Home Blog Places To Go
March 4th 2011

Places To Go

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Flower Girl bouquet with Garden Roses, blue Geraniums, Sweet Peas and Catmint.

I loved this little Q&A; with Chelsea on Design Sponge. I think I’m starting to sound a little stalkerish mentioning her awesomeness here so often. Oh well….the truth comes out :)

I am thoroughly obsessed with this lovely, lovely flower blog.

We are gutting the “studio” (aka my dingy garage) this weekend.  I would love for it to end up looking like this lovely space. but will happily settle for a fresh coat of paint, wrap around counters, new lighting and a little photo taking corner.

This has nothing to do with flowers, floral design or farming but it’s so damn cute. You will be glad you watched it ,I promise!

My flower soul mate Amy from An Apple A Day(do you read her blog??? if not, one visit and you’ll be hooked!), made up the most beautiful Constance Spry inspired bouquet this week.

This beautiful post by the lovely Soule Mama  inspired a midweek thrift adventure. It was one of those jackpot runs when the stars aligned, the clouds parted and angels cried. Perfect treasures that were on my wish list (this never happens!), in the bargain bin (again never), marked down an additional 50% . I’m now in possession of a big stack of slightly chipped floral China that set me back a whopping $2.40!  It takes so little doesn’t it? ha!

P.S. why can’t I easily get my photos to fit (without custom sizing each one from Flickr which takes F O R E V E R) . If I scooted all of the stuff on the right sidebar over, would that do the trick? If so…how do I do that?
 My tech savvy friend Jennie from Love’ n Fresh Flowers says blogspot sucks and it would be much easier if I changed over to something more user friendly. Any thoughts??


  1. Floret Flowers on

    Jodi, Johnny's Seed and Reene's Garden Seed are both great! Yes, contact Jennie, she'll have tons of beautiful stuff.

  2. kjstrom on

    Thanks for linking Jennie's site! I am doing the flowers for my sister's wedding back east this summer and was wondering how to supplement what we can gather from my parent's yard.

    Also, where do you order most of your seed from?


  3. Floret Flowers on

    Alicia, you might just have to plant some flowers of your own or approach some local farmers about the idea of putting in some cut flower crops for you. Typically growers are always open to new revenue sources. good luck!

    Clare, your blog is beautiful. I may just have to go that route.

    Monkey Flower, so glad to know I'm not the only one working out of a less than lovely garage :) p.s. you are killing me with all of those amazing spring blooms…just beautiful.

    Muddy Boots, oh thank you for the great link. Her site is awesome. So many questions have just been answered. thank you, thank you!

    Chelsea xoxo

    Caroline & Susan, welcome!!!

  4. Caroline on

    What a lovely blog!! Can't wait to read more and your photos are beautiful.

  5. Chelsea on

    haha! you are so sweet! the feeling is mutual! i adore this bouquet you have posted!! thanks for the link to that flower blog. lovely!! have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Muddy Boot Dreams on

    Hi Erin, a studio, sounds so wonderful.

    I use Windows live writer to post to my blog, and I have no problem with the photo width, and it's easy to use.

    Here's a great link with easy to follow tutorials, from Rita at Coffee shop blog. Just click on tutorials, she is like a candy store for bloggers.


    Hope this helps.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  7. The Monkey Flower Group on

    Flutter! The feeling is totally mutual, I assure you.

    Best of luck with your studio update! I whitewashed my um, studio (okay, I work in a dingy garage, too) this winter and it's made all the difference. Brouhaha's space is something to aspire to, though. Very nice.

  8. Clare on

    Hey Erin. I created my blog using wordpress, and spent $270 on the ProPhoto Blog service. It's WONDERFUL. I went with prophoto because it's designed for image-driven websites and has lots of other great stuff. I think you might be able to migrate current blog content if you were to switch. Not sure. Check it out, and happy to chat if you like.

  9. Alicia on

    your blog is an inspiration for me. I am triying to set up a little shop of brocante and local flowers, but in spain the local producers doesn´t exist!

  10. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    Jaime's MFG blog was one of the first I ever visited regularly, such a source of inspiration.x


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