Flower Girl bouquet with Garden Roses, blue Geraniums, Sweet Peas and Catmint. |
I loved this little Q&A; with Chelsea on Design Sponge. I think I’m starting to sound a little stalkerish mentioning her awesomeness here so often. Oh well….the truth comes out :)
I am thoroughly obsessed with this lovely, lovely flower blog.
We are gutting the “studio” (aka my dingy garage) this weekend. I would love for it to end up looking like this lovely space. but will happily settle for a fresh coat of paint, wrap around counters, new lighting and a little photo taking corner.
This has nothing to do with flowers, floral design or farming but it’s so damn cute. You will be glad you watched it ,I promise!
My flower soul mate Amy from An Apple A Day(do you read her blog??? if not, one visit and you’ll be hooked!), made up the most beautiful Constance Spry inspired bouquet this week.
This beautiful post by the lovely Soule Mama inspired a midweek thrift adventure. It was one of those jackpot runs when the stars aligned, the clouds parted and angels cried. Perfect treasures that were on my wish list (this never happens!), in the bargain bin (again never), marked down an additional 50% . I’m now in possession of a big stack of slightly chipped floral China that set me back a whopping $2.40! It takes so little doesn’t it? ha!
P.S. why can’t I easily get my photos to fit (without custom sizing each one from Flickr which takes F O R E V E R) . If I scooted all of the stuff on the right sidebar over, would that do the trick? If so…how do I do that?
My tech savvy friend Jennie from Love’ n Fresh Flowers says blogspot sucks and it would be much easier if I changed over to something more user friendly. Any thoughts??
Floret Flowers on
Jodi, Johnny's Seed and Reene's Garden Seed are both great! Yes, contact Jennie, she'll have tons of beautiful stuff.