Home Blog Heading out, want to come along?
October 14th 2013

Heading out, want to come along?

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Instagram collage #1

Tomorrow I set sail for Philly to teach three flower growing/arranging/business workshops with Jennie Love from Love N’ Fresh Flowers. It’s unbelievable that what started as a creative dare earlier this spring through our joint blog The Seasonal Bouquet Project, has turned into three jam packed workshops with students coming from around the globe.

Honestly, I had no idea so many folks were interested in learning how to grow their own flowers!

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Of course there will be a full, photo infused re-cap of the experience after I return at the end of the month, but in between now and then this blog will likely be pretty quiet.

So, if you want to follow along on the flower filled adventure, and a get a behind the scenes peek at what we’re up to, you can do so by following either my Instagram feed or Facebook page.

Instagram collage #2

All of these images were pulled from my feed over the past two months. I’ll admit that I’m a total Instagram junkie and get pretty obsessed over trying to capture the beauty that surrounds us on a daily basis. My addiction can be to your benefit if you decide to come along for the ride!

1 Comment

  1. Anne Matthews on

    Love it all! I’m a partner in crime…. Used to own manage Bountiful Acres Garden center in New Hope Pa.
    Now I have an organic cut flower farm, dried flowers as well here in chilly VT. I wholesale to florists, do it yourselfers and bouquets to stores up here.
    Year 12. Website photos outdated, more about facebook this year. need a redo! but I ski all winter to recharge!!
    All must be grown from seed to be vt certified, no conventional plugs, very tough.
    I am the only organic grower I know.
    bi tof an activist heiroomer , I also have fruit and veggies here on a small scale. Permaculture sustainable. 400 blue egg laying chickens, and rescue animals compost.. llamas, donkeys.
    I also reed gorgeous Belgian Tervuren Shepherds here…to help foot the flower bill!!

    :) Anne


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