off work early and we zigzagged the freeway in search of an immediate replacement along with new all new piping since the old chimney was too large. While the experience was totally nerve wracking and expensive we both vowed to not get mad and just look at it as one huge joke, on us that is!

Into the night we worked, racing against below freezing temps outside. By 11 it was up and running and all of the babies were safe. Who needs diamonds when you can have a shiny new heater instead?!


  1. Floret on

    geeze, that's scary too!
    i know, what the hell are we thinking right?
    but then when the field of flowers rolls into full bloom every struggle is forgotten and i always feel on top of the world!

  2. Floret on

    i try and look at the entire exhausting adventure of farming as one giant, crazy, kind of mean joke on me ;) otherwise it's all so very overwhelming.

  3. Alice and Stuart on

    Uuggghhh. I've heard some horror stories about lost plants due to heaters going out. Bummer you guys had to deal with that. I should probably look at lots of things more as weird jokes rather than abysmal doom.

  4. Julie on

    So stressful. A few weeks ago, I was freaking out, hoping the heater would keep up with the freezing temps. Today, I was sweltering in the greenhouse, watching the poor babies droop in the heat as I was transplanting them. It was 110 with the fans on…insane SC weather. Some days, I really wonder why the hell I'm doing this…but most days, I love it. So glad your babies got a new heater (just sorry that you needed it.) Plus, diamonds are highly overrated when your hands are in the dirt all day…


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