Emelie on
Oh wow breathtaking bouquet! And honeysuckle one of my favourites! Looking forward to hear more about the project!
kat flower on
so, so, so gorgeous. flowers are amazing. x
Lisa P from The Hollyhock Wall on
Heavenly… Had my fix for today….. Cheers my dears!
Junaluska on
Ooh, stunning arrangement!
Linadlou on
Erin, how on Earth could you have another project in the works?? Looking forward to it!
kathryn on
I visit your blog every day, to take my dose of beauty. Thank you!
Elli Chase Designs on
Gorgeous bouquet!!!!
maría cecilia on
Hola Erin, I´m a long time admirer of your flower farm… and now that my friend Georgianna is over there I have asked her to tell you this.
Hope you both are having a great time
cariños -
botanical brouhaha on
Can't wait to hear about your new project :)
The Magical Christmas Wreath Company on
Gorgeous bouquet. What are the teeny weeny pink floers?
Georgianna on
That's a beautiful shot!!!! :)
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